Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import{AbstractModule, Activity}
import{Default, LearningRateSchedule}
import{AllReduceParameter, ParameterProcessor, Util}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* An implementation of LARS
* Lars.createOptimForModule is recommended to be used to create LARS optim methods for multiple
* layers
* @param lrScheduleOwner if this optim method owns the learning rate scheduler.
* A scheduler may be shared by multiple LARS scheduler
* @param trust the trust on the learning rate scale, should be in 0 to 1
* @param _learningRate learning rate
* @param _learningRateDecay learning rate decay
* @param _weightDecay weight decay
* @param _momentum momentum
* @param _learningRateSchedule the learning rate scheduler
* @tparam T
class LarsSGD[T: ClassTag](
lrScheduleOwner: Boolean,
trust: Double = 1.0,
_learningRate: Double = 1e-3,
_learningRateDecay: Double = 0.01,
_weightDecay: Double = 0.0005,
_momentum: Double = 0.5,
_learningRateSchedule: LearningRateSchedule
= Default()
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T])
extends SGD[T](_learningRate, _learningRateDecay, _weightDecay, _momentum,
learningRateSchedule = _learningRateSchedule) {
private var buffer: Tensor[T] = null
private[bigdl] var calculatedTrust: Option[T] = None
require(trust > 0.0 && trust <= 1.0,
s"the trust for LARS is $trust, which should be greater than 0 and less than 1")
* @param feval a function that takes a single input (X), the point of a evaluation, and
* returns f(X) and df/dX
* @param parameter the initial point
* @return the new x vector and the function list {fx}, evaluated before the update
override def optimize(feval: Tensor[T] => (T, Tensor[T]),
parameter: Tensor[T]): (Tensor[T], Array[T]) = {
val weightDecay = this.weightDecay
val momentum = this.momentum
val (fx, dfdx) = feval(parameter)
if (buffer == null) buffer = Tensor[T]().resizeAs(dfdx)
val _v =
if (state.get[Tensor[T]]("v").isDefined) {
} else {
val globalLr = -learningRateSchedule.currentRate * trust
// rate = globalLr / scale
val rate = ev.divide(ev.fromType[Double](globalLr), getGradientScale(dfdx, parameter))
// _v = momentum * _v + rate * (dfdx + weightDecay * parameter)
buffer.mul(parameter, ev.fromType[Double](weightDecay)).add(dfdx).mul(rate)
state("v") = _v
(parameter, Array(fx))
private[bigdl] def setGradientScale[T](scale: Double): Unit = {
calculatedTrust = Some(ev.fromType[Double](scale))
private[bigdl] def getGradientScale(dfdx: Tensor[T], parameter: Tensor[T]): T = {
val rawScaleValue = if (calculatedTrust.isDefined) {
val ret = calculatedTrust.get
calculatedTrust = None
} else {
val normGradient = ev.sqrt(dfdx.sumSquare())
val normParam = ev.sqrt(parameter.sumSquare())
// scale = (normGradient + weightDecay * normParam) / normParam
val scale = Tensor.scalar[T](normParam)
if (ev.isInf(rawScaleValue)) {
} else if (ev.nearlyEqual(rawScaleValue, ev.fromType[Double](0.0), 0.0001)) {
} else if (ev.isNan(rawScaleValue)) {
} else {
* return an string of current hyperParameter.
override def getHyperParameter(): String = {
if (lrScheduleOwner) {
val clr = -this.learningRateSchedule.currentRate
s"Current learning rate is $clr. "
else {
* return an string of current hyperParameter.
override def getHyperParameter(config: Table): String = {
if (lrScheduleOwner) {
val clr = -config[Double]("clr")
s"Current learning rate is $clr. "
else {
override def updateHyperParameter(config: Table, state: Table): Unit = {
val lrSchedule = config.get[LearningRateSchedule]("learningRateSchedule").getOrElse(Default())
lrSchedule.updateHyperParameter(config, state)
override def getLearningRate(): Double = this.learningRateSchedule.currentRate
object LarsSGD {
* Create a Map(String, OptimMethod) for a container. For each submodule in the container,
* generate (module.getName(), new Lars[T]) pair in the returned map. The resulting map can be
* used in setOptimMethods.
* Note: each Lars optim uses the same LearningRateSchedule
* @param model the container to build LARS optim method for
* @param trust the trust on the learning rate scale, should be in 0 to 1
* @param learningRate learning rate
* @param learningRateDecay learning rate decay
* @param weightDecay weight decay
* @param momentum momentum
* @param learningRateSchedule the learning rate scheduler
def createOptimForModule[T: ClassTag](model: Module[T],
trust: Double = 1.0,
learningRate: Double = 1e-3,
learningRateDecay: Double = 0.01,
weightDecay: Double = 0.005,
momentum: Double = 0.5,
learningRateSchedule: LearningRateSchedule = Default())
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Map[String,
OptimMethod[T]] = {
var isOwner = true
// lrScheGenerator generates the same learningRateSchedule for each module
// But it only returns isOwner = true for the first module
val lrScheGenerator = (_: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]) => {
val _isOwner = isOwner
isOwner = false
(learningRateSchedule, _isOwner)
createOptimSeqForModule(model, lrScheGenerator,
trust, learningRate, learningRateDecay, weightDecay, momentum).toMap
* Check if there is LarsSGD in optimMethods. If so, return the weight decay of the first found
* LarsSGD. Else, return None
* @param optimMethods
* @tparam T
* @return The weight decay of the first found LarsSGD in the optimMethods.
* Or None if there is not one
def containsLarsSGD[T](optimMethods: Map[String, OptimMethod[T]]): Option[Double] = {
optimMethods.find({ case (name, optim) => optim.isInstanceOf[LarsSGD[T]]})
.map({case (name, optim) => optim.asInstanceOf[LarsSGD[T]].weightDecay})
* Create a Map(String, OptimMethod) for a container. For each submodule in the container,
* generate (module.getName(), new Lars[T]) pair in the returned map. The resulting map can be
* used in setOptimMethods.
* This function sets different LearningRateSchedules for different submodules
* @param model the container to build LARS optim method for
* @param lrScheGenerator the learning rate schedule generator for each sub-module.
* Generator accepts the sub-module that the schedule is linked to.
* It should return a tuple (learningRateSchedule, isOwner), where
* isOwner indicates whether the corresponding LARS optim method is
* responsible for showing the learning rate in getHyperParameter
* (multiple LARS optim methods may share one learning rate scheduler)
* @param trust the trust on the learning rate scale, should be in 0 to 1
* @param learningRate learning rate
* @param learningRateDecay learning rate decay
* @param weightDecay weight decay
* @param momentum momentum
def createOptimLRSchedulerForModule[A <: Activity, B <: Activity, T: ClassTag]
(model: Container[A, B, T],
lrScheGenerator: AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T] => (LearningRateSchedule, Boolean),
trust: Double = 1.0,
learningRate: Double = 1e-3,
learningRateDecay: Double = 0.01,
weightDecay: Double = 0.005,
momentum: Double = 0.5)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Map[String, OptimMethod[T]] = {
createOptimSeqForModule(model, lrScheGenerator, trust, learningRate, learningRateDecay,
weightDecay, momentum).toMap
* Create a Seq of (name,Lars) pair for the model
* @see createOptimLRSchedulerForModule
private def createOptimSeqForModule[T: ClassTag](model: Module[T],
lrScheGenerator: AbstractModule[Activity,
Activity, T] => (LearningRateSchedule,
trust: Double,
learningRate: Double,
learningRateDecay: Double,
weightDecay: Double,
momentum: Double)
(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Seq[(String,
OptimMethod[T])] = {
model match {
case container: Container[_, _, T] =>
container.modules.filter(mod => mod.parameters() != null).flatMap(mod => {
// generate Seq for each sub-module
createOptimSeqForModule(mod, lrScheGenerator, trust, learningRate, learningRateDecay,
weightDecay, momentum)
case _ =>
if (model.parameters() != null) {
val (lrSche, isOwner) = lrScheGenerator(model)
Seq((model.getName(), new LarsSGD[T](isOwner, trust, learningRate, learningRateDecay,
weightDecay, momentum, lrSche)))
else {
* Process layer-wise l2 norm to scale the gradients
private[bigdl] class LarsProcessor(paramaterSplits: Map[String, (Int, Int)],
weightDecay: Double
) extends ParameterProcessor {
override def collectGlobalData[T](models: RDD[Cache[T]],
parameters: AllReduceParameter[T],
metrics: Metrics,
state: Table)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
val numFinishedModel = state.get[Int]("numFinishedModel").get
val parallelism = state.get[Int]("parallelism").get
val isGradientUpdated = state.get[Boolean]("isGradientUpdated").get
val scales = models.mapPartitions(modelIter => {
if (!isGradientUpdated) {
val getG = System.nanoTime()
metrics.add("aggregrateGradientParition average executor",
System.nanoTime() - getG)
val (paramLocalStart, paramLocalLen) = parameters.localPartitionRange
paramaterSplits.flatMap { case (name, p) =>
val startIdx = Math.max(paramLocalStart, p._1)
val endIdx = Math.min(paramLocalStart + paramLocalLen, p._1 + p._2)
if (endIdx > startIdx) {
val grad = parameters.gradientPartition.narrow(1,
startIdx - paramLocalStart + 1, endIdx - startIdx)
val weight = parameters.weightPartition.narrow(1,
startIdx - paramLocalStart + 1, endIdx - startIdx)
val sumGrad = Util.getSumsquareInParallel(grad, parallelism)
val sumWeight = Util.getSumsquareInParallel(weight, parallelism)
Iterator((name, (sumWeight, sumGrad)))
} else {
.reduceByKey((weightGrad1, weightGrad2) =>
(weightGrad1._1 + weightGrad2._1, weightGrad1._2 + weightGrad2._2))
.map { case (name, data) =>
val normGradient = Math.sqrt(data._2)
val normParam = Math.sqrt(data._1)
(name, (normGradient + weightDecay * normParam) / normParam)
state("isGradientUpdated") = true
state("larsScale") = scales
override def processParameters[T](parameters: AllReduceParameter[T],
modelCache: Cache[T],
state: Table)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
val larsScale = state.get[Map[String, Double]]("larsScale").get
val (paramLocalStart, paramLocalLen) = parameters.localPartitionRange
paramaterSplits.foreach { case (name, p) =>
val startIdx = Math.max(paramLocalStart, p._1)
val endIdx = Math.min(paramLocalStart + paramLocalLen, p._1 + p._2)
// if the layer is in the current partition, set the LarsSGD's gradient scale
if (endIdx > startIdx) {
modelCache.optimMethods(name) match {
case optim: LarsSGD[T] =>
override def processParameters[T](model: Module[T],
state: Table)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
// LARS optim will calculate the scale, just leave LarsSGD.calculatedScale = None
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