Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.nio.file.{Files, Paths}
import{DataSet, SampleToMiniBatch, _}
import scala.collection.mutable
L2NormClippingProcessor, ParameterProcessor}
import{TrainSummary, ValidationSummary}
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}
* [[Optimizer]] is an abstract class which is used to train a model automatically
* with some certain optimization algorithms.
* @param model the model to be trained
* @param dataset the data set used to train a model
* @param criterion the criterion used to evaluate the loss of the model given an input
* @tparam T numeric type, which can be [[Float]] or [[Double]]
* @tparam D the type of elements in DataSet, such as [[MiniBatch]]
// TODO: remove D to be MiniBatch[T]
abstract class Optimizer[T: ClassTag, D](
protected var model: Module[T],
protected var dataset: DataSet[D],
protected var criterion: Criterion[T])(implicit ev : TensorNumeric[T])
import Optimizer.{logger, checkSubModules}
protected var state: Table = T()
protected var optimMethods: Map[String, OptimMethod[T]] = Map(model.getName -> new SGD())
protected var endWhen: Trigger = Trigger.maxIteration(100)
protected var checkpointTrigger: Option[Trigger] = None
protected var checkpointPath: Option[String] = None
protected var isOverWrite: Boolean = false
protected var validationTrigger: Option[Trigger] = None
protected var validationMethods: Option[Array[ValidationMethod[T]]] = None
protected var validationDataSet: Option[DataSet[MiniBatch[T]]] = None
// To save the summaries.
protected var trainSummary: Option[TrainSummary] = None
protected var validationSummary: Option[ValidationSummary] = None
// To achieve better performance, please set dropPercentage as 0.04
protected var dropPercentage: Double = 0.0
protected var maxDropPercentage: Double = 0.0
protected var computeThresholdbatchSize: Int = 100
protected var warmupIterationNum: Int = 200
* a list of ParameterProcessor, orders matter
protected var parameterProcessors = ArrayBuffer[ParameterProcessor]()
* Trigger the optimization process
* @return the model to be trained
def optimize(): Module[T]
* make optimizer not check the singleton model on a node
* @return
@deprecated("Use bigdl.check.singleton instead", "0.1.0")
def disableCheckSingleton(): this.type = {
this.checkSingleton = false
println("disableCheckSingleton is deprecated. Please use bigdl.check.singleton instead")
// TODO: Remove below code to DistriOptimizer after disableCheckSingleton is not supported
protected var checkSingleton = System.getProperty("bigdl.check.singleton",
* Set a validate evaluation
* @param trigger how often to evaluation validation set
* @param dataset validate data set in type of [[DataSet]] of [[MiniBatch]]
* @param vMethods a set of validation method [[ValidationMethod]]
* @return this optimizer
def setValidation(trigger: Trigger, dataset: DataSet[MiniBatch[T]],
vMethods : Array[ValidationMethod[T]])
: this.type = {
this.validationTrigger = Some(trigger)
this.validationDataSet = Some(dataset)
this.validationMethods = Some(vMethods)
* Set a validate evaluation
* @param trigger how often to evaluation validation set
* @param sampleRDD validate data set in type of [[RDD]] of [[Sample]]
* @param vMethods a set of validation method [[ValidationMethod]]
* @param batchSize batch size
* @param featurePaddingParam feature padding strategy, see
* [[]] for details.
* @param labelPaddingParam label padding strategy, see
* [[]] for details.
* @return this optimizer
def setValidation(trigger: Trigger, sampleRDD: RDD[Sample[T]],
vMethods : Array[ValidationMethod[T]], batchSize: Int,
featurePaddingParam: PaddingParam[T],
labelPaddingParam: PaddingParam[T]
): this.type = {
this.validationTrigger = Some(trigger)
val dataSet =
(DataSet.rdd(sampleRDD) ->
SampleToMiniBatch(batchSize, Some(featurePaddingParam), Some(labelPaddingParam)))
this.validationDataSet = Some(dataSet)
this.validationMethods = Some(vMethods)
* Set a validate evaluation
* @param trigger how often to evaluation validation set
* @param sampleRDD validate data set in type of [[RDD]] of [[Sample]]
* @param vMethods a set of validation method [[ValidationMethod]]
* @param batchSize batch size
* @return this optimizer
def setValidation(trigger: Trigger, sampleRDD: RDD[Sample[T]],
vMethods : Array[ValidationMethod[T]], batchSize: Int)
: this.type = {
this.validationTrigger = Some(trigger)
val dataSet =
(DataSet.rdd(sampleRDD) -> SampleToMiniBatch(batchSize))
this.validationDataSet = Some(dataSet)
this.validationMethods = Some(vMethods)
* Set validate evaluation
* @param trigger how often to evaluation validation set
* @param sampleRDD validate data set in type of [[RDD]] of [[Sample]]
* @param vMethods a set of validation method [[ValidationMethod]]
* @param batchSize batch size
* @param miniBatch construct MiniBatch with a specified miniBatch type
* @return
def setValidation(trigger: Trigger, sampleRDD: RDD[Sample[T]],
vMethods : Array[ValidationMethod[T]], batchSize: Int, miniBatch: MiniBatch[T])
: this.type = {
this.validationTrigger = Some(trigger)
val dataSet =
(DataSet.rdd(sampleRDD) -> SampleToMiniBatch(miniBatch, batchSize, None))
this.validationDataSet = Some(dataSet)
this.validationMethods = Some(vMethods)
* Set a check point saved at `path` triggered by `trigger`
* @param path the directory to save
* @param trigger how often to save the check point
* @return the optimizer
def setCheckpoint(path: String, trigger: Trigger): this.type = {
if (!path.startsWith(File.hdfsPrefix)) {
require(Files.isDirectory(Paths.get(path)), s"Optimizer.setCheckpoint: $path is not a folder")
this.checkpointPath = Some(path)
this.checkpointTrigger = Some(trigger)
* Get the directory of saving checkpoint
def getCheckpointPath(): Option[String] = {
* Enable train summary.
def setTrainSummary(trainSummary: TrainSummary): this.type = {
this.trainSummary = Some(trainSummary)
* Enable validation summary.
def setValidationSummary(validationSummary: ValidationSummary): this.type = {
this.validationSummary = Some(validationSummary)
* Enable overwrite saving checkpoint
def overWriteCheckpoint() : this.type = {
isOverWrite = true
private def resetEpoch(): Unit = {
optimMethods.foreach{ case (moduleName, optimMethod) =>
optimMethod.state.update("epoch", 1)
optimMethod.state.update("neval", 1)
optimMethod.state.update("Loss", Float.PositiveInfinity)
optimMethod.state.update("score", 0f)
optimMethod.state.update("recordsProcessedThisEpoch", 0)
* Set a model to the optimizer.
* Notice: if current optimMethod in this optimizer is not a global optimMethod,
* this setModel will throw an exception. You should use setModelAndOptimMethods instead.
* @param newModel new model
def setModel(newModel: Module[T]): this.type = {
// check if the old optimMethods is a global one.
if (optimMethods.size == 1 && optimMethods.contains(model.getName())) {
if (newModel.getName() != model.getName()) {
optimMethods = Map(newModel.getName() -> optimMethods(model.getName()))
}"Optimizer.setModel: Detect current optimMethod is a global optimMethod." +
s" Automatically associate the current optimMethod with the new model.")
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Optimizer.setModel: Detect current optimMethod" +
" is not a global optimMethod. Please use setModelAndOptimMethods")
model = newModel
// if a new Model is set, then reset "epoch", "neval" .etc.
* Set new model and new optimMethods to the optimizer.
* @param newModel new model
* @param newOptimMethods new optimMethods
def setModelAndOptimMethods(
newModel: Module[T],
newOptimMethods: Map[String, OptimMethod[T]]): this.type = {
// check if the old optimMethods is a global one.
model = newModel
optimMethods = newOptimMethods
// if a new Model is set, then reset "epoch", "neval" .etc.
* Set new train dataset.
* User can supply a customized implementation of trait MiniBatch to define
* how data is organized and retrieved in a mini batch.
* @param sampleRDD training Samples
* @param batchSize mini batch size
* @param miniBatchImpl An User-Defined MiniBatch implementation.
* @return the Optimizer
def setTrainData(sampleRDD: RDD[Sample[T]],
batchSize: Int,
miniBatchImpl: MiniBatch[T]): this.type = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"setTrainData(sampleRDD, batchSize,miniBatch) " +
s"is only supported in distributed optimizer")
* Set new train dataset.
* @param sampleRDD training Samples
* @param batchSize mini batch size
* @param featurePaddingParam feature padding strategy, see
* [[]] for details.
* @param labelPaddingParam label padding strategy, see
* [[]] for details.
* @return the optimizer
def setTrainData(sampleRDD: RDD[Sample[T]],
batchSize: Int,
featurePaddingParam: PaddingParam[T] = null,
labelPaddingParam: PaddingParam[T] = null): this.type = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
s"setTrainData(sampleRDD,batchSize,featurePaddingParam=null,labelPaddingParam=null) " +
s"is only supported in distributed optimizer")
* Set a new criterion to the optimizer
* @param newCriterion new criterion
def setCriterion(newCriterion: Criterion[T]): this.type = {
this.criterion = newCriterion
* Set a state(learning rate, epochs...) to the optimizer
* @param state the state to be saved
def setState(state: Table): this.type = {
this.state = state
* Set an optimization method
* @param method optimization method
def setOptimMethod(method : OptimMethod[T]): this.type = {
checkSubModules(model, Array(model.getName()))
this.optimMethods = Map(model.getName -> method)
* Set optimization methods for each submodule.
* @param method A mapping of submodule -> OptimMethod
def setOptimMethods(method: Map[String, OptimMethod[T]]): this.type = {
checkSubModules(model, method.keys.toSeq)
this.optimMethods = method
* When to stop, passed in a [[Trigger]]
* @param endWhen when to end
* @return the optimizer
def setEndWhen(endWhen: Trigger): this.type = {
this.endWhen = endWhen
* Set dropping a certain percentage (`dropPercentage`) of models during distributed
* training to accelerate, because some cached model may take too long.
* @param dropPercentage drop percentage
* @param maxDropPercentage max drop percentage
* @param batchsize batch size
* @param warmupIteration how may iteration to warm up
* @return this optimizer
def setDropModuleProperty(dropPercentage: Double, maxDropPercentage: Double,
batchsize: Int = 100, warmupIteration: Int = 200): this.type = {
this.dropPercentage = dropPercentage
this.maxDropPercentage = maxDropPercentage
require(dropPercentage >= 0 && dropPercentage <= maxDropPercentage)
this.computeThresholdbatchSize = batchsize
this.warmupIterationNum = warmupIteration
def prepareInput(): Unit = {}
* Disable gradient clipping
* @return
def disableGradientClipping()
: this.type = {
parameterProcessors = parameterProcessors.filterNot(processor =>
(processor.isInstanceOf[ConstantClippingProcessor] ||
* Set constant gradient clipping
* @param min the minimum value to clip by
* @param max the maximum value to clip by
* @return
def setConstantGradientClipping(min: Double, max: Double)
: this.type = {
require(min <= max, "min value can not be larger than max")
val index = Optimizer.findIndex[ConstantClippingProcessor](parameterProcessors)
if (index == -1) {
parameterProcessors.append(new ConstantClippingProcessor(min, max))
} else {
parameterProcessors(index) = new ConstantClippingProcessor(min, max)
* Clip gradient to a maximum L2-norm
* @param l2NormThreshold gradient L2-Norm threshold
* @return
def setGradientClippingByl2Norm(l2NormThreshold: Double)
: this.type = {
require(optimMethods.size == 1, "Only support 1 optimMethod.")
require(l2NormThreshold > 0, "l2NormThreshold should larger than zero")
val index = Optimizer.findIndex[L2NormClippingProcessor](parameterProcessors)
if (index == -1) {
parameterProcessors.append(new L2NormClippingProcessor(l2NormThreshold))
} else {
parameterProcessors(index) = new L2NormClippingProcessor(l2NormThreshold)
* shutdown the optimizer, which will release the native resources if exists.
private[optim] def shutdown(): Unit = {}
def reserveOptim(reserve: Boolean): this.type = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Only support DistriOptimizer to reserve optim methods for each worker")
object Optimizer {
private val logger: Logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass)
private[bigdl] def header(epoch: Int, count: Int, total: Long, iter: Int, wallClockTime: Long)
: String = {
s"[Epoch $epoch $count/$total][Iteration $iter][Wall Clock ${wallClockTime / 1e9}s]"
* Check if the sub modules are in the model, if each sub modules' parameter
* is contiguous, if sub modules' parameter is duplicated.
* @param model
* @param subModuleNames
* @param ev
* @tparam T
private[bigdl] def checkSubModules[T: ClassTag](
model: Module[T],
subModuleNames: Seq[String])(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Unit = {
val modelParameters = model.getParameters()
val p ={subModuleName =>
val subModule = model(subModuleName)
require(subModule.isDefined, s"Optimizer: couldn't find $subModuleName in $model")
val subModuleWeights = subModule.get.getParameters()._1
require(subModuleWeights.nElement() > 0, s"Optimizer: $subModuleName doesn't have" +
s" any trainable parameters, please check your model and optimMethods.")
// If the storage subModule's parameter is the same with the storage of the submodule,
// then subModule's parameter is contiguous.
require( ==, s"Optimizer:" +
s" $subModuleName's parameter is not contiguous.")
(subModuleName, subModuleWeights)
// make sure if parameters in submodules aren't duplicated.
if (p.length != 1) {
val sortedWeights = p.sortWith((a, b) => a._2.storageOffset() < b._2.storageOffset())
var i = 0
while (i < sortedWeights.length - 1) {
val current = sortedWeights(i)
val next = sortedWeights(i + 1)
require(current._2.storageOffset() + current._2.nElement() <= next._2.storageOffset(),
s"Optimizer: ${current._1} and ${next._1}'s parameters are duplicated." +
s" Please check your model and optimMethods.")
i += 1
* Combine the hyper parameters in optimMethods.
private[bigdl] def getHyperParameterLog(optimMethods: Map[String, OptimMethod[_]]): String = {{ case (moduleName, optimMethod) =>
val log = optimMethod.getHyperParameter()
if (log.isEmpty) {
} else {
s"${moduleName}'s hyper parameters: ${log} "
}.reduce(_ + _)
* Save a model to a directory as a checkpoint
* @param model the model to be saved
* @param checkpointPath the directory to save at
* @param overWrite if save name model exists in the directory,
* is overwrite or not.
* @param postfix the postfix of a model name
* @tparam T model data type [[Double]] or [[Float]]
private[bigdl] def saveModel[T](model: Module[T], checkpointPath : Option[String],
overWrite : Boolean, postfix: String = ""): Unit = {
if (checkpointPath.isDefined) {"${checkpointPath.get}/model$postfix", overWrite)
* Save a state to a directory as a checkpoint
* @param state the state (learning rate, epochs...) to be saved
* @param checkpointPath the directory to save at
* @param overWrite if save name model exists in the directory,
* is overwrite or not.
* @param postfix the postfix of a state name
private[bigdl] def saveState(state: Table, checkpointPath : Option[String], overWrite : Boolean,
postfix: String = ""): Unit = {
if (checkpointPath.isDefined) {"${checkpointPath.get}/state$postfix", overWrite)
* Save OptimMethod to a directory as a checkpoint
* @param optimMethod the method to be saved
* @param checkpointPath the directory to save at
* @param overWrite if save name method exists in the directory,
* is overwrite or not.
* @param postfix the postfix of a method name
* @tparam T
private[bigdl] def saveOptimMethod[T: ClassTag]
(optimMethod: OptimMethod[T], checkpointPath : Option[String], overWrite : Boolean,
postfix: String = ""): Unit = {
if (checkpointPath.isDefined) {"${checkpointPath.get}/optimMethod$postfix", overWrite)
* Apply an Optimizer.
* @param model model will be optimized
* @param sampleRDD training Samples
* @param criterion loss function
* @param batchSize mini batch size
* @param featurePaddingParam feature padding strategy, see
* [[]] for details.
* @param labelPaddingParam label padding strategy, see
* [[]] for details.
* @return An optimizer
def apply[T: ClassTag](
model: Module[T],
sampleRDD: RDD[Sample[T]],
criterion: Criterion[T],
batchSize: Int,
featurePaddingParam: PaddingParam[T] = null,
labelPaddingParam: PaddingParam[T] = null
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]] = {
val _featurePaddingParam = if (featurePaddingParam != null) Some(featurePaddingParam) else None
val _labelPaddingParam = if (labelPaddingParam != null) Some(labelPaddingParam) else None
Engine.getOptimizerVersion() match {
case OptimizerV1 =>
new DistriOptimizer[T](
_model = model,
_dataset = (DataSet.rdd(sampleRDD) ->
SampleToMiniBatch(batchSize, _featurePaddingParam, _labelPaddingParam))
_criterion = criterion
).asInstanceOf[Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]]]
case OptimizerV2 =>
new DistriOptimizerV2[T](
_model = model,
_dataset = (DataSet.rdd(sampleRDD) ->
SampleToMiniBatch(batchSize, _featurePaddingParam, _labelPaddingParam))
_criterion = criterion
).asInstanceOf[Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]]]
* Apply an optimizer.
* User can supply a customized implementation of trait MiniBatch to define
* how data is organize and retrieved in a mini batch.
* @param model model will be optimized
* @param sampleRDD training Samples
* @param criterion loss function
* @param batchSize mini batch size
* @param miniBatchImpl An User-Defined MiniBatch implementation
* @return an new Optimizer
def apply[T: ClassTag](
model: Module[T],
sampleRDD: RDD[Sample[T]],
criterion: Criterion[T],
batchSize: Int,
miniBatchImpl: MiniBatch[T]
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]] = {
Engine.getOptimizerVersion() match {
case OptimizerV1 =>
new DistriOptimizer[T](
_model = model,
_dataset = (DataSet.rdd(sampleRDD) ->
SampleToMiniBatch(miniBatchImpl, batchSize, None))
_criterion = criterion
).asInstanceOf[Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]]]
case OptimizerV2 =>
new DistriOptimizerV2[T](
_model = model,
_dataset = (DataSet.rdd(sampleRDD) ->
SampleToMiniBatch(miniBatchImpl, batchSize, None))
_criterion = criterion
).asInstanceOf[Optimizer[T, MiniBatch[T]]]
* Apply an optimizer.
* @param model model will be optimizied
* @param dataset the input dataset - determines the type of optimizer
* @param criterion loss function
* @return an new Optimizer
def apply[T: ClassTag, D](
model: Module[T],
dataset: DataSet[D],
criterion: Criterion[T]
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): Optimizer[T, D] = {
dataset match {
case d: DistributedDataSet[_] =>
Engine.getOptimizerVersion() match {
case OptimizerV1 =>
new DistriOptimizer[T](
_model = model,
_dataset = d.toDistributed().asInstanceOf[DistributedDataSet[MiniBatch[T]]],
_criterion = criterion
).asInstanceOf[Optimizer[T, D]]
case OptimizerV2 =>
new DistriOptimizerV2[T](
_model = model,
_dataset = d.toDistributed().asInstanceOf[DistributedDataSet[MiniBatch[T]]],
_criterion = criterion
).asInstanceOf[Optimizer[T, D]]
case d: LocalDataSet[_] =>
new LocalOptimizer[T](
model = model,
dataset = d.toLocal().asInstanceOf[LocalDataSet[MiniBatch[T]]],
criterion = criterion
).asInstanceOf[Optimizer[T, D]]
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException
* find the index of type T
* @param parameterProcessors
* @return index
private[Optimizer] def findIndex[T <: ParameterProcessor: ClassTag](
parameterProcessors: ArrayBuffer[ParameterProcessor]): Int = {
var i = 0
while(i < parameterProcessors.size) {
if (classTag[T].runtimeClass.isInstance(parameterProcessors(i))) {
return i
i += 1
return -1
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