com.intel.analytics.bigdl.optim.PrecisionRecallAUC.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
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package com.intel.analytics.bigdl.optim
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.nn.abstractnn.Activity
import com.intel.analytics.bigdl.tensor.TensorNumericMath.TensorNumeric
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* Precision Recall Area Under Curve will compute the precision-recall pairs and
* get the area under the curve.
* Note: It will gather all output probabilities and targets to driver and will compute the
* precision, recall and the auc every calling of `result()`
* @param ev tensor numeric environments
* @tparam T class tag for tensor numeric
class PrecisionRecallAUC[T: ClassTag]()(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends ValidationMethod[T] {
override def apply(output: Activity, target: Activity): ValidationResult = {
require(output.isTensor && target.isTensor, s"only support tensor output and tensor target")
require(!output.toTensor.isEmpty && !target.toTensor.isEmpty,
s"the output and target should not be empty")
val array = List(output, target).map(_.toTensor[Float].storage().array())
val results = array.head.zip(array.last).toArray
new PRAUCResult(results)
override protected def format(): String = s"PrecisionRecallAUC"
class PRAUCResult(val results: Array[(Float, Float)]) extends ValidationResult {
override def result(): (Float, Int) = {
val sorted = results.sortBy(_._1).reverse
val totalPositive = sorted.count(_._2 == 1)
var truePositive = 0.0f
var falsePositive = 0.0f
var areaUnderCurve = 0.0f
var prevPrecision = 1.0f
var prevRecall = 0.0f
var i = 0
while (truePositive != totalPositive) {
val target = sorted(i)._2
if (target == 1.0f) {
truePositive += 1
} else {
falsePositive += 1
val precision = truePositive / (truePositive + falsePositive)
val recall = truePositive / totalPositive
areaUnderCurve += (recall - prevRecall) * (precision + prevPrecision)
prevRecall = recall
prevPrecision = precision
i += 1
(areaUnderCurve / 2, results.length)
// scalastyle:off methodName
override def +(other: ValidationResult): ValidationResult = {
new PRAUCResult(results ++ other.asInstanceOf[PRAUCResult].results)
// scalastyle:on
override protected def format(): String = {
val getResult = result()
s"Precision Recall AUC is ${getResult._1} on ${getResult._2}"
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