Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue
import{AttrValue, BigDLTensor, DataType, TensorStorage}
import{NumericBoolean, NumericChar, NumericDouble, NumericFloat, NumericInt, NumericLong, NumericString}
import{DeserializeContext, ModuleSerializer, ProtoStorageType, SerializeContext}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.Type
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* Thread-safe Prediction Service for Concurrent Calls
* In this service, concurrency is kept not greater than [[numThreads]] by a `BlockingQueue`,
* which contains available model instances.
* [[numThreads]] model instances sharing weights/bias
* will be put into the `BlockingQueue` during initialization.
* When predict method called, service will try to take an instance from `BlockingQueue`,
* which means if all instances are on serving, the predicting request will be blocked until
* some instances are released.
* If exceptions caught during predict,
* a scalar Tensor[String] will be returned with thrown message.
* @param model BigDL model used to do predictions
* @param numThreads max concurrency
class PredictionService[T: ClassTag] private[optim](
model: Module[T],
numThreads: Int
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) {
protected val instQueue: LinkedBlockingQueue[Module[T]] = {
val shallowCopies = (1 to numThreads)
.map(_ => model.clone(false).evaluate()).asJava
new LinkedBlockingQueue[Module[T]](shallowCopies)
* Thread-safe single sample prediction
* Running model prediction with input Activity as soon as
* there exists vacant instances(the size of pool is [[numThreads]]).
* Otherwise, it will hold on till some instances are released.
* Outputs will be deeply copied after model prediction, so they are invariant.
* @param request input Activity, could be Tensor or Table(key, Tensor)
* @return output Activity, could be Tensor or Table(key, Tensor)
def predict(request: Activity): Activity = {
// Take an instance from blocking queue,
// it will cause a thread blocking when no instance is available.
val module = instQueue.take()
// do predictions
val forwardResult = Try(module.forward(request)) match {
case Success(activity) => activity
case Failure(e) => errorTensor("running forward", e)
// cloned values after prediction finished
val output = try {
forwardResult match {
case tensor: Tensor[_] =>
case table: Table =>
val clonedMap = mutable.HashMap[Any, Any]()
table.getState().foreach { x => (x: @unchecked) match {
case (k: Tensor[_], v: Tensor[_]) =>
clonedMap += k.clone() -> v.clone()
case (k, v: Tensor[_]) =>
clonedMap += k -> v.clone()
new Table(clonedMap)
} catch {
case e: Throwable => errorTensor("Clone Result", e)
} finally {
// Release module instance back to blocking queue
* Thread-safe single sample prediction
* Firstly, deserialization tasks will be run with inputs(Array[Byte]).
* Then, run model prediction with deserialized inputs
* as soon as there exists vacant instances(total number is [[numThreads]]).
* Otherwise, it will hold on till some instances are released.
* Finally, prediction results will be serialized to Array[Byte] according to BigDL.proto.
* @param request input bytes, which will be deserialized by BigDL.proto
* @return output bytes, which is serialized by BigDl.proto
def predict(request: Array[Byte]): Array[Byte] = {
val output = Try(
) match {
case Success(activity) => predict(activity)
case Failure(e) => errorTensor("DeSerialize Input", e)
val bytesOut = try {
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
val act = errorTensor("Serialize Output", e)
private def errorTensor(stage: String, e: Throwable): Tensor[String] = {
val msg = s"Exception caught during [$stage]! \n" +
s"The message is ${e.getMessage} \n" +
s"The cause is ${e.getCause}"
object PredictionService {
* Thread-safe Prediction Service for Concurrent Calls
* In this service, concurrency is kept not greater than `numThreads` by a `BlockingQueue`,
* which contains available model instances.
* If exceptions caught during predict,
* a scalar Tensor[String] will be returned with thrown message.
* @param model BigDL model used to do predictions
* @param numThreads max concurrency
* @return a PredictionService instance
def apply[T: ClassTag](
model: Module[T],
numThreads: Int
)(implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]): PredictionService[T] = {
new PredictionService[T](model, numThreads)
* Serialize activities to Array[Byte] according to `Bigdl.proto`.
* For now, `Tensor` and `Table[primitive|Tensor, Tensor]` are supported.
* @param activity activity to be serialized
def serializeActivity(activity: Activity): Array[Byte] = {
val attrBuilder = AttrValue.newBuilder()
activity match {
case table: Table =>
var keyIsPrimitive = true
val firstKey = table.getState().head._1
val tensorState: Array[(Tensor[_], Tensor[_])] = firstKey match {
case _: Tensor[_] =>
keyIsPrimitive = false
table.getState().map { x => (x: @unchecked) match { case (k: Tensor[_], v: Tensor[_]) =>
k -> v }}.toArray
case _: Int =>
table.getState().map { x => (x: @unchecked) match { case (k: Int, v: Tensor[_]) =>
Tensor.scalar(k) -> v }}.toArray
case _: Long =>
table.getState().map { x => (x: @unchecked) match { case (k: Long, v: Tensor[_]) =>
Tensor.scalar(k) -> v }}.toArray
case _: Char =>
table.getState().map { x => (x: @unchecked) match { case (k: Char, v: Tensor[_]) =>
Tensor.scalar(k) -> v }}.toArray
case _: Short =>
table.getState().map {x => (x: @unchecked) match { case (k: Short, v: Tensor[_]) =>
Tensor.scalar(k) -> v }}.toArray
case _: Float =>
table.getState().map { x => (x: @unchecked) match { case (k: Float, v: Tensor[_]) =>
Tensor.scalar(k) -> v }}.toArray
case _: Double =>
table.getState().map { x => (x: @unchecked) match { case (k: Double, v: Tensor[_]) =>
Tensor.scalar(k) -> v }}.toArray
case _: Boolean =>
table.getState().map { x => (x: @unchecked) match { case (k: Boolean, v: Tensor[_]) =>
Tensor.scalar(k) -> v }}.toArray
case _: String =>
table.getState().map { x => (x: @unchecked) match { case (k: String, v: Tensor[_]) =>
Tensor.scalar(k) -> v }}.toArray
case key =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unsupported Table key: $key!")
val (keys, values) = tensorState.unzip
// tensors structure: [isKeyPrimitive, keys, values]
val tensors = Array(Tensor.scalar(keyIsPrimitive)) ++ keys ++ values
val arrayValue = ArrayValue.newBuilder
tensors.foreach { tensor =>
arrayValue.addTensor(buildBigDLTensor(tensor, attrBuilder))
case tensor: Tensor[_] =>
attrBuilder.setTensorValue(buildBigDLTensor(tensor, attrBuilder))
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported Activity Type!")
val attr =
* Deserialize Array[Byte] to activities according to `Bigdl.proto`.
* For now, `Tensor` and `Table[primitive|Tensor, Tensor]` are supported.
* It will convert `AttrValue(Array(BigdlTensor))` to a `Table`.
* It will convert `AttrValue(BigdlTensor) ` to a `Tensor`.
* @param bytes bytes data for Activity to be deserialized
def deSerializeActivity(bytes: Array[Byte]): Activity = {
val attr = AttrValue.parseFrom(bytes)
attr.getDataType match {
case DataType.ARRAY_VALUE =>
val dataType = attr.getArrayValue.getTensor(0).getDatatype
// tensors structure: [isKeyPrimitive, keys, values]
val tensors = getAttr(dataType, attr).asInstanceOf[Array[Tensor[_]]]
val nElement = (tensors.length - 1) / 2
val keyIsPrimitive = tensors.head.asInstanceOf[Tensor[Boolean]].value()
val _keys = tensors.slice(1, nElement + 1)
val keys = if (keyIsPrimitive) else _keys
val values = tensors.slice(nElement + 1, tensors.length)
val table = T() { case(k, v) => table.update(k, v) }
case DataType.TENSOR =>
val tValue = attr.getTensorValue
val tensor = getAttr(tValue.getDatatype, attr)
case tpe =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unsupported DataType($tpe)!")
private def buildBigDLTensor(tensor: Tensor[_], attrBuilder: AttrValue.Builder): BigDLTensor = {
val status = mutable.HashMap[Int, Any]()
val partial = partialSetAttr(tensor.getTensorNumeric(), status)
partial(attrBuilder, tensor, ModuleSerializer.tensorType)
val tensorId = System.identityHashCode(tensor)
val _tensor = status(tensorId).asInstanceOf[BigDLTensor]
val tensorBuilder = BigDLTensor.newBuilder(_tensor)
val storageId = System.identityHashCode(
val _storage = status(storageId).asInstanceOf[TensorStorage]
private def partialSetAttr(numeric: TensorNumeric[_], status: mutable.HashMap[Int, Any]) = {
numeric match {
case NumericFloat =>
val sc = SerializeContext[Float](null, status, ProtoStorageType)
(attrBuilder: AttrValue.Builder, value: Any, tpe: Type) =>
DataConverter.setAttributeValue[Float](sc, attrBuilder, value, tpe)
case NumericDouble =>
val sc = SerializeContext[Double](null, status, ProtoStorageType)
(attrBuilder: AttrValue.Builder, value: Any, tpe: Type) =>
DataConverter.setAttributeValue[Double](sc, attrBuilder, value, tpe)
case NumericChar =>
val sc = SerializeContext[Char](null, status, ProtoStorageType)
(attrBuilder: AttrValue.Builder, value: Any, tpe: Type) =>
DataConverter.setAttributeValue[Char](sc, attrBuilder, value, tpe)
case NumericBoolean =>
val sc = SerializeContext[Boolean](null, status, ProtoStorageType)
(attrBuilder: AttrValue.Builder, value: Any, tpe: Type) =>
DataConverter.setAttributeValue[Boolean](sc, attrBuilder, value, tpe)
case NumericString =>
val sc = SerializeContext[String](null, status, ProtoStorageType)
(attrBuilder: AttrValue.Builder, value: Any, tpe: Type) =>
DataConverter.setAttributeValue[String](sc, attrBuilder, value, tpe)
case NumericInt =>
val sc = SerializeContext[Int](null, status, ProtoStorageType)
(attrBuilder: AttrValue.Builder, value: Any, tpe: Type) =>
DataConverter.setAttributeValue[Int](sc, attrBuilder, value, tpe)
case NumericLong =>
val sc = SerializeContext[Long](null, status, ProtoStorageType)
(attrBuilder: AttrValue.Builder, value: Any, tpe: Type) =>
DataConverter.setAttributeValue[Long](sc, attrBuilder, value, tpe)
private def getAttr(dataType: DataType, attr: AttrValue) = {
val status = mutable.HashMap[Int, Any]()
val dsc = DeserializeContext(null, status, ProtoStorageType)
dataType match {
case DataType.INT32 =>
DataConverter.getAttributeValue[Int](dsc, attr)
case DataType.INT64 =>
DataConverter.getAttributeValue[Long](dsc, attr)
case DataType.FLOAT =>
DataConverter.getAttributeValue[Float](dsc, attr)
case DataType.DOUBLE =>
DataConverter.getAttributeValue[Double](dsc, attr)
case DataType.STRING =>
DataConverter.getAttributeValue[String](dsc, attr)
case DataType.BOOL =>
DataConverter.getAttributeValue[Boolean](dsc, attr)
case DataType.CHAR =>
DataConverter.getAttributeValue[Char](dsc, attr)
case _ => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unsupported DataType($dataType)!")
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