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* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import{MaskUtils, RLEMasks}
import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
* A method defined to evaluate the model.
* This trait can be extended by user-defined method. Such
* as Top1Accuracy
trait ValidationMethod[T] extends Serializable {
def apply(output: Activity, target: Activity): ValidationResult
// return the name of this method
protected def format(): String
// return the name of this method
override def toString(): String = format()
// deep clone the object
override def clone(): ValidationMethod[T] = SerializationUtils.clone(this)
* A result that calculate the numeric value of a validation method.
* User-defined valuation results must override the + operation and result() method.
* It is executed over the samples in each batch.
trait ValidationResult extends Serializable {
// return the calculation results over all the samples in the batch
def result(): (Float, Int) // (Result, TotalNum)
// scalastyle:off methodName
def +(other: ValidationResult): ValidationResult
// return the name of this trait
protected def format(): String
// return the name of this trait
override def toString(): String = format()
* Represent an accuracy result. Accuracy means a ratio of correct number and total number.
* @param correct correct number
* @param count total count number
class AccuracyResult(private var correct: Int, private var count: Int)
extends ValidationResult {
override def result(): (Float, Int) = (correct.toFloat/count, count)
// scalastyle:off methodName
override def +(other: ValidationResult): ValidationResult = {
val otherResult = other.asInstanceOf[AccuracyResult]
this.correct += otherResult.correct
this.count += otherResult.count
// scalastyle:on methodName
override protected def format(): String = {
s"Accuracy(correct: $correct, count: $count, accuracy: ${correct.toDouble / count})"
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
if (obj == null) {
return false
if (!obj.isInstanceOf[AccuracyResult]) {
return false
val other = obj.asInstanceOf[AccuracyResult]
if (this.eq(other)) {
return true
this.correct == other.correct && this.count == other.count
override def hashCode(): Int = {
val seed = 37
var hash = 1
hash = hash * seed + this.correct
hash = hash * seed + this.count
* This is a metric to measure the accuracy of Tree Neural Network/Recursive Neural Network
class TreeNNAccuracy[T: ClassTag]()(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T])
extends ValidationMethod[T] {
override def apply(output: Activity, target: Activity):
ValidationResult = {
var correct = 0
var count = 0
var _output = output.asInstanceOf[Tensor[T]]
val _target = target.asInstanceOf[Tensor[T]].select(2, 1)
if (_output.dim() == 3) {
_output =, 1)
(if (_output.size(2) == 1) {
_output.clone().apply1(x => if (ev.isGreater(ev.fromType(0.5), x)) else
} else {
}).map(_target, (a, b) => {
if (a == b) {
correct += 1
count += _output.size(1)
} else if (_output.dim == 2) {
_output =, 1)
require(_target.size(1) == 1)
(if (_output.size(1) == 1) {
_output.clone().apply1(x => if (ev.isGreater(ev.fromType(0.5), x)) else
} else {
}).map(_target, (a, b) => {
if (a == b) {
correct += 1
count += 1
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
new AccuracyResult(correct, count)
override def format(): String =
* Caculate the percentage that output's max probability index equals target
class Top1Accuracy[T: ClassTag](
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T])
extends ValidationMethod[T] {
override def apply(output: Activity, target: Activity):
ValidationResult = {
var correct = 0
var count = 0
val _target = target.asInstanceOf[Tensor[T]]
val _output = if (output.toTensor[T].nDimension() != 1 &&
output.toTensor[T].size().head != _target.size().head) {
output.toTensor[T].narrow(1, 1, _target.size().head)
} else {
if (_output.dim() == 2) {
(if (_output.size(2) == 1) {
_output.clone().apply1(x => if (ev.isGreater(ev.fromType(0.5), x)) else
} else {
}).map(_target, (a, b) => {
if (a == b) {
correct += 1
count += _output.size(1)
} else if (_output.dim == 1) {
require(_target.size(1) == 1)
(if (_output.size(1) == 1) {
_output.clone().apply1(x => if (ev.isGreater(ev.fromType(0.5), x)) else
} else {
}).map(_target, (a, b) => {
if (a == b) {
correct += 1
count += 1
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
new AccuracyResult(correct, count)
override def format(): String = "Top1Accuracy"
* Calculate the Mean Average Precision (MAP). The algorithm follows VOC Challenge after 2007
* Require class label beginning with 0
* @param k Take top-k confident predictions into account. If k=-1, calculate on all predictions
* @param classes The number of classes
class MeanAveragePrecision[T: ClassTag](k: Int, classes: Int)(
implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends ValidationMethod[T] {
require(classes > 0 && classes <= classes, s"The number of classes should be "
+ s"> 0 and <= $classes, but got $classes")
require(k > 0, s"k should be > 0, but got $k")
override def apply(output: Activity, target: Activity): ValidationResult = {
var _target = target.asInstanceOf[Tensor[T]].squeezeNewTensor()
val outTensor = output.toTensor[T]
val _output = if (outTensor.nDimension() != 1 &&
outTensor.size(1) != _target.size(1)) {
outTensor.narrow(1, 1, _target.size().head)
} else {
require(_output.dim()==1 && _target.nElement() == 1 ||
_output.size(1) == _target.nElement(), "The number of samples in the output should " +
"be the same as in the target")
val posCnt = new Array[Int](classes)
for (i <- 1 to _target.nElement()) {
val clazz = ev.toType[Float](_target.valueAt(i))
require(clazz == math.ceil(clazz), s"The class for $i-th test sample should be an integer, "
+ s"got $clazz")
val intClazz = clazz.toInt
require(intClazz >= 0 && intClazz < classes, s"The class for $i-th test sample should be "
+ s">= 0 and < $classes, but got $intClazz")
posCnt(intClazz) += 1
val confidenceArr = (0 until classes).map(_ => new ArrayBuffer[(Float, Boolean)]).toArray
if (_output.nDimension() == 2) {
(1 to _output.size(1)).foreach(i => {
val row =, i)
val gtClz = ev.toType[Float](_target.valueAt(i))
for(clz <- 0 until classes) {
confidenceArr(clz) += ((ev.toType[Float](row.valueAt(clz + 1)), gtClz == clz))
} else {
require(_output.dim() == 1, "The output should have 1 or 2 dimensions")
val row = _output
val gtClz = ev.toType[Float](_target.valueAt(1))
for(clz <- 0 until classes) {
confidenceArr(clz) += ((ev.toType[Float](row.valueAt(clz + 1)), gtClz == clz))
new MAPValidationResult(classes, k, confidenceArr, posCnt)
override def format(): String = s"MAP@$k"
object MAPUtil {
// find top k values & indices in a column of a matrix
def findTopK(k: Int, arr: Array[Array[Float]], column: Int): Array[(Int, Float)] = {
val q = collection.mutable.PriorityQueue[(Int, Float)]()([(Int, Float), Float](_._2))
arr.indices.foreach(i => {
q.enqueue((i, arr(i)(column)))
val end = Math.min(k, q.size)
(1 to end).map(_ => q.dequeue()).toArray
* convert the ground truth into parsed GroundTruthRegions
* @param gtTable
* @param classes
* @param isCOCO if using COCO's algorithm for IOU computation
* @param isSegmentation
* @return (array of GT BBoxes of images, # of GT bboxes for each class)
def gtTablesToGroundTruthRegions(gtTable: Table, classes: Int, numIOU: Int, isCOCO: Boolean,
isSegmentation: Boolean): (Array[ArrayBuffer[GroundTruthRegion]], Array[Int]) = {
// the number of GT bboxes for each class
val gtCntByClass = new Array[Int](classes)
// one image may contain multiple Ground truth bboxes
val gtImages = (1 to gtTable.length()).map { i =>
val gtImage = new ArrayBuffer[GroundTruthRegion]()
val roiLabel = gtTable[Table](i)
if (roiLabel.length() > 0) {
val bbox = RoiImageInfo.getBBoxes(roiLabel)
val tclasses = RoiImageInfo.getClasses(roiLabel)
val isCrowd = RoiImageInfo.getIsCrowd(roiLabel)
val masks = if (isSegmentation) RoiImageInfo.getMasks(roiLabel) else null
val bboxCnt = bbox.size(1)
require(bboxCnt == tclasses.size(1), "CLASSES of target tables should have the" +
"same size of the bbox counts")
require(bboxCnt == isCrowd.nElement(), "ISCROWD of target tables should have the" +
"same size of the bbox counts")
require(masks == null || bboxCnt == masks.length, "MASKS of target tables should have the" +
"same size of the bbox counts")
for (j <- 1 to bboxCnt) {
val (label, _diff) = if (tclasses.dim() == 2) {
(tclasses.valueAt(1, j).toInt, tclasses.valueAt(2, j))
} else {
(tclasses.valueAt(j).toInt, 0f)
val diff = if (isCrowd.valueAt(j) != 0 || _diff != 0) 1f else 0f
val newGt = if (isSegmentation) {
new GroundTruthRLE(numIOU, label, diff, masks(j - 1))
} else {
new GroundTruthBBox(isCOCO, numIOU, label, diff, bbox.valueAt(j, 1),
bbox.valueAt(j, 2), bbox.valueAt(j, 3), bbox.valueAt(j, 4))
gtImage += newGt
require(label >= 0 && label < classes, s"Bad label id $label")
if (diff == 0) {
gtCntByClass(label) += 1
(gtImages, gtCntByClass)
* For a detection, match it with all GT boxes. Record the match in "predictByClass"
def parseDetection(gtBbox: ArrayBuffer[GroundTruthRegion], label: Int, score: Float, x1: Float,
y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float, mask: RLEMasks, classes: Int, iou: Array[Float],
predictByClasses: Array[Array[ArrayBuffer[(Float, Boolean)]]]): Unit = {
require(label >= 0 && label < classes, s"Bad label id $label")
for (i <- iou.indices) {
// for each GT boxes, try to find a matched one with current prediction
val matchedGt = gtBbox.toIterator.filter(gt => label == gt.label && gt.canOccupy(i))
.flatMap(gt => { // calculate and filter out the bbox
val iouRate = gt.getIOURate(x1, y1, x2, y2, mask)
if (iouRate >= iou(i)) Iterator.single((gt, iouRate)) else Iterator.empty
.reduceOption((gtArea1, gtArea2) => { // find max IOU bbox
if (gtArea1._1.diff != gtArea2._1.diff) {
if (gtArea1._1.diff > gtArea2._1.diff) gtArea2 else gtArea1
} else {
if (gtArea1._2 > gtArea2._2) gtArea1 else gtArea2
.map(bbox => { // occupy the bbox
if (matchedGt.isEmpty || matchedGt.get.diff == 0) {
predictByClasses(i)(label).append((score, matchedGt.isDefined))
// else: when the prediction matches a "difficult" GT, do nothing
// it is neither TP nor FP
// "difficult" is defined in PASCAL VOC dataset, meaning the image is difficult to detect
def parseSegmentationTensorResult(outTensor: Tensor[Float],
func: (Int, Int, Float, Float, Float, Float, Float) => Unit): Unit = {
require(outTensor.dim() == 2, "the output tensor should have 2 dimensions")
for (imgId <- 0 until outTensor.size(1)) {
// for each image
val batch =, imgId + 1)
val batchSize = batch.valueAt(1).toInt
var offset = 2
for (bboxIdx <- 0 until batchSize) {
// for each predicted bboxes
val label = batch.valueAt(offset).toInt
val score = batch.valueAt(offset + 1)
val x1 = batch.valueAt(offset + 2)
val y1 = batch.valueAt(offset + 3)
val x2 = batch.valueAt(offset + 4)
val y2 = batch.valueAt(offset + 5)
func(imgId, label, score, x1, y1, x2, y2)
offset += 6
class MAPType extends Serializable
object MAPPascalVoc2007 extends MAPType
object MAPPascalVoc2010 extends MAPType
object MAPCOCO extends MAPType
* The MAP Validation Result. The results are not calculated until result() or format() is called
* require class label beginning with 0
class MAPValidationResult(
private val nClass: Int,
// take the first k samples, or -1 for all samples
private val k: Int,
// the predicts for each classes. (Confidence, GT)
private[bigdl] var predictForClass: Array[ArrayBuffer[(Float, Boolean)]],
private[bigdl] var gtCntForClass: Array[Int],
private val theType: MAPType = MAPPascalVoc2010,
private val skipClass: Int = -1,
private val isSegmentation: Boolean = false
extends ValidationResult {
if (skipClass < 0) {
require(skipClass == -1, s"Invalid skipClass $skipClass")
} else {
require(skipClass >= 0 && skipClass < nClass, s"Invalid skipClass $skipClass")
private def sortPredictions(p: ArrayBuffer[(Float, Boolean)]): ArrayBuffer[(Float, Boolean)] = {
p.sortBy(v => v._1)(Ordering.Float.reverse) // decending order
private[bigdl] def calculateClassAP(clz: Int): Float = {
val posCnt = gtCntForClass
// for each class, first find top k confident samples
val sorted = sortPredictions(predictForClass(clz))
var tp = 0
val refinedK = if (k > 0) k else sorted.size
// calculate the max precision for each different recall
// for each top-j items, calculate the (precision, recall)
val PnR = sorted.take(refinedK).zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (predict, j) =>
if (predict._2) {
// if it is a hit
tp += 1
// j + 1 is the total number of samples marked positive by the model
val precision = tp.toFloat / (j + 1)
val recall = tp.toFloat / posCnt(clz)
Iterator.single(recall, precision)
} else {
// get Average precision over each different recall
theType match {
case _: MAPPascalVoc2007.type =>
(0 to 10).map(r => {
val recall = 0.1f * r
// for every (R,P), where R>=recall, get max(P)
PnR.filter(_._1 >= recall).map(_._2).reduceOption(_ max _).getOrElse(0f)
.reduceOption(_ + _)
.map(_ / 11)
case _: MAPPascalVoc2010.type =>
(1 to posCnt(clz)).map(r => {
val recall = r.toFloat / posCnt(clz)
// for every (R,P), where R>=recall, get max(P)
PnR.filter(_._1 >= recall).map(_._2).reduceOption(_ max _).getOrElse(0f)
.reduceOption(_ + _)
.map(_ / posCnt(clz))
case _: MAPCOCO.type =>
if (posCnt(clz) == 0) {
} else {
(0 to 100).map(r => {
val recall = 0.01f * r
// for every (R,P), where R>=recall, get max(P)
PnR.filter(_._1 >= recall).map(_._2).reduceOption(_ max _).getOrElse(0f)
.reduceOption(_ + _)
.map(_ / 101)
override def result(): (Float, Int) = {
// get the indices of top-k confident samples
val AP = (0 until nClass).filter(_ != skipClass).map { clz => calculateClassAP(clz) }
// APs are got. Now we get MAP
val result = theType match {
case t: MAPCOCO.type =>
val filtered = AP.filter(_ != -1f)
filtered.sum / filtered.length
case _ => AP.sum / (nClass - (if (skipClass == -1) 0 else 1))
(result, 1)
private[optim] def mergeWithoutGtCnt(o: MAPValidationResult): MAPValidationResult = {
require(predictForClass.length == o.predictForClass.length)
require(gtCntForClass.length == o.gtCntForClass.length)
for (i <- predictForClass.indices) {
val (left, right) = (predictForClass(i), o.predictForClass(i))
left ++= right
predictForClass(i) = if (k < 0) {
} else {
val sorted = sortPredictions(left)
// scalastyle:off methodName
override def +(other: ValidationResult): ValidationResult = {
val o = other.asInstanceOf[MAPValidationResult]
gtCntForClass.indices.foreach( i => gtCntForClass(i) += o.gtCntForClass(i))
// scalastyle:on methodName
override protected def format(): String = {
val segOrBbox = if (isSegmentation) "segm" else "bbox"
val resultStr = (0 until nClass).map { clz => calculateClassAP(clz) }.zipWithIndex
.map { t => s"AP of class ${t._2} = ${t._1}\n"}.reduceOption( _ + _).getOrElse("")
s"MeanAveragePrecision_$segOrBbox@$k(${result()._1})\n $resultStr"
abstract private[bigdl] class GroundTruthRegion(isCOCO: Boolean, numIOU: Int, val label: Int,
val diff: Float) {
// if is false, the region is not matched with any predictions
// indexed by the IOU threshold index
private val isOccupied = new Array[Boolean](numIOU)
* Returns if any previous prediction is matched with the current region
* @return
def canOccupy(iouIdx: Int): Boolean = (isCOCO && diff == 1) || !isOccupied(iouIdx)
def occupy(iouIdx: Int): Unit = {
isOccupied(iouIdx) = true
/** get the IOU rate of another region with the current region
* @param x1 the min x
* @param y1 the min y
* @param x2 the max x
* @param y2 the max y
* @param rle RLE mask data, can be null
* @return
def getIOURate(x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float, rle: RLEMasks = null): Float
private[bigdl] class GroundTruthBBox(isCOCO: Boolean, numIOU: Int, label: Int, diff: Float,
val xmin: Float, val ymin: Float, val xmax: Float, val ymax: Float)
extends GroundTruthRegion(isCOCO, numIOU, label, diff) {
private val area = (xmax - xmin + 1) * (ymax - ymin + 1)
override def getIOURate(x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float,
rle: RLEMasks = null): Float = {
val ixmin = Math.max(xmin, x1)
val iymin = Math.max(ymin, y1)
val ixmax = Math.min(xmax, x2)
val iymax = Math.min(ymax, y2)
val inter = Math.max(ixmax - ixmin + 1, 0) * Math.max(iymax - iymin + 1, 0)
val detectionArea = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1)
val union = if (isCOCO && diff != 0) detectionArea else (detectionArea + area - inter)
inter / union
private[bigdl] class GroundTruthRLE(numIOU: Int, label: Int, diff: Float, rle: RLEMasks)
extends GroundTruthRegion(true, numIOU, label, diff) {
override def getIOURate(x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float,
detRLE: RLEMasks): Float = {
MaskUtils.rleIOU(detRLE, rle, diff != 0)
class MAPMultiIOUValidationResult(
private val nClass: Int,
// take the first k samples, or -1 for all samples
private val k: Int,
// the predicts for each classes.
// predictForClassIOU(iouIdx)(cls) is an array of (Confidence, GT)
private val predictForClassIOU: Array[Array[ArrayBuffer[(Float, Boolean)]]],
private var gtCntForClass: Array[Int],
private val iouRange: (Float, Float),
private val theType: MAPType = MAPPascalVoc2010,
private val skipClass: Int = -1,
private val isSegmentation: Boolean = false) extends ValidationResult {
val impl = => {
new MAPValidationResult(nClass, k, predictForClass,
gtCntForClass, theType, skipClass, isSegmentation)
override def result(): (Float, Int) = ( / impl.length, 1)
// scalastyle:off methodName
override def +(other: ValidationResult): ValidationResult = {
val o = other.asInstanceOf[MAPMultiIOUValidationResult]
require(o.predictForClassIOU.length == predictForClassIOU.length,
"To merge MAPMultiIOUValidationResult, the length of predictForClassIOU should be" +
"the same") { case (v1, v2) => v1.mergeWithoutGtCnt(v2) }
gtCntForClass.indices.foreach( i => gtCntForClass(i) += o.gtCntForClass(i))
// scalastyle:on methodName
override protected def format(): String = {
val step = (iouRange._2 - iouRange._1) / (predictForClassIOU.length - 1)
val results =
val resultStr = results.zipWithIndex
.map { t => s"\t IOU(${iouRange._1 + t._2 * step}) = ${t._1}\n"}
.reduceOption( _ + _).getOrElse("")
val segOrBbox = if (isSegmentation) "segm" else "bbox"
f"MAP_$segOrBbox@IOU(${iouRange._1}%1.3f:$step%1.3f:${iouRange._2}%1.3f)=" +
s"${results.sum / impl.length}\n$resultStr"
/** MeanAveragePrecision for Object Detection
* The class label begins with 0
* The expected output from the last layer should be a Tensor[Float] or a Table
* If output is a tensor, it should be [num_of_batch X (1 + maxDetection * 6)] matrix
* The format of the matrix should be [, , ...], where each row vector is
* = [, ,...]. Each sample has format:
* =
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