Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.{List => JList}
import{Criterion, DataSet, nn}
import{DataSet, LocalDataSet, MiniBatch}
import{Container, SpatialBatchNormalization}
import{AbstractModule, Activity}
import{OptimMethod, Regularizer, ValidationMethod}
import{ImageFeature, ImageFeatureToMiniBatch}
import{Engine, MultiShape, Shape, SingleShape}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
object PythonBigDLKeras {
def ofFloat(): PythonBigDLKeras[Float] = new PythonBigDLKeras[Float]()
def ofDouble(): PythonBigDLKeras[Double] = new PythonBigDLKeras[Double]()
class PythonBigDLKeras[T: ClassTag](implicit ev: TensorNumeric[T]) extends PythonBigDL[T] {
def toScalaShape(inputShape: JList[Int]): Shape = {
if (inputShape == null) {
} else {
def toScalaMultiShape(inputShape: JList[JList[Int]]): Shape = {
if (inputShape == null) {
} else {
Shape( => Shape(shape.asScala.toArray)).toList)
def toScalaArray(list: JList[Int]): Array[Int] = {
if (list == null) {
} else {
def createKerasModel(input: JList[ModuleNode[T]],
output: JList[ModuleNode[T]]): Model[T] = {
nn.keras.Model(input.asScala.toArray, output.asScala.toArray)
def createKerasSequential(): nn.keras.Sequential[T] = {
def createKerasInput(
name : String = null,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): ModuleNode[T] = {
Input(name = name, inputShape = toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasInputLayer(
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): KerasLayer[Activity, Activity, T] = {
InputLayer(inputShape = toScalaShape(inputShape))
def shapeToJList(shape: Shape): JList[JList[Int]] = {
val shapes = if (shape.isInstanceOf[SingleShape]) {
else {
shapes.toMulti().map(single => single.toSingle().toList.asJava).toList.asJava
def getOutputShape(module: Container[Activity, Activity, T]): JList[JList[Int]] = {
val output = module.getOutputShape()
def getInputShape(module: Container[Activity, Activity, T]): JList[JList[Int]] = {
val input = module.getInputShape()
// TODO: inputShape can be nested MultiShape
def createKerasDense(
outputDim: Int,
init: String = "glorot_uniform",
activation: String = null,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bias: Boolean = true,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Dense[T] = {
Dense(outputDim, init, activation, wRegularizer,
bRegularizer, bias, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasEmbedding(
inputDim: Int,
outputDim: Int,
init: String = "uniform",
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Embedding[T] = {
Embedding[T](inputDim, outputDim, init, wRegularizer, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasBatchNormalization(
epsilon: Double = 0.001,
momentum: Double = 0.99,
betaInit: String = "zero",
gammaInit: String = "one",
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): BatchNormalization[T] = {
BatchNormalization[T](epsilon, momentum, betaInit,
gammaInit, dimOrdering, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def setRunningMean(module: BatchNormalization[T], runningMean: JTensor): Unit = {
def setRunningStd(module: BatchNormalization[T], runningStd: JTensor): Unit = {
def getRunningMean(module: BatchNormalization[T]): JTensor = {
def getRunningStd(module: BatchNormalization[T]): JTensor = {
def createKerasMerge(
layers: JList[AbstractModule[Activity, Activity, T]] = null,
mode: String = "sum",
concatAxis: Int = -1,
inputShape: JList[JList[Int]]): Merge[T] = {
val layersList = if (layers != null) layers.asScala.toList
else null
Merge[T](layersList, mode, concatAxis, toScalaMultiShape(inputShape))
def createKerasConvolution2D(
nbFilter: Int,
nbRow: Int,
nbCol: Int,
init: String = "glorot_uniform",
activation: String = null,
borderMode: String = "valid",
subsample: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bias: Boolean = true,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Convolution2D[T] = {
new Convolution2D(nbFilter, nbRow, nbCol, KerasUtils.getInitMethod(init),
KerasUtils.getKerasActivation(activation), borderMode,
toScalaArray(subsample), KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat(dimOrdering),
wRegularizer, bRegularizer, bias, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasMaxPooling2D(
poolSize: JList[Int],
strides: JList[Int],
borderMode: String = "valid",
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): MaxPooling2D[T] = {
new MaxPooling2D[T](toScalaArray(poolSize), toScalaArray(strides),
borderMode, KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat(dimOrdering), toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasActivation(
activation: String,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Activation[T] = {
Activation(activation, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasReshape(
targetShape: JList[Int],
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Reshape[T] = {
Reshape(toScalaArray(targetShape), toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasDropout(
p: Double,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Dropout[T] = {
Dropout(p, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasFlatten(
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Flatten[T] = {
def createKerasSimpleRNN(
outputDim: Int,
activation: String = "tanh",
returnSequences: Boolean = false,
goBackwards: Boolean = false,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
uRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): SimpleRNN[T] = {
SimpleRNN(outputDim, activation, returnSequences, goBackwards,
wRegularizer, uRegularizer, bRegularizer, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasLSTM(
outputDim: Int,
activation: String = "tanh",
innerActivation: String = "hard_sigmoid",
returnSequences: Boolean = false,
goBackwards: Boolean = false,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
uRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): LSTM[T] = {
LSTM(outputDim, activation, innerActivation, returnSequences,
goBackwards, wRegularizer, uRegularizer, bRegularizer, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasGRU(
outputDim: Int,
activation: String = "tanh",
innerActivation: String = "hard_sigmoid",
returnSequences: Boolean = false,
goBackwards: Boolean = false,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
uRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): GRU[T] = {
GRU(outputDim, activation, innerActivation, returnSequences,
goBackwards, wRegularizer, uRegularizer, bRegularizer, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasHighway(
activation: String = null,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bias: Boolean = true,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Highway[T] = {
Highway(activation, wRegularizer, bRegularizer, bias, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasZeroPadding1D(
padding: JList[Int],
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): ZeroPadding1D[T] = {
new ZeroPadding1D(toScalaArray(padding), toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasZeroPadding2D(
padding: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): ZeroPadding2D[T] = {
new ZeroPadding2D(toScalaArray(padding),
KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat(dimOrdering), toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasUpSampling1D(
length: Int = 2,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): UpSampling1D[T] = {
UpSampling1D(length, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasUpSampling2D(
size: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): UpSampling2D[T] = {
new UpSampling2D(toScalaArray(size), KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat(dimOrdering),
def createKerasUpSampling3D(
size: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): UpSampling3D[T] = {
new UpSampling3D(toScalaArray(size), KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat5D(dimOrdering),
def createKerasMaxoutDense(
outputDim: Int,
nbFeature: Int = 4,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bias: Boolean = true,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): MaxoutDense[T] = {
MaxoutDense(outputDim, nbFeature, wRegularizer,
bRegularizer, bias, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasConvolution1D(
nbFilter: Int,
filterLength: Int,
init: String = "glorot_uniform",
activation: String = null,
borderMode: String = "valid",
subsampleLength: Int = 1,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bias: Boolean = true,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Convolution1D[T] = {
Convolution1D(nbFilter, filterLength, init, activation, borderMode,
subsampleLength, wRegularizer, bRegularizer, bias, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasConvolution3D(
nbFilter: Int,
kernelDim1: Int,
kernelDim2: Int,
kernelDim3: Int,
init: String = "glorot_uniform",
activation: String = null,
borderMode: String = "valid",
subsample: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bias: Boolean = true,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Convolution3D[T] = {
new Convolution3D(nbFilter, kernelDim1, kernelDim2, kernelDim3,
KerasUtils.getInitMethod(init), KerasUtils.getKerasActivation(activation),
borderMode, toScalaArray(subsample), KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat5D(dimOrdering),
wRegularizer, bRegularizer, bias, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasMaxPooling1D(
poolLength: Int = 2,
stride: Int = -1,
borderMode: String = "valid",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): MaxPooling1D[T] = {
MaxPooling1D(poolLength, stride, borderMode, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasMaxPooling3D(
poolSize: JList[Int],
strides: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): MaxPooling3D[T] = {
new MaxPooling3D(toScalaArray(poolSize), toScalaArray(strides),
KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat5D(dimOrdering), toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasAveragePooling1D(
poolLength: Int = 2,
stride: Int = -1,
borderMode: String = "valid",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): AveragePooling1D[T] = {
AveragePooling1D(poolLength, stride, borderMode, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasAveragePooling2D(
poolSize: JList[Int],
strides: JList[Int],
borderMode: String = "valid",
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): AveragePooling2D[T] = {
new AveragePooling2D(toScalaArray(poolSize), toScalaArray(strides),
borderMode, KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat(dimOrdering), toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasAveragePooling3D(
poolSize: JList[Int],
strides: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): AveragePooling3D[T] = {
new AveragePooling3D(toScalaArray(poolSize), toScalaArray(strides),
KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat5D(dimOrdering), toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasGlobalAveragePooling2D(
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): GlobalAveragePooling2D[T] = {
GlobalAveragePooling2D(dimOrdering, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasGlobalMaxPooling2D(
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): GlobalMaxPooling2D[T] = {
GlobalMaxPooling2D(dimOrdering, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasRepeatVector(
n: Int,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): RepeatVector[T] = {
RepeatVector(n, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasPermute(
dims: JList[Int],
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Permute[T] = {
Permute(toScalaArray(dims), toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasCropping1D(
cropping: JList[Int],
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Cropping1D[T] = {
new Cropping1D(toScalaArray(cropping), toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasCropping2D(
heightCrop: JList[Int],
widthCrop: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Cropping2D[T] = {
new Cropping2D(toScalaArray(heightCrop), toScalaArray(widthCrop),
KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat(dimOrdering), toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasCropping3D(
dim1Crop: JList[Int],
dim2Crop: JList[Int],
dim3Crop: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Cropping3D[T] = {
new Cropping3D(toScalaArray(dim1Crop), toScalaArray(dim2Crop), toScalaArray(dim3Crop),
KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat5D(dimOrdering), toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasAtrousConvolution1D(
nbFilter: Int,
filterLength: Int,
init: String = "glorot_uniform",
activation: String = null,
subsampleLength: Int = 1,
atrousRate: Int = 1,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): AtrousConvolution1D[T] = {
AtrousConvolution1D(nbFilter, filterLength, init, activation,
subsampleLength, atrousRate, wRegularizer, bRegularizer, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasAtrousConvolution2D(
nbFilter: Int,
nbRow: Int,
nbCol: Int,
init: String = "glorot_uniform",
activation: String = null,
subsample: JList[Int],
atrousRate: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): AtrousConvolution2D[T] = {
new AtrousConvolution2D(nbFilter, nbRow, nbCol, KerasUtils.getInitMethod(init),
KerasUtils.getKerasActivation(activation), toScalaArray(subsample),
toScalaArray(atrousRate), KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat(dimOrdering),
wRegularizer, bRegularizer, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasDeconvolution2D(
nbFilter: Int,
nbRow: Int,
nbCol: Int,
init: String = "glorot_uniform",
activation: String = null,
subsample: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bias: Boolean = true,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Deconvolution2D[T] = {
new Deconvolution2D(nbFilter, nbRow, nbCol, KerasUtils.getInitMethod(init),
KerasUtils.getKerasActivation(activation), toScalaArray(subsample),
KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat(dimOrdering), wRegularizer, bRegularizer,
bias, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasConvLSTM2D(
nbFilter: Int,
nbKernel: Int,
activation: String = "tanh",
innerActivation: String = "hard_sigmoid",
dimOrdering: String = "th",
subsample: Int = 1,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
uRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
returnSequences: Boolean = false,
goBackwards: Boolean = false,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): ConvLSTM2D[T] = {
ConvLSTM2D(nbFilter, nbKernel, activation, innerActivation,
dimOrdering, subsample, wRegularizer, uRegularizer, bRegularizer,
returnSequences, goBackwards, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasLocallyConnected1D(
nbFilter: Int,
filterLength: Int,
activation: String = null,
subsampleLength: Int = 1,
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bias: Boolean = true,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): LocallyConnected1D[T] = {
LocallyConnected1D(nbFilter, filterLength, activation, subsampleLength,
wRegularizer, bRegularizer, bias, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasLocallyConnected2D(
nbFilter: Int,
nbRow: Int,
nbCol: Int,
activation: String = null,
borderMode: String = "valid",
subsample: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
wRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bias: Boolean = true,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): LocallyConnected2D[T] = {
new LocallyConnected2D(nbFilter, nbRow, nbCol, KerasUtils.getKerasActivation(activation),
borderMode, toScalaArray(subsample), KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat(dimOrdering),
wRegularizer, bRegularizer, bias, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasSeparableConvolution2D(
nbFilter: Int,
nbRow: Int,
nbCol: Int,
init: String = "glorot_uniform",
activation: String = null,
borderMode: String = "valid",
subsample: JList[Int],
depthMultiplier: Int = 1,
dimOrdering: String = "th",
depthwiseRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
pointwiseRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bRegularizer: Regularizer[T] = null,
bias: Boolean = true,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): SeparableConvolution2D[T] = {
new SeparableConvolution2D(nbFilter, nbRow, nbCol, KerasUtils.getInitMethod(init),
KerasUtils.getKerasActivation(activation), borderMode, toScalaArray(subsample),
depthMultiplier, KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat(dimOrdering),
depthwiseRegularizer, pointwiseRegularizer, bRegularizer, bias, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasZeroPadding3D(
padding: JList[Int],
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): ZeroPadding3D[T] = {
new ZeroPadding3D(toScalaArray(padding), KerasUtils.toBigDLFormat5D(dimOrdering),
def createKerasGlobalAveragePooling1D(
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): GlobalAveragePooling1D[T] = {
def createKerasGlobalMaxPooling1D(
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): GlobalMaxPooling1D[T] = {
def createKerasGlobalMaxPooling3D(
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): GlobalMaxPooling3D[T] = {
GlobalMaxPooling3D(dimOrdering, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasGlobalAveragePooling3D(
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): GlobalAveragePooling3D[T] = {
GlobalAveragePooling3D(dimOrdering, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasSpatialDropout1D(
p: Double = 0.5,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): SpatialDropout1D[T] = {
SpatialDropout1D(p, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasSpatialDropout2D(
p: Double = 0.5,
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): SpatialDropout2D[T] = {
SpatialDropout2D(p, dimOrdering, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasSpatialDropout3D(
p: Double = 0.5,
dimOrdering: String = "th",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): SpatialDropout3D[T] = {
SpatialDropout3D(p, dimOrdering, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasGaussianDropout(
p: Double,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): GaussianDropout[T] = {
GaussianDropout(p, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasGaussianNoise(
sigma: Double,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): GaussianNoise[T] = {
GaussianNoise(sigma, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasMasking(
maskValue: Double = 0.0,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Masking[T] = {
Masking(maskValue, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasSReLU(
tLeftInit: String = "zero",
aLeftInit: String = "glorot_uniform",
tRightInit: String = "glorot_uniform",
aRightInit: String = "one",
sharedAxes: JList[Int] = null,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): SReLU[T] = {
SReLU(tLeftInit, aLeftInit, tRightInit, aRightInit,
toScalaArray(sharedAxes), toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasELU(
alpha: Double = 1.0,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): ELU[T] = {
ELU(alpha, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasLeakyReLU(
alpha: Double = 0.01,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): LeakyReLU[T] = {
LeakyReLU(alpha, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasThresholdedReLU(
theta: Double = 1.0,
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): ThresholdedReLU[T] = {
ThresholdedReLU(theta, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasTimeDistributed(
layer: KerasLayer[Tensor[T], Tensor[T], T],
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): TimeDistributed[T] = {
TimeDistributed(layer, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def createKerasBidirectional(
layer: Recurrent[T],
mergeMode: String = "concat",
inputShape: JList[Int] = null): Bidirectional[T] = {
Bidirectional(layer, mergeMode, toScalaShape(inputShape))
def compile(
module: KerasModel[T],
optimizer: OptimMethod[T],
loss: Criterion[T],
metrics: JList[ValidationMethod[T]] = null): Unit = {
module.compile(optimizer, loss,
if (metrics == null) null else metrics.asScala.toArray)
def fit(
module: KerasModel[T],
x: JavaRDD[Sample],
batchSize: Int = 32,
epochs: Int = 10,
validationData: JavaRDD[Sample] = null): Unit = {, batchSize, epochs,
if (validationData == null) null else toJSample(validationData))
def fit(
module: KerasModel[T],
x: DataSet[ImageFeature],
batchSize: Int,
epochs: Int,
validationData: DataSet[ImageFeature]): Unit = {
val trainData = x -> ImageFeatureToMiniBatch[T](batchSize)
val valData =
if (validationData != null) validationData -> ImageFeatureToMiniBatch[T](batchSize)
else null, epochs, valData)
def fit(
module: KerasModel[T],
xTrain: JList[JTensor],
yTrain: JTensor,
batchSize: Int,
epochs: Int,
xVal: JList[JTensor],
yVal: JTensor,
localCores: Int): Unit = {
val trainArray = toSampleArray({f => toTensor(f)}, toTensor(yTrain))
val trainData = batching(DataSet.array(trainArray), batchSize)
val valData = if (xVal != null && yVal != null) {
val valArray = toSampleArray({f => toTensor(f)}, toTensor(yVal))
batching(DataSet.array(valArray), batchSize)
} else null
Engine.setNodeAndCore(1, localCores), epochs, valData)
def evaluate(
module: KerasModel[T],
x: JavaRDD[Sample],
batchSize: Int = 32): JList[EvaluatedResult] = {
val resultArray = module.evaluate(toJSample(x), batchSize)
val testResultArray = { result =>
EvaluatedResult(result._1.result()._1, result._1.result()._2,
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