Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import{FileOutputStream, InputStream, PrintWriter}
import java.util.Locale
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.apache.spark._
import{Affinity, CpuInfo}
import org.apache.spark.utils.SparkUtils
import py4j.GatewayServer
import scala.util.control.{ControlThrowable, NonFatal}
* define engine type trait
sealed trait EngineType
case object MklBlas extends EngineType
case object MklDnn extends EngineType
* define optimizer version trait
sealed trait OptimizerVersion
case object OptimizerV1 extends OptimizerVersion
case object OptimizerV2 extends OptimizerVersion
object Engine {
// Initialize some properties for mkldnn engine. We should call it at the beginning.
// Otherwise some properties will have no effect.
if (System.getProperty("bigdl.engineType") == "mkldnn" &&
System.getProperty("bigdl.multiModels", "false") == "false") {
def init(nExecutor: Int,
executorCores: Int,
onSpark: Boolean): Option[SparkConf] = {
logger.warn("Engine.init(nExecutor, executorCores, onSpark) is deprecated. " +
"Please refer to " +
setNodeAndCore(nExecutor, executorCores)
val res = if (onSpark) {
require(localMode == false,
s"Engine.init: bigdl.localMode should not be set while onSpark is " +
s"true. Please set correct java property.")
} else {
require(localMode == true,
s"Engine.init: bigdl.localMode should be set while onSpark is " +
s"false. Please set correct java property.")
* BigDL need some Spark conf values to be set correctly to have better performance.
* This method will create a SparkConf, or use the existing one if you provide one.
* Populate it with correct values.
* We recommend you use this method instead of setting spark conf values directly. This can
* make the Spark conf values changes transparent to you. However, if you use spark-shell or
* Jupyter notebook, as the Spark context is created before your code, you have to
* set them directly (through command line options or properties file)
* @return
def createSparkConf(exisitingConf : SparkConf = null) : SparkConf = {
var _conf = exisitingConf
if (_conf == null) {
_conf = new SparkConf()
readConf.foreach(c => _conf.set(c._1, c._2))
* This method should be call before any BigDL procedure and after the Spark context is created.
* BigDL needs some Spark conf values to be set correctly to have a better performance. There's
* also multi-thread engines so executor number and core number per executor need to be known
* to set the parameter of these engines correctly.
* The method can set parameters of multi-thread engines, verify spark conf values of an
* existing spark context.
def init: Unit = this.synchronized {
if (localMode) {"Detect bigdl.localMode is set. Run workload without spark")
// The physical core number should have been initialized
// by java property -Dbigdl.coreNumber=xx
setNodeAndCore(1, getCoreNumberFromProperty)
} else {"Auto detect executor number and executor cores number")
val (nExecutor, executorCores) = sparkExecutorAndCore().get"Executor number is $nExecutor and executor cores number is $executorCores")
setNodeAndCore(nExecutor, executorCores)
private val logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass)
private val singletonCounter = new AtomicBoolean()
private var physicalCoreNumber = -1
private var nodeNum: Int = -1
private var gatewayServer: py4j.GatewayServer = null
private def createGatewayPortFile(port: Int): Unit = {
val file = new, "gateway_port")
logger.debug(s"Creating JavaGatewayServer port file" +
s" on executor-${SparkEnv.get.executorId}:${file.getAbsolutePath}")
if (file.exists()) {
val out = new PrintWriter(file)
try {
} finally {
private[bigdl] def createJavaGateway(driverPort: Int): Unit = {
if (gatewayServer != null) return
this.synchronized {
if (gatewayServer != null) return
gatewayServer = new py4j.GatewayServer(null, 0)
}"Initializing JavaGatewayServer on executor-${SparkEnv.get.executorId} ")
val thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {
override def run(): Unit = try {
} catch {
case ct: ControlThrowable =>
throw ct
case t: Throwable =>
throw new Exception(s"Uncaught exception " +
s"in thread ${Thread.currentThread().getName}, when staring JavaGatewayServer", t)
thread.join()"JavaGatewayServer initialized")
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread {
override def run(): Unit = {
try {
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
throw new Exception("Could not create java gateway port file", e)
private[bigdl] def localMode: Boolean = {
System.getProperty("bigdl.localMode", "false").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) match {
case "true" => true
case "false" => false
case option => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown bigdl.localMode $option")
private val NOT_INIT_ERROR =
"Do you call Engine.init? See more at " +
private val SPARK_CONF_ERROR = "For details please check " +
* Notice: Please use property bigdl.engineType to set engineType.
* Default engine is mklblas
private var engineType: EngineType = {
System.getProperty("bigdl.engineType", "mklblas").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) match {
case "mklblas" => MklBlas
case "mkldnn" => MklDnn
case engineType => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown engine type $engineType")
* Notice: Please use property bigdl.optimizerVersion to set optimizerVersion.
* Default version is OptimizerV1
private var optimizerVersion: OptimizerVersion = {
System.getProperty("bigdl.optimizerVersion", "optimizerv1").toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT) match {
case "optimizerv1" => OptimizerV1
case "optimizerv2" => OptimizerV2
case optimizerVersion => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown type $optimizerVersion")
// Thread pool for default use
@volatile private var _default: ThreadPool = null
// Thread pool for layer use
@volatile private var _model: ThreadPool = new ThreadPool(1)
// Thread pool for blas wrapper layer
private[bigdl] var wrapperComputing: ThreadPool = null
// This thread is mainly for mkldnn library.
// Because if we use the parent thread directly, there will be two bugs,
// 1. The child threads forked from parent thread will be bound to core 0
// because of the affinity settings.
// 2. The native thread has some unknown thread local variables. So if
// the parent thread exits and is recreated, such as the thread from
// Executors.newFixedThreadPool. The whole app will be segment fault.
// The parent thread means the main thread (Local Mode) or worker thread of
// `mapPartition` (Distributed Mode).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// We will only use the `threadPool` in ThreadPool, which is a ExecutorService.
// For `context` in ThreadPool, it is the called thread when poolSize is 1.
// So many usages of that thread, we will not change it for now.
val dnnComputing: ThreadPool = new ThreadPool(1)
// We need to init dnn thread in case that users directly call model operation in java local
* If user undefine the property bigdl.coreNumber, it will return physical core number
* system has. The biggest number it supports is the physical cores number.
* Currently, it not support detect true physical cores number. Get it through
* Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() / 2
private def getCoreNumberFromProperty() = {
System.getProperty("bigdl.coreNumber", getNumMachineCores.toString).toInt
private def getNumMachineCores: Int = {
val coreNum = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
require(coreNum > 0, "Get a non-positive core number")
// We assume the HT is enabled
// TODO: check the Hyper threading
if (coreNum > 1) coreNum / 2 else 1
* @return true if current execution is a singleton on the JVM
private[bigdl] def checkSingleton(): Boolean = singletonCounter.compareAndSet(false, true)
* Reset the singleton flag
private[bigdl] def resetSingletonFlag(): Unit = singletonCounter.set(false)
* Return number of cores, the engine.init must be called before use this method or an exception
* will be thrown
* @return
private[bigdl] def coreNumber(): Int = {
require(physicalCoreNumber != -1, s"Engine.init: Core number is " +
s"not initialized. $NOT_INIT_ERROR")
* This method should only be used for test purpose.
* @param n
private[bigdl] def setCoreNumber(n: Int): Unit = {
require(n > 0, "Engine.init: core number is smaller than zero")
physicalCoreNumber = n
* Return node number, the engine.init must be called before use this method or an
* exception will be thrown
* @return
private[bigdl] def nodeNumber(): Int = {
require(nodeNum != -1, s"Engine.init: Node number is not initialized. $NOT_INIT_ERROR")
* This method should only be used for test purpose.
* @param n
private[bigdl] def setNodeNumber(n : Int): Unit = {
require(n > 0)
nodeNum = n
* This method should only be used for test purpose.
* @param optimizerVersion
private[bigdl] def setOptimizerVersion(optimizerVersion : OptimizerVersion): Unit = {
this.optimizerVersion = optimizerVersion
private[bigdl] def getOptimizerVersion(): OptimizerVersion = {
* This method should only be used for test purpose.
* @param engineType
private[bigdl] def setEngineType(engineType: EngineType): Unit = {
this.engineType = engineType
private[bigdl] def getEngineType(): EngineType = {
private[bigdl] def isMultiModels: Boolean = {
getEngineType() match {
case MklBlas => true
case MklDnn => System.getProperty("bigdl.multiModels", "false").toBoolean
private[bigdl] def model: ThreadPool = {
private[bigdl] def default: ThreadPool = {
if (_default == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Engine.init: Thread engine is not " +
s"initialized. $NOT_INIT_ERROR")
private def initThreadPool(core : Int) : Unit = {
val defaultPoolSize: Int = System.getProperty("bigdl.utils.Engine.defaultPoolSize",
(core * 50).toString).toInt
if(_default == null || _default.getPoolSize != defaultPoolSize) {
_default = new ThreadPool(defaultPoolSize)
if (wrapperComputing == null || wrapperComputing.getPoolSize != defaultPoolSize) {
wrapperComputing = new ThreadPool(defaultPoolSize)
// for dnn model we should set the pool size to 1 also.
// otherwise, it will downgrade the performance and
// FIXME make the loss to NaN.
val modelPoolSize = 1
if(_model == null || _model.getPoolSize != modelPoolSize) {
_model = new ThreadPool(modelPoolSize)
// do two things, set number of threads for omp thread pool and set the affinity
// only effects the `threadPool` and `computing.invoke/invokeAndWait` will not
// be effected. And affinity will not effect the other threads except
// this thread and the omp threads forked from computing.
if (engineType == MklDnn) {
if (System.getProperty("multiThread", "false").toBoolean) {
* Read conf values from config file
* @return
private[utils] def readConf : Seq[(String, String)] = {
val stream : InputStream = getClass.getResourceAsStream("/spark-bigdl.conf")
val lines =
// For spark 1.5, we observe nio block manager has better performance than netty block manager
// So we will force set block manager to nio. If user don't want this, he/she can set
// == false to customize it. This configuration/blcok manager setting won't
// take affect on newer spark version as the nio block manger has been removed"\\s+")).map(d => (d(0), d(1))).toSeq
.filter(_._1 != "spark.shuffle.blockTransferService" ||
System.getProperty("", "true").toBoolean)
* Check the spark conf of spark context if there's an exsiting one
private def checkSparkContext : Unit = {
val tmpContext = SparkContext.getOrCreate(new SparkConf()
.set("bigdl.temp.context", "true").setAppName("tmp context for Engine check"))
// If there's already a spark context, it should not include the property
val existingSparkContext = !tmpContext.getConf.contains("bigdl.temp.context")
if (!existingSparkContext) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Engine.init: Cannot find an existing"
+ " spark context. Do you call this method after create spark context?")
}"Find existing spark context. Checking the spark conf...")
val sparkConf = tmpContext.getConf
def verify(key: String, value: String): Unit = {
val v = sparkConf.getOption(key)
s"Engine.init: Can not find $key. " + SPARK_CONF_ERROR)
require(v.get == value,
s"Engine.init: $key should be $value, " +
s"but it is ${v.get}. " + SPARK_CONF_ERROR
readConf.foreach(c => verify(c._1, c._2))
* Set executor number and cores per executor
* @param nodeNum
* @param coreNum
private[bigdl] def setNodeAndCore(nodeNum: Int, coreNum: Int): Unit = {
* Reset engine envs. Test purpose
private[bigdl] def reset : Unit = {
nodeNum = 1
physicalCoreNumber = 1
private def dynamicAllocationExecutor(conf: SparkConf): Option[Int] = {
if (conf.get("spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled", null) == "true") {
val maxExecutors = conf.get("spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors", "1").toInt
val minExecutors = conf.get("spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors", "1").toInt
require(maxExecutors == minExecutors, "Engine.init: " +
"spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors and " +
"spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors must be identical " +
"in dynamic allocation for BigDL")
} else {
* Extract spark executor number and executor cores from environment.
* @return (nExecutor, executorCore)
private[utils] def sparkExecutorAndCore(): Option[(Int, Int)] = {
try {
} catch {
case s: SparkException =>
if (s.getMessage.contains("A master URL must be set in your configuration")) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("A master URL must be set in your configuration." +
" Or if you want to run BigDL in a local JVM environment, you should set Java " +
"property bigdl.localMode=true")
throw s
* Extract spark executor number and executor cores from given conf.
* Exposed for testing.
* @return (nExecutor, executorCore)
private[utils] def parseExecutorAndCore(conf: SparkConf): Option[(Int, Int)] = {
val master = conf.get("spark.master", null)
if (master.toLowerCase.startsWith("local")) {
// Spark local mode
val patternLocalN = "local\\[(\\d+)\\]".r
val patternLocalStar = "local\\[\\*\\]".r
master match {
case patternLocalN(n) => Some(1, n.toInt)
case patternLocalStar(_*) => Some(1, getNumMachineCores)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Can't parser master $master")
} else if (master.toLowerCase.startsWith("spark")) {
// Spark standalone mode
val coreString = conf.get("spark.executor.cores", null)
val maxString = conf.get("spark.cores.max", null)
require(coreString != null, "Engine.init: Can't find executor core number" +
", do you submit with --executor-cores option")
require(maxString != null, "Engine.init: Can't find total core number" +
". Do you submit with --total-executor-cores")
val core = coreString.toInt
val nodeNum = dynamicAllocationExecutor(conf).getOrElse {
val total = maxString.toInt
require(total >= core && total % core == 0, s"Engine.init: total core " +
s"number($total) can't be divided " +
s"by single core number($core) provided to spark-submit")
total / core
Some(nodeNum, core)
} else if (master.toLowerCase.startsWith("yarn")) {
// yarn mode
val coreString = conf.get("spark.executor.cores", null)
require(coreString != null, "Engine.init: Can't find executor core number" +
", do you submit with " +
"--executor-cores option")
val core = coreString.toInt
val node = dynamicAllocationExecutor(conf).getOrElse {
val numExecutorString = conf.get("spark.executor.instances", null)
require(numExecutorString != null, "Engine.init: Can't find executor number" +
", do you submit with " +
"--num-executors option")
Some(node, core)
} else if (master.toLowerCase.startsWith("mesos")) {
// mesos mode
require(conf.get("spark.mesos.coarse", null) != "false", "Engine.init: " +
"Don't support mesos fine-grained mode")
val coreString = conf.get("spark.executor.cores", null)
require(coreString != null, "Engine.init: Can't find executor core number" +
", do you submit with --executor-cores option")
val core = coreString.toInt
val nodeNum = dynamicAllocationExecutor(conf).getOrElse {
val maxString = conf.get("spark.cores.max", null)
require(maxString != null, "Engine.init: Can't find total core number" +
". Do you submit with --total-executor-cores")
val total = maxString.toInt
require(total >= core && total % core == 0, s"Engine.init: total core " +
s"number($total) can't be divided " +
s"by single core number($core) provided to spark-submit")
total / core
Some(nodeNum, core)
} else if (master.toLowerCase.startsWith("k8s")) {
// Spark-on-kubernetes mode
val coreString = conf.get("spark.executor.cores", null)
val maxString = conf.get("spark.cores.max", null)
require(coreString != null, "Engine.init: Can't find executor core number" +
", do you submit with --conf spark.executor.cores option")
require(maxString != null, "Engine.init: Can't find total core number" +
". Do you submit with --conf spark.cores.max option")
val core = coreString.toInt
val nodeNum = dynamicAllocationExecutor(conf).getOrElse {
val total = maxString.toInt
require(total >= core && total % core == 0, s"Engine.init: total core " +
s"number($total) can't be divided " +
s"by single core number($core) provided to spark-submit")
total / core
Some(nodeNum, core)
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Engine.init: Unsupported master format $master")
private def setMklDnnEnvironments(): Unit = {
val affinityCores = Affinity.getAffinity
val physicalCoreNum = CpuInfo.getPhysicalProcessorCount
val affinityCoreNum = affinityCores.length
// 1. this library in docker/cgroup env, which sets cpu affinity fist. so we can't use
// resources exceeding limits.
// 2. this library is in a hyper threading envs, so we should set the mkl num threads
// to physical core number for performance
val default = if (affinityCores.min > 0 && affinityCores.max >= physicalCoreNumber) {
} else if (physicalCoreNum > affinityCoreNum ) {
} else {
val threadsNumber = System.getProperty("bigdl.mklNumThreads", default.toString)
System.setProperty("bigdl.mklNumThreads", s"$threadsNumber")
System.setProperty("bigdl.disable.mklBlockTime", "true")
System.setProperty("bigdl.coreNumber", "1")
private def initDnnThread(): Unit = {
if (engineType == MklDnn) {
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