org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.IntervalUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util
import java.math.BigDecimal
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeConstants._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils.millisToMicros
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.Decimal
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.{CalendarInterval, UTF8String}
object IntervalUtils {
object IntervalUnit extends Enumeration {
type IntervalUnit = Value
val NANOSECOND = Value(0, "nanosecond")
val MICROSECOND = Value(1, "microsecond")
val MILLISECOND = Value(2, "millisecond")
val SECOND = Value(3, "second")
val MINUTE = Value(4, "minute")
val HOUR = Value(5, "hour")
val DAY = Value(6, "day")
val WEEK = Value(7, "week")
val MONTH = Value(8, "month")
val YEAR = Value(9, "year")
import IntervalUnit._
def getYears(interval: CalendarInterval): Int = {
interval.months / MONTHS_PER_YEAR
def getMillenniums(interval: CalendarInterval): Int = {
getYears(interval) / YEARS_PER_MILLENNIUM
def getCenturies(interval: CalendarInterval): Int = {
getYears(interval) / YEARS_PER_CENTURY
def getDecades(interval: CalendarInterval): Int = {
getYears(interval) / YEARS_PER_DECADE
def getMonths(interval: CalendarInterval): Byte = {
(interval.months % MONTHS_PER_YEAR).toByte
def getQuarters(interval: CalendarInterval): Byte = {
(getMonths(interval) / MONTHS_PER_QUARTER + 1).toByte
def getDays(interval: CalendarInterval): Int = {
def getHours(interval: CalendarInterval): Long = {
interval.microseconds / MICROS_PER_HOUR
def getMinutes(interval: CalendarInterval): Byte = {
((interval.microseconds % MICROS_PER_HOUR) / MICROS_PER_MINUTE).toByte
def getMicroseconds(interval: CalendarInterval): Long = {
interval.microseconds % MICROS_PER_MINUTE
def getSeconds(interval: CalendarInterval): Decimal = {
Decimal(getMicroseconds(interval), 8, 6)
def getMilliseconds(interval: CalendarInterval): Decimal = {
Decimal(getMicroseconds(interval), 8, 3)
// Returns total number of seconds with microseconds fractional part in the given interval.
def getEpoch(interval: CalendarInterval): Decimal = {
var result = interval.microseconds
result += MICROS_PER_DAY * interval.days
result += MICROS_PER_YEAR * (interval.months / MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
result += MICROS_PER_MONTH * (interval.months % MONTHS_PER_YEAR)
Decimal(result, 18, 6)
private def toLongWithRange(
fieldName: IntervalUnit,
s: String,
minValue: Long,
maxValue: Long): Long = {
val result = if (s == null) 0L else s.toLong
require(minValue <= result && result <= maxValue,
s"$fieldName $result outside range [$minValue, $maxValue]")
private val yearMonthPattern = "^([+|-])?(\\d+)-(\\d+)$".r
* Parse YearMonth string in form: [+|-]YYYY-MM
* adapted from HiveIntervalYearMonth.valueOf
def fromYearMonthString(input: String): CalendarInterval = {
require(input != null, "Interval year-month string must be not null")
def toInterval(yearStr: String, monthStr: String): CalendarInterval = {
try {
val years = toLongWithRange(YEAR, yearStr, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE).toInt
val months = toLongWithRange(MONTH, monthStr, 0, 11).toInt
val totalMonths = Math.addExact(Math.multiplyExact(years, 12), months)
new CalendarInterval(totalMonths, 0, 0)
} catch {
case NonFatal(e) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Error parsing interval year-month string: ${e.getMessage}", e)
input.trim match {
case yearMonthPattern("-", yearStr, monthStr) =>
negateExact(toInterval(yearStr, monthStr))
case yearMonthPattern(_, yearStr, monthStr) =>
toInterval(yearStr, monthStr)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Interval string does not match year-month format of 'y-m': $input")
* Parse dayTime string in form: [-]d HH:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn and [-]HH:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn
* adapted from HiveIntervalDayTime.valueOf
def fromDayTimeString(s: String): CalendarInterval = {
fromDayTimeString(s, DAY, SECOND)
* Parse dayTime string in form: [-]d HH:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn and [-]HH:mm:ss.nnnnnnnnn
* adapted from HiveIntervalDayTime.valueOf.
* Below interval conversion patterns are supported:
def fromDayTimeString(input: String, from: IntervalUnit, to: IntervalUnit): CalendarInterval = {
parseDayTimeLegacy(input, from, to)
} else {
parseDayTime(input, from, to)
private val dayTimePatternLegacy =
"^([+|-])?((\\d+) )?((\\d+):)?(\\d+):(\\d+)(\\.(\\d+))?$".r
private val fallbackNotice = s"set ${SQLConf.LEGACY_FROM_DAYTIME_STRING.key} to true " +
"to restore the behavior before Spark 3.0."
* Legacy method of parsing a string in a day-time format. It ignores the `from` bound,
* and takes into account only the `to` bound by truncating the result. For example,
* if the input string is "2 12:30:15", `from` is "hour" and `to` is "second", the result
* is "2 days 12 hours 30 minutes".
* @param input The day-time string
* @param from The interval units from which the input strings begins
* @param to The interval units at which the input string ends
* @return an instance of `CalendarInterval` if parsing completes successfully otherwise
* the exception `IllegalArgumentException` is raised.
private def parseDayTimeLegacy(
input: String,
from: IntervalUnit,
to: IntervalUnit): CalendarInterval = {
require(input != null, "Interval day-time string must be not null")
assert(input.length == input.trim.length)
val m = dayTimePatternLegacy.pattern.matcher(input)
require(m.matches, s"Interval string must match day-time format of 'd h:m:s.n': $input, " +
try {
val sign = if ( != null && == "-") -1 else 1
val days = if ( == null) {
} else {
toLongWithRange(DAY,, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE).toInt
var hours: Long = 0L
var minutes: Long = 0L
var seconds: Long = 0L
if ( != null || from == MINUTE) { // 'HH:mm:ss' or 'mm:ss minute'
hours = toLongWithRange(HOUR,, 0, 23)
minutes = toLongWithRange(MINUTE,, 0, 59)
seconds = toLongWithRange(SECOND,, 0, 59)
} else if ( != null) { // 'mm:ss.nn'
minutes = toLongWithRange(MINUTE,, 0, 59)
seconds = toLongWithRange(SECOND,, 0, 59)
} else { // 'HH:mm'
hours = toLongWithRange(HOUR,, 0, 23)
minutes = toLongWithRange(SECOND,, 0, 59)
// Hive allow nanosecond precision interval
var secondsFraction = parseNanos(, seconds < 0)
to match {
case HOUR =>
minutes = 0
seconds = 0
secondsFraction = 0
case MINUTE =>
seconds = 0
secondsFraction = 0
case SECOND =>
// No-op
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Cannot support (interval '$input' $from to $to) expression")
var micros = secondsFraction
micros = Math.addExact(micros, Math.multiplyExact(hours, MICROS_PER_HOUR))
micros = Math.addExact(micros, Math.multiplyExact(minutes, MICROS_PER_MINUTE))
micros = Math.addExact(micros, Math.multiplyExact(seconds, MICROS_PER_SECOND))
new CalendarInterval(0, sign * days, sign * micros)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Error parsing interval day-time string: ${e.getMessage}", e)
private val signRe = "(?[+|-])"
private val dayRe = "(?\\d+)"
private val hourRe = "(?\\d{1,2})"
private val minuteRe = "(?\\d{1,2})"
private val secondRe = "(?(\\d{1,2})(\\.(\\d{1,9}))?)"
private val dayTimePattern = Map(
(MINUTE, SECOND) -> s"^$signRe?$minuteRe:$secondRe$$".r,
(HOUR, MINUTE) -> s"^$signRe?$hourRe:$minuteRe$$".r,
(HOUR, SECOND) -> s"^$signRe?$hourRe:$minuteRe:$secondRe$$".r,
(DAY, HOUR) -> s"^$signRe?$dayRe $hourRe$$".r,
(DAY, MINUTE) -> s"^$signRe?$dayRe $hourRe:$minuteRe$$".r,
(DAY, SECOND) -> s"^$signRe?$dayRe $hourRe:$minuteRe:$secondRe$$".r
private def unitsRange(start: IntervalUnit, end: IntervalUnit): Seq[IntervalUnit] = {
( to
* Parses an input string in the day-time format defined by the `from` and `to` bounds.
* It supports the following formats:
* - [+|-]D+ H[H]:m[m]:s[s][.SSSSSSSSS] for DAY TO SECOND
* - [+|-]D+ H[H]:m[m] for DAY TO MINUTE
* - [+|-]D+ H[H] for DAY TO HOUR
* - [+|-]H[H]:m[m]s[s][.SSSSSSSSS] for HOUR TO SECOND
* - [+|-]H[H]:m[m] for HOUR TO MINUTE
* - [+|-]m[m]:s[s][.SSSSSSSSS] for MINUTE TO SECOND
* Note: the seconds fraction is truncated to microseconds.
* @param input The input string to parse.
* @param from The interval unit from which the input string begins.
* @param to The interval unit at where the input string ends.
* @return an instance of `CalendarInterval` if the input string was parsed successfully
* otherwise throws an exception.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException The input string has incorrect format and cannot be parsed.
* @throws ArithmeticException An interval unit value is out of valid range or the resulted
* interval fields `days` or `microseconds` are out of the valid
* ranges.
private def parseDayTime(
input: String,
from: IntervalUnit,
to: IntervalUnit): CalendarInterval = {
require(input != null, "Interval day-time string must be not null")
val regexp = dayTimePattern.get(from -> to)
require(regexp.isDefined, s"Cannot support (interval '$input' $from to $to) expression")
val pattern = regexp.get.pattern
val m = pattern.matcher(input.trim)
require(m.matches, s"Interval string must match day-time format of '$pattern': $input, " +
var micros: Long = 0L
var days: Int = 0
unitsRange(to, from).foreach {
case unit @ DAY =>
days = toLongWithRange(unit,, 0, Int.MaxValue).toInt
case unit @ HOUR =>
val parsed = toLongWithRange(unit,, 0, 23)
micros = Math.addExact(micros, parsed * MICROS_PER_HOUR)
case unit @ MINUTE =>
val parsed = toLongWithRange(unit,, 0, 59)
micros = Math.addExact(micros, parsed * MICROS_PER_MINUTE)
case unit @ SECOND =>
micros = Math.addExact(micros, parseSecondNano(
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Cannot support (interval '$input' $from to $to) expression")
val sign = if ("sign") != null &&"sign") == "-") -1 else 1
new CalendarInterval(0, sign * days, sign * micros)
// Parses a string with nanoseconds, truncates the result and returns microseconds
private def parseNanos(nanosStr: String, isNegative: Boolean): Long = {
if (nanosStr != null) {
val maxNanosLen = 9
val alignedStr = if (nanosStr.length < maxNanosLen) {
(nanosStr + "000000000").substring(0, maxNanosLen)
} else nanosStr
val nanos = toLongWithRange(NANOSECOND, alignedStr, 0L, 999999999L)
val micros = nanos / NANOS_PER_MICROS
if (isNegative) -micros else micros
} else {
* Parse second_nano string in ss.nnnnnnnnn format to microseconds
private def parseSecondNano(secondNano: String): Long = {
def parseSeconds(secondsStr: String): Long = {
secondNano.split("\\.") match {
case Array(secondsStr) => parseSeconds(secondsStr)
case Array("", nanosStr) => parseNanos(nanosStr, false)
case Array(secondsStr, nanosStr) =>
val seconds = parseSeconds(secondsStr)
Math.addExact(seconds, parseNanos(nanosStr, seconds < 0))
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Interval string does not match second-nano format of ss.nnnnnnnnn")
* Gets interval duration
* @param interval The interval to get duration
* @param targetUnit Time units of the result
* @param daysPerMonth The number of days per one month. The default value is 31 days
* per month. This value was taken as the default because it is used
* in Structured Streaming for watermark calculations. Having 31 days
* per month, we can guarantee that events are not dropped before
* the end of any month (February with 29 days or January with 31 days).
* @return Duration in the specified time units
def getDuration(
interval: CalendarInterval,
targetUnit: TimeUnit,
daysPerMonth: Int = 31): Long = {
val monthsDuration = Math.multiplyExact(
daysPerMonth * MICROS_PER_DAY,
val daysDuration = Math.multiplyExact(
val result = Math.addExact(interval.microseconds, Math.addExact(daysDuration, monthsDuration))
targetUnit.convert(result, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)
* Checks the interval is negative
* @param interval The checked interval
* @param daysPerMonth The number of days per one month. The default value is 31 days
* per month. This value was taken as the default because it is used
* in Structured Streaming for watermark calculations. Having 31 days
* per month, we can guarantee that events are not dropped before
* the end of any month (February with 29 days or January with 31 days).
* @return true if duration of the given interval is less than 0 otherwise false
def isNegative(interval: CalendarInterval, daysPerMonth: Int = 31): Boolean = {
getDuration(interval, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS, daysPerMonth) < 0
* Makes an interval from months, days and micros with the fractional part.
* The overflow style here follows the way of ansi sql standard and the natural rules for
* intervals as defined in the Gregorian calendar. Thus, the days fraction will be added
* to microseconds but the months fraction will not be added to days, and it will throw
* exception if any part overflows.
private def fromDoubles(
monthsWithFraction: Double,
daysWithFraction: Double,
microsWithFraction: Double): CalendarInterval = {
val truncatedMonths = Math.toIntExact(monthsWithFraction.toLong)
val truncatedDays = Math.toIntExact(daysWithFraction.toLong)
val micros = microsWithFraction + MICROS_PER_DAY * (daysWithFraction - truncatedDays)
new CalendarInterval(truncatedMonths, truncatedDays, micros.round)
* Makes an interval from months, days and micros with the fractional part.
* The overflow style here follows the way of casting [[java.lang.Double]] to integrals and the
* natural rules for intervals as defined in the Gregorian calendar. Thus, the days fraction
* will be added to microseconds but the months fraction will not be added to days, and there may
* be rounding or truncation in months(or day and microseconds) part.
private def safeFromDoubles(
monthsWithFraction: Double,
daysWithFraction: Double,
microsWithFraction: Double): CalendarInterval = {
val truncatedDays = daysWithFraction.toInt
val micros = microsWithFraction + MICROS_PER_DAY * (daysWithFraction - truncatedDays)
new CalendarInterval(monthsWithFraction.toInt, truncatedDays, micros.round)
* Unary minus, return the negated the calendar interval value.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result overflows any field value
def negateExact(interval: CalendarInterval): CalendarInterval = {
val months = Math.negateExact(interval.months)
val days = Math.negateExact(interval.days)
val microseconds = Math.negateExact(interval.microseconds)
new CalendarInterval(months, days, microseconds)
* Unary minus, return the negated the calendar interval value.
def negate(interval: CalendarInterval): CalendarInterval = {
new CalendarInterval(-interval.months, -interval.days, -interval.microseconds)
* Return a new calendar interval instance of the sum of two intervals.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result overflows any field value
def addExact(left: CalendarInterval, right: CalendarInterval): CalendarInterval = {
val months = Math.addExact(left.months, right.months)
val days = Math.addExact(left.days, right.days)
val microseconds = Math.addExact(left.microseconds, right.microseconds)
new CalendarInterval(months, days, microseconds)
* Return a new calendar interval instance of the sum of two intervals.
def add(left: CalendarInterval, right: CalendarInterval): CalendarInterval = {
val months = left.months + right.months
val days = left.days + right.days
val microseconds = left.microseconds + right.microseconds
new CalendarInterval(months, days, microseconds)
* Return a new calendar interval instance of the left interval minus the right one.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result overflows any field value
def subtractExact(left: CalendarInterval, right: CalendarInterval): CalendarInterval = {
val months = Math.subtractExact(left.months, right.months)
val days = Math.subtractExact(left.days, right.days)
val microseconds = Math.subtractExact(left.microseconds, right.microseconds)
new CalendarInterval(months, days, microseconds)
* Return a new calendar interval instance of the left interval minus the right one.
def subtract(left: CalendarInterval, right: CalendarInterval): CalendarInterval = {
val months = left.months - right.months
val days = left.days - right.days
val microseconds = left.microseconds - right.microseconds
new CalendarInterval(months, days, microseconds)
* Return a new calendar interval instance of the left interval times a multiplier.
def multiply(interval: CalendarInterval, num: Double): CalendarInterval = {
safeFromDoubles(num * interval.months, num * interval.days, num * interval.microseconds)
* Return a new calendar interval instance of the left interval times a multiplier.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result overflows any field value
def multiplyExact(interval: CalendarInterval, num: Double): CalendarInterval = {
fromDoubles(num * interval.months, num * interval.days, num * interval.microseconds)
* Return a new calendar interval instance of the left interval divides by a dividend.
def divide(interval: CalendarInterval, num: Double): CalendarInterval = {
if (num == 0) return null
safeFromDoubles(interval.months / num, interval.days / num, interval.microseconds / num)
* Return a new calendar interval instance of the left interval divides by a dividend.
* @throws ArithmeticException if the result overflows any field value or divided by zero
def divideExact(interval: CalendarInterval, num: Double): CalendarInterval = {
if (num == 0) throw new ArithmeticException("divide by zero")
fromDoubles(interval.months / num, interval.days / num, interval.microseconds / num)
private object ParseState extends Enumeration {
type ParseState = Value
UNIT_END = Value
private final val intervalStr = UTF8String.fromString("interval")
private def unitToUtf8(unit: IntervalUnit): UTF8String = {
private final val yearStr = unitToUtf8(YEAR)
private final val monthStr = unitToUtf8(MONTH)
private final val weekStr = unitToUtf8(WEEK)
private final val dayStr = unitToUtf8(DAY)
private final val hourStr = unitToUtf8(HOUR)
private final val minuteStr = unitToUtf8(MINUTE)
private final val secondStr = unitToUtf8(SECOND)
private final val millisStr = unitToUtf8(MILLISECOND)
private final val microsStr = unitToUtf8(MICROSECOND)
* A safe version of `stringToInterval`. It returns null for invalid input string.
def safeStringToInterval(input: UTF8String): CalendarInterval = {
try {
} catch {
case _: IllegalArgumentException => null
* Converts a string to [[CalendarInterval]] case-insensitively.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the input string is not in valid interval format.
def stringToInterval(input: UTF8String): CalendarInterval = {
import ParseState._
def throwIAE(msg: String, e: Exception = null) = {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Error parsing '$input' to interval, $msg", e)
if (input == null) {
throwIAE("interval string cannot be null")
// scalastyle:off caselocale .toLowerCase
val s = input.trimAll().toLowerCase
// scalastyle:on
val bytes = s.getBytes
if (bytes.isEmpty) {
throwIAE("interval string cannot be empty")
var state = PREFIX
var i = 0
var currentValue: Long = 0
var isNegative: Boolean = false
var months: Int = 0
var days: Int = 0
var microseconds: Long = 0
var fractionScale: Int = 0
val initialFractionScale = (NANOS_PER_SECOND / 10).toInt
var fraction: Int = 0
var pointPrefixed: Boolean = false
def trimToNextState(b: Byte, next: ParseState): Unit = {
if (b <= ' ') {
i += 1
} else {
state = next
def currentWord: String = {
val sep = "\\s+"
val strings = s.toString.split(sep)
val lenRight = s.substring(i, s.numBytes()).toString.split(sep).length
strings(strings.length - lenRight)
while (i < bytes.length) {
val b = bytes(i)
state match {
case PREFIX =>
if (s.startsWith(intervalStr)) {
if (s.numBytes() == intervalStr.numBytes()) {
throwIAE("interval string cannot be empty")
} else if (bytes(i + intervalStr.numBytes()) > ' ') {
throwIAE(s"invalid interval prefix $currentWord")
} else {
i += intervalStr.numBytes() + 1
case TRIM_BEFORE_SIGN => trimToNextState(b, SIGN)
case SIGN =>
currentValue = 0
fraction = 0
// We preset next state from SIGN to TRIM_BEFORE_VALUE. If we meet '.' in the SIGN state,
// it means that the interval value we deal with here is a numeric with only fractional
// part, such as '.11 second', which can be parsed to 0.11 seconds. In this case, we need
// to reset next state to `VALUE_FRACTIONAL_PART` to go parse the fraction part of the
// interval value.
// We preset the scale to an invalid value to track fraction presence in the UNIT_BEGIN
// state. If we meet '.', the scale become valid for the VALUE_FRACTIONAL_PART state.
fractionScale = -1
pointPrefixed = false
b match {
case '-' =>
isNegative = true
i += 1
case '+' =>
isNegative = false
i += 1
case _ if '0' <= b && b <= '9' =>
isNegative = false
case '.' =>
isNegative = false
fractionScale = initialFractionScale
pointPrefixed = true
i += 1
case _ => throwIAE( s"unrecognized number '$currentWord'")
case TRIM_BEFORE_VALUE => trimToNextState(b, VALUE)
case VALUE =>
b match {
case _ if '0' <= b && b <= '9' =>
try {
currentValue = Math.addExact(Math.multiplyExact(10, currentValue), (b - '0'))
} catch {
case e: ArithmeticException => throwIAE(e.getMessage, e)
case _ if b <= ' ' => state = TRIM_BEFORE_UNIT
case '.' =>
fractionScale = initialFractionScale
case _ => throwIAE(s"invalid value '$currentWord'")
i += 1
if ('0' <= b && b <= '9' && fractionScale > 0) {
fraction += (b - '0') * fractionScale
fractionScale /= 10
} else if (b <= ' ' && (!pointPrefixed || fractionScale < initialFractionScale)) {
fraction /= NANOS_PER_MICROS.toInt
} else if ('0' <= b && b <= '9') {
throwIAE(s"interval can only support nanosecond precision, '$currentWord' is out" +
s" of range")
} else {
throwIAE(s"invalid value '$currentWord'")
i += 1
case TRIM_BEFORE_UNIT => trimToNextState(b, UNIT_BEGIN)
case UNIT_BEGIN =>
// Checks that only seconds can have the fractional part
if (b != 's' && fractionScale >= 0) {
throwIAE(s"'$currentWord' cannot have fractional part")
if (isNegative) {
currentValue = -currentValue
fraction = -fraction
try {
b match {
case 'y' if s.matchAt(yearStr, i) =>
val monthsInYears = Math.multiplyExact(MONTHS_PER_YEAR, currentValue)
months = Math.toIntExact(Math.addExact(months, monthsInYears))
i += yearStr.numBytes()
case 'w' if s.matchAt(weekStr, i) =>
val daysInWeeks = Math.multiplyExact(DAYS_PER_WEEK, currentValue)
days = Math.toIntExact(Math.addExact(days, daysInWeeks))
i += weekStr.numBytes()
case 'd' if s.matchAt(dayStr, i) =>
days = Math.addExact(days, Math.toIntExact(currentValue))
i += dayStr.numBytes()
case 'h' if s.matchAt(hourStr, i) =>
val hoursUs = Math.multiplyExact(currentValue, MICROS_PER_HOUR)
microseconds = Math.addExact(microseconds, hoursUs)
i += hourStr.numBytes()
case 's' if s.matchAt(secondStr, i) =>
val secondsUs = Math.multiplyExact(currentValue, MICROS_PER_SECOND)
microseconds = Math.addExact(Math.addExact(microseconds, secondsUs), fraction)
i += secondStr.numBytes()
case 'm' =>
if (s.matchAt(monthStr, i)) {
months = Math.addExact(months, Math.toIntExact(currentValue))
i += monthStr.numBytes()
} else if (s.matchAt(minuteStr, i)) {
val minutesUs = Math.multiplyExact(currentValue, MICROS_PER_MINUTE)
microseconds = Math.addExact(microseconds, minutesUs)
i += minuteStr.numBytes()
} else if (s.matchAt(millisStr, i)) {
val millisUs = millisToMicros(currentValue)
microseconds = Math.addExact(microseconds, millisUs)
i += millisStr.numBytes()
} else if (s.matchAt(microsStr, i)) {
microseconds = Math.addExact(microseconds, currentValue)
i += microsStr.numBytes()
} else throwIAE(s"invalid unit '$currentWord'")
case _ => throwIAE(s"invalid unit '$currentWord'")
} catch {
case e: ArithmeticException => throwIAE(e.getMessage, e)
b match {
case 's' => state = UNIT_END
case _ if b <= ' ' => state = TRIM_BEFORE_SIGN
case _ => throwIAE(s"invalid unit '$currentWord'")
i += 1
case UNIT_END =>
if (b <= ' ') {
i += 1
} else {
throwIAE(s"invalid unit '$currentWord'")
val result = state match {
new CalendarInterval(months, days, microseconds)
case _ => null
def makeInterval(
years: Int,
months: Int,
weeks: Int,
days: Int,
hours: Int,
mins: Int,
secs: Decimal): CalendarInterval = {
val totalMonths = Math.addExact(months, Math.multiplyExact(years, MONTHS_PER_YEAR))
val totalDays = Math.addExact(days, Math.multiplyExact(weeks, DAYS_PER_WEEK))
var micros = (secs * Decimal(MICROS_PER_SECOND)).toLong
micros = Math.addExact(micros, Math.multiplyExact(hours, MICROS_PER_HOUR))
micros = Math.addExact(micros, Math.multiplyExact(mins, MICROS_PER_MINUTE))
new CalendarInterval(totalMonths, totalDays, micros)
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