org.jgrapht.alg.cycle.AbstractFundamentalCycleBasis Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (C) Copyright 2016-2018, by Dimitrios Michail and Contributors.
* JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library
* This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under
* either
* (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* or (per the licensee's choosing)
* (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
* the Eclipse Foundation.
package org.jgrapht.alg.cycle;
import org.jgrapht.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.util.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.*;
* A base implementation for the computation of a fundamental cycle basis of a graph. Subclasses
* should only provide a method for constructing a spanning forest of the graph. A cycle basis is
* fundamental if and only if each cycle in the basis contains at least one edge which is not
* contained in any other cycle in the basis.
* For information on algorithms and heuristics for the computation of fundamental cycle bases see
* the following paper: Narsingh Deo, G. Prabhu, and M. S. Krishnamoorthy. Algorithms for Generating
* Fundamental Cycles in a Graph. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 8, 1, 26-42, 1982.
* The implementation returns a fundamental cycle basis as an undirected cycle basis. For a
* discussion of different kinds of cycle bases in graphs see the following paper: Christian
* Liebchen, and Romeo Rizzi. Classes of Cycle Bases. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 155(3), 337-355,
* 2007.
* @param the vertex type
* @param the edge type
* @author Dimitrios Michail
* @since October 2016
public abstract class AbstractFundamentalCycleBasis
protected Graph graph;
* Constructor
* @param graph the input graph
public AbstractFundamentalCycleBasis(Graph graph)
this.graph = GraphTests.requireDirectedOrUndirected(graph);
* {@inheritDoc}
public CycleBasis getCycleBasis()
// compute spanning forest
Map spanningForest = computeSpanningForest();
// collect set with all tree edges
Set treeEdges = spanningForest
// build cycles for all non-tree edges
Set> cycles = new LinkedHashSet<>();
int length = 0;
double weight = 0d;
for (E e : graph.edgeSet()) {
if (!treeEdges.contains(e)) {
Pair, Double> c = buildFundamentalCycle(e, spanningForest);
length += c.getFirst().size();
weight += c.getSecond();
// return result
return new CycleBasisImpl<>(graph, cycles, length, weight);
* Compute a spanning forest of the graph.
* The representation assumes that the map contains the predecessor edge of each vertex in the
* forest. The predecessor edge is the forest edge that was used to discover the vertex. If no
* such edge was used (the vertex is a leaf in the forest) then the corresponding entry must be
* null.
* @return a map representation of a spanning forest.
protected abstract Map computeSpanningForest();
* Given a non-tree edge and a spanning tree (forest) build a fundamental cycle.
* @param e a non-tree (forest) edge
* @param spanningForest the spanning tree (forest)
* @return a fundamental cycle
private Pair, Double> buildFundamentalCycle(E e, Map spanningForest)
V source = graph.getEdgeSource(e);
V target = graph.getEdgeTarget(e);
// handle self-loops
if (source.equals(target)) {
return Pair.of(Collections.singletonList(e), graph.getEdgeWeight(e));
* traverse half cycle
Set path1 = new LinkedHashSet<>();
V cur = source;
while (!cur.equals(target)) {
E edgeToParent = spanningForest.get(cur);
if (edgeToParent == null) {
V parent = Graphs.getOppositeVertex(graph, edgeToParent, cur);
cur = parent;
* traverse the other half cycle, while removing common edges
double path2Weight = 0d;
LinkedList path2 = new LinkedList<>();
if (!cur.equals(target)) {
cur = target;
while (true) {
E edgeToParent = spanningForest.get(cur);
if (edgeToParent == null) {
V parent = Graphs.getOppositeVertex(graph, edgeToParent, cur);
if (path1.contains(edgeToParent)) {
} else {
path2Weight += graph.getEdgeWeight(edgeToParent);
cur = parent;
// now build cycle
for (E a : path1) {
path2Weight += graph.getEdgeWeight(a);
return Pair.of(path2, path2Weight);
// End AbstractFundamentalCycleBasis.java