org.jgrapht.alg.cycle.HierholzerEulerianCycle Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (C) Copyright 2016-2018, by Dimitrios Michail and Contributors.
* JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library
* This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under
* either
* (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* or (per the licensee's choosing)
* (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
* the Eclipse Foundation.
package org.jgrapht.alg.cycle;
import org.jgrapht.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.connectivity.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.util.*;
import org.jgrapht.graph.*;
import org.jgrapht.util.*;
import java.util.*;
* An implementation of Hierholzer's algorithm for finding an Eulerian cycle in Eulerian graphs. The
* algorithm works with directed and undirected graphs which may contain loops and/or multiple
* (parallel) edges. The running time is linear, i.e. $O(|E|)$ where $|E|$ is the cardinality of the
* edge set of the graph.
* See the Wikipedia article for details
* and references about Eulerian cycles and a short description of Hierholzer's algorithm for the
* construction of an Eulerian cycle. The original presentation of the algorithm dates back to 1873
* and the following paper: Carl Hierholzer: Über die Möglichkeit, einen Linienzug ohne
* Wiederholung und ohne Unterbrechung zu umfahren. Mathematische Annalen 6(1), 30–32, 1873.
* @param the graph vertex type
* @param the graph edge type
* @author Dimitrios Michail
* @since October 2016
public class HierholzerEulerianCycle
* The input graph.
private Graph g;
* Whether the graph is directed or not.
private boolean isDirected;
* Non-zero degree vertices list head.
private VertexNode verticesHead;
* Result edge list head.
private EdgeNode eulerianHead;
* Result first vertex in the tour.
private V startVertex;
* Test whether a graph is Eulerian. An
* Eulerian graph is a graph
* containing an Eulerian cycle.
* @param graph the input graph
* @return true if the graph is Eulerian, false otherwise
public boolean isEulerian(Graph graph)
if (graph.vertexSet().isEmpty()) {
// null-graph return false
return false;
} else if (graph.edgeSet().isEmpty()) {
// empty-graph with vertices
return true;
} else if (graph.getType().isUndirected()) {
// check odd degrees
for (V v : graph.vertexSet()) {
if (graph.degreeOf(v) % 2 == 1) {
return false;
// check that at most one connected component contains edges
boolean foundComponentWithEdges = false;
for (Set component : new ConnectivityInspector<>(graph).connectedSets()) {
for (V v : component) {
if (graph.degreeOf(v) > 0) {
if (foundComponentWithEdges) {
return false;
foundComponentWithEdges = true;
return true;
} else {
// check same in and out degrees
for (V v : graph.vertexSet()) {
if (graph.inDegreeOf(v) != graph.outDegreeOf(v)) {
return false;
// check that at most one strongly connected component contains
// edges
boolean foundComponentWithEdges = false;
for (Set component : new KosarajuStrongConnectivityInspector<>(graph)
for (V v : component) {
if (graph.inDegreeOf(v) > 0 || graph.outDegreeOf(v) > 0) {
if (foundComponentWithEdges) {
return false;
foundComponentWithEdges = true;
return true;
* Compute an Eulerian cycle of a graph.
* @param g the input graph
* @return an Eulerian cycle
* @throws IllegalArgumentException in case the graph is not Eulerian
public GraphPath getEulerianCycle(Graph g)
if (!isEulerian(g)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Graph is not Eulerian");
} else if (g.vertexSet().size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null graph not permitted");
} else if (GraphTests.isEmpty(g)) {
return GraphWalk.emptyWalk(g);
* Create doubly-linked lists
* Main loop
while (verticesHead != null) {
* Record where to insert next partial cycle.
EdgeNode whereToInsert = verticesHead.insertLocation;
* Find partial cycle, while removing used edges.
Pair partialCycle = computePartialCycle();
* Iterate over partial cycle to remove vertices with zero degrees and compute new
* insert locations for vertices with non-zero degrees. It is important to move vertices
* with new insert locations to the front of the vertex list, in order to make sure that
* we always start partial cycles from already visited vertices.
updateGraphAndInsertLocations(partialCycle, verticesHead);
* Insert partial cycle into Eulerian cycle
if (whereToInsert == null) {
eulerianHead = partialCycle.getFirst();
} else {
partialCycle.getSecond().next = whereToInsert.next;
whereToInsert.next = partialCycle.getFirst();
// build final result
GraphWalk walk = buildWalk();
// cleanup
return walk;
* Index the graph and create a double-linked list representation suitable for vertex and edge
* removals in constant time. Ignore any vertices with zero degrees.
* @param g the graph to index
private void initialize(Graph g)
this.g = g;
this.isDirected = g.getType().isDirected();
this.verticesHead = null;
this.eulerianHead = null;
this.startVertex = null;
Map vertices = new HashMap<>();
for (V v : g.vertexSet()) {
if (g.outDegreeOf(v) > 0) {
VertexNode n = new VertexNode(null, v, verticesHead);
if (verticesHead != null) {
verticesHead.prev = n;
verticesHead = n;
vertices.put(v, n);
for (E e : g.edgeSet()) {
VertexNode sNode = vertices.get(g.getEdgeSource(e));
VertexNode tNode = vertices.get(g.getEdgeTarget(e));
addEdge(sNode, tNode, e);
* Release any memory held.
private void cleanup()
this.g = null;
this.verticesHead = null;
this.eulerianHead = null;
this.startVertex = null;
* Computes a partial cycle assuming that all vertices have an even degree. The partial cycle
* always begin from the first graph vertex in the vertex list.
* @return the partial's cycle head and tail nodes as a pair
private Pair computePartialCycle()
if (startVertex == null) {
// record global start vertex
startVertex = verticesHead.v;
EdgeNode partialHead = null;
EdgeNode partialTail = null;
VertexNode v = verticesHead;
do {
EdgeNode e = v.adjEdgesHead;
v = getOppositeVertex(v, e);
if (partialTail == null) {
partialTail = e;
partialHead = partialTail;
} else {
partialTail.next = e;
partialTail = partialTail.next;
} while (!v.equals(verticesHead));
return Pair.of(partialHead, partialTail);
* Iterate over the partial cycle to remove vertices with zero degrees and compute new insert
* locations for vertices with non-zero degrees. It is important to move vertices with new
* insert locations to the front of the vertex list, in order to make sure that we always start
* partial cycles from already visited vertices.
* @param partialCycle the partial cycle
* @param partialCycleSourceVertex the source vertex of the first edge in the partial cycle
private void updateGraphAndInsertLocations(
Pair partialCycle, VertexNode partialCycleSourceVertex)
EdgeNode e = partialCycle.getFirst();
assert e != null : "Graph is not Eulerian";
VertexNode v = getOppositeVertex(partialCycleSourceVertex, e);
while (true) {
if (v.adjEdgesHead != null) {
v.insertLocation = e;
} else {
e = e.next;
if (e == null) {
v = getOppositeVertex(v, e);
* Build final walk
* @return the final walk
private GraphWalk buildWalk()
double totalWeight = 0d;
List result = new ArrayList<>();
EdgeNode it = eulerianHead;
while (it != null) {
totalWeight += g.getEdgeWeight(it.e);
it = it.next;
return new GraphWalk<>(g, startVertex, startVertex, result, totalWeight);
* Add an edge to the index.
private void addEdge(VertexNode sNode, VertexNode tNode, E e)
EdgeNode sHead = sNode.adjEdgesHead;
if (sHead == null) {
sHead = new EdgeNode(sNode, tNode, null, e, null, null);
} else {
EdgeNode n = new EdgeNode(sNode, tNode, null, e, null, sHead);
sHead.prev = n;
sHead = n;
sNode.adjEdgesHead = sHead;
// if undirected and not a self-loop, add edge to target
if (!isDirected && !sNode.equals(tNode)) {
EdgeNode tHead = tNode.adjEdgesHead;
if (tHead == null) {
tHead = new EdgeNode(tNode, sNode, null, e, sHead, null);
} else {
EdgeNode n = new EdgeNode(tNode, sNode, null, e, sHead, tHead);
tHead.prev = n;
tHead = n;
sHead.reverse = tHead;
tNode.adjEdgesHead = tHead;
* Unlink a vertex from the vertex list.
private void unlink(VertexNode vNode)
if (verticesHead == null) {
} else if (!verticesHead.equals(vNode) && vNode.prev == null && vNode.next == null) {
// does not belong to list
} else if (vNode.prev != null) {
vNode.prev.next = vNode.next;
if (vNode.next != null) {
vNode.next.prev = vNode.prev;
} else {
verticesHead = vNode.next;
if (verticesHead != null) {
verticesHead.prev = null;
vNode.next = null;
vNode.prev = null;
* Move a vertex as first in the vertex list.
private void moveToFront(VertexNode vNode)
if (vNode.prev != null) {
vNode.prev.next = vNode.next;
if (vNode.next != null) {
vNode.next.prev = vNode.prev;
verticesHead.prev = vNode;
vNode.next = verticesHead;
vNode.prev = null;
verticesHead = vNode;
* Unlink an edge from the adjacency lists of its end-points.
private void unlink(EdgeNode eNode)
VertexNode vNode = eNode.sourceNode;
if (eNode.prev != null) {
eNode.prev.next = eNode.next;
if (eNode.next != null) {
eNode.next.prev = eNode.prev;
} else {
if (eNode.next != null) {
eNode.next.prev = null;
vNode.adjEdgesHead = eNode.next;
// remove reverse
if (!isDirected && eNode.reverse != null) {
EdgeNode revNode = eNode.reverse;
VertexNode uNode = revNode.sourceNode;
if (revNode.prev != null) {
revNode.prev.next = revNode.next;
if (revNode.next != null) {
revNode.next.prev = revNode.prev;
} else {
if (revNode.next != null) {
revNode.next.prev = null;
uNode.adjEdgesHead = revNode.next;
eNode.next = null;
eNode.prev = null;
eNode.reverse = null;
* Compute the opposite end-point of an end-point of an edge.
private VertexNode getOppositeVertex(VertexNode v, EdgeNode e)
return v.equals(e.sourceNode) ? e.targetNode : e.sourceNode;
* A list node for the vertices
class VertexNode
// actual vertex
V v;
// list
VertexNode prev;
VertexNode next;
// insert location in global Eulerian list
EdgeNode insertLocation;
// adjacent edges
EdgeNode adjEdgesHead;
VertexNode(VertexNode prev, V v, VertexNode next)
this.prev = prev;
this.v = v;
this.next = next;
this.adjEdgesHead = null;
this.insertLocation = null;
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((v == null) ? 0 : v.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
VertexNode other = TypeUtil.uncheckedCast(obj);
return Objects.equals(this.v, other.v);
public String toString()
return v.toString();
* A list node for the edges
class EdgeNode
// the edge
E e;
// list
EdgeNode next;
EdgeNode prev;
// reverse if undirected and not a self-loop
EdgeNode reverse;
// source and target
VertexNode sourceNode;
VertexNode targetNode;
VertexNode sourceNode, VertexNode targetNode, EdgeNode prev, E e, EdgeNode reverse,
EdgeNode next)
this.sourceNode = sourceNode;
this.targetNode = targetNode;
this.prev = prev;
this.e = e;
this.reverse = reverse;
this.next = next;
public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((e == null) ? 0 : e.hashCode());
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
EdgeNode other = TypeUtil.uncheckedCast(obj);
return Objects.equals(this.e, other.e);
public String toString()
return e.toString();