org.jgrapht.alg.flow.PushRelabelMFImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (C) Copyright 2015-2018, by Alexey Kudinkin and Contributors.
* JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library
* This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under
* either
* (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* or (per the licensee's choosing)
* (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
* the Eclipse Foundation.
package org.jgrapht.alg.flow;
import org.jgrapht.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.util.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.util.extension.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
* Push-relabel
* maximum flow algorithm designed by Andrew V. Goldberg and Robert Tarjan. Current
* implementation complexity upper-bound is $O(V^3)$. For more details see: "A new approach to
* the maximum flow problem" by Andrew V. Goldberg and Robert Tarjan STOC '86: Proceedings of
* the eighteenth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing
* This implementation is based on On Implementing the Push—Relabel Method for the Maximum Flow
* Problem by B. V. Cherkassky and A.V. Goldberg (Cherkassky, B. & Goldberg, A. Algorithmica
* (1997) 19: 390. https://doi.org/10.1007/PL00009180) and Introduction to Algorithms (3rd
* Edition).
* This class can also computes minimum $s-t$ cuts. Effectively, to compute a minimum $s-t$ cut, the
* implementation first computes a minimum $s-t$ flow, after which a BFS is run on the residual
* graph.
* Note: even though the algorithm accepts any kind of graph, currently only Simple directed and
* undirected graphs are supported (and tested!).
* @param the graph vertex type
* @param the graph edge type
* @author Alexandru Valeanu
* @author Alexey Kudinkin
public class PushRelabelMFImpl
// Diagnostic
private static final boolean DIAGNOSTIC_ENABLED = false;
public static boolean USE_GLOBAL_RELABELING_HEURISTIC = true;
public static boolean USE_GAP_RELABELING_HEURISTIC = true;
private final ExtensionFactory vertexExtensionsFactory;
private final ExtensionFactory edgeExtensionsFactory;
// countHeight[h] = number of vertices with height h
private int[] countHeight;
// queue of active vertices
private Queue activeVertices;
private PushRelabelDiagnostic diagnostic;
// number of vertices
private final int N;
private final VertexExtension[] vertexExtension;
// number of relabels already performed
private int relabelCounter;
* Construct a new push-relabel algorithm.
* @param network the network
public PushRelabelMFImpl(Graph network)
this(network, DEFAULT_EPSILON);
* Construct a new push-relabel algorithm.
* @param network the network
* @param epsilon tolerance used when comparing floating-point values
public PushRelabelMFImpl(Graph network, double epsilon)
super(network, epsilon);
this.vertexExtensionsFactory = VertexExtension::new;
this.edgeExtensionsFactory = AnnotatedFlowEdge::new;
this.diagnostic = new PushRelabelDiagnostic();
this.N = network.vertexSet().size();
this.vertexExtension = (VertexExtension[]) Array.newInstance(VertexExtension.class, N);
private void enqueue(VertexExtension vx)
if (!vx.active && vx.hasExcess()) {
vx.active = true;
* Prepares all data structures to start a new invocation of the Maximum Flow or Minimum Cut
* algorithms
* @param source source
* @param sink sink
void init(V source, V sink)
super.init(source, sink, vertexExtensionsFactory, edgeExtensionsFactory);
this.countHeight = new int[2 * N + 1];
int id = 0;
for (V v : network.vertexSet()) {
VertexExtension vx = getVertexExtension(v);
vx.id = id;
vertexExtension[id] = vx;
* Initialization
* @param source the source
* @param sink the sink
* @param active resulting queue with all active vertices
public void initialize(
VertexExtension source, VertexExtension sink, Queue active)
this.activeVertices = active;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
vertexExtension[i].excess = 0;
vertexExtension[i].height = 0;
vertexExtension[i].active = false;
vertexExtension[i].currentArc = 0;
source.height = N;
source.active = true;
sink.active = true;
countHeight[N] = 1;
countHeight[0] = N - 1;
for (AnnotatedFlowEdge ex : source.getOutgoing()) {
source.excess += ex.capacity;
this.relabelCounter = 0;
public MaximumFlow getMaximumFlow(V source, V sink)
this.calculateMaximumFlow(source, sink);
maxFlow = composeFlow();
return new MaximumFlowImpl<>(maxFlowValue, maxFlow);
* Sets current source to source, current sink to sink, then calculates
* maximum flow from source to sink. Note, that source and
* sink must be vertices of the
* network passed to the constructor, and they must be different.
* @param source source vertex
* @param sink sink vertex
* @return the value of the maximum flow
public double calculateMaximumFlow(V source, V sink)
* Note: this implementation uses the FIFO selection rule (check wiki for more details)
init(source, sink);
this.activeVertices = new ArrayDeque<>(N);
initialize(getVertexExtension(source), getVertexExtension(sink), this.activeVertices);
while (!activeVertices.isEmpty()) {
VertexExtension vx = activeVertices.poll();
vx.active = false;
// Calculate the max flow that reaches the sink. There may be more efficient ways to do
// this.
for (E e : network.edgesOf(sink)) {
AnnotatedFlowEdge edge = edgeExtensionManager.getExtension(e);
maxFlowValue += (directedGraph ? edge.flow : edge.flow + edge.getInverse().flow);
return maxFlowValue;
* Push flow through an edge.
* @param ex the edge
* @param f the amount of flow to push through
protected void pushFlowThrough(AnnotatedFlowEdge ex, double f)
ex.getSource().excess -= f;
ex.getTarget().excess += f;
assert ((ex.getSource().excess >= 0.0) && (ex.getTarget().excess >= 0));
super.pushFlowThrough(ex, f);
* The basic operation PUSH(u, v) is applied if u in an overflowing vertex (i.e. has excess) and
* u.height = v.height + 1.
* The operation can be either saturating (if ux.excess >= ex.capacity - ex.flow) or
* nonsaturating (otherwise).
private void push(AnnotatedFlowEdge ex)
VertexExtension ux = ex.getSource();
VertexExtension vx = ex.getTarget();
double delta = Math.min(ux.excess, ex.capacity - ex.flow);
// if v is not downhill from u or there is nothing to push (i.e. delta == 0) stop
if (ux.height <= vx.height || comparator.compare(delta, 0.0) <= 0)
pushFlowThrough(ex, delta);
// check if we can 'activate' v
private void gapHeuristic(int l)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (l < vertexExtension[i].height && vertexExtension[i].height < N) {
vertexExtension[i].height = Math.max(vertexExtension[i].height, N + 1);
* The basic operation RELABEL(u) is applied if u is overflowing (i.e. has excess) and if
* u.height <= v.height + 1.
* We can relabel an overflowing vertex $u$ if for every vertex v for which there is residual
* capacity from u to v, flow cannot be pushed from u to v because v is not downhill from u.
private void relabel(VertexExtension ux)
int oldHeight = ux.height;
// Increase the height of u; u.h = 1 + min(v.h : (u, v) in Ef)
ux.height = 2 * N;
for (AnnotatedFlowEdge ex : ux.getOutgoing()) {
if (ex.hasCapacity()) {
ux.height = Math.min(ux.height, ex. getTarget().height + 1);
* The gap heuristic detects gaps in the height function. If there is a height 0 < h <
* |V| for which there is no node u such that u.height = h, then any node v with h <
* v.height < |V| has been disconnected from sink and can be relabeled to (|V| + 1).
if (0 < oldHeight && oldHeight < N && countHeight[oldHeight] == 0) {
diagnostic.incrementRelabels(ux.height, ux.height);
private void bfs(Queue queue, boolean[] visited)
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
int vertexID = queue.poll();
for (AnnotatedFlowEdge flowEdge : vertexExtension[vertexID].getOutgoing()) {
VertexExtension vx = flowEdge.getTarget();
if (!visited[vx.id] && flowEdge.getInverse().hasCapacity()) {
vx.height = vertexExtension[vertexID].height + 1;
visited[vx.id] = true;
* The global relabeling heuristic updates the height function by computing shortest path
* distances in the residual graph from all nodes to the sink.
* This can be done in linear time by a backwards breadth-first search.
private void recomputeHeightsHeuristic()
Arrays.fill(countHeight, 0);
Queue queue = new ArrayDeque<>(N);
boolean[] visited = new boolean[N];
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
vertexExtension[i].height = 2 * N;
final int sinkID = getVertexExtension(getCurrentSink()).id;
final int sourceID = getVertexExtension(getCurrentSource()).id;
vertexExtension[sourceID].height = N;
visited[sourceID] = true;
vertexExtension[sinkID].height = 0;
visited[sinkID] = true;
bfs(queue, visited);
bfs(queue, visited);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
* An overflowing vertex u is discharged by pushing all of its excess flow through admissible
* edges to neighboring vertices, relabeling u as necessary to cause edges leaving u to become
* admissible,
private void discharge(VertexExtension ux)
while (ux.hasExcess()) {
// If there are no more edges
if (ux.currentArc >= ux.getOutgoing().size()) {
// then we relabel u
// If we already relabeled |V| vertices, then we do a global relabeling
// Note: Global relabelings are performed periodically
if ((++relabelCounter) == N) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
vertexExtension[i].currentArc = 0;
relabelCounter = 0;
// rewind the pointer to the next edge
ux.currentArc = 0;
} else {
AnnotatedFlowEdge flowEdge = ux.getOutgoing().get(ux.currentArc);
* Check if the edge is admissible. If it is then do a PUSH operation. Otherwise,
* make currentArc point to the next edge.
if (isAdmissible(flowEdge))
private boolean isAdmissible(AnnotatedFlowEdge e)
return e.hasCapacity() && (e
. getSource().height == (e. getTarget().height + 1));
private VertexExtension getVertexExtension(V v)
assert vertexExtensionManager != null;
return (VertexExtension) vertexExtensionManager.getExtension(v);
private class PushRelabelDiagnostic
// Discharges
Map, Integer> discharges = new HashMap<>();
long dischargesCounter = 0;
// Relabels
Map, Integer> relabels = new HashMap<>();
long relabelsCounter = 0;
private void incrementDischarges(AnnotatedFlowEdge ex)
Pair p = Pair.of(ex.getSource().prototype, ex.getTarget().prototype);
if (!discharges.containsKey(p)) {
discharges.put(p, 0);
discharges.put(p, discharges.get(p) + 1);
private void incrementRelabels(int from, int to)
Pair p = Pair.of(from, to);
if (!relabels.containsKey(p)) {
relabels.put(p, 0);
relabels.put(p, relabels.get(p) + 1);
void dump()
Map labels = new HashMap<>();
for (V v : network.vertexSet()) {
VertexExtension vx = getVertexExtension(v);
if (!labels.containsKey(vx.height)) {
labels.put(vx.height, 0);
labels.put(vx.height, labels.get(vx.height) + 1);
System.out.println("LABELS ");
System.out.println("------ ");
List, Integer>> relabelsSorted =
new ArrayList<>(relabels.entrySet());
relabelsSorted.sort((o1, o2) -> -(o1.getValue() - o2.getValue()));
System.out.println("RELABELS ");
System.out.println("-------- ");
System.out.println(" Count: " + relabelsCounter);
System.out.println(" " + relabelsSorted);
List, Integer>> dischargesSorted =
new ArrayList<>(discharges.entrySet());
dischargesSorted.sort((one, other) -> -(one.getValue() - other.getValue()));
System.out.println("DISCHARGES ");
System.out.println("---------- ");
System.out.println(" Count: " + dischargesCounter);
System.out.println(" " + dischargesSorted);
* Vertex extension for the push-relabel algorithm, which contains an additional height.
public class VertexExtension
private int id;
private int height; // also called label (or distance label) in some papers
private boolean active;
private int currentArc;
private boolean hasExcess()
return excess > 0;
public String toString()
return prototype.toString() + String.format(" { HGT: %d } ", height);