org.jgrapht.alg.matching.EdmondsMaximumCardinalityMatching Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (C) Copyright 2017-2018, by Joris Kinable and Contributors.
* JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library
* This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under
* either
* (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* or (per the licensee's choosing)
* (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
* the Eclipse Foundation.
package org.jgrapht.alg.matching;
import org.jgrapht.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.connectivity.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.util.*;
import org.jgrapht.graph.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.*;
* This implementation of Edmonds' blossom algorithm computes maximum cardinality matchings in
* undirected graphs. A matching in a graph $G(V,E)$ is a subset of edges $M$ such that no two edges
* in $M$ have a vertex in common. A matching has at most $\frac{1}{2|V|}$ edges. A node $v$ in $G$
* is matched by matching $M$ if $M$ contains an edge incident to $v$. A matching is perfect if all
* nodes are matched. By definition, a perfect matching consists of exactly $\frac{1}{2|V|}$ edges.
* This algorithm will return a perfect matching if one exists. If no perfect matching exists, then
* the largest (non-perfect) matching is returned instead. This algorithm does NOT compute a maximum
* weight matching. In the special case that the input graph is bipartite, consider using
* {@link HopcroftKarpMaximumCardinalityBipartiteMatching} instead.
* To compute a maximum cardinality matching, at most $n$ augmenting path computations are
* performed. Each augmenting path computation takes $O(m \alpha(m,n))$ time, where $\alpha(m,n)$ is
* an inverse of the Ackerman function, $n$ is the number of vertices, and $m$ the number of edges.
* This results in a total runtime complexity of O(nm alpha(m,n)). In practise, the number of
* augmenting path computations performed is far smaller than $n$, since an efficient heuristic is
* used to compute a near-optimal initial solution. This implementation is highly efficient: a
* maximum matching in a graph of 2000 vertices and 1.5 million edges is calculated in a few
* milliseconds on a desktop computer.
* The runtime complexity of this implementation could be improved to $O(nm)$ when the UnionFind
* data structure used in this implementation is replaced by the linear-time set union data
* structure proposed in: Gabow, H.N., Tarjan, R.E. A linear-time algorithm for a special case of
* disjoint set union. Proc. Fifteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, 1982, pp.
* 246-251.
* Edmonds' original algorithm first appeared in Edmonds, J. Paths, trees, and flowers. Canadian
* Journal of Mathematics 17, 1965, pp. 449-467, and had a runtime complexity of $O(n^4)$. This
* implementation however follows more closely the description provided in Tarjan, R.E. Data
* Structures and Network Algorithms. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1983, chapter
* 9. In addition, the following sources were used for the implementation:
* - Java
* implementation by John Mayfield
* - Java
* implementation by Keith Schwarz
* - C++
* implementation Boost library
* - Cook, W.J., Cunningham, W.H., Pulleyblank, W.R., Schrijver, A. Combinatorial Optimization.
* Wiley 1997, chapter 5
* - Gabow, H.N. Data Structures for Weighted
* Matching and Extensions to b-matching and f-factors, 2016
* For future reference - A more efficient algorithm than the one implemented in this class exists:
* Micali, S., Vazirani, V. An $O(\sqrt{n}m)$ algorithm for finding maximum matching in general
* graphs. Proc. 21st Ann. Symp. on Foundations of Computer Science, IEEE, 1980, pp. 17–27. This is
* the most efficient algorithm known for computing maximum cardinality matchings in general graphs.
* More details on this algorithm can be found in:
* - Presentation from
* Vazirani 'Dispelling an Old Myth about an Ancient Algorithm'
* - Vazirani, V. A Simplification of the MV Matching
* Algorithm and its Proof, 2013
* @param the graph vertex type
* @param the graph edge type
* @author Joris Kinable
public class EdmondsMaximumCardinalityMatching
/* The graph we are matching on. */
private final Graph graph;
/* (Heuristic) matching algorithm used to compute an initial feasible solution */
private final MatchingAlgorithm initializer;
/* Ordered list of vertices */
private List vertices;
/* Mapping of a vertex to their unique position in the ordered list of vertices */
private Map vertexIndexMap;
/* A matching for the input graph (can be an empty set of edges) */
private SimpleMatching matching;
/* Number of matched vertices. */
private int matchedVertices;
/* -----Algorithm data structures below---------- */
/** Storage of the forest, even and odd levels */
private int[] even, odd;
/** Special 'NIL' vertex. */
private static final int NIL = -1;
/** Queue of 'even' (exposed) vertices */
private FixedSizeIntegerQueue queue;
/** Union-Find to store blossoms. */
private UnionFind uf;
* For each odd vertex condensed into a blossom, a bridge is defined. Suppose the examination of
* edge $[v,w]$ causes a blossom to form containing odd vertex $x$. We define bridge(x) to be
* $[v,w]$ if $x$ is an ancestor of $v$ before the blossom is formed, or $[w,v]$ if $x$ is an
* ancestor of $w$.
private final Map> bridges = new HashMap<>();
/** Pre-allocated array which stores augmenting paths. */
private int[] path;
/* Pre-allocated bit sets to track paths in the trees. */
private BitSet vAncestors, wAncestors;
* Constructs a new instance of the algorithm. {@link GreedyMaximumCardinalityMatching} is used
* to quickly generate a near optimal initial solution.
* @param graph undirected graph (graph does not have to be simple)
public EdmondsMaximumCardinalityMatching(Graph graph)
this(graph, new GreedyMaximumCardinalityMatching<>(graph, false));
* Constructs a new instance of the algorithm.
* @param graph undirected graph (graph does not have to be simple)
* @param initializer heuristic matching algorithm used to quickly generate a (near optimal)
* initial feasible solution.
public EdmondsMaximumCardinalityMatching(Graph graph, MatchingAlgorithm initializer)
this.graph = GraphTests.requireUndirected(graph);
this.initializer = initializer;
* Prepares the data structures
private void init()
vertices = new ArrayList<>();
vertexIndexMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)
vertexIndexMap.put(vertices.get(i), i);
this.matching = new SimpleMatching(vertices.size());
this.matchedVertices = 0;
this.even = new int[vertices.size()];
this.odd = new int[vertices.size()];
this.queue = new FixedSizeIntegerQueue(vertices.size());
this.uf = new UnionFind<>(new HashSet<>(vertexIndexMap.values()));
// temp storage of paths in the algorithm
path = new int[vertices.size()];
vAncestors = new BitSet(vertices.size());
wAncestors = new BitSet(vertices.size());
* Calculates an initial feasible matching.
* @param initializer algorithm used to compute the initial matching
private void warmStart(MatchingAlgorithm initializer)
Matching initialSolution = initializer.getMatching();
for (E e : initialSolution.getEdges()) {
V u = graph.getEdgeSource(e);
V v = graph.getEdgeTarget(e);
this.matching.match(vertexIndexMap.get(u), vertexIndexMap.get(v));
matchedVertices = initialSolution.getEdges().size() * 2;
* Search for an augmenting path.
* @return true if an augmenting path was found, false otherwise
private boolean augment()
// reset data structures
Arrays.fill(even, NIL);
Arrays.fill(odd, NIL);
for (int root = 0; root < vertices.size(); root++) {
if (matching.isMatched(root)) // Only grow trees from exposed nodes
even[root] = root;
// for each exposed vertex, start a bfs search
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
int v = queue.poll(); // Even vertex
for (V wOrig : Graphs.neighborListOf(graph, vertices.get(v))) {
int w = vertexIndexMap.get(wOrig);
// vertex w is even: we may have encountered a blossom.
if (even[uf.find(w)] != NIL) { // w is an even vertex
// if v and w belong to the same blossom, the edge has been shrunken away
// and we can ignore it. if not, we found a new blossom. We do not need to
// check whether v and w belong to the same tree since each tree is fully
// grown before we continue growing a new tree. Consequently, vertex w
// can only belong to the same tree as v.
if (!uf.inSameSet(v, w))
blossom(v, w); // Create a new blossom using bridge edge (v,w)
// vertex w is either odd or unreached. If it is unreached, we have found an
// augmenting path. If it is odd, we can grow the tree.
else if (odd[w] == NIL) { // w is odd or unreached
if (matching.isExposed(w)) { // w is unreached: we found an augmenting path
matching.match(v, w);
return true;
// w is an odd vertex: grow the tree
odd[w] = v;
int u = matching.opposite(w); // even vertex
even[u] = w;
queue.enqueue(u); // continue growing the tree from u
// no augmenting paths, matching is maximum
return false;
* Creates a new blossom using bridge $(v,w)$. The blossom is an odd cycle. Nodes $v$ and $w$
* are both even vertices.
* @param v endpoint of the bridge
* @param w another endpoint the bridge
private void blossom(int v, int w)
// Compute the base of the blossom. Let p_1, p_2 be the paths from the root of the tree to v
// resp. w. The base vertex is the last vertex p_1 and p_2 have in common. In a blossom, the
// base vertex is unique in the sense that it is the only vertex incident to 2 unmatched
// edges.
int base = nearestCommonAncestor(v, w);
// Compute resp the left side (v to base) and right side (w to base) of the blossom.
blossomSupports(v, w, base);
blossomSupports(w, v, base);
// To complete the blossom, combine the left and the right sides.
uf.union(v, base);
uf.union(w, base);
// Blossoms are efficiently stored in a UnionFind data structure uf. Ideally, uf.find(x) for
// some vertex x returns the base u of the blossom containing x. However, when uf uses rank
// compression, it cannot be guaranteed that the vertex returned is indeed the base of the
// blossom. In fact, it can be any vertex of the blossom containing x. We therefore have to
// ensure that the predecessor of the blossom's representative is the predecessor of the
// actual base vertex.
even[uf.find(base)] = even[base];
* This method creates one side of the blossom: the path from vertex $v$ to the base of the
* blossom. The vertices encountered on this path are grouped together (union). The odd vertices
* are added to the processing queue (odd vertices in a blossom become even) and a pointer to
* the bridge $(v,w)$ is stored for each odd vertex. Notice the orientation of the bridge: the
* first vertex of the bridge returned by bridge.get(x) is always on the same side of the
* blossom as $x$.
* @param v an endpoint of the blossom bridge
* @param w another endpoint of the blossom bridge
* @param base the base of the blossom
private void blossomSupports(int v, int w, int base)
Pair bridge = new Pair<>(v, w);
v = uf.find(v);
int u = v;
while (v != base) {
uf.union(v, u);
u = even[v]; // odd vertex
this.bridges.put(u, bridge);
uf.union(v, u);
v = uf.find(odd[u]); // even vertex
* Computes the base of the blossom formed by bridge edge $(v,w)$. The base vertex is the
* nearest common ancestor of $v$ and $w$.
* @param v one side of the bridge
* @param w other side of the bridge
* @return base of the blossom
private int nearestCommonAncestor(int v, int w)
// Walk back from $v$ and $w$ in the direction of the root of the tree, until their paths
// intersect.
while (true) {
v = parent(v);
w = parent(w);
// vertex v is an ancestor of w, so v much be the base of the blossom
if (wAncestors.get(v)) {
return v;
// vertex w is an ancestor of v, so w much be the base of the blossom
else if (vAncestors.get(w)) {
return w;
* Compute the nearest even ancestor of even node $v$. If $v$ is the root of a tree, then this
* method returns $v$ itself.
* @param v even vertex
* @return the nearest even ancestor of $v$
private int parent(int v)
v = uf.find(v); // even vertex
int parent = uf.find(even[v]); // odd vertex, or v if v is the root of its tree
if (parent == v)
return v; // root of tree
return uf.find(odd[parent]);
* Construct a path from vertex $v$ to the root of its tree, and use the resulting path to
* augment the matching.
* @param v starting vertex (leaf in the tree)
private void augment(int v)
int n = buildPath(path, 0, v, NIL);
for (int i = 2; i < n; i += 2) {
matching.match(path[i], path[i - 1]);
* Builds the path backwards from the specified start vertex to the end vertex. If the path
* reaches a blossom then the path through the blossom is lifted to the original graph.
* @param path path storage
* @param i offset (in path)
* @param start start vertex
* @param end end vertex
* @return the total length of the path.
private int buildPath(int[] path, int i, int start, int end)
while (true) {
// Lift the path through the blossom. The buildPath method always starts from an even
// vertex. Vertices which were originally odd become even
// when they are contracted into a blossom. If we start constructing the path from such
// an odd vertex, we must 'lift' the path through the blossom.
// To lift the path through the blossom, we have to walk from odd node u in the
// direction of the bridge, cross the bridge, and then
// continue in the direction of the tree root.
while (odd[start] != NIL) {
Pair bridge = bridges.get(start);
// From the start vertex u, walk in the direction of the bridge (v,w). The first
// edge encountered
// on the path from u to v is always a matched edge. Notice that the path from u to
// v leads away from the root of the tree. Since we only store
// pointers in the direction of the root, we have to compute a path from v to u, and
// reverse the resulting path.
int j = buildPath(path, i, bridge.getFirst(), start);
reverse(path, i, j - 1);
i = j;
// walk from the other side of the bridge up in the direction of the root.
start = bridge.getSecond();
path[i++] = start; // even vertex
// root of the tree
if (matching.isExposed(start))
return i;
path[i++] = matching.opposite(start); // odd vertex
// base case
if (path[i - 1] == end)
return i;
start = odd[path[i - 1]]; // even vertex
* Returns a matching of maximum cardinality. Each time this method is invoked, the matching is
* computed from scratch. Consequently, it is possible to make changes to the graph and to
* re-invoke this method on the altered graph.
* @return a matching of maximum cardinality.
public Matching getMatching()
if (initializer != null)
// Continuously augment the matching until augmentation is no longer possible.
while (matchedVertices < graph.vertexSet().size() - 1 && augment()) {
matchedVertices += 2;
Set edges = new LinkedHashSet<>();
double cost = 0;
for (int vx = 0; vx < vertices.size(); vx++) {
if (matching.isExposed(vx))
V v = vertices.get(vx);
V w = vertices.get(matching.opposite(vx));
E edge = graph.getEdge(v, w);
cost += 0.5 * graph.getEdgeWeight(edge);
return new MatchingImpl<>(graph, edges, cost);
* Checks whether the given matching is of maximum cardinality. A matching $m$ is maximum if
* there does not exist a different matching $m'$ in the graph which is of larger cardinality.
* This method is solely intended for verification purposes. Any matching returned by the
* {@link #getMatching()} method in this class is guaranteed to be maximum.
* To attest whether the matching is maximum, we use the Tutte-Berge Formula which provides a
* tight bound on the cardinality of the matching. The Tutte-Berge Formula states: $m(G) =
* \frac{1}{2} \min_{X \subseteq V} ( |X| - c_{\text{odd}}(G - X) + |V|), where $m(G)$ is the
* size of the matching, $X$ a subset of vertices, $G-X$ the induced graph on vertex set $V(G)
* \setminus X$, and $c_{\text{odd}}(G)$ the number of connected components of odd cardinality
* in graph $G$.
* Note: to compute this bound, we do not iterate over all possible subsets $X$ (this would be
* too expensive). Instead, $X$ is computed as a by-product of Edmonds' algorithm. Consequently,
* the runtime of this method equals the time required to test for the existence of a single
* augmenting path.
* This method does NOT check whether the matching is valid.
* @param matching matching
* @return true if the matching is maximum, false otherwise.
public boolean isMaximumMatching(Matching matching)
// The matching is maximum if it is perfect, or if it leaves only one node exposed in a
// graph with an odd number of vertices
if (matching.getEdges().size() * 2 >= graph.vertexSet().size() - 1)
return true;
this.init(); // Reset data structures and use the provided matching as a starting point
for (E e : matching.getEdges()) {
V u = graph.getEdgeSource(e);
V v = graph.getEdgeTarget(e);
Integer ux = vertexIndexMap.get(u);
Integer vx = vertexIndexMap.get(v);
this.matching.match(ux, vx);
// Search for an augmenting path. If one is found, then clearly the matching is not maximum
if (augment())
return false;
// A side effect of the Edmonds Blossom-Shrinking algorithm is that it computes what is
// known as the
// Edmonds-Gallai decomposition of a graph: it decomposes the graph into three disjoint sets
// of vertices: odd, even, or free.
// Let D(G) be the set of vertices such that for each v in D(G) there exists a maximum
// matching missing v. Let A(G) be the set of vertices such that each v in A(G)
// is a neighbor of D(G), but is not contained in D(G) itself. The set A(G) attains the
// minimum in the Tutte-Berge Formula. It can be shown that
// A(G)= {vertices labeled odd in the Edmonds Blossomg-Shrinking algorithm}. Note: we only
// take odd vertices that are not consumed by blossoms (every blossom is even).
Set oddVertices = vertexIndexMap
.values().stream().filter(vx -> odd[vx] != NIL && !bridges.containsKey(vx))
Set otherVertices = graph
.vertexSet().stream().filter(v -> !oddVertices.contains(v)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
Graph subgraph = new AsSubgraph<>(graph, otherVertices, null); // Induced subgraph
// defined on all
// vertices which are
// not odd.
List> connectedComponents = new ConnectivityInspector<>(subgraph).connectedSets();
long nrOddCardinalityComponents =
connectedComponents.stream().filter(s -> s.size() % 2 == 1).count();
return matching
.size() == (graph.vertexSet().size() + oddVertices.size() - nrOddCardinalityComponents)
/ 2.0;
* Simple representation of a matching
final class SimpleMatching
private static final int UNMATCHED = -1;
private final int[] match;
private SimpleMatching(int n)
this.match = new int[n];
Arrays.fill(match, UNMATCHED);
* Test whether a vertex is matched (i.e. incident to a matched edge).
boolean isMatched(int v)
return match[v] != UNMATCHED;
* Test whether a vertex is exposed (i.e. not incident to a matched edge).
boolean isExposed(int v)
return match[v] == UNMATCHED;
* For a given vertex v and matched edge (v,w), this function returns vertex w.
int opposite(int v)
assert isMatched(v);
return match[v];
* Add the edge $(u,v)$ to the matched edge set.
void match(int u, int v)
match[u] = v;
match[v] = u;
/** Utility function to reverse part of an array */
private void reverse(int[] path, int i, int j)
while (i < j) {
int tmp = path[i];
path[i] = path[j];
path[j] = tmp;