org.jgrapht.alg.spanning.GreedyMultiplicativeSpanner Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (C) Copyright 2016-2018, by Dimitrios Michail and Contributors.
* JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library
* This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under
* either
* (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* or (per the licensee's choosing)
* (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
* the Eclipse Foundation.
package org.jgrapht.alg.spanning;
import org.jgrapht.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces.*;
import org.jgrapht.graph.*;
import org.jgrapht.graph.builder.*;
import org.jgrapht.util.*;
import java.util.*;
* Greedy algorithm for $(2k-1)$-multiplicative spanner construction (for any integer
* {@literal k >= 1}).
* The spanner is guaranteed to contain $O(n^{1+1/k})$ edges and the shortest path distance between
* any two vertices in the spanner is at most $2k-1$ times the corresponding shortest path distance
* in the original graph. Here n denotes the number of vertices of the graph.
* The algorithm is described in: Althoefer, Das, Dobkin, Joseph, Soares.
* On Sparse Spanners of Weighted Graphs. Discrete
* Computational Geometry 9(1):81-100, 1993.
* If the graph is unweighted the algorithm runs in $O(m n^{1+1/k})$ time. Setting $k$ to infinity
* will result in a slow version of Kruskal's algorithm where cycle detection is performed by a BFS
* computation. In such a case use the implementation of Kruskal with union-find. Here n and m are
* the number of vertices and edges of the graph respectively.
* If the graph is weighted the algorithm runs in $O(m (n^{1+1/k} + n \log n))$ time by using
* Dijkstra's algorithm. Edge weights must be non-negative.
* @param the graph vertex type
* @param the graph edge type
* @author Dimitrios Michail
* @since July 15, 2016
public class GreedyMultiplicativeSpanner
private final Graph graph;
private final int k;
private static final int MAX_K = 1 << 29;
* Constructs instance to compute a $(2k-1)$-spanner of an undirected graph.
* @param graph an undirected graph
* @param k positive integer.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the graph is not undirected
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if k is not positive
public GreedyMultiplicativeSpanner(Graph graph, int k)
this.graph = Objects.requireNonNull(graph, "Graph cannot be null");
if (!graph.getType().isUndirected()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("graph is not undirected");
if (k <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"k should be positive in (2k-1)-spanner construction");
this.k = Math.min(k, MAX_K);
public Spanner getSpanner()
if (graph.getType().isWeighted()) {
return new WeightedSpannerAlgorithm().run();
} else {
return new UnweightedSpannerAlgorithm().run();
// base algorithm implementation
private abstract class SpannerAlgorithmBase
public abstract boolean isSpannerReachable(V s, V t, double distance);
public abstract void addSpannerEdge(V s, V t, double weight);
public Spanner run()
// sort edges
ArrayList allEdges = new ArrayList<>(graph.edgeSet());
// check precondition
double minWeight = graph.getEdgeWeight(allEdges.get(0));
if (minWeight < 0.0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal edge weight: negative");
// run main loop
Set edgeList = new LinkedHashSet<>();
double edgeListWeight = 0d;
for (E e : allEdges) {
V s = graph.getEdgeSource(e);
V t = graph.getEdgeTarget(e);
if (!s.equals(t)) { // self-loop?
double eWeight = graph.getEdgeWeight(e);
if (!isSpannerReachable(s, t, (2 * k - 1) * eWeight)) {
edgeListWeight += eWeight;
addSpannerEdge(s, t, eWeight);
return new SpannerImpl<>(edgeList, edgeListWeight);
private class UnweightedSpannerAlgorithm
protected Graph spanner;
protected Map vertexDistance;
protected Deque queue;
protected Deque touchedVertices;
public UnweightedSpannerAlgorithm()
spanner = GraphTypeBuilder
. undirected().allowingMultipleEdges(false).allowingSelfLoops(false)
touchedVertices = new ArrayDeque(graph.vertexSet().size());
for (V v : graph.vertexSet()) {
vertexDistance = new HashMap<>(graph.vertexSet().size());
queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
* Check if two vertices are reachable by a BFS in the spanner graph using only a certain
* number of hops.
* We execute this procedure repeatedly, therefore we need to keep track of what it touches
* and only clean those before the next execution.
public boolean isSpannerReachable(V s, V t, double hops)
// initialize distances and queue
while (!touchedVertices.isEmpty()) {
V u = touchedVertices.pop();
vertexDistance.put(u, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
// do BFS
vertexDistance.put(s, 0);
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
V u = queue.pop();
Integer uDistance = vertexDistance.get(u);
if (u.equals(t)) { // found
return uDistance <= hops;
for (E e : spanner.edgesOf(u)) {
V v = Graphs.getOppositeVertex(spanner, e, u);
Integer vDistance = vertexDistance.get(v);
if (vDistance == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
vertexDistance.put(v, uDistance + 1);
return false;
public void addSpannerEdge(V s, V t, double weight)
spanner.addEdge(s, t);
private class WeightedSpannerAlgorithm
protected Graph spanner;
protected FibonacciHeap heap;
protected Map> nodes;
public WeightedSpannerAlgorithm()
this.spanner = new SimpleWeightedGraph<>(DefaultWeightedEdge.class);
for (V v : graph.vertexSet()) {
this.heap = new FibonacciHeap();
this.nodes = new LinkedHashMap>();
public boolean isSpannerReachable(V s, V t, double distance)
// init
FibonacciHeapNode sNode = new FibonacciHeapNode(s);
nodes.put(s, sNode);
heap.insert(sNode, 0d);
while (!heap.isEmpty()) {
FibonacciHeapNode uNode = heap.removeMin();
double uDistance = uNode.getKey();
V u = uNode.getData();
if (uDistance > distance) {
return false;
if (u.equals(t)) { // found
return true;
for (DefaultWeightedEdge e : spanner.edgesOf(u)) {
V v = Graphs.getOppositeVertex(spanner, e, u);
FibonacciHeapNode vNode = nodes.get(v);
double vDistance = uDistance + spanner.getEdgeWeight(e);
if (vNode == null) { // no distance
vNode = new FibonacciHeapNode<>(v);
nodes.put(v, vNode);
heap.insert(vNode, vDistance);
} else if (vDistance < vNode.getKey()) {
heap.decreaseKey(vNode, vDistance);
return false;
public void addSpannerEdge(V s, V t, double weight)
Graphs.addEdge(spanner, s, t, weight);