org.jgrapht.alg.tour.PalmerHamiltonianCycle Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (C) Copyright 2018-2018, by Alexandru Valeanu and Contributors.
* JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library
* This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under
* either
* (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* or (per the licensee's choosing)
* (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
* the Eclipse Foundation.
package org.jgrapht.alg.tour;
import org.jgrapht.*;
import org.jgrapht.alg.interfaces.*;
import org.jgrapht.graph.*;
import java.util.*;
* Palmer's algorithm for computing Hamiltonian cycles in graphs that meet Ore's condition. Ore gave
* a sufficient condition for a graph to be Hamiltonian, essentially stating that a graph with
* sufficiently many edges must contain a Hamilton cycle.
* Specifically, Ore's theorem considers the sum of the degrees of pairs of non-adjacent vertices:
* if every such pair has a sum that at least equals the total number of vertices in the graph, then
* the graph is Hamiltonian.
* A Hamiltonian cycle, also called a Hamiltonian circuit, Hamilton cycle, or Hamilton circuit, is a
* graph cycle (i.e., closed loop) through a graph that visits each node exactly once (Skiena 1990,
* p. 196).
* This is an implementation of the algorithm described by E. M. Palmer in his paper. The algorithm
* takes a simple graph that meets Ore's condition (see {@link GraphTests#hasOreProperty(Graph)})
* and returns a Hamiltonian cycle. The algorithm runs in $O(|V|^2)$ time and uses $O(|V|)$ space.
* The original algorithm is described in: Palmer, E. M. (1997), "The hidden algorithm of Ore's
* theorem on Hamiltonian cycles", Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 34 (11): 113–119,
* doi:10.1016/S0898-1221(97)00225-3
* See wikipedia for a short description
* of Ore's theorem and Palmer's algorithm.
* @param the graph vertex type
* @param the graph edge type
* @author Alexandru Valeanu
public class PalmerHamiltonianCycle
* Construct a new instance
public PalmerHamiltonianCycle()
* Computes a Hamiltonian tour.
* @param graph the input graph
* @return a Hamiltonian tour
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the graph doesn't meet Ore's condition
* @see GraphTests#hasOreProperty(Graph)
public GraphPath getTour(Graph graph)
if (!GraphTests.hasOreProperty(graph))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Graph doesn't have Ore's property");
List indexList = new ArrayList<>(graph.vertexSet());
// n - number of vertices
final int n = graph.vertexSet().size();
// L[u] = the node just before u (in the cycle)
// R[u] = the node after u (in the cycle)
int[] L = new int[n], R = new int[n];
// arrange nodes in a cycle: 0, 1, 2, ..., n - 1, 0
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
L[i] = (i - 1 + n) % n;
R[i] = (i + 1) % n;
boolean changed;
do {
changed = false;
// search for a gap (two consecutive vertices x and R[x] that are not adjacent in the
// graph)
int x = 0;
search: do {
// check if we found a gap in our cycle
if (!graph.containsEdge(indexList.get(x), indexList.get(R[x]))) {
changed = true;
* Search for a node y such that the four vertices x, R[x], y, and R[y] are all
* distinct and such that the graph contains edges from x to y and from R[y] to
* R[x]
int y = 0;
do {
int u = x, v = R[x];
int p = y, q = R[y];
if (v != p && u != p && u != q) {
if (graph.containsEdge(indexList.get(u), indexList.get(p))
&& graph.containsEdge(indexList.get(v), indexList.get(q)))
R[u] = L[u];
L[u] = p;
R[v] = R[v];
L[v] = q;
L[p] = L[p];
R[p] = u;
L[q] = R[q];
R[q] = v;
for (int z = R[u]; z != q; z = R[z]) {
int tmp = R[z];
R[z] = L[z];
L[z] = tmp;
break search;
y = R[y];
} while (y != 0);
x = R[x];
} while (x != 0);
} while (changed);
List vertexList = new ArrayList<>(n);
List edgeList = new ArrayList<>(n);
int x = 0;
do {
edgeList.add(graph.getEdge(indexList.get(x), indexList.get(R[x])));
x = R[x];
} while (x != 0);
// add start vertex
return new GraphWalk<>(
graph, indexList.get(0), indexList.get(0), vertexList, edgeList, edgeList.size());