org.jgrapht.graph.EdgeReversedGraph Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (C) Copyright 2006-2018, by John V Sichi and Contributors.
* JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library
* This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under
* either
* (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* or (per the licensee's choosing)
* (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
* the Eclipse Foundation.
package org.jgrapht.graph;
import org.jgrapht.*;
import java.util.*;
* Provides an edge-reversed view $g'$ of a directed graph $g$. The vertex sets for the two graphs
* are the same, but g' contains an edge $(v2, v1)$ iff g$$ contains an edge $(v1, v2)$. $g'$ is
* backed by $g$, so changes to $g$ are reflected in $g'$, and vice versa.
* This class allows you to use a directed graph algorithm in reverse. For example, suppose you have
* a directed graph representing a tree, with edges from parent to child, and you want to find all
* of the parents of a node. To do this, simply create an edge-reversed graph and pass that as input
* to {@link org.jgrapht.traverse.DepthFirstIterator}.
* @param the graph vertex type
* @param the graph edge type
* @author John V. Sichi
* @see AsUndirectedGraph
public class EdgeReversedGraph
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3806030402468293063L;
* Creates a new EdgeReversedGraph.
* @param g the base (backing) graph on which the edge-reversed view will be based.
public EdgeReversedGraph(Graph g)
* @see Graph#getEdge(Object, Object)
public E getEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
return super.getEdge(targetVertex, sourceVertex);
* @see Graph#getAllEdges(Object, Object)
public Set getAllEdges(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
return super.getAllEdges(targetVertex, sourceVertex);
* @see Graph#addEdge(Object, Object)
public E addEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
return super.addEdge(targetVertex, sourceVertex);
* @see Graph#addEdge(Object, Object, Object)
public boolean addEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex, E e)
return super.addEdge(targetVertex, sourceVertex, e);
* @see Graph#inDegreeOf(Object)
public int inDegreeOf(V vertex)
return super.outDegreeOf(vertex);
* @see Graph#outDegreeOf(Object)
public int outDegreeOf(V vertex)
return super.inDegreeOf(vertex);
* @see Graph#incomingEdgesOf(Object)
public Set incomingEdgesOf(V vertex)
return super.outgoingEdgesOf(vertex);
* @see Graph#outgoingEdgesOf(Object)
public Set outgoingEdgesOf(V vertex)
return super.incomingEdgesOf(vertex);
* @see Graph#removeEdge(Object, Object)
public E removeEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
return super.removeEdge(targetVertex, sourceVertex);
* @see Graph#getEdgeSource(Object)
public V getEdgeSource(E e)
return super.getEdgeTarget(e);
* @see Graph#getEdgeTarget(Object)
public V getEdgeTarget(E e)
return super.getEdgeSource(e);
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
return toStringFromSets(vertexSet(), edgeSet(), getType().isDirected());
// End EdgeReversedGraph.java