org.jgrapht.graph.concurrent.AsSynchronizedGraph Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (C) Copyright 2018-2018, by CHEN Kui and Contributors.
* JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library
* This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under
* either
* (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* or (per the licensee's choosing)
* (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
* the Eclipse Foundation.
package org.jgrapht.graph.concurrent;
import org.jgrapht.*;
import org.jgrapht.graph.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*;
import java.util.function.*;
import java.util.stream.*;
* Create a synchronized (thread-safe) Graph backed by the specified Graph. This Graph is designed
* to support concurrent reads which are mutually exclusive with writes. In order to guarantee
* serial access, it is critical that all access to the backing Graph is
* accomplished through the created Graph.
* Users need to manually synchronize on edge supplier (see {@link Graph#getEdgeSupplier()}) if creating an edge needs to access
* shared resources. Failure to follow this advice may result in non-deterministic behavior.
* For all methods returning a Set, the Graph guarantees that all operations on the returned Set do
* not affect the backing Graph. For edgeSet
and vertexSet
methods, the
* returned Set is backed by the underlying graph, but when a traversal over the set is started via
* a method such as iterator(), a snapshot of the underlying Set is copied for iteration purposes.
* For edgesOf
, incomingEdgesOf
and outgoingEdgesOf
* the returned Set is a unmodifiable copy of the result produced by the underlying Graph. Users can
* control whether those copies should be cached; caching may significantly increase memory
* requirements. If users decide to cache those copies and the backing graph's changes don't affect
* them, those copies will be returned the next time the method is called. If the backing graph's
* changes affect them, they will be removed from cache and re-created the next time the method is
* called. If users decide to not cache those copies, the graph will create ephemeral copies every
* time the method is called. For other methods returning a Set, the Set is just the backing Graph's
* return.
* As an alternative, a copyless mode is supported. When enabled, no collection copies are
* made at all (and hence the cache setting is ignored). This requires the caller to explicitly
* synchronize iteration via the {@link #getLock} method. This approach requires quite a bit of care
* on the part of the calling application, so it is disabled by default.
* Even though this graph implementation is thread-safe, callers should still be aware of potential
* hazards from removal methods. If calling code obtains a reference to a vertex or edge from the
* graph, and then calls another graph method to access information about that object, an
* {@link IllegalArgumentException} may be thrown if another thread has concurrently removed that
* object. Therefore, calling the remove methods concurrently with a typical algorithm is likely to
* cause the algorithm to fail with an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. So really the main
* concurrent read/write use case is add-only.
* eg: If threadA tries to get all edges touching a certain vertex after threadB removes the vertex,
* the algorithm will be interrupted by {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* Thread threadA = new Thread(() -> {
* Set vertices = graph.vertexSet();
* for (Object v : vertices) {
* // {@link IllegalArgumentException} may be thrown since other threads may have removed
* // the vertex.
* Set edges = graph.edgesOf(v);
* doOtherThings();
* }
* });
* Thread threadB = new Thread(() -> {
* Set vertices = graph.vertexSet();
* for (Object v : vertices) {
* if (someConditions) {
* graph.removeVertex(v);
* }
* }
* });
* One way to avoid the hazard noted above is for the calling application to explicitly synchronize
* all iterations using the {@link #getLock} method.
* The created Graph's hashCode is equal to the backing set's hashCode. And the created Graph is
* equal to another Graph if they are the same Graph or the backing Graph is equal to the other
* Graph.
* @param the graph vertex type
* @param the graph edge type
* @author CHEN Kui
* @since Feb 23, 2018
public class AsSynchronizedGraph
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5144561442831050752L;
private final ReentrantReadWriteLock readWriteLock;
// A set encapsulating backing vertexSet.
private transient CopyOnDemandSet allVerticesSet;
// A set encapsulating backing edgeSet.
private transient CopyOnDemandSet allEdgesSet;
private CacheStrategy cacheStrategy;
* Constructor for AsSynchronizedGraph with default settings (cache disabled, non-fair mode, and
* copyless mode disabled).
* @param g the backing graph (the delegate)
public AsSynchronizedGraph(Graph g)
this(g, false, false, false);
* Constructor for AsSynchronizedGraph with specified properties.
* @param g the backing graph (the delegate)
* @param cacheEnable a flag describing whether a cache will be used
* @param fair a flag describing whether fair mode will be used
* @param copyless a flag describing whether copyless mode will be used
private AsSynchronizedGraph(Graph g, boolean cacheEnable, boolean fair, boolean copyless)
readWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(fair);
if (copyless) {
cacheStrategy = new NoCopy();
} else if (cacheEnable) {
cacheStrategy = new CacheAccess();
} else {
cacheStrategy = new NoCache();
allEdgesSet = new CopyOnDemandSet<>(super.edgeSet(), readWriteLock, copyless);
allVerticesSet = new CopyOnDemandSet<>(super.vertexSet(), readWriteLock, copyless);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set getAllEdges(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
try {
return super.getAllEdges(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public E getEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
try {
return super.getEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public E addEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
try {
E e = cacheStrategy.addEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
if (e != null)
return e;
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean addEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex, E e)
try {
if (cacheStrategy.addEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex, e)) {
return true;
return false;
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean addVertex(V v)
try {
if (super.addVertex(v)) {
return true;
return false;
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean containsEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
try {
return super.containsEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean containsEdge(E e)
try {
return super.containsEdge(e);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean containsVertex(V v)
try {
return super.containsVertex(v);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public int degreeOf(V vertex)
try {
return super.degreeOf(vertex);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set edgeSet()
return allEdgesSet;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set edgesOf(V vertex)
try {
return cacheStrategy.edgesOf(vertex);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public int inDegreeOf(V vertex)
try {
return super.inDegreeOf(vertex);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set incomingEdgesOf(V vertex)
try {
return cacheStrategy.incomingEdgesOf(vertex);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public int outDegreeOf(V vertex)
try {
return super.outDegreeOf(vertex);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set outgoingEdgesOf(V vertex)
try {
return cacheStrategy.outgoingEdgesOf(vertex);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean removeAllEdges(Collection extends E> edges)
try {
return super.removeAllEdges(edges);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set removeAllEdges(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
try {
return super.removeAllEdges(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean removeAllVertices(Collection extends V> vertices)
try {
return super.removeAllVertices(vertices);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean removeEdge(E e)
try {
if (cacheStrategy.removeEdge(e)) {
return true;
return false;
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public E removeEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
try {
E e = cacheStrategy.removeEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
if (e != null)
return e;
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean removeVertex(V v)
try {
if (cacheStrategy.removeVertex(v)) {
return true;
return false;
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString()
try {
return super.toString();
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set vertexSet()
return allVerticesSet;
* {@inheritDoc}
public V getEdgeSource(E e)
try {
return super.getEdgeSource(e);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public V getEdgeTarget(E e)
try {
return super.getEdgeTarget(e);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public double getEdgeWeight(E e)
try {
return super.getEdgeWeight(e);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setEdgeWeight(E e, double weight)
try {
super.setEdgeWeight(e, weight);
} finally {
* Return whether the graph uses cache for edgesOf
, incomingEdgesOf
* and outgoingEdgesOf
* @return true if cache is in use, false if cache is not in use.
public boolean isCacheEnabled()
try {
return cacheStrategy.isCacheEnabled();
} finally {
* Return whether copyless mode is used for collection-returning methods.
* @return true if the graph uses copyless mode, false otherwise
public boolean isCopyless()
return allVerticesSet.isCopyless();
* Set the cache strategy for edgesOf
, incomingEdgesOf
* outgoingEdgesOf
* @param cacheEnabled a flag whether to use cache for those methods, if true, cache
* will be used for those methods, otherwise cache will not be used.
* @return the AsSynchronizedGraph
public AsSynchronizedGraph setCache(boolean cacheEnabled)
try {
if (cacheEnabled == isCacheEnabled())
return this;
if (cacheEnabled)
cacheStrategy = new CacheAccess();
cacheStrategy = new NoCache();
return this;
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public int hashCode()
try {
return getDelegate().hashCode();
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
try {
return getDelegate().equals(o);
} finally {
* Create a unmodifiable copy of the set.
* @param set the set to be copied.
* @return a unmodifiable copy of the set
private Set copySet(Set set)
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(new LinkedHashSet<>(set));
* Inform allVerticesSet that the backing data has been modified.
private void vertexSetModified()
* Inform allEdgesSet that the backing data has been modified.
private void edgeSetModified()
* Return whether fair mode is used for synchronizing access to this graph.
* @return true if the graph uses fair mode, false if non-fair mode
public boolean isFair()
return readWriteLock.isFair();
* Get the read/write lock used to synchronize all access to this graph. This can be used by
* calling applications to explicitly synchronize compound sequences of graph accessses. The
* lock is reentrant, so the locks acquired internally by AsSynchronizedGraph will not interfere
* with the caller's acquired lock. However, write methods MUST NOT be called
* while holding a read lock, otherwise a deadlock will occur.
* @return the reentrant read/write lock used to synchronize all access to this graph
public ReentrantReadWriteLock getLock()
return readWriteLock;
* Create a synchronized (thread-safe) and unmodifiable Set backed by the specified Set. In
* order to guarantee serial access, it is critical that all access to the
* backing Set is accomplished through the created Set.
* When a traversal over the set is started via a method such as iterator(), a snapshot of the
* underlying set is copied for iteration purposes (unless copyless mode is enabled).
* The created Set's hashCode is equal to the backing Set's hashCode. And the created Set is
* equal to another set if they are the same Set or the backing Set is equal to the other Set.
* The created set will be serializable if the backing set is serializable.
* @param the class of the objects in the set
* @author CHEN Kui
* @since Feb 23, 2018
private static class CopyOnDemandSet
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5553953818148294283L;
// Backing set.
private Set set;
// When this flag is set, the backing set is used directly rather than
// a copy.
private final boolean copyless;
// Backing set's unmodifiable copy. If null, needs to be recomputed on next access.
volatile private transient Set copy;
final ReadWriteLock readWriteLock;
private static final String UNMODIFIABLE = "this set is unmodifiable";
* Constructor for CopyOnDemandSet.
* @param s the backing set.
* @param readWriteLock the ReadWriteLock on which to locked
* @param copyless whether copyless mode should be used
private CopyOnDemandSet(Set s, ReadWriteLock readWriteLock, boolean copyless)
set = Objects.requireNonNull(s, "s must not be null");
copy = null;
this.readWriteLock = readWriteLock;
this.copyless = copyless;
* Return whether copyless mode is used for iteration.
* @return true if the set uses copyless mode, false otherwise
public boolean isCopyless()
return copyless;
* {@inheritDoc}
public int size()
try {
return set.size();
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isEmpty()
try {
return set.isEmpty();
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean contains(Object o)
try {
return set.contains(o);
} finally {
* Returns an iterator over the elements in the backing set's unmodifiable copy. The
* elements are returned in the same order of the backing set.
* @return an iterator over the elements in the backing set's unmodifiable copy.
public Iterator iterator()
return getCopy().iterator();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Object[] toArray()
try {
return set.toArray();
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public T[] toArray(T[] a)
try {
return set.toArray(a);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean add(E e)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(UNMODIFIABLE);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean remove(Object o)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(UNMODIFIABLE);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean containsAll(Collection> c)
try {
return set.containsAll(c);
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean addAll(Collection extends E> c)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(UNMODIFIABLE);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean retainAll(Collection> c)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(UNMODIFIABLE);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean removeAll(Collection> c)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(UNMODIFIABLE);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void clear()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(UNMODIFIABLE);
* {@inheritDoc}
// Override default methods in Collection
public void forEach(Consumer super E> action)
try {
} finally {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean removeIf(Predicate super E> filter)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(UNMODIFIABLE);
* Creates a Spliterator
over the elements in the set's unmodifiable copy.
* @return a Spliterator
over the elements in the backing set's unmodifiable
* copy.
public Spliterator spliterator()
return getCopy().spliterator();
* Return a sequential Stream
with the backing set's unmodifiable copy as its
* source.
* @return a sequential Stream
with the backing set's unmodifiable copy as its
* source.
public Stream stream()
return getCopy().stream();
* Return a possibly parallel Stream
with the backing set's unmodifiable copy
* as its source.
* @return a possibly parallel Stream
with the backing set's unmodifiable copy
* as its source.
public Stream parallelStream()
return getCopy().parallelStream();
* Compares the specified object with this set for equality.
* @param o object to be compared for equality with this set.
* @return true
if o and this set are the same object or o is equal to the
* backing object, false otherwise.
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o)
return true;
try {
return set.equals(o);
} finally {
* Return the backing set's hashcode.
* @return the backing set's hashcode.
public int hashCode()
try {
return set.hashCode();
} finally {
* Return the backing set's toString result.
* @return the backing set's toString result.
public String toString()
try {
return set.toString();
} finally {
* Get the backing set's unmodifiable copy, or a direct reference to the backing set if in
* copyless mode.
* @return the backing set or its unmodifiable copy
private Set getCopy()
if (copyless) {
return set;
try {
Set tempCopy = copy;
if (tempCopy == null) {
synchronized (this) {
tempCopy = copy;
if (tempCopy == null) {
copy = tempCopy = new LinkedHashSet<>(set);
return tempCopy;
} finally {
* If the backing set is modified, call this method to let this set knows the backing set's
* copy need to update.
private void modified()
copy = null;
* An interface for cache strategy of AsSynchronizedGraph's edgesOf
* incomingEdgesOf
and outgoingEdgesOf
private interface CacheStrategy
* Add an edge into AsSynchronizedGraph's backing graph.
E addEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex);
* Add an edge into AsSynchronizedGraph's backing graph.
boolean addEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex, E e);
* Get all edges touching the specified vertex in AsSynchronizedGraph's backing graph.
Set edgesOf(V vertex);
* Get a set of all edges in AsSynchronizedGraph's backing graph incoming into the specified
* vertex.
Set incomingEdgesOf(V vertex);
* Get a set of all edges in AsSynchronizedGraph's backing graph outgoing from the specified
* vertex.
Set outgoingEdgesOf(V vertex);
* Remove the specified edge from AsSynchronizedGraph's backing graph.
boolean removeEdge(E e);
* Remove an edge from AsSynchronizedGraph's backing graph.
E removeEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex);
* Remove the specified vertex from AsSynchronizedGraph's backing graph.
boolean removeVertex(V v);
* Return whether the graph uses cache for edgesOf
* incomingEdgesOf
and outgoingEdgesOf
* @return true if cache is in use, false if cache is not in use.
boolean isCacheEnabled();
* Don't use cache for AsSynchronizedGraph's edgesOf
, incomingEdgesOf
* and outgoingEdgesOf
private class NoCache
private static final long serialVersionUID = 19246150051213471L;
* {@inheritDoc}
public E addEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
return AsSynchronizedGraph.super.addEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean addEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex, E e)
return AsSynchronizedGraph.super.addEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex, e);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set edgesOf(V vertex)
return copySet(AsSynchronizedGraph.super.edgesOf(vertex));
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set incomingEdgesOf(V vertex)
return copySet(AsSynchronizedGraph.super.incomingEdgesOf(vertex));
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set outgoingEdgesOf(V vertex)
return copySet(AsSynchronizedGraph.super.outgoingEdgesOf(vertex));
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean removeEdge(E e)
return AsSynchronizedGraph.super.removeEdge(e);
* {@inheritDoc}
public E removeEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
return AsSynchronizedGraph.super.removeEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean removeVertex(V v)
return AsSynchronizedGraph.super.removeVertex(v);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isCacheEnabled()
return false;
* Disable cache as per NoCache
, and also don't produce copies; instead, just
* directly return the results from the underlying graph. This requires the caller to explicitly
* synchronize iterations over these collections.
private class NoCopy
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5046944235164395939L;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set edgesOf(V vertex)
return AsSynchronizedGraph.super.edgesOf(vertex);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set incomingEdgesOf(V vertex)
return AsSynchronizedGraph.super.incomingEdgesOf(vertex);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set outgoingEdgesOf(V vertex)
return AsSynchronizedGraph.super.outgoingEdgesOf(vertex);
* Use cache for AsSynchronizedGraph's edgesOf
, incomingEdgesOf
* outgoingEdgesOf
private class CacheAccess
private static final long serialVersionUID = -18262921841829294L;
// A map caching for incomingEdges operation.
private final transient Map> incomingEdgesMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// A map caching for outgoingEdges operation.
private final transient Map> outgoingEdgesMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
// A map caching for edgesOf operation.
private final transient Map> edgesOfMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* {@inheritDoc}
public E addEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
E e = AsSynchronizedGraph.super.addEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
if (e != null)
edgeModified(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
return e;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean addEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex, E e)
if (AsSynchronizedGraph.super.addEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex, e)) {
edgeModified(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
return true;
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set edgesOf(V vertex)
Set s = edgesOfMap.get(vertex);
if (s != null)
return s;
s = copySet(AsSynchronizedGraph.super.edgesOf(vertex));
edgesOfMap.put(vertex, s);
return s;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set incomingEdgesOf(V vertex)
Set s = incomingEdgesMap.get(vertex);
if (s != null)
return s;
s = copySet(AsSynchronizedGraph.super.incomingEdgesOf(vertex));
incomingEdgesMap.put(vertex, s);
return s;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set outgoingEdgesOf(V vertex)
Set s = outgoingEdgesMap.get(vertex);
if (s != null)
return s;
s = copySet(AsSynchronizedGraph.super.outgoingEdgesOf(vertex));
outgoingEdgesMap.put(vertex, s);
return s;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean removeEdge(E e)
V sourceVertex = getEdgeSource(e);
V targetVertex = getEdgeTarget(e);
if (AsSynchronizedGraph.super.removeEdge(e)) {
edgeModified(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
return true;
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public E removeEdge(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
E e = AsSynchronizedGraph.super.removeEdge(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
if (e != null)
edgeModified(sourceVertex, targetVertex);
return e;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean removeVertex(V v)
if (AsSynchronizedGraph.super.removeVertex(v)) {
return true;
return false;
* Clear the copies which the edge to be added or removed can affect.
* @param sourceVertex source vertex of the modified edge.
* @param targetVertex target vertex of the modified edge.
private void edgeModified(V sourceVertex, V targetVertex)
if (!AsSynchronizedGraph.super.getType().isDirected()) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isCacheEnabled()
return true;
* A builder for {@link AsSynchronizedGraph}.
* @param the graph vertex type
* @param the graph edge type
* @author CHEN Kui
public static class Builder
private boolean cacheEnable;
private boolean fair;
private boolean copyless;
* Construct a new Builder with non-fair mode, cache disabled, and copyless mode disabled.
public Builder()
cacheEnable = false;
fair = false;
copyless = false;
* Construct a new Builder matching the settings of an existing graph.
* @param graph the graph on which to base the builder
public Builder(AsSynchronizedGraph graph)
this.cacheEnable = graph.isCacheEnabled();
this.fair = graph.isFair();
this.copyless = graph.isCopyless();
* Request a synchronized graph without caching.
* @return the Builder
public Builder cacheDisable()
cacheEnable = false;
return this;
* Request a synchronized graph with caching.
* @return the Builder
public Builder cacheEnable()
cacheEnable = true;
return this;
* Return whether a cache will be used for the synchronized graph being built.
* @return true if cache will be used, false if cache will not be used
public boolean isCacheEnable()
return cacheEnable;
* Request a synchronized graph which does not return collection copies.
* @return the Builder
public Builder setCopyless()
copyless = true;
return this;
* Request a synchronized graph which returns collection copies.
* @return the Builder
public Builder clearCopyless()
copyless = false;
return this;
* Return whether copyless mode will be used for the synchronized graph being built.
* @return true if constructed as copyless, false otherwise
public boolean isCopyless()
return copyless;
* Request a synchronized graph with fair mode.
* @return the SynchronizedGraphParams
public Builder setFair()
fair = true;
return this;
* Request a synchronized graph with non-fair mode.
* @return the SynchronizedGraphParams
public Builder setNonfair()
fair = false;
return this;
* Return whether fair mode will be used for the synchronized graph being built.
* @return true if constructed as fair mode, false if non-fair
public boolean isFair()
return fair;
* Build the AsSynchronizedGraph.
* @param graph the backing graph (the delegate)
* @return the AsSynchronizedGraph
public AsSynchronizedGraph build(Graph graph)
return new AsSynchronizedGraph<>(graph, cacheEnable, fair, copyless);
// End AsSynchronizedGraph.java