org.jgrapht.traverse.RandomWalkIterator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* (C) Copyright 2016-2018, by Assaf Mizrachi and Contributors.
* JGraphT : a free Java graph-theory library
* This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under
* either
* (a) the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, or (at your option) any
* later version.
* or (per the licensee's choosing)
* (b) the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by
* the Eclipse Foundation.
package org.jgrapht.traverse;
import org.jgrapht.*;
import java.util.*;
* A random walk iterator for a directed or undirected graph.
* At each step the iterator selects a random (uniformly distributed) edge out of the current vertex
* and follows it to the next vertex. In case of directed graphs the outgoing edge set is used. See
* wikipedia for more
* details.
* In case a weighted walk is desired, edges are selected with probability respective to its weight
* (out of the total weight of the edges). The walk can be bounded by number of steps (default
* {@code Long#MAX_VALUE} . When the bound is reached the iterator is considered exhausted. Calling
* {@code next()} on exhausted iterator will throw {@code NoSuchElementException}.
* In case a sink (i.e. no edges) vertex is reached, any consecutive calls to {@code next()} will
* throw {@code NoSuchElementException}.
* For this iterator to work correctly the graph must not be modified during iteration. Currently
* there are no means to ensure that, nor to fail-fast. The results of such modifications are
* undefined.
* @author Assaf Mizrachi
* @param vertex type
* @param edge type
public class RandomWalkIterator
private V currentVertex;
private final boolean isWeighted;
private boolean sinkReached;
private long maxSteps;
private Random random;
* Creates a new iterator for the specified graph. Iteration will start at arbitrary vertex.
* Walk is un-weighted and bounded by {@code Long#MAX_VALUE} steps.
* @param graph the graph to be iterated.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if graph==null
or does not contain
* startVertex
public RandomWalkIterator(Graph graph)
this(graph, null);
* Creates a new iterator for the specified graph. Iteration will start at the specified start
* vertex. If the specified start vertex is
* null
, Iteration will start at an arbitrary graph vertex. Walk is un-weighted and
* bounded by {@code Long#MAX_VALUE} steps.
* @param graph the graph to be iterated.
* @param startVertex the vertex iteration to be started.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if graph==null
or does not contain
* startVertex
public RandomWalkIterator(Graph graph, V startVertex)
this(graph, startVertex, true);
* Creates a new iterator for the specified graph. Iteration will start at the specified start
* vertex. If the specified start vertex is
* null
, Iteration will start at an arbitrary graph vertex. Walk is bounded by
* {@code Long#MAX_VALUE} steps.
* @param graph the graph to be iterated.
* @param startVertex the vertex iteration to be started.
* @param isWeighted set to true
if a weighted walk is desired.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if graph==null
or does not contain
* startVertex
public RandomWalkIterator(Graph graph, V startVertex, boolean isWeighted)
this(graph, startVertex, isWeighted, Long.MAX_VALUE);
* Creates a new iterator for the specified graph. Iteration will start at the specified start
* vertex. If the specified start vertex is
* null
, Iteration will start at an arbitrary graph vertex. Walk is bounded by the
* provided number steps.
* @param graph the graph to be iterated.
* @param startVertex the vertex iteration to be started.
* @param isWeighted set to true
if a weighted walk is desired.
* @param maxSteps number of steps before walk is exhausted.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if graph==null
or does not contain
* startVertex
public RandomWalkIterator(Graph graph, V startVertex, boolean isWeighted, long maxSteps)
this(graph, startVertex, isWeighted, maxSteps, new Random());
* Creates a new iterator for the specified graph. Iteration will start at the specified start
* vertex. If the specified start vertex is
* null
, Iteration will start at an arbitrary graph vertex. Walk is bounded by the
* provided number steps.
* @param graph the graph to be iterated.
* @param startVertex the vertex iteration to be started.
* @param isWeighted set to true
if a weighted walk is desired.
* @param maxSteps number of steps before walk is exhausted.
* @param rng the random number generator to use
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if graph==null
or does not contain
* startVertex
public RandomWalkIterator(
Graph graph, V startVertex, boolean isWeighted, long maxSteps, Random rng)
// do not cross components.
this.crossComponentTraversal = false;
this.isWeighted = isWeighted;
this.maxSteps = maxSteps;
// select a random start vertex in case not provided.
if (startVertex == null) {
if (graph.vertexSet().size() > 0) {
currentVertex = graph.vertexSet().iterator().next();
} else if (graph.containsVertex(startVertex)) {
currentVertex = startVertex;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("graph must contain the start vertex");
this.sinkReached = false;
this.random = Objects.requireNonNull(rng, "Random number generator cannot be null");
* Check if this walk is exhausted. Calling {@link #next()} on exhausted iterator will throw
* {@link NoSuchElementException}.
* @return true
if this iterator is exhausted, false
protected boolean isExhausted()
return maxSteps == 0;
* Update data structures every time we see a vertex.
* @param vertex the vertex encountered
* @param edge the edge via which the vertex was encountered, or null if the vertex is a
* starting point
protected void encounterVertex(V vertex, E edge)
public boolean hasNext()
return currentVertex != null && !isExhausted() && !sinkReached;
public V next()
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
Set extends E> potentialEdges = graph.outgoingEdgesOf(currentVertex);
// randomly select an edge from the set of potential edges.
E nextEdge = drawEdge(potentialEdges);
if (nextEdge != null) {
V nextVertex;
nextVertex = Graphs.getOppositeVertex(graph, nextEdge, currentVertex);
encounterVertex(nextVertex, nextEdge);
currentVertex = nextVertex;
return nextVertex;
} else {
sinkReached = true;
return currentVertex;
* Randomly draws an edges out of the provided set. In case of un-weighted walk, edge will be
* selected with uniform distribution across all outgoing edges. In case of a weighted walk,
* edge will be selected with probability respective to its weight across all outgoing edges.
* @param edges the set to select the edge from
* @return the drawn edges or null if set is empty.
private E drawEdge(Set extends E> edges)
if (edges.isEmpty()) {
return null;
int drawn;
List list = new ArrayList(edges);
if (isWeighted) {
Iterator safeIter = list.iterator();
double border = random.nextDouble() * getTotalWeight(list);
double d = 0;
drawn = -1;
do {
d += graph.getEdgeWeight(safeIter.next());
} while (d < border);
} else {
drawn = random.nextInt(list.size());
return list.get(drawn);
private double getTotalWeight(Collection edges)
double total = 0;
for (E e : edges) {
total += graph.getEdgeWeight(e);
return total;