com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfIndirectReference Maven / Gradle / Ivy
This file is part of the iText (R) project.
Copyright (c) 1998-2022 iText Group NV
Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
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See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
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package com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf;
import com.itextpdf.commons.utils.MessageFormatUtil;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.utils.ICopyFilter;
public class PdfIndirectReference extends PdfObject implements Comparable {
private static final int LENGTH_OF_INDIRECTS_CHAIN = 31;
* Object number.
protected final int objNr;
* Object generation.
protected int genNr;
* PdfObject that current PdfIndirectReference instance refers to.
protected PdfObject refersTo = null;
* Indirect reference number of object stream containing refersTo object.
* If refersTo is not placed into object stream - objectStreamNumber = 0.
protected int objectStreamNumber = 0;
* Offset in a document of the {@code refersTo} object.
* If the object placed into object stream then it is an object index inside object stream.
protected long offsetOrIndex = 0;
* PdfDocument object belongs to. For direct objects it is null.
protected PdfDocument pdfDocument = null;
protected PdfIndirectReference(PdfDocument doc, int objNr) {
this(doc, objNr, 0);
protected PdfIndirectReference(PdfDocument doc, int objNr, int genNr) {
this.pdfDocument = doc;
this.objNr = objNr;
this.genNr = genNr;
protected PdfIndirectReference(PdfDocument doc, int objNr, int genNr, long offset) {
this.pdfDocument = doc;
this.objNr = objNr;
this.genNr = genNr;
this.offsetOrIndex = offset;
assert offset >= 0;
public int getObjNumber() {
return objNr;
public int getGenNumber() {
return genNr;
public PdfObject getRefersTo() {
return getRefersTo(true);
* Gets direct object and try to resolve indirects chain.
* Note: If chain of references has length of more than 32,
* this method return 31st reference in chain.
* @param recursively {@code true} to resolve indirects chain
* @return the {@link PdfObject} result of indirect reference resolving
public PdfObject getRefersTo(boolean recursively) {
if (!recursively) {
if (refersTo == null && !checkState(FLUSHED) && !checkState(MODIFIED) && !checkState(FREE)
&& getReader() != null) {
refersTo = getReader().readObject(this);
return refersTo;
} else {
PdfObject currentRefersTo = getRefersTo(false);
for (int i = 0; i < LENGTH_OF_INDIRECTS_CHAIN; i++) {
if (currentRefersTo instanceof PdfIndirectReference) {
currentRefersTo = ((PdfIndirectReference) currentRefersTo).getRefersTo(false);
} else {
return currentRefersTo;
protected void setRefersTo(PdfObject refersTo) {
this.refersTo = refersTo;
public int getObjStreamNumber() {
return objectStreamNumber;
* Gets refersTo object offset in a document.
* @return object offset in a document. If refersTo object is in object stream then -1.
public long getOffset() {
return objectStreamNumber == 0 ? offsetOrIndex : -1;
* Gets refersTo object index in the object stream.
* @return object index in a document. If refersTo object is not in object stream then -1.
public int getIndex() {
return objectStreamNumber == 0 ? -1 : (int) offsetOrIndex;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
PdfIndirectReference that = (PdfIndirectReference) o;
boolean documentsEquals = pdfDocument == that.pdfDocument;
if (!documentsEquals) {
documentsEquals = pdfDocument != null
&& that.pdfDocument != null
&& pdfDocument.getDocumentId() == that.pdfDocument.getDocumentId();
return objNr == that.objNr && genNr == that.genNr && documentsEquals;
public int hashCode() {
int result = objNr;
result = 31 * result + genNr;
if (pdfDocument != null) {
result = 31 * result + (int) pdfDocument.getDocumentId();
return result;
public int compareTo(PdfIndirectReference o) {
if (objNr == o.objNr) {
if (genNr == o.genNr) {
return comparePdfDocumentLinks(o);
return (genNr > o.genNr) ? 1 : -1;
return (objNr > o.objNr) ? 1 : -1;
public byte getType() {
public PdfDocument getDocument() {
return pdfDocument;
* Marks indirect reference as free in the document. This doesn't "remove" indirect objects from the document,
* it only ensures that corresponding xref entry is free and indirect object referred by this reference is no longer
* linked to it. Actual object still might be written to the resultant document (and would get a new corresponding
* indirect reference in this case) if it is still contained in some other object.
* This method will not give any result if the corresponding indirect object or another object
* that contains a reference to this object is already flushed.
* Note: in some cases, removing a link of indirect object to it's indirect reference while
* leaving the actual object in the document structure might lead to errors, because some objects are expected
* to always have such explicit link (e.g. Catalog object, page objects, etc).
public void setFree() {
* Checks if this {@link PdfIndirectReference} instance corresponds to free indirect reference.
* Indirect reference might be in a free state either because it was read as such from the opened existing
* PDF document or because it was set free via {@link PdfIndirectReference#setFree()} method.
* @return {@code true} if this {@link PdfIndirectReference} is free, {@code false} otherwise.
public boolean isFree() {
return checkState(FREE);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder states = new StringBuilder(" ");
if (checkState(FREE)) {
states.append("Free; ");
if (checkState(MODIFIED)) {
states.append("Modified; ");
if (checkState(MUST_BE_FLUSHED)) {
states.append("MustBeFlushed; ");
if (checkState(READING)) {
states.append("Reading; ");
if (checkState(FLUSHED)) {
states.append("Flushed; ");
states.append("OriginalObjectStream; ");
if (checkState(FORBID_RELEASE)) {
states.append("ForbidRelease; ");
if (checkState(READ_ONLY)) {
states.append("ReadOnly; ");
return MessageFormatUtil.format("{0} {1} R{2}", Integer.toString(getObjNumber()),
Integer.toString(getGenNumber()), states.substring(0, states.length() - 1));
* Gets a PdfWriter associated with the document object belongs to.
* @return PdfWriter.
protected PdfWriter getWriter() {
if (getDocument() != null) {
return getDocument().getWriter();
return null;
* Gets a PdfReader associated with the document object belongs to.
* @return PdfReader.
protected PdfReader getReader() {
if (getDocument() != null) {
return getDocument().getReader();
return null;
protected PdfObject newInstance() {
return PdfNull.PDF_NULL;
protected void copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document, ICopyFilter copyFilter) {
protected void copyContent(PdfObject from, PdfDocument document) {
* Sets special states of current object.
* @param state special flag of current object
protected PdfObject setState(short state) {
return super.setState(state);
void setObjStreamNumber(int objectStreamNumber) {
this.objectStreamNumber = objectStreamNumber;
void setIndex(long index) {
this.offsetOrIndex = index;
void setOffset(long offset) {
this.offsetOrIndex = offset;
this.objectStreamNumber = 0;
void fixOffset(long offset) {
if (!isFree()) {
this.offsetOrIndex = offset;
private int comparePdfDocumentLinks(PdfIndirectReference toCompare) {
if (pdfDocument == toCompare.pdfDocument) {
return 0;
} else if (pdfDocument == null) {
return -1;
} else if (toCompare.pdfDocument == null) {
return 1;
} else {
long thisDocumentId = pdfDocument.getDocumentId();
long documentIdToCompare = toCompare.pdfDocument.getDocumentId();
if (thisDocumentId == documentIdToCompare) {
return 0;
return (thisDocumentId > documentIdToCompare) ? 1 : -1;