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com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BarcodePDF417 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* $Id: 0ea4cbad075ff66697a2ee52965e44a80bb7487a $
* This file is part of the iText (R) project.
* Copyright (c) 1998-2016 iText Group NV
* Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
* as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
* following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see or write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL:
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
* a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
* or manipulated using iText.
* You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
* a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
* develop commercial activities involving the iText software without
* disclosing the source code of your own applications.
* These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP,
* serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed
* source product.
* For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
* address: [email protected]
package com.itextpdf.text.pdf;
import com.itextpdf.text.BadElementException;
import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor;
import com.itextpdf.text.Image;
import com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle;
import com.itextpdf.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.codec.CCITTG4Encoder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
/** Generates the 2D barcode PDF417. Supports dimensioning auto-sizing, fixed
* and variable sizes, automatic and manual error levels, raw codeword input,
* codeword size optimization and bitmap inversion. The output can
* be a CCITT G4 Image
or a raw bitmap.
* @author Paulo Soares
public class BarcodePDF417 {
/** Auto-size is made based on aspectRatio
and yHeight
. */
public static final int PDF417_USE_ASPECT_RATIO = 0;
/** The size of the barcode will be at least codeColumns*codeRows
. */
public static final int PDF417_FIXED_RECTANGLE = 1;
/** The size will be at least codeColumns
* with a variable number of codeRows
public static final int PDF417_FIXED_COLUMNS = 2;
/** The size will be at least codeRows
* with a variable number of codeColumns
public static final int PDF417_FIXED_ROWS = 4;
/** The error level correction is set automatically according
* to ISO 15438 recommendations.
public static final int PDF417_AUTO_ERROR_LEVEL = 0;
/** The error level correction is set by the user. It can be 0 to 8. */
public static final int PDF417_USE_ERROR_LEVEL = 16;
* One single binary segment is used
public static final int PDF417_FORCE_BINARY = 32;
/** No text
interpretation is done and the content of codewords
* is used directly.
public static final int PDF417_USE_RAW_CODEWORDS = 64;
/** Inverts the output bits of the raw bitmap that is normally
* bit one for black. It has only effect for the raw bitmap.
public static final int PDF417_INVERT_BITMAP = 128;
/** Use Macro PDF417 Encoding
* @see #setMacroFileId(String)
* @see #setMacroSegmentId(int)
* @see #setMacroSegmentCount(int)
public static final int PDF417_USE_MACRO = 256;
private int macroSegmentCount=0;
private int macroSegmentId=-1;
private String macroFileId;
private int macroIndex;
protected int bitPtr;
protected int cwPtr;
protected SegmentList segmentList;
/** Creates a new BarcodePDF417
with the default settings. */
public BarcodePDF417() {
* Sets the segment id for macro PDF417 encoding
* @param id the id (starting at 0)
* @see #setMacroSegmentCount(int)
public void setMacroSegmentId(int id) {
this.macroSegmentId = id;
* Sets the segment count for macro PDF417 encoding
* @param cnt the number of macro segments
* @see #setMacroSegmentId(int)
public void setMacroSegmentCount(int cnt) {
this.macroSegmentCount = cnt;
* Sets the File ID for macro PDF417 encoding
* @param id the file id
public void setMacroFileId(String id) {
this.macroFileId = id;
protected boolean checkSegmentType(Segment segment, char type) {
if (segment == null)
return false;
return segment.type == type;
protected int getSegmentLength(Segment segment) {
if (segment == null)
return 0;
return segment.end - segment.start;
/** Set the default settings that correspond to PDF417_USE_ASPECT_RATIO
public void setDefaultParameters() {
options = 0;
outBits = null;
text = new byte[0];
yHeight = 3;
aspectRatio = 0.5f;
protected void outCodeword17(int codeword) {
int bytePtr = bitPtr / 8;
int bit = bitPtr - bytePtr * 8;
outBits[bytePtr++] |= codeword >> 9 + bit;
outBits[bytePtr++] |= codeword >> 1 + bit;
codeword <<= 8;
outBits[bytePtr] |= codeword >> 1 + bit;
bitPtr += 17;
protected void outCodeword18(int codeword) {
int bytePtr = bitPtr / 8;
int bit = bitPtr - bytePtr * 8;
outBits[bytePtr++] |= codeword >> 10 + bit;
outBits[bytePtr++] |= codeword >> 2 + bit;
codeword <<= 8;
outBits[bytePtr] |= codeword >> 2 + bit;
if (bit == 7)
outBits[++bytePtr] |= 0x80;
bitPtr += 18;
protected void outCodeword(int codeword) {
protected void outStopPattern() {
protected void outStartPattern() {
protected void outPaintCode() {
int codePtr = 0;
bitColumns = START_CODE_SIZE * (codeColumns + 3) + STOP_SIZE;
int lenBits = ((bitColumns - 1) / 8 + 1) * codeRows;
outBits = new byte[lenBits];
for (int row = 0; row < codeRows; ++row) {
bitPtr = ((bitColumns - 1) / 8 + 1) * 8 * row;
int rowMod = row % 3;
int cluster[] = CLUSTERS[rowMod];
int edge = 0;
switch (rowMod) {
case 0:
edge = 30 * (row / 3) + (codeRows - 1) / 3;
case 1:
edge = 30 * (row / 3) + errorLevel * 3 + (codeRows - 1) % 3;
edge = 30 * (row / 3) + codeColumns - 1;
for (int column = 0; column < codeColumns; ++column) {
switch (rowMod) {
case 0:
edge = 30 * (row / 3) + codeColumns - 1;
case 1:
edge = 30 * (row / 3) + (codeRows - 1) / 3;
edge = 30 * (row / 3) + errorLevel * 3 + (codeRows - 1) % 3;
if ((options & PDF417_INVERT_BITMAP) != 0) {
for (int k = 0; k < outBits.length; ++k)
outBits[k] ^= 0xff;
protected void calculateErrorCorrection(int dest) {
if (errorLevel < 0 || errorLevel > 8)
errorLevel = 0;
int A[] = ERROR_LEVEL[errorLevel];
int Alength = 2 << errorLevel;
for (int k = 0; k < Alength; ++k)
codewords[dest + k] = 0;
int lastE = Alength - 1;
for (int k = 0; k < lenCodewords; ++k) {
int t1 = codewords[k] + codewords[dest];
for (int e = 0; e <= lastE; ++e) {
int t2 = t1 * A[lastE - e] % MOD;
int t3 = MOD - t2;
codewords[dest + e] = ((e == lastE ? 0 : codewords[dest + e + 1]) + t3) % MOD;
for (int k = 0; k < Alength; ++k)
codewords[dest + k] = (MOD - codewords[dest + k]) % MOD;
private static int getTextTypeAndValue(byte[] input, int maxLength, int idx) {
if (idx >= maxLength)
return 0;
char c = (char)(input[idx] & 0xff);
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
return ALPHA + c - 'A';
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
return LOWER + c - 'a';
if (c == ' ')
int ms = MIXED_SET.indexOf(c);
int ps = PUNCTUATION_SET.indexOf(c);
if (ms < 0 && ps < 0)
return ISBYTE + c;
if (ms == ps)
return MIXED + PUNCTUATION + ms;
if (ms >= 0)
return MIXED + ms;
return PUNCTUATION + ps;
protected int getTextTypeAndValue(int maxLength, int idx) {
return getTextTypeAndValue(text, maxLength,idx);
private void textCompaction(byte[] input, int start, int length) {
int dest[] = new int[ABSOLUTE_MAX_TEXT_SIZE * 2];
int mode = ALPHA;
int ptr = 0;
int fullBytes = 0;
int v = 0;
int k;
int size;
length += start;
for (k = start; k < length; ++k) {
v = getTextTypeAndValue(input, length, k);
if ((v & mode) != 0) {
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
if ((v & ISBYTE) != 0) {
if ((ptr & 1) != 0) {
//add a padding word
dest[ptr++] = PAL;
mode = (mode & PUNCTUATION) != 0 ? ALPHA : mode;
dest[ptr++] = BYTESHIFT;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
fullBytes += 2;
switch (mode) {
case ALPHA:
if ((v & LOWER) != 0) {
dest[ptr++] = LL;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
mode = LOWER;
else if ((v & MIXED) != 0) {
dest[ptr++] = ML;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
mode = MIXED;
else if ((getTextTypeAndValue(input, length, k + 1) & getTextTypeAndValue(input, length, k + 2) & PUNCTUATION) != 0) {
dest[ptr++] = ML;
dest[ptr++] = PL;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
else {
dest[ptr++] = PS;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
case LOWER:
if ((v & ALPHA) != 0) {
if ((getTextTypeAndValue(input, length, k + 1) & getTextTypeAndValue(input, length, k + 2) & ALPHA) != 0) {
dest[ptr++] = ML;
dest[ptr++] = AL;
mode = ALPHA;
else {
dest[ptr++] = AS;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
else if ((v & MIXED) != 0) {
dest[ptr++] = ML;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
mode = MIXED;
else if ((getTextTypeAndValue(input, length, k + 1) & getTextTypeAndValue(input, length, k + 2) & PUNCTUATION) != 0) {
dest[ptr++] = ML;
dest[ptr++] = PL;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
else {
dest[ptr++] = PS;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
case MIXED:
if ((v & LOWER) != 0) {
dest[ptr++] = LL;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
mode = LOWER;
else if ((v & ALPHA) != 0) {
dest[ptr++] = AL;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
mode = ALPHA;
else if ((getTextTypeAndValue(input, length, k + 1) & getTextTypeAndValue(input, length, k + 2) & PUNCTUATION) != 0) {
dest[ptr++] = PL;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
else {
dest[ptr++] = PS;
dest[ptr++] = v & 0xff;
dest[ptr++] = PAL;
mode = ALPHA;
if ((ptr & 1) != 0)
dest[ptr++] = PS;
size = (ptr + fullBytes) / 2;
if (size + cwPtr > MAX_DATA_CODEWORDS) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(""));
length = ptr;
ptr = 0;
while (ptr < length) {
v = dest[ptr++];
if (v >= 30) {
codewords[cwPtr++] = v;
codewords[cwPtr++] = dest[ptr++];
codewords[cwPtr++] = v * 30 + dest[ptr++];
protected void textCompaction(int start, int length) {
textCompaction(text, start, length);
protected void basicNumberCompaction(int start, int length) {
basicNumberCompaction(text, start, length);
private void basicNumberCompaction(byte[] input, int start, int length) {
int ret = cwPtr;
int retLast = length / 3;
int ni, k;
cwPtr += retLast + 1;
for (k = 0; k <= retLast; ++k)
codewords[ret + k] = 0;
codewords[ret + retLast] = 1;
length += start;
for (ni = start; ni < length; ++ni) {
// multiply by 10
for (k = retLast; k >= 0; --k)
codewords[ret + k] *= 10;
// add the digit
codewords[ret + retLast] += input[ni] - '0';
// propagate carry
for (k = retLast; k > 0; --k) {
codewords[ret + k - 1] += codewords[ret + k] / 900;
codewords[ret + k] %= 900;
private void numberCompaction(byte[] input, int start, int length) {
int full = length / 44 * 15;
int size = length % 44;
int k;
if (size == 0)
size = full;
size = full + size / 3 + 1;
if (size + cwPtr > MAX_DATA_CODEWORDS) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(""));
length += start;
for (k = start; k < length; k += 44) {
size = length - k < 44 ? length - k : 44;
basicNumberCompaction(input, k, size);
protected void numberCompaction(int start, int length) {
numberCompaction(text, start, length);
protected void byteCompaction6(int start) {
int length = 6;
int ret = cwPtr;
int retLast = 4;
int ni, k;
cwPtr += retLast + 1;
for (k = 0; k <= retLast ; ++k)
codewords[ret + k] = 0;
length += start;
for (ni = start; ni < length; ++ni) {
// multiply by 256
for (k = retLast; k >= 0; --k)
codewords[ret + k] *= 256;
// add the digit
codewords[ret + retLast] += text[ni] & 0xff;
// propagate carry
for (k = retLast; k > 0; --k) {
codewords[ret + k - 1] += codewords[ret + k] / 900;
codewords[ret + k] %= 900;
void byteCompaction(int start, int length) {
int k, j;
int size = length / 6 * 5 + length % 6;
if (size + cwPtr > MAX_DATA_CODEWORDS) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(""));
length += start;
for (k = start; k < length; k += 6) {
size = length - k < 44 ? length - k : 6;
if (size < 6) {
for (j = 0; j < size; ++j)
codewords[cwPtr++] = text[k + j] & 0xff;
else {
void breakString() {
int textLength = text.length;
int lastP = 0;
int startN = 0;
int nd = 0;
char c = 0;
int k, j;
boolean lastTxt, txt;
Segment v;
Segment vp;
Segment vn;
if ((options & PDF417_FORCE_BINARY) != 0) {
segmentList.add('B', 0, textLength);
for (k = 0; k < textLength; ++k) {
c = (char)(text[k] & 0xff);
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
if (nd == 0)
startN = k;
if (nd >= 13) {
if (lastP != startN) {
c = (char)(text[lastP] & 0xff);
lastTxt = c >= ' ' && c < 127 || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\t';
for (j = lastP; j < startN; ++j) {
c = (char)(text[j] & 0xff);
txt = c >= ' ' && c < 127 || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\t';
if (txt != lastTxt) {
segmentList.add(lastTxt ? 'T' : 'B', lastP, j);
lastP = j;
lastTxt = txt;
segmentList.add(lastTxt ? 'T' : 'B', lastP, startN);
segmentList.add('N', startN, k);
lastP = k;
nd = 0;
if (nd < 13)
startN = textLength;
if (lastP != startN) {
c = (char)(text[lastP] & 0xff);
lastTxt = c >= ' ' && c < 127 || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\t';
for (j = lastP; j < startN; ++j) {
c = (char)(text[j] & 0xff);
txt = c >= ' ' && c < 127 || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\t';
if (txt != lastTxt) {
segmentList.add(lastTxt ? 'T' : 'B', lastP, j);
lastP = j;
lastTxt = txt;
segmentList.add(lastTxt ? 'T' : 'B', lastP, startN);
if (nd >= 13)
segmentList.add('N', startN, textLength);
//merge short binary
for (k = 0; k < segmentList.size(); ++k) {
v = segmentList.get(k);
vp = segmentList.get(k - 1);
vn = segmentList.get(k + 1);
if (checkSegmentType(v, 'B') && getSegmentLength(v) == 1) {
if (checkSegmentType(vp, 'T') && checkSegmentType(vn, 'T')
&& getSegmentLength(vp) + getSegmentLength(vn) >= 3) {
vp.end = vn.end;
k = -1;
//merge text sections
for (k = 0; k < segmentList.size(); ++k) {
v = segmentList.get(k);
vp = segmentList.get(k - 1);
vn = segmentList.get(k + 1);
if (checkSegmentType(v, 'T') && getSegmentLength(v) >= 5) {
boolean redo = false;
if (checkSegmentType(vp, 'B') && getSegmentLength(vp) == 1 || checkSegmentType(vp, 'T')) {
redo = true;
v.start = vp.start;
segmentList.remove(k - 1);
if (checkSegmentType(vn, 'B') && getSegmentLength(vn) == 1 || checkSegmentType(vn, 'T')) {
redo = true;
v.end = vn.end;
segmentList.remove(k + 1);
if (redo) {
k = -1;
//merge binary sections
for (k = 0; k < segmentList.size(); ++k) {
v = segmentList.get(k);
vp = segmentList.get(k - 1);
vn = segmentList.get(k + 1);
if (checkSegmentType(v, 'B')) {
boolean redo = false;
if (checkSegmentType(vp, 'T') && getSegmentLength(vp) < 5 || checkSegmentType(vp, 'B')) {
redo = true;
v.start = vp.start;
segmentList.remove(k - 1);
if (checkSegmentType(vn, 'T') && getSegmentLength(vn) < 5 || checkSegmentType(vn, 'B')) {
redo = true;
v.end = vn.end;
segmentList.remove(k + 1);
if (redo) {
k = -1;
// check if all numbers
if (segmentList.size() == 1 && (v = segmentList.get(0)).type == 'T' && getSegmentLength(v) >= 8) {
for (k = v.start; k < v.end; ++k) {
c = (char)(text[k] & 0xff);
if (c < '0' || c > '9')
if (k == v.end)
v.type = 'N';
protected void assemble() {
int k;
if (segmentList.size() == 0)
cwPtr = 1;
for (k = 0; k < segmentList.size(); ++k) {
Segment v = segmentList.get(k);
switch (v.type) {
case 'T':
if (k != 0)
codewords[cwPtr++] = TEXT_MODE;
textCompaction(v.start, getSegmentLength(v));
case 'N':
codewords[cwPtr++] = NUMERIC_MODE;
numberCompaction(v.start, getSegmentLength(v));
case 'B':
codewords[cwPtr++] = getSegmentLength(v) % 6 != 0 ? BYTE_MODE : BYTE_MODE_6;
byteCompaction(v.start, getSegmentLength(v));
if ((options & PDF417_USE_MACRO) != 0) {
private void macroCodes() {
if (macroSegmentId < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(""));
if (macroSegmentId >= macroSegmentCount) {
throw new IllegalStateException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(""));
if (macroSegmentCount < 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(""));
macroIndex = cwPtr;
codewords[cwPtr++] = MACRO_SEGMENT_ID;
append(macroSegmentId, 5);
if (macroFileId != null) {
if (macroSegmentId >= macroSegmentCount-1) {
codewords[cwPtr++] = MACRO_LAST_SEGMENT;
private void append(int in, int len) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(len+1);
for(int i = sb.length(); i < len; i++) {
sb.insert(0, "0");
byte[] bytes = PdfEncodings.convertToBytes(sb.toString(), "cp437");
numberCompaction(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
private void append(String s) {
byte[] bytes = PdfEncodings.convertToBytes(s, "cp437");
textCompaction(bytes, 0, bytes.length);
protected static int maxPossibleErrorLevel(int remain) {
int level = 8;
int size = 512;
while (level > 0) {
if (remain >= size)
return level;
size >>= 1;
return 0;
protected void dumpList() {
if (segmentList.size() == 0)
for (int k = 0; k < segmentList.size(); ++k) {
Segment v = segmentList.get(k);
int len = getSegmentLength(v);
char c[] = new char[len];
for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j) {
c[j] = (char)(text[v.start + j] & 0xff);
if (c[j] == '\r')
c[j] = '\n';
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
protected int getMaxSquare() {
if (codeColumns > 21) {
codeColumns = 29;
codeRows = 32;
else {
codeColumns = 16;
codeRows = 58;
/** Paints the barcode. If no exception was thrown a valid barcode is available. */
public void paintCode() {
int maxErr, lenErr, tot, pad;
if ((options & PDF417_USE_RAW_CODEWORDS) != 0) {
if (lenCodewords > MAX_DATA_CODEWORDS || lenCodewords < 1 || lenCodewords != codewords[0]) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("invalid.codeword.size"));
else {
if (text == null)
throw new NullPointerException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(""));
if (text.length > ABSOLUTE_MAX_TEXT_SIZE) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(""));
segmentList = new SegmentList();
segmentList = null;
codewords[0] = lenCodewords = cwPtr;
maxErr = maxPossibleErrorLevel(MAX_DATA_CODEWORDS + 2 - lenCodewords);
if ((options & PDF417_USE_ERROR_LEVEL) == 0) {
if (lenCodewords < 41)
errorLevel = 2;
else if (lenCodewords < 161)
errorLevel = 3;
else if (lenCodewords < 321)
errorLevel = 4;
errorLevel = 5;
if (errorLevel < 0)
errorLevel = 0;
else if (errorLevel > maxErr)
errorLevel = maxErr;
if (codeColumns < 1)
codeColumns = 1;
else if (codeColumns > 30)
codeColumns = 30;
if (codeRows < 3)
codeRows = 3;
else if (codeRows > 90)
codeRows = 90;
lenErr = 2 << errorLevel;
boolean fixedColumn = (options & PDF417_FIXED_ROWS) == 0;
boolean skipRowColAdjust = false;
tot = lenCodewords + lenErr;
if ((options & PDF417_FIXED_RECTANGLE) != 0) {
tot = codeColumns * codeRows;
if (tot > MAX_DATA_CODEWORDS + 2) {
tot = getMaxSquare();
if (tot < lenCodewords + lenErr)
tot = lenCodewords + lenErr;
skipRowColAdjust = true;
else if ((options & (PDF417_FIXED_COLUMNS | PDF417_FIXED_ROWS)) == 0) {
double c, b;
fixedColumn = true;
if (aspectRatio < 0.001)
aspectRatio = 0.001f;
else if (aspectRatio > 1000)
aspectRatio = 1000;
b = 73 * aspectRatio - 4;
c = (-b + Math.sqrt(b * b + 4 * 17 * aspectRatio * (lenCodewords + lenErr) * yHeight)) / (2 * 17 * aspectRatio);
codeColumns = (int)(c + 0.5);
if (codeColumns < 1)
codeColumns = 1;
else if (codeColumns > 30)
codeColumns = 30;
if (!skipRowColAdjust) {
if (fixedColumn) {
codeRows = (tot - 1) / codeColumns + 1;
if (codeRows < 3)
codeRows = 3;
else if (codeRows > 90) {
codeRows = 90;
codeColumns = (tot - 1) / 90 + 1;
else {
codeColumns = (tot - 1) / codeRows + 1;
if (codeColumns > 30) {
codeColumns = 30;
codeRows = (tot - 1) / 30 + 1;
tot = codeRows * codeColumns;
if (tot > MAX_DATA_CODEWORDS + 2) {
tot = getMaxSquare();
errorLevel = maxPossibleErrorLevel(tot - lenCodewords);
lenErr = 2 << errorLevel;
pad = tot - lenErr - lenCodewords;
if ((options & PDF417_USE_MACRO) != 0) {
// the padding comes before the control block
System.arraycopy(codewords, macroIndex, codewords, macroIndex + pad, pad);
cwPtr = lenCodewords + pad;
while (pad-- != 0)
codewords[macroIndex++] = TEXT_MODE;
else {
cwPtr = lenCodewords;
while (pad-- != 0)
codewords[cwPtr++] = TEXT_MODE;
codewords[0] = lenCodewords = cwPtr;
lenCodewords = tot;
/** Gets an Image
with the barcode. The image will have to be
* scaled in the Y direction by yHeight
for the barcode
* to have the right printing aspect.
* @return the barcode Image
* @throws BadElementException on error
public Image getImage() throws BadElementException {
byte g4[] = CCITTG4Encoder.compress(outBits, bitColumns, codeRows);
return Image.getInstance(bitColumns, codeRows, false, Image.CCITTG4, (options & PDF417_INVERT_BITMAP) == 0 ? 0 : Image.CCITT_BLACKIS1, g4, null);
/** Gets the raw image bits of the barcode. The image will have to
* be scaled in the Y direction by yHeight
* @return The raw barcode image
public byte[] getOutBits() {
return this.outBits;
/** Gets the number of X pixels of outBits
* @return the number of X pixels of outBits
public int getBitColumns() {
return this.bitColumns;
/** Gets the number of Y pixels of outBits
* It is also the number of rows in the barcode.
* @return the number of Y pixels of outBits
public int getCodeRows() {
return this.codeRows;
/** Sets the number of barcode rows. This number may be changed
* to keep the barcode valid.
* @param codeRows the number of barcode rows
public void setCodeRows(int codeRows) {
this.codeRows = codeRows;
/** Gets the number of barcode data columns.
* @return he number of barcode data columns
public int getCodeColumns() {
return this.codeColumns;
/** Sets the number of barcode data columns.
* This number may be changed to keep the barcode valid.
* @param codeColumns the number of barcode data columns
public void setCodeColumns(int codeColumns) {
this.codeColumns = codeColumns;
/** Gets the codeword array. This array is always 928 elements long.
* It can be written to if the option PDF417_USE_RAW_CODEWORDS
* is set.
* @return the codeword array
public int[] getCodewords() {
return this.codewords;
/** Gets the length of the codewords.
* @return the length of the codewords
public int getLenCodewords() {
return this.lenCodewords;
/** Sets the length of the codewords.
* @param lenCodewords the length of the codewords
public void setLenCodewords(int lenCodewords) {
this.lenCodewords = lenCodewords;
/** Gets the error level correction used for the barcode. It may different
* from the previously set value.
* @return the error level correction used for the barcode
public int getErrorLevel() {
return this.errorLevel;
/** Sets the error level correction for the barcode.
* @param errorLevel the error level correction for the barcode
public void setErrorLevel(int errorLevel) {
this.errorLevel = errorLevel;
/** Gets the bytes that form the barcode. This bytes should
* be interpreted in the codepage Cp437.
* @return the bytes that form the barcode
public byte[] getText() {
return this.text;
/** Sets the bytes that form the barcode. This bytes should
* be interpreted in the codepage Cp437.
* @param text the bytes that form the barcode
public void setText(byte[] text) {
this.text = text;
/** Sets the text that will form the barcode. This text is converted
* to bytes using the encoding Cp437.
* @param s the text that will form the barcode
public void setText(String s) {
this.text = PdfEncodings.convertToBytes(s, "cp437");
/** Gets the options to generate the barcode.
* @return the options to generate the barcode
public int getOptions() {
return this.options;
/** Sets the options to generate the barcode. This can be all
* the PDF417_*
* @param options the options to generate the barcode
public void setOptions(int options) {
this.options = options;
/** Gets the barcode aspect ratio.
* @return the barcode aspect ratio
public float getAspectRatio() {
return this.aspectRatio;
/** Sets the barcode aspect ratio. A ratio or 0.5 will make the
* barcode width twice as large as the height.
* @param aspectRatio the barcode aspect ratio
public void setAspectRatio(float aspectRatio) {
this.aspectRatio = aspectRatio;
/** Gets the Y pixel height relative to X.
* @return the Y pixel height relative to X
public float getYHeight() {
return this.yHeight;
/** Sets the Y pixel height relative to X. It is usually 3.
* @param yHeight the Y pixel height relative to X
public void setYHeight(float yHeight) {
this.yHeight = yHeight;
protected static final int START_PATTERN = 0x1fea8;
protected static final int STOP_PATTERN = 0x3fa29;
protected static final int START_CODE_SIZE = 17;
protected static final int STOP_SIZE = 18;
protected static final int MOD = 929;
protected static final int ALPHA = 0x10000;
protected static final int LOWER = 0x20000;
protected static final int MIXED = 0x40000;
protected static final int PUNCTUATION = 0x80000;
protected static final int ISBYTE = 0x100000;
protected static final int BYTESHIFT = 913;
protected static final int PL = 25;
protected static final int LL = 27;
protected static final int AS = 27;
protected static final int ML = 28;
protected static final int AL = 28;
protected static final int PS = 29;
protected static final int PAL = 29;
protected static final int SPACE = 26;
protected static final int TEXT_MODE = 900;
protected static final int BYTE_MODE_6 = 924;
protected static final int BYTE_MODE = 901;
protected static final int NUMERIC_MODE = 902;
protected static final int ABSOLUTE_MAX_TEXT_SIZE = 5420;
protected static final int MAX_DATA_CODEWORDS = 926;
protected static final int MACRO_SEGMENT_ID=928;
protected static final int MACRO_LAST_SEGMENT=922;
private static final String MIXED_SET = "0123456789&\r\t,:#-.$/+%*=^";
private static final String PUNCTUATION_SET = ";<>@[\\]_`~!\r\t,:\n-.$/\"|*()?{}'";
private static final int CLUSTERS[][] =
0x1d5c0, 0x1eaf0, 0x1f57c, 0x1d4e0, 0x1ea78, 0x1f53e, 0x1a8c0, 0x1d470,
0x1a860, 0x15040, 0x1a830, 0x15020, 0x1adc0, 0x1d6f0, 0x1eb7c, 0x1ace0,
0x1d678, 0x1eb3e, 0x158c0, 0x1ac70, 0x15860, 0x15dc0, 0x1aef0, 0x1d77c,
0x15ce0, 0x1ae78, 0x1d73e, 0x15c70, 0x1ae3c, 0x15ef0, 0x1af7c, 0x15e78,
0x1af3e, 0x15f7c, 0x1f5fa, 0x1d2e0, 0x1e978, 0x1f4be, 0x1a4c0, 0x1d270,
0x1e93c, 0x1a460, 0x1d238, 0x14840, 0x1a430, 0x1d21c, 0x14820, 0x1a418,
0x14810, 0x1a6e0, 0x1d378, 0x1e9be, 0x14cc0, 0x1a670, 0x1d33c, 0x14c60,
0x1a638, 0x1d31e, 0x14c30, 0x1a61c, 0x14ee0, 0x1a778, 0x1d3be, 0x14e70,
0x1a73c, 0x14e38, 0x1a71e, 0x14f78, 0x1a7be, 0x14f3c, 0x14f1e, 0x1a2c0,
0x1d170, 0x1e8bc, 0x1a260, 0x1d138, 0x1e89e, 0x14440, 0x1a230, 0x1d11c,
0x14420, 0x1a218, 0x14410, 0x14408, 0x146c0, 0x1a370, 0x1d1bc, 0x14660,
0x1a338, 0x1d19e, 0x14630, 0x1a31c, 0x14618, 0x1460c, 0x14770, 0x1a3bc,
0x14738, 0x1a39e, 0x1471c, 0x147bc, 0x1a160, 0x1d0b8, 0x1e85e, 0x14240,
0x1a130, 0x1d09c, 0x14220, 0x1a118, 0x1d08e, 0x14210, 0x1a10c, 0x14208,
0x1a106, 0x14360, 0x1a1b8, 0x1d0de, 0x14330, 0x1a19c, 0x14318, 0x1a18e,
0x1430c, 0x14306, 0x1a1de, 0x1438e, 0x14140, 0x1a0b0, 0x1d05c, 0x14120,
0x1a098, 0x1d04e, 0x14110, 0x1a08c, 0x14108, 0x1a086, 0x14104, 0x141b0,
0x14198, 0x1418c, 0x140a0, 0x1d02e, 0x1a04c, 0x1a046, 0x14082, 0x1cae0,
0x1e578, 0x1f2be, 0x194c0, 0x1ca70, 0x1e53c, 0x19460, 0x1ca38, 0x1e51e,
0x12840, 0x19430, 0x12820, 0x196e0, 0x1cb78, 0x1e5be, 0x12cc0, 0x19670,
0x1cb3c, 0x12c60, 0x19638, 0x12c30, 0x12c18, 0x12ee0, 0x19778, 0x1cbbe,
0x12e70, 0x1973c, 0x12e38, 0x12e1c, 0x12f78, 0x197be, 0x12f3c, 0x12fbe,
0x1dac0, 0x1ed70, 0x1f6bc, 0x1da60, 0x1ed38, 0x1f69e, 0x1b440, 0x1da30,
0x1ed1c, 0x1b420, 0x1da18, 0x1ed0e, 0x1b410, 0x1da0c, 0x192c0, 0x1c970,
0x1e4bc, 0x1b6c0, 0x19260, 0x1c938, 0x1e49e, 0x1b660, 0x1db38, 0x1ed9e,
0x16c40, 0x12420, 0x19218, 0x1c90e, 0x16c20, 0x1b618, 0x16c10, 0x126c0,
0x19370, 0x1c9bc, 0x16ec0, 0x12660, 0x19338, 0x1c99e, 0x16e60, 0x1b738,
0x1db9e, 0x16e30, 0x12618, 0x16e18, 0x12770, 0x193bc, 0x16f70, 0x12738,
0x1939e, 0x16f38, 0x1b79e, 0x16f1c, 0x127bc, 0x16fbc, 0x1279e, 0x16f9e,
0x1d960, 0x1ecb8, 0x1f65e, 0x1b240, 0x1d930, 0x1ec9c, 0x1b220, 0x1d918,
0x1ec8e, 0x1b210, 0x1d90c, 0x1b208, 0x1b204, 0x19160, 0x1c8b8, 0x1e45e,
0x1b360, 0x19130, 0x1c89c, 0x16640, 0x12220, 0x1d99c, 0x1c88e, 0x16620,
0x12210, 0x1910c, 0x16610, 0x1b30c, 0x19106, 0x12204, 0x12360, 0x191b8,
0x1c8de, 0x16760, 0x12330, 0x1919c, 0x16730, 0x1b39c, 0x1918e, 0x16718,
0x1230c, 0x12306, 0x123b8, 0x191de, 0x167b8, 0x1239c, 0x1679c, 0x1238e,
0x1678e, 0x167de, 0x1b140, 0x1d8b0, 0x1ec5c, 0x1b120, 0x1d898, 0x1ec4e,
0x1b110, 0x1d88c, 0x1b108, 0x1d886, 0x1b104, 0x1b102, 0x12140, 0x190b0,
0x1c85c, 0x16340, 0x12120, 0x19098, 0x1c84e, 0x16320, 0x1b198, 0x1d8ce,
0x16310, 0x12108, 0x19086, 0x16308, 0x1b186, 0x16304, 0x121b0, 0x190dc,
0x163b0, 0x12198, 0x190ce, 0x16398, 0x1b1ce, 0x1638c, 0x12186, 0x16386,
0x163dc, 0x163ce, 0x1b0a0, 0x1d858, 0x1ec2e, 0x1b090, 0x1d84c, 0x1b088,
0x1d846, 0x1b084, 0x1b082, 0x120a0, 0x19058, 0x1c82e, 0x161a0, 0x12090,
0x1904c, 0x16190, 0x1b0cc, 0x19046, 0x16188, 0x12084, 0x16184, 0x12082,
0x120d8, 0x161d8, 0x161cc, 0x161c6, 0x1d82c, 0x1d826, 0x1b042, 0x1902c,
0x12048, 0x160c8, 0x160c4, 0x160c2, 0x18ac0, 0x1c570, 0x1e2bc, 0x18a60,
0x1c538, 0x11440, 0x18a30, 0x1c51c, 0x11420, 0x18a18, 0x11410, 0x11408,
0x116c0, 0x18b70, 0x1c5bc, 0x11660, 0x18b38, 0x1c59e, 0x11630, 0x18b1c,
0x11618, 0x1160c, 0x11770, 0x18bbc, 0x11738, 0x18b9e, 0x1171c, 0x117bc,
0x1179e, 0x1cd60, 0x1e6b8, 0x1f35e, 0x19a40, 0x1cd30, 0x1e69c, 0x19a20,
0x1cd18, 0x1e68e, 0x19a10, 0x1cd0c, 0x19a08, 0x1cd06, 0x18960, 0x1c4b8,
0x1e25e, 0x19b60, 0x18930, 0x1c49c, 0x13640, 0x11220, 0x1cd9c, 0x1c48e,
0x13620, 0x19b18, 0x1890c, 0x13610, 0x11208, 0x13608, 0x11360, 0x189b8,
0x1c4de, 0x13760, 0x11330, 0x1cdde, 0x13730, 0x19b9c, 0x1898e, 0x13718,
0x1130c, 0x1370c, 0x113b8, 0x189de, 0x137b8, 0x1139c, 0x1379c, 0x1138e,
0x113de, 0x137de, 0x1dd40, 0x1eeb0, 0x1f75c, 0x1dd20, 0x1ee98, 0x1f74e,
0x1dd10, 0x1ee8c, 0x1dd08, 0x1ee86, 0x1dd04, 0x19940, 0x1ccb0, 0x1e65c,
0x1bb40, 0x19920, 0x1eedc, 0x1e64e, 0x1bb20, 0x1dd98, 0x1eece, 0x1bb10,
0x19908, 0x1cc86, 0x1bb08, 0x1dd86, 0x19902, 0x11140, 0x188b0, 0x1c45c,
0x13340, 0x11120, 0x18898, 0x1c44e, 0x17740, 0x13320, 0x19998, 0x1ccce,
0x17720, 0x1bb98, 0x1ddce, 0x18886, 0x17710, 0x13308, 0x19986, 0x17708,
0x11102, 0x111b0, 0x188dc, 0x133b0, 0x11198, 0x188ce, 0x177b0, 0x13398,
0x199ce, 0x17798, 0x1bbce, 0x11186, 0x13386, 0x111dc, 0x133dc, 0x111ce,
0x177dc, 0x133ce, 0x1dca0, 0x1ee58, 0x1f72e, 0x1dc90, 0x1ee4c, 0x1dc88,
0x1ee46, 0x1dc84, 0x1dc82, 0x198a0, 0x1cc58, 0x1e62e, 0x1b9a0, 0x19890,
0x1ee6e, 0x1b990, 0x1dccc, 0x1cc46, 0x1b988, 0x19884, 0x1b984, 0x19882,
0x1b982, 0x110a0, 0x18858, 0x1c42e, 0x131a0, 0x11090, 0x1884c, 0x173a0,
0x13190, 0x198cc, 0x18846, 0x17390, 0x1b9cc, 0x11084, 0x17388, 0x13184,
0x11082, 0x13182, 0x110d8, 0x1886e, 0x131d8, 0x110cc, 0x173d8, 0x131cc,
0x110c6, 0x173cc, 0x131c6, 0x110ee, 0x173ee, 0x1dc50, 0x1ee2c, 0x1dc48,
0x1ee26, 0x1dc44, 0x1dc42, 0x19850, 0x1cc2c, 0x1b8d0, 0x19848, 0x1cc26,
0x1b8c8, 0x1dc66, 0x1b8c4, 0x19842, 0x1b8c2, 0x11050, 0x1882c, 0x130d0,
0x11048, 0x18826, 0x171d0, 0x130c8, 0x19866, 0x171c8, 0x1b8e6, 0x11042,
0x171c4, 0x130c2, 0x171c2, 0x130ec, 0x171ec, 0x171e6, 0x1ee16, 0x1dc22,
0x1cc16, 0x19824, 0x19822, 0x11028, 0x13068, 0x170e8, 0x11022, 0x13062,
0x18560, 0x10a40, 0x18530, 0x10a20, 0x18518, 0x1c28e, 0x10a10, 0x1850c,
0x10a08, 0x18506, 0x10b60, 0x185b8, 0x1c2de, 0x10b30, 0x1859c, 0x10b18,
0x1858e, 0x10b0c, 0x10b06, 0x10bb8, 0x185de, 0x10b9c, 0x10b8e, 0x10bde,
0x18d40, 0x1c6b0, 0x1e35c, 0x18d20, 0x1c698, 0x18d10, 0x1c68c, 0x18d08,
0x1c686, 0x18d04, 0x10940, 0x184b0, 0x1c25c, 0x11b40, 0x10920, 0x1c6dc,
0x1c24e, 0x11b20, 0x18d98, 0x1c6ce, 0x11b10, 0x10908, 0x18486, 0x11b08,
0x18d86, 0x10902, 0x109b0, 0x184dc, 0x11bb0, 0x10998, 0x184ce, 0x11b98,
0x18dce, 0x11b8c, 0x10986, 0x109dc, 0x11bdc, 0x109ce, 0x11bce, 0x1cea0,
0x1e758, 0x1f3ae, 0x1ce90, 0x1e74c, 0x1ce88, 0x1e746, 0x1ce84, 0x1ce82,
0x18ca0, 0x1c658, 0x19da0, 0x18c90, 0x1c64c, 0x19d90, 0x1cecc, 0x1c646,
0x19d88, 0x18c84, 0x19d84, 0x18c82, 0x19d82, 0x108a0, 0x18458, 0x119a0,
0x10890, 0x1c66e, 0x13ba0, 0x11990, 0x18ccc, 0x18446, 0x13b90, 0x19dcc,
0x10884, 0x13b88, 0x11984, 0x10882, 0x11982, 0x108d8, 0x1846e, 0x119d8,
0x108cc, 0x13bd8, 0x119cc, 0x108c6, 0x13bcc, 0x119c6, 0x108ee, 0x119ee,
0x13bee, 0x1ef50, 0x1f7ac, 0x1ef48, 0x1f7a6, 0x1ef44, 0x1ef42, 0x1ce50,
0x1e72c, 0x1ded0, 0x1ef6c, 0x1e726, 0x1dec8, 0x1ef66, 0x1dec4, 0x1ce42,
0x1dec2, 0x18c50, 0x1c62c, 0x19cd0, 0x18c48, 0x1c626, 0x1bdd0, 0x19cc8,
0x1ce66, 0x1bdc8, 0x1dee6, 0x18c42, 0x1bdc4, 0x19cc2, 0x1bdc2, 0x10850,
0x1842c, 0x118d0, 0x10848, 0x18426, 0x139d0, 0x118c8, 0x18c66, 0x17bd0,
0x139c8, 0x19ce6, 0x10842, 0x17bc8, 0x1bde6, 0x118c2, 0x17bc4, 0x1086c,
0x118ec, 0x10866, 0x139ec, 0x118e6, 0x17bec, 0x139e6, 0x17be6, 0x1ef28,
0x1f796, 0x1ef24, 0x1ef22, 0x1ce28, 0x1e716, 0x1de68, 0x1ef36, 0x1de64,
0x1ce22, 0x1de62, 0x18c28, 0x1c616, 0x19c68, 0x18c24, 0x1bce8, 0x19c64,
0x18c22, 0x1bce4, 0x19c62, 0x1bce2, 0x10828, 0x18416, 0x11868, 0x18c36,
0x138e8, 0x11864, 0x10822, 0x179e8, 0x138e4, 0x11862, 0x179e4, 0x138e2,
0x179e2, 0x11876, 0x179f6, 0x1ef12, 0x1de34, 0x1de32, 0x19c34, 0x1bc74,
0x1bc72, 0x11834, 0x13874, 0x178f4, 0x178f2, 0x10540, 0x10520, 0x18298,
0x10510, 0x10508, 0x10504, 0x105b0, 0x10598, 0x1058c, 0x10586, 0x105dc,
0x105ce, 0x186a0, 0x18690, 0x1c34c, 0x18688, 0x1c346, 0x18684, 0x18682,
0x104a0, 0x18258, 0x10da0, 0x186d8, 0x1824c, 0x10d90, 0x186cc, 0x10d88,
0x186c6, 0x10d84, 0x10482, 0x10d82, 0x104d8, 0x1826e, 0x10dd8, 0x186ee,
0x10dcc, 0x104c6, 0x10dc6, 0x104ee, 0x10dee, 0x1c750, 0x1c748, 0x1c744,
0x1c742, 0x18650, 0x18ed0, 0x1c76c, 0x1c326, 0x18ec8, 0x1c766, 0x18ec4,
0x18642, 0x18ec2, 0x10450, 0x10cd0, 0x10448, 0x18226, 0x11dd0, 0x10cc8,
0x10444, 0x11dc8, 0x10cc4, 0x10442, 0x11dc4, 0x10cc2, 0x1046c, 0x10cec,
0x10466, 0x11dec, 0x10ce6, 0x11de6, 0x1e7a8, 0x1e7a4, 0x1e7a2, 0x1c728,
0x1cf68, 0x1e7b6, 0x1cf64, 0x1c722, 0x1cf62, 0x18628, 0x1c316, 0x18e68,
0x1c736, 0x19ee8, 0x18e64, 0x18622, 0x19ee4, 0x18e62, 0x19ee2, 0x10428,
0x18216, 0x10c68, 0x18636, 0x11ce8, 0x10c64, 0x10422, 0x13de8, 0x11ce4,
0x10c62, 0x13de4, 0x11ce2, 0x10436, 0x10c76, 0x11cf6, 0x13df6, 0x1f7d4,
0x1f7d2, 0x1e794, 0x1efb4, 0x1e792, 0x1efb2, 0x1c714, 0x1cf34, 0x1c712,
0x1df74, 0x1cf32, 0x1df72, 0x18614, 0x18e34, 0x18612, 0x19e74, 0x18e32,
}, {
0x1f560, 0x1fab8, 0x1ea40, 0x1f530, 0x1fa9c, 0x1ea20, 0x1f518, 0x1fa8e,
0x1ea10, 0x1f50c, 0x1ea08, 0x1f506, 0x1ea04, 0x1eb60, 0x1f5b8, 0x1fade,
0x1d640, 0x1eb30, 0x1f59c, 0x1d620, 0x1eb18, 0x1f58e, 0x1d610, 0x1eb0c,
0x1d608, 0x1eb06, 0x1d604, 0x1d760, 0x1ebb8, 0x1f5de, 0x1ae40, 0x1d730,
0x1eb9c, 0x1ae20, 0x1d718, 0x1eb8e, 0x1ae10, 0x1d70c, 0x1ae08, 0x1d706,
0x1ae04, 0x1af60, 0x1d7b8, 0x1ebde, 0x15e40, 0x1af30, 0x1d79c, 0x15e20,
0x1af18, 0x1d78e, 0x15e10, 0x1af0c, 0x15e08, 0x1af06, 0x15f60, 0x1afb8,
0x1d7de, 0x15f30, 0x1af9c, 0x15f18, 0x1af8e, 0x15f0c, 0x15fb8, 0x1afde,
0x15f9c, 0x15f8e, 0x1e940, 0x1f4b0, 0x1fa5c, 0x1e920, 0x1f498, 0x1fa4e,
0x1e910, 0x1f48c, 0x1e908, 0x1f486, 0x1e904, 0x1e902, 0x1d340, 0x1e9b0,
0x1f4dc, 0x1d320, 0x1e998, 0x1f4ce, 0x1d310, 0x1e98c, 0x1d308, 0x1e986,
0x1d304, 0x1d302, 0x1a740, 0x1d3b0, 0x1e9dc, 0x1a720, 0x1d398, 0x1e9ce,
0x1a710, 0x1d38c, 0x1a708, 0x1d386, 0x1a704, 0x1a702, 0x14f40, 0x1a7b0,
0x1d3dc, 0x14f20, 0x1a798, 0x1d3ce, 0x14f10, 0x1a78c, 0x14f08, 0x1a786,
0x14f04, 0x14fb0, 0x1a7dc, 0x14f98, 0x1a7ce, 0x14f8c, 0x14f86, 0x14fdc,
0x14fce, 0x1e8a0, 0x1f458, 0x1fa2e, 0x1e890, 0x1f44c, 0x1e888, 0x1f446,
0x1e884, 0x1e882, 0x1d1a0, 0x1e8d8, 0x1f46e, 0x1d190, 0x1e8cc, 0x1d188,
0x1e8c6, 0x1d184, 0x1d182, 0x1a3a0, 0x1d1d8, 0x1e8ee, 0x1a390, 0x1d1cc,
0x1a388, 0x1d1c6, 0x1a384, 0x1a382, 0x147a0, 0x1a3d8, 0x1d1ee, 0x14790,
0x1a3cc, 0x14788, 0x1a3c6, 0x14784, 0x14782, 0x147d8, 0x1a3ee, 0x147cc,
0x147c6, 0x147ee, 0x1e850, 0x1f42c, 0x1e848, 0x1f426, 0x1e844, 0x1e842,
0x1d0d0, 0x1e86c, 0x1d0c8, 0x1e866, 0x1d0c4, 0x1d0c2, 0x1a1d0, 0x1d0ec,
0x1a1c8, 0x1d0e6, 0x1a1c4, 0x1a1c2, 0x143d0, 0x1a1ec, 0x143c8, 0x1a1e6,
0x143c4, 0x143c2, 0x143ec, 0x143e6, 0x1e828, 0x1f416, 0x1e824, 0x1e822,
0x1d068, 0x1e836, 0x1d064, 0x1d062, 0x1a0e8, 0x1d076, 0x1a0e4, 0x1a0e2,
0x141e8, 0x1a0f6, 0x141e4, 0x141e2, 0x1e814, 0x1e812, 0x1d034, 0x1d032,
0x1a074, 0x1a072, 0x1e540, 0x1f2b0, 0x1f95c, 0x1e520, 0x1f298, 0x1f94e,
0x1e510, 0x1f28c, 0x1e508, 0x1f286, 0x1e504, 0x1e502, 0x1cb40, 0x1e5b0,
0x1f2dc, 0x1cb20, 0x1e598, 0x1f2ce, 0x1cb10, 0x1e58c, 0x1cb08, 0x1e586,
0x1cb04, 0x1cb02, 0x19740, 0x1cbb0, 0x1e5dc, 0x19720, 0x1cb98, 0x1e5ce,
0x19710, 0x1cb8c, 0x19708, 0x1cb86, 0x19704, 0x19702, 0x12f40, 0x197b0,
0x1cbdc, 0x12f20, 0x19798, 0x1cbce, 0x12f10, 0x1978c, 0x12f08, 0x19786,
0x12f04, 0x12fb0, 0x197dc, 0x12f98, 0x197ce, 0x12f8c, 0x12f86, 0x12fdc,
0x12fce, 0x1f6a0, 0x1fb58, 0x16bf0, 0x1f690, 0x1fb4c, 0x169f8, 0x1f688,
0x1fb46, 0x168fc, 0x1f684, 0x1f682, 0x1e4a0, 0x1f258, 0x1f92e, 0x1eda0,
0x1e490, 0x1fb6e, 0x1ed90, 0x1f6cc, 0x1f246, 0x1ed88, 0x1e484, 0x1ed84,
0x1e482, 0x1ed82, 0x1c9a0, 0x1e4d8, 0x1f26e, 0x1dba0, 0x1c990, 0x1e4cc,
0x1db90, 0x1edcc, 0x1e4c6, 0x1db88, 0x1c984, 0x1db84, 0x1c982, 0x1db82,
0x193a0, 0x1c9d8, 0x1e4ee, 0x1b7a0, 0x19390, 0x1c9cc, 0x1b790, 0x1dbcc,
0x1c9c6, 0x1b788, 0x19384, 0x1b784, 0x19382, 0x1b782, 0x127a0, 0x193d8,
0x1c9ee, 0x16fa0, 0x12790, 0x193cc, 0x16f90, 0x1b7cc, 0x193c6, 0x16f88,
0x12784, 0x16f84, 0x12782, 0x127d8, 0x193ee, 0x16fd8, 0x127cc, 0x16fcc,
0x127c6, 0x16fc6, 0x127ee, 0x1f650, 0x1fb2c, 0x165f8, 0x1f648, 0x1fb26,
0x164fc, 0x1f644, 0x1647e, 0x1f642, 0x1e450, 0x1f22c, 0x1ecd0, 0x1e448,
0x1f226, 0x1ecc8, 0x1f666, 0x1ecc4, 0x1e442, 0x1ecc2, 0x1c8d0, 0x1e46c,
0x1d9d0, 0x1c8c8, 0x1e466, 0x1d9c8, 0x1ece6, 0x1d9c4, 0x1c8c2, 0x1d9c2,
0x191d0, 0x1c8ec, 0x1b3d0, 0x191c8, 0x1c8e6, 0x1b3c8, 0x1d9e6, 0x1b3c4,
0x191c2, 0x1b3c2, 0x123d0, 0x191ec, 0x167d0, 0x123c8, 0x191e6, 0x167c8,
0x1b3e6, 0x167c4, 0x123c2, 0x167c2, 0x123ec, 0x167ec, 0x123e6, 0x167e6,
0x1f628, 0x1fb16, 0x162fc, 0x1f624, 0x1627e, 0x1f622, 0x1e428, 0x1f216,
0x1ec68, 0x1f636, 0x1ec64, 0x1e422, 0x1ec62, 0x1c868, 0x1e436, 0x1d8e8,
0x1c864, 0x1d8e4, 0x1c862, 0x1d8e2, 0x190e8, 0x1c876, 0x1b1e8, 0x1d8f6,
0x1b1e4, 0x190e2, 0x1b1e2, 0x121e8, 0x190f6, 0x163e8, 0x121e4, 0x163e4,
0x121e2, 0x163e2, 0x121f6, 0x163f6, 0x1f614, 0x1617e, 0x1f612, 0x1e414,
0x1ec34, 0x1e412, 0x1ec32, 0x1c834, 0x1d874, 0x1c832, 0x1d872, 0x19074,
0x1b0f4, 0x19072, 0x1b0f2, 0x120f4, 0x161f4, 0x120f2, 0x161f2, 0x1f60a,
0x1e40a, 0x1ec1a, 0x1c81a, 0x1d83a, 0x1903a, 0x1b07a, 0x1e2a0, 0x1f158,
0x1f8ae, 0x1e290, 0x1f14c, 0x1e288, 0x1f146, 0x1e284, 0x1e282, 0x1c5a0,
0x1e2d8, 0x1f16e, 0x1c590, 0x1e2cc, 0x1c588, 0x1e2c6, 0x1c584, 0x1c582,
0x18ba0, 0x1c5d8, 0x1e2ee, 0x18b90, 0x1c5cc, 0x18b88, 0x1c5c6, 0x18b84,
0x18b82, 0x117a0, 0x18bd8, 0x1c5ee, 0x11790, 0x18bcc, 0x11788, 0x18bc6,
0x11784, 0x11782, 0x117d8, 0x18bee, 0x117cc, 0x117c6, 0x117ee, 0x1f350,
0x1f9ac, 0x135f8, 0x1f348, 0x1f9a6, 0x134fc, 0x1f344, 0x1347e, 0x1f342,
0x1e250, 0x1f12c, 0x1e6d0, 0x1e248, 0x1f126, 0x1e6c8, 0x1f366, 0x1e6c4,
0x1e242, 0x1e6c2, 0x1c4d0, 0x1e26c, 0x1cdd0, 0x1c4c8, 0x1e266, 0x1cdc8,
0x1e6e6, 0x1cdc4, 0x1c4c2, 0x1cdc2, 0x189d0, 0x1c4ec, 0x19bd0, 0x189c8,
0x1c4e6, 0x19bc8, 0x1cde6, 0x19bc4, 0x189c2, 0x19bc2, 0x113d0, 0x189ec,
0x137d0, 0x113c8, 0x189e6, 0x137c8, 0x19be6, 0x137c4, 0x113c2, 0x137c2,
0x113ec, 0x137ec, 0x113e6, 0x137e6, 0x1fba8, 0x175f0, 0x1bafc, 0x1fba4,
0x174f8, 0x1ba7e, 0x1fba2, 0x1747c, 0x1743e, 0x1f328, 0x1f996, 0x132fc,
0x1f768, 0x1fbb6, 0x176fc, 0x1327e, 0x1f764, 0x1f322, 0x1767e, 0x1f762,
0x1e228, 0x1f116, 0x1e668, 0x1e224, 0x1eee8, 0x1f776, 0x1e222, 0x1eee4,
0x1e662, 0x1eee2, 0x1c468, 0x1e236, 0x1cce8, 0x1c464, 0x1dde8, 0x1cce4,
0x1c462, 0x1dde4, 0x1cce2, 0x1dde2, 0x188e8, 0x1c476, 0x199e8, 0x188e4,
0x1bbe8, 0x199e4, 0x188e2, 0x1bbe4, 0x199e2, 0x1bbe2, 0x111e8, 0x188f6,
0x133e8, 0x111e4, 0x177e8, 0x133e4, 0x111e2, 0x177e4, 0x133e2, 0x177e2,
0x111f6, 0x133f6, 0x1fb94, 0x172f8, 0x1b97e, 0x1fb92, 0x1727c, 0x1723e,
0x1f314, 0x1317e, 0x1f734, 0x1f312, 0x1737e, 0x1f732, 0x1e214, 0x1e634,
0x1e212, 0x1ee74, 0x1e632, 0x1ee72, 0x1c434, 0x1cc74, 0x1c432, 0x1dcf4,
0x1cc72, 0x1dcf2, 0x18874, 0x198f4, 0x18872, 0x1b9f4, 0x198f2, 0x1b9f2,
0x110f4, 0x131f4, 0x110f2, 0x173f4, 0x131f2, 0x173f2, 0x1fb8a, 0x1717c,
0x1713e, 0x1f30a, 0x1f71a, 0x1e20a, 0x1e61a, 0x1ee3a, 0x1c41a, 0x1cc3a,
0x1dc7a, 0x1883a, 0x1987a, 0x1b8fa, 0x1107a, 0x130fa, 0x171fa, 0x170be,
0x1e150, 0x1f0ac, 0x1e148, 0x1f0a6, 0x1e144, 0x1e142, 0x1c2d0, 0x1e16c,
0x1c2c8, 0x1e166, 0x1c2c4, 0x1c2c2, 0x185d0, 0x1c2ec, 0x185c8, 0x1c2e6,
0x185c4, 0x185c2, 0x10bd0, 0x185ec, 0x10bc8, 0x185e6, 0x10bc4, 0x10bc2,
0x10bec, 0x10be6, 0x1f1a8, 0x1f8d6, 0x11afc, 0x1f1a4, 0x11a7e, 0x1f1a2,
0x1e128, 0x1f096, 0x1e368, 0x1e124, 0x1e364, 0x1e122, 0x1e362, 0x1c268,
0x1e136, 0x1c6e8, 0x1c264, 0x1c6e4, 0x1c262, 0x1c6e2, 0x184e8, 0x1c276,
0x18de8, 0x184e4, 0x18de4, 0x184e2, 0x18de2, 0x109e8, 0x184f6, 0x11be8,
0x109e4, 0x11be4, 0x109e2, 0x11be2, 0x109f6, 0x11bf6, 0x1f9d4, 0x13af8,
0x19d7e, 0x1f9d2, 0x13a7c, 0x13a3e, 0x1f194, 0x1197e, 0x1f3b4, 0x1f192,
0x13b7e, 0x1f3b2, 0x1e114, 0x1e334, 0x1e112, 0x1e774, 0x1e332, 0x1e772,
0x1c234, 0x1c674, 0x1c232, 0x1cef4, 0x1c672, 0x1cef2, 0x18474, 0x18cf4,
0x18472, 0x19df4, 0x18cf2, 0x19df2, 0x108f4, 0x119f4, 0x108f2, 0x13bf4,
0x119f2, 0x13bf2, 0x17af0, 0x1bd7c, 0x17a78, 0x1bd3e, 0x17a3c, 0x17a1e,
0x1f9ca, 0x1397c, 0x1fbda, 0x17b7c, 0x1393e, 0x17b3e, 0x1f18a, 0x1f39a,
0x1f7ba, 0x1e10a, 0x1e31a, 0x1e73a, 0x1ef7a, 0x1c21a, 0x1c63a, 0x1ce7a,
0x1defa, 0x1843a, 0x18c7a, 0x19cfa, 0x1bdfa, 0x1087a, 0x118fa, 0x139fa,
0x17978, 0x1bcbe, 0x1793c, 0x1791e, 0x138be, 0x179be, 0x178bc, 0x1789e,
0x1785e, 0x1e0a8, 0x1e0a4, 0x1e0a2, 0x1c168, 0x1e0b6, 0x1c164, 0x1c162,
0x182e8, 0x1c176, 0x182e4, 0x182e2, 0x105e8, 0x182f6, 0x105e4, 0x105e2,
0x105f6, 0x1f0d4, 0x10d7e, 0x1f0d2, 0x1e094, 0x1e1b4, 0x1e092, 0x1e1b2,
0x1c134, 0x1c374, 0x1c132, 0x1c372, 0x18274, 0x186f4, 0x18272, 0x186f2,
0x104f4, 0x10df4, 0x104f2, 0x10df2, 0x1f8ea, 0x11d7c, 0x11d3e, 0x1f0ca,
0x1f1da, 0x1e08a, 0x1e19a, 0x1e3ba, 0x1c11a, 0x1c33a, 0x1c77a, 0x1823a,
0x1867a, 0x18efa, 0x1047a, 0x10cfa, 0x11dfa, 0x13d78, 0x19ebe, 0x13d3c,
0x13d1e, 0x11cbe, 0x13dbe, 0x17d70, 0x1bebc, 0x17d38, 0x1be9e, 0x17d1c,
0x17d0e, 0x13cbc, 0x17dbc, 0x13c9e, 0x17d9e, 0x17cb8, 0x1be5e, 0x17c9c,
0x17c8e, 0x13c5e, 0x17cde, 0x17c5c, 0x17c4e, 0x17c2e, 0x1c0b4, 0x1c0b2,
0x18174, 0x18172, 0x102f4, 0x102f2, 0x1e0da, 0x1c09a, 0x1c1ba, 0x1813a,
0x1837a, 0x1027a, 0x106fa, 0x10ebe, 0x11ebc, 0x11e9e, 0x13eb8, 0x19f5e,
0x13e9c, 0x13e8e, 0x11e5e, 0x13ede, 0x17eb0, 0x1bf5c, 0x17e98, 0x1bf4e,
0x17e8c, 0x17e86, 0x13e5c, 0x17edc, 0x13e4e, 0x17ece, 0x17e58, 0x1bf2e,
0x17e4c, 0x17e46, 0x13e2e, 0x17e6e, 0x17e2c, 0x17e26, 0x10f5e, 0x11f5c,
0x11f4e, 0x13f58, 0x19fae, 0x13f4c, 0x13f46, 0x11f2e, 0x13f6e, 0x13f2c,
}, {
0x1abe0, 0x1d5f8, 0x153c0, 0x1a9f0, 0x1d4fc, 0x151e0, 0x1a8f8, 0x1d47e,
0x150f0, 0x1a87c, 0x15078, 0x1fad0, 0x15be0, 0x1adf8, 0x1fac8, 0x159f0,
0x1acfc, 0x1fac4, 0x158f8, 0x1ac7e, 0x1fac2, 0x1587c, 0x1f5d0, 0x1faec,
0x15df8, 0x1f5c8, 0x1fae6, 0x15cfc, 0x1f5c4, 0x15c7e, 0x1f5c2, 0x1ebd0,
0x1f5ec, 0x1ebc8, 0x1f5e6, 0x1ebc4, 0x1ebc2, 0x1d7d0, 0x1ebec, 0x1d7c8,
0x1ebe6, 0x1d7c4, 0x1d7c2, 0x1afd0, 0x1d7ec, 0x1afc8, 0x1d7e6, 0x1afc4,
0x14bc0, 0x1a5f0, 0x1d2fc, 0x149e0, 0x1a4f8, 0x1d27e, 0x148f0, 0x1a47c,
0x14878, 0x1a43e, 0x1483c, 0x1fa68, 0x14df0, 0x1a6fc, 0x1fa64, 0x14cf8,
0x1a67e, 0x1fa62, 0x14c7c, 0x14c3e, 0x1f4e8, 0x1fa76, 0x14efc, 0x1f4e4,
0x14e7e, 0x1f4e2, 0x1e9e8, 0x1f4f6, 0x1e9e4, 0x1e9e2, 0x1d3e8, 0x1e9f6,
0x1d3e4, 0x1d3e2, 0x1a7e8, 0x1d3f6, 0x1a7e4, 0x1a7e2, 0x145e0, 0x1a2f8,
0x1d17e, 0x144f0, 0x1a27c, 0x14478, 0x1a23e, 0x1443c, 0x1441e, 0x1fa34,
0x146f8, 0x1a37e, 0x1fa32, 0x1467c, 0x1463e, 0x1f474, 0x1477e, 0x1f472,
0x1e8f4, 0x1e8f2, 0x1d1f4, 0x1d1f2, 0x1a3f4, 0x1a3f2, 0x142f0, 0x1a17c,
0x14278, 0x1a13e, 0x1423c, 0x1421e, 0x1fa1a, 0x1437c, 0x1433e, 0x1f43a,
0x1e87a, 0x1d0fa, 0x14178, 0x1a0be, 0x1413c, 0x1411e, 0x141be, 0x140bc,
0x1409e, 0x12bc0, 0x195f0, 0x1cafc, 0x129e0, 0x194f8, 0x1ca7e, 0x128f0,
0x1947c, 0x12878, 0x1943e, 0x1283c, 0x1f968, 0x12df0, 0x196fc, 0x1f964,
0x12cf8, 0x1967e, 0x1f962, 0x12c7c, 0x12c3e, 0x1f2e8, 0x1f976, 0x12efc,
0x1f2e4, 0x12e7e, 0x1f2e2, 0x1e5e8, 0x1f2f6, 0x1e5e4, 0x1e5e2, 0x1cbe8,
0x1e5f6, 0x1cbe4, 0x1cbe2, 0x197e8, 0x1cbf6, 0x197e4, 0x197e2, 0x1b5e0,
0x1daf8, 0x1ed7e, 0x169c0, 0x1b4f0, 0x1da7c, 0x168e0, 0x1b478, 0x1da3e,
0x16870, 0x1b43c, 0x16838, 0x1b41e, 0x1681c, 0x125e0, 0x192f8, 0x1c97e,
0x16de0, 0x124f0, 0x1927c, 0x16cf0, 0x1b67c, 0x1923e, 0x16c78, 0x1243c,
0x16c3c, 0x1241e, 0x16c1e, 0x1f934, 0x126f8, 0x1937e, 0x1fb74, 0x1f932,
0x16ef8, 0x1267c, 0x1fb72, 0x16e7c, 0x1263e, 0x16e3e, 0x1f274, 0x1277e,
0x1f6f4, 0x1f272, 0x16f7e, 0x1f6f2, 0x1e4f4, 0x1edf4, 0x1e4f2, 0x1edf2,
0x1c9f4, 0x1dbf4, 0x1c9f2, 0x1dbf2, 0x193f4, 0x193f2, 0x165c0, 0x1b2f0,
0x1d97c, 0x164e0, 0x1b278, 0x1d93e, 0x16470, 0x1b23c, 0x16438, 0x1b21e,
0x1641c, 0x1640e, 0x122f0, 0x1917c, 0x166f0, 0x12278, 0x1913e, 0x16678,
0x1b33e, 0x1663c, 0x1221e, 0x1661e, 0x1f91a, 0x1237c, 0x1fb3a, 0x1677c,
0x1233e, 0x1673e, 0x1f23a, 0x1f67a, 0x1e47a, 0x1ecfa, 0x1c8fa, 0x1d9fa,
0x191fa, 0x162e0, 0x1b178, 0x1d8be, 0x16270, 0x1b13c, 0x16238, 0x1b11e,
0x1621c, 0x1620e, 0x12178, 0x190be, 0x16378, 0x1213c, 0x1633c, 0x1211e,
0x1631e, 0x121be, 0x163be, 0x16170, 0x1b0bc, 0x16138, 0x1b09e, 0x1611c,
0x1610e, 0x120bc, 0x161bc, 0x1209e, 0x1619e, 0x160b8, 0x1b05e, 0x1609c,
0x1608e, 0x1205e, 0x160de, 0x1605c, 0x1604e, 0x115e0, 0x18af8, 0x1c57e,
0x114f0, 0x18a7c, 0x11478, 0x18a3e, 0x1143c, 0x1141e, 0x1f8b4, 0x116f8,
0x18b7e, 0x1f8b2, 0x1167c, 0x1163e, 0x1f174, 0x1177e, 0x1f172, 0x1e2f4,
0x1e2f2, 0x1c5f4, 0x1c5f2, 0x18bf4, 0x18bf2, 0x135c0, 0x19af0, 0x1cd7c,
0x134e0, 0x19a78, 0x1cd3e, 0x13470, 0x19a3c, 0x13438, 0x19a1e, 0x1341c,
0x1340e, 0x112f0, 0x1897c, 0x136f0, 0x11278, 0x1893e, 0x13678, 0x19b3e,
0x1363c, 0x1121e, 0x1361e, 0x1f89a, 0x1137c, 0x1f9ba, 0x1377c, 0x1133e,
0x1373e, 0x1f13a, 0x1f37a, 0x1e27a, 0x1e6fa, 0x1c4fa, 0x1cdfa, 0x189fa,
0x1bae0, 0x1dd78, 0x1eebe, 0x174c0, 0x1ba70, 0x1dd3c, 0x17460, 0x1ba38,
0x1dd1e, 0x17430, 0x1ba1c, 0x17418, 0x1ba0e, 0x1740c, 0x132e0, 0x19978,
0x1ccbe, 0x176e0, 0x13270, 0x1993c, 0x17670, 0x1bb3c, 0x1991e, 0x17638,
0x1321c, 0x1761c, 0x1320e, 0x1760e, 0x11178, 0x188be, 0x13378, 0x1113c,
0x17778, 0x1333c, 0x1111e, 0x1773c, 0x1331e, 0x1771e, 0x111be, 0x133be,
0x177be, 0x172c0, 0x1b970, 0x1dcbc, 0x17260, 0x1b938, 0x1dc9e, 0x17230,
0x1b91c, 0x17218, 0x1b90e, 0x1720c, 0x17206, 0x13170, 0x198bc, 0x17370,
0x13138, 0x1989e, 0x17338, 0x1b99e, 0x1731c, 0x1310e, 0x1730e, 0x110bc,
0x131bc, 0x1109e, 0x173bc, 0x1319e, 0x1739e, 0x17160, 0x1b8b8, 0x1dc5e,
0x17130, 0x1b89c, 0x17118, 0x1b88e, 0x1710c, 0x17106, 0x130b8, 0x1985e,
0x171b8, 0x1309c, 0x1719c, 0x1308e, 0x1718e, 0x1105e, 0x130de, 0x171de,
0x170b0, 0x1b85c, 0x17098, 0x1b84e, 0x1708c, 0x17086, 0x1305c, 0x170dc,
0x1304e, 0x170ce, 0x17058, 0x1b82e, 0x1704c, 0x17046, 0x1302e, 0x1706e,
0x1702c, 0x17026, 0x10af0, 0x1857c, 0x10a78, 0x1853e, 0x10a3c, 0x10a1e,
0x10b7c, 0x10b3e, 0x1f0ba, 0x1e17a, 0x1c2fa, 0x185fa, 0x11ae0, 0x18d78,
0x1c6be, 0x11a70, 0x18d3c, 0x11a38, 0x18d1e, 0x11a1c, 0x11a0e, 0x10978,
0x184be, 0x11b78, 0x1093c, 0x11b3c, 0x1091e, 0x11b1e, 0x109be, 0x11bbe,
0x13ac0, 0x19d70, 0x1cebc, 0x13a60, 0x19d38, 0x1ce9e, 0x13a30, 0x19d1c,
0x13a18, 0x19d0e, 0x13a0c, 0x13a06, 0x11970, 0x18cbc, 0x13b70, 0x11938,
0x18c9e, 0x13b38, 0x1191c, 0x13b1c, 0x1190e, 0x13b0e, 0x108bc, 0x119bc,
0x1089e, 0x13bbc, 0x1199e, 0x13b9e, 0x1bd60, 0x1deb8, 0x1ef5e, 0x17a40,
0x1bd30, 0x1de9c, 0x17a20, 0x1bd18, 0x1de8e, 0x17a10, 0x1bd0c, 0x17a08,
0x1bd06, 0x17a04, 0x13960, 0x19cb8, 0x1ce5e, 0x17b60, 0x13930, 0x19c9c,
0x17b30, 0x1bd9c, 0x19c8e, 0x17b18, 0x1390c, 0x17b0c, 0x13906, 0x17b06,
0x118b8, 0x18c5e, 0x139b8, 0x1189c, 0x17bb8, 0x1399c, 0x1188e, 0x17b9c,
0x1398e, 0x17b8e, 0x1085e, 0x118de, 0x139de, 0x17bde, 0x17940, 0x1bcb0,
0x1de5c, 0x17920, 0x1bc98, 0x1de4e, 0x17910, 0x1bc8c, 0x17908, 0x1bc86,
0x17904, 0x17902, 0x138b0, 0x19c5c, 0x179b0, 0x13898, 0x19c4e, 0x17998,
0x1bcce, 0x1798c, 0x13886, 0x17986, 0x1185c, 0x138dc, 0x1184e, 0x179dc,
0x138ce, 0x179ce, 0x178a0, 0x1bc58, 0x1de2e, 0x17890, 0x1bc4c, 0x17888,
0x1bc46, 0x17884, 0x17882, 0x13858, 0x19c2e, 0x178d8, 0x1384c, 0x178cc,
0x13846, 0x178c6, 0x1182e, 0x1386e, 0x178ee, 0x17850, 0x1bc2c, 0x17848,
0x1bc26, 0x17844, 0x17842, 0x1382c, 0x1786c, 0x13826, 0x17866, 0x17828,
0x1bc16, 0x17824, 0x17822, 0x13816, 0x17836, 0x10578, 0x182be, 0x1053c,
0x1051e, 0x105be, 0x10d70, 0x186bc, 0x10d38, 0x1869e, 0x10d1c, 0x10d0e,
0x104bc, 0x10dbc, 0x1049e, 0x10d9e, 0x11d60, 0x18eb8, 0x1c75e, 0x11d30,
0x18e9c, 0x11d18, 0x18e8e, 0x11d0c, 0x11d06, 0x10cb8, 0x1865e, 0x11db8,
0x10c9c, 0x11d9c, 0x10c8e, 0x11d8e, 0x1045e, 0x10cde, 0x11dde, 0x13d40,
0x19eb0, 0x1cf5c, 0x13d20, 0x19e98, 0x1cf4e, 0x13d10, 0x19e8c, 0x13d08,
0x19e86, 0x13d04, 0x13d02, 0x11cb0, 0x18e5c, 0x13db0, 0x11c98, 0x18e4e,
0x13d98, 0x19ece, 0x13d8c, 0x11c86, 0x13d86, 0x10c5c, 0x11cdc, 0x10c4e,
0x13ddc, 0x11cce, 0x13dce, 0x1bea0, 0x1df58, 0x1efae, 0x1be90, 0x1df4c,
0x1be88, 0x1df46, 0x1be84, 0x1be82, 0x13ca0, 0x19e58, 0x1cf2e, 0x17da0,
0x13c90, 0x19e4c, 0x17d90, 0x1becc, 0x19e46, 0x17d88, 0x13c84, 0x17d84,
0x13c82, 0x17d82, 0x11c58, 0x18e2e, 0x13cd8, 0x11c4c, 0x17dd8, 0x13ccc,
0x11c46, 0x17dcc, 0x13cc6, 0x17dc6, 0x10c2e, 0x11c6e, 0x13cee, 0x17dee,
0x1be50, 0x1df2c, 0x1be48, 0x1df26, 0x1be44, 0x1be42, 0x13c50, 0x19e2c,
0x17cd0, 0x13c48, 0x19e26, 0x17cc8, 0x1be66, 0x17cc4, 0x13c42, 0x17cc2,
0x11c2c, 0x13c6c, 0x11c26, 0x17cec, 0x13c66, 0x17ce6, 0x1be28, 0x1df16,
0x1be24, 0x1be22, 0x13c28, 0x19e16, 0x17c68, 0x13c24, 0x17c64, 0x13c22,
0x17c62, 0x11c16, 0x13c36, 0x17c76, 0x1be14, 0x1be12, 0x13c14, 0x17c34,
0x13c12, 0x17c32, 0x102bc, 0x1029e, 0x106b8, 0x1835e, 0x1069c, 0x1068e,
0x1025e, 0x106de, 0x10eb0, 0x1875c, 0x10e98, 0x1874e, 0x10e8c, 0x10e86,
0x1065c, 0x10edc, 0x1064e, 0x10ece, 0x11ea0, 0x18f58, 0x1c7ae, 0x11e90,
0x18f4c, 0x11e88, 0x18f46, 0x11e84, 0x11e82, 0x10e58, 0x1872e, 0x11ed8,
0x18f6e, 0x11ecc, 0x10e46, 0x11ec6, 0x1062e, 0x10e6e, 0x11eee, 0x19f50,
0x1cfac, 0x19f48, 0x1cfa6, 0x19f44, 0x19f42, 0x11e50, 0x18f2c, 0x13ed0,
0x19f6c, 0x18f26, 0x13ec8, 0x11e44, 0x13ec4, 0x11e42, 0x13ec2, 0x10e2c,
0x11e6c, 0x10e26, 0x13eec, 0x11e66, 0x13ee6, 0x1dfa8, 0x1efd6, 0x1dfa4,
0x1dfa2, 0x19f28, 0x1cf96, 0x1bf68, 0x19f24, 0x1bf64, 0x19f22, 0x1bf62,
0x11e28, 0x18f16, 0x13e68, 0x11e24, 0x17ee8, 0x13e64, 0x11e22, 0x17ee4,
0x13e62, 0x17ee2, 0x10e16, 0x11e36, 0x13e76, 0x17ef6, 0x1df94, 0x1df92,
0x19f14, 0x1bf34, 0x19f12, 0x1bf32, 0x11e14, 0x13e34, 0x11e12, 0x17e74,
0x13e32, 0x17e72, 0x1df8a, 0x19f0a, 0x1bf1a, 0x11e0a, 0x13e1a, 0x17e3a,
0x1035c, 0x1034e, 0x10758, 0x183ae, 0x1074c, 0x10746, 0x1032e, 0x1076e,
0x10f50, 0x187ac, 0x10f48, 0x187a6, 0x10f44, 0x10f42, 0x1072c, 0x10f6c,
0x10726, 0x10f66, 0x18fa8, 0x1c7d6, 0x18fa4, 0x18fa2, 0x10f28, 0x18796,
0x11f68, 0x18fb6, 0x11f64, 0x10f22, 0x11f62, 0x10716, 0x10f36, 0x11f76,
0x1cfd4, 0x1cfd2, 0x18f94, 0x19fb4, 0x18f92, 0x19fb2, 0x10f14, 0x11f34,
0x10f12, 0x13f74, 0x11f32, 0x13f72, 0x1cfca, 0x18f8a, 0x19f9a, 0x10f0a,
0x11f1a, 0x13f3a, 0x103ac, 0x103a6, 0x107a8, 0x183d6, 0x107a4, 0x107a2,
0x10396, 0x107b6, 0x187d4, 0x187d2, 0x10794, 0x10fb4, 0x10792, 0x10fb2,
private static final int ERROR_LEVEL[][] =
27, 917
}, {
522, 568, 723, 809
}, {
237, 308, 436, 284, 646, 653, 428, 379
}, {
274, 562, 232, 755, 599, 524, 801, 132, 295, 116, 442, 428, 295, 42, 176, 65
}, {
361, 575, 922, 525, 176, 586, 640, 321, 536, 742, 677, 742, 687, 284, 193, 517,
273, 494, 263, 147, 593, 800, 571, 320, 803, 133, 231, 390, 685, 330, 63, 410
}, {
539, 422, 6, 93, 862, 771, 453, 106, 610, 287, 107, 505, 733, 877, 381, 612,
723, 476, 462, 172, 430, 609, 858, 822, 543, 376, 511, 400, 672, 762, 283, 184,
440, 35, 519, 31, 460, 594, 225, 535, 517, 352, 605, 158, 651, 201, 488, 502,
648, 733, 717, 83, 404, 97, 280, 771, 840, 629, 4, 381, 843, 623, 264, 543
}, {
521, 310, 864, 547, 858, 580, 296, 379, 53, 779, 897, 444, 400, 925, 749, 415,
822, 93, 217, 208, 928, 244, 583, 620, 246, 148, 447, 631, 292, 908, 490, 704,
516, 258, 457, 907, 594, 723, 674, 292, 272, 96, 684, 432, 686, 606, 860, 569,
193, 219, 129, 186, 236, 287, 192, 775, 278, 173, 40, 379, 712, 463, 646, 776,
171, 491, 297, 763, 156, 732, 95, 270, 447, 90, 507, 48, 228, 821, 808, 898,
784, 663, 627, 378, 382, 262, 380, 602, 754, 336, 89, 614, 87, 432, 670, 616,
157, 374, 242, 726, 600, 269, 375, 898, 845, 454, 354, 130, 814, 587, 804, 34,
211, 330, 539, 297, 827, 865, 37, 517, 834, 315, 550, 86, 801, 4, 108, 539
}, {
524, 894, 75, 766, 882, 857, 74, 204, 82, 586, 708, 250, 905, 786, 138, 720,
858, 194, 311, 913, 275, 190, 375, 850, 438, 733, 194, 280, 201, 280, 828, 757,
710, 814, 919, 89, 68, 569, 11, 204, 796, 605, 540, 913, 801, 700, 799, 137,
439, 418, 592, 668, 353, 859, 370, 694, 325, 240, 216, 257, 284, 549, 209, 884,
315, 70, 329, 793, 490, 274, 877, 162, 749, 812, 684, 461, 334, 376, 849, 521,
307, 291, 803, 712, 19, 358, 399, 908, 103, 511, 51, 8, 517, 225, 289, 470,
637, 731, 66, 255, 917, 269, 463, 830, 730, 433, 848, 585, 136, 538, 906, 90,
2, 290, 743, 199, 655, 903, 329, 49, 802, 580, 355, 588, 188, 462, 10, 134,
628, 320, 479, 130, 739, 71, 263, 318, 374, 601, 192, 605, 142, 673, 687, 234,
722, 384, 177, 752, 607, 640, 455, 193, 689, 707, 805, 641, 48, 60, 732, 621,
895, 544, 261, 852, 655, 309, 697, 755, 756, 60, 231, 773, 434, 421, 726, 528,
503, 118, 49, 795, 32, 144, 500, 238, 836, 394, 280, 566, 319, 9, 647, 550,
73, 914, 342, 126, 32, 681, 331, 792, 620, 60, 609, 441, 180, 791, 893, 754,
605, 383, 228, 749, 760, 213, 54, 297, 134, 54, 834, 299, 922, 191, 910, 532,
609, 829, 189, 20, 167, 29, 872, 449, 83, 402, 41, 656, 505, 579, 481, 173,
404, 251, 688, 95, 497, 555, 642, 543, 307, 159, 924, 558, 648, 55, 497, 10
}, {
352, 77, 373, 504, 35, 599, 428, 207, 409, 574, 118, 498, 285, 380, 350, 492,
197, 265, 920, 155, 914, 299, 229, 643, 294, 871, 306, 88, 87, 193, 352, 781,
846, 75, 327, 520, 435, 543, 203, 666, 249, 346, 781, 621, 640, 268, 794, 534,
539, 781, 408, 390, 644, 102, 476, 499, 290, 632, 545, 37, 858, 916, 552, 41,
542, 289, 122, 272, 383, 800, 485, 98, 752, 472, 761, 107, 784, 860, 658, 741,
290, 204, 681, 407, 855, 85, 99, 62, 482, 180, 20, 297, 451, 593, 913, 142,
808, 684, 287, 536, 561, 76, 653, 899, 729, 567, 744, 390, 513, 192, 516, 258,
240, 518, 794, 395, 768, 848, 51, 610, 384, 168, 190, 826, 328, 596, 786, 303,
570, 381, 415, 641, 156, 237, 151, 429, 531, 207, 676, 710, 89, 168, 304, 402,
40, 708, 575, 162, 864, 229, 65, 861, 841, 512, 164, 477, 221, 92, 358, 785,
288, 357, 850, 836, 827, 736, 707, 94, 8, 494, 114, 521, 2, 499, 851, 543,
152, 729, 771, 95, 248, 361, 578, 323, 856, 797, 289, 51, 684, 466, 533, 820,
669, 45, 902, 452, 167, 342, 244, 173, 35, 463, 651, 51, 699, 591, 452, 578,
37, 124, 298, 332, 552, 43, 427, 119, 662, 777, 475, 850, 764, 364, 578, 911,
283, 711, 472, 420, 245, 288, 594, 394, 511, 327, 589, 777, 699, 688, 43, 408,
842, 383, 721, 521, 560, 644, 714, 559, 62, 145, 873, 663, 713, 159, 672, 729,
624, 59, 193, 417, 158, 209, 563, 564, 343, 693, 109, 608, 563, 365, 181, 772,
677, 310, 248, 353, 708, 410, 579, 870, 617, 841, 632, 860, 289, 536, 35, 777,
618, 586, 424, 833, 77, 597, 346, 269, 757, 632, 695, 751, 331, 247, 184, 45,
787, 680, 18, 66, 407, 369, 54, 492, 228, 613, 830, 922, 437, 519, 644, 905,
789, 420, 305, 441, 207, 300, 892, 827, 141, 537, 381, 662, 513, 56, 252, 341,
242, 797, 838, 837, 720, 224, 307, 631, 61, 87, 560, 310, 756, 665, 397, 808,
851, 309, 473, 795, 378, 31, 647, 915, 459, 806, 590, 731, 425, 216, 548, 249,
321, 881, 699, 535, 673, 782, 210, 815, 905, 303, 843, 922, 281, 73, 469, 791,
660, 162, 498, 308, 155, 422, 907, 817, 187, 62, 16, 425, 535, 336, 286, 437,
375, 273, 610, 296, 183, 923, 116, 667, 751, 353, 62, 366, 691, 379, 687, 842,
37, 357, 720, 742, 330, 5, 39, 923, 311, 424, 242, 749, 321, 54, 669, 316,
342, 299, 534, 105, 667, 488, 640, 672, 576, 540, 316, 486, 721, 610, 46, 656,
447, 171, 616, 464, 190, 531, 297, 321, 762, 752, 533, 175, 134, 14, 381, 433,
717, 45, 111, 20, 596, 284, 736, 138, 646, 411, 877, 669, 141, 919, 45, 780,
407, 164, 332, 899, 165, 726, 600, 325, 498, 655, 357, 752, 768, 223, 849, 647,
63, 310, 863, 251, 366, 304, 282, 738, 675, 410, 389, 244, 31, 121, 303, 263
/** Holds value of property outBits. */
private byte[] outBits;
/** Holds value of property bitColumns. */
private int bitColumns;
/** Holds value of property codeRows. */
private int codeRows;
/** Holds value of property codeColumns. */
private int codeColumns;
/** Holds value of property codewords. */
private int[] codewords = new int[MAX_DATA_CODEWORDS + 2];
/** Holds value of property lenCodewords. */
private int lenCodewords;
/** Holds value of property errorLevel. */
private int errorLevel;
/** Holds value of property text. */
private byte[] text;
/** Holds value of property options. */
private int options;
/** Holds value of property aspectRatio. */
private float aspectRatio;
/** Holds value of property yHeight. */
private float yHeight;
protected static class Segment {
public char type;
public int start;
public int end;
public Segment(char type, int start, int end) {
this.type = type;
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
protected static class SegmentList {
protected ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
public void add(char type, int start, int end) {
list.add(new Segment(type, start, end));
public Segment get(int idx) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= list.size())
return null;
return list.get(idx);
public void remove(int idx) {
if (idx < 0 || idx >= list.size())
public int size() {
return list.size();
public void placeBarcode(PdfContentByte cb, BaseColor foreground, float moduleHeight, float moduleWidth) {
int stride = (bitColumns + 7) / 8;
for (int k = 0; k < codeRows; ++k) {
int p = k * stride;
for (int j = 0; j < bitColumns; ++j) {
int b = outBits[p + j / 8] & 0xff;
b <<= j % 8;
if ((b & 0x80) != 0) {
cb.rectangle(j * moduleWidth, (codeRows - k - 1) * moduleHeight, moduleWidth, moduleHeight);
/** Gets the size of the barcode grid. */
public Rectangle getBarcodeSize() {
return new Rectangle(0, 0, bitColumns, codeRows);