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com.itextpdf.text.html.WebColors Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * $Id: 60a678363cf9cbc7a8302f52294a8be6a2883326 $
 * This file is part of the iText (R) project.
 * Copyright (c) 1998-2015 iText Group NV
 * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
 * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see or write to
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 * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
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 * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
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package com.itextpdf.text.html;

import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor;
import com.itextpdf.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

 * This class is a HashMap that contains the names of colors as a key and the
 * corresponding BaseColor as value. (Source: Wikipedia
 * )
 * @author blowagie
 * @deprecated since 5.5.2
public class WebColors extends HashMap {

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 3542523100813372896L;
	/** HashMap containing all the names and corresponding color values. */
	public static final WebColors NAMES = new WebColors();
	static {
		NAMES.put("aliceblue", new int[] { 0xf0, 0xf8, 0xff, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("antiquewhite", new int[] { 0xfa, 0xeb, 0xd7, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("aqua", new int[] { 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("aquamarine", new int[] { 0x7f, 0xff, 0xd4, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("azure", new int[] { 0xf0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("beige", new int[] { 0xf5, 0xf5, 0xdc, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("bisque", new int[] { 0xff, 0xe4, 0xc4, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("black", new int[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("blanchedalmond", new int[] { 0xff, 0xeb, 0xcd, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("blue", new int[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("blueviolet", new int[] { 0x8a, 0x2b, 0xe2, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("brown", new int[] { 0xa5, 0x2a, 0x2a, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("burlywood", new int[] { 0xde, 0xb8, 0x87, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("cadetblue", new int[] { 0x5f, 0x9e, 0xa0, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("chartreuse", new int[] { 0x7f, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("chocolate", new int[] { 0xd2, 0x69, 0x1e, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("coral", new int[] { 0xff, 0x7f, 0x50, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("cornflowerblue", new int[] { 0x64, 0x95, 0xed, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("cornsilk", new int[] { 0xff, 0xf8, 0xdc, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("crimson", new int[] { 0xdc, 0x14, 0x3c, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("cyan", new int[] { 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkblue", new int[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x8b, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkcyan", new int[] { 0x00, 0x8b, 0x8b, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkgoldenrod", new int[] { 0xb8, 0x86, 0x0b, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkgray", new int[] { 0xa9, 0xa9, 0xa9, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkgreen", new int[] { 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkkhaki", new int[] { 0xbd, 0xb7, 0x6b, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkmagenta", new int[] { 0x8b, 0x00, 0x8b, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkolivegreen", new int[] { 0x55, 0x6b, 0x2f, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkorange", new int[] { 0xff, 0x8c, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkorchid", new int[] { 0x99, 0x32, 0xcc, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkred", new int[] { 0x8b, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darksalmon", new int[] { 0xe9, 0x96, 0x7a, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkseagreen", new int[] { 0x8f, 0xbc, 0x8f, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkslateblue", new int[] { 0x48, 0x3d, 0x8b, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkslategray", new int[] { 0x2f, 0x4f, 0x4f, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkturquoise", new int[] { 0x00, 0xce, 0xd1, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("darkviolet", new int[] { 0x94, 0x00, 0xd3, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("deeppink", new int[] { 0xff, 0x14, 0x93, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("deepskyblue", new int[] { 0x00, 0xbf, 0xff, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("dimgray", new int[] { 0x69, 0x69, 0x69, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("dodgerblue", new int[] { 0x1e, 0x90, 0xff, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("firebrick", new int[] { 0xb2, 0x22, 0x22, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("floralwhite", new int[] { 0xff, 0xfa, 0xf0, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("forestgreen", new int[] { 0x22, 0x8b, 0x22, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("fuchsia", new int[] { 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("gainsboro", new int[] { 0xdc, 0xdc, 0xdc, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("ghostwhite", new int[] { 0xf8, 0xf8, 0xff, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("gold", new int[] { 0xff, 0xd7, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("goldenrod", new int[] { 0xda, 0xa5, 0x20, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("gray", new int[] { 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("green", new int[] { 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("greenyellow", new int[] { 0xad, 0xff, 0x2f, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("honeydew", new int[] { 0xf0, 0xff, 0xf0, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("hotpink", new int[] { 0xff, 0x69, 0xb4, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("indianred", new int[] { 0xcd, 0x5c, 0x5c, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("indigo", new int[] { 0x4b, 0x00, 0x82, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("ivory", new int[] { 0xff, 0xff, 0xf0, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("khaki", new int[] { 0xf0, 0xe6, 0x8c, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lavender", new int[] { 0xe6, 0xe6, 0xfa, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lavenderblush", new int[] { 0xff, 0xf0, 0xf5, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lawngreen", new int[] { 0x7c, 0xfc, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lemonchiffon", new int[] { 0xff, 0xfa, 0xcd, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightblue", new int[] { 0xad, 0xd8, 0xe6, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightcoral", new int[] { 0xf0, 0x80, 0x80, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightcyan", new int[] { 0xe0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightgoldenrodyellow", new int[] { 0xfa, 0xfa, 0xd2, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightgreen", new int[] { 0x90, 0xee, 0x90, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightgrey", new int[] { 0xd3, 0xd3, 0xd3, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightpink", new int[] { 0xff, 0xb6, 0xc1, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightsalmon", new int[] { 0xff, 0xa0, 0x7a, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightseagreen", new int[] { 0x20, 0xb2, 0xaa, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightskyblue", new int[] { 0x87, 0xce, 0xfa, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightslategray", new int[] { 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightsteelblue", new int[] { 0xb0, 0xc4, 0xde, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lightyellow", new int[] { 0xff, 0xff, 0xe0, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("lime", new int[] { 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("limegreen", new int[] { 0x32, 0xcd, 0x32, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("linen", new int[] { 0xfa, 0xf0, 0xe6, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("magenta", new int[] { 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("maroon", new int[] { 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("mediumaquamarine", new int[] { 0x66, 0xcd, 0xaa, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("mediumblue", new int[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0xcd, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("mediumorchid", new int[] { 0xba, 0x55, 0xd3, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("mediumpurple", new int[] { 0x93, 0x70, 0xdb, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("mediumseagreen", new int[] { 0x3c, 0xb3, 0x71, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("mediumslateblue", new int[] { 0x7b, 0x68, 0xee, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("mediumspringgreen", new int[] { 0x00, 0xfa, 0x9a, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("mediumturquoise", new int[] { 0x48, 0xd1, 0xcc, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("mediumvioletred", new int[] { 0xc7, 0x15, 0x85, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("midnightblue", new int[] { 0x19, 0x19, 0x70, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("mintcream", new int[] { 0xf5, 0xff, 0xfa, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("mistyrose", new int[] { 0xff, 0xe4, 0xe1, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("moccasin", new int[] { 0xff, 0xe4, 0xb5, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("navajowhite", new int[] { 0xff, 0xde, 0xad, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("navy", new int[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("oldlace", new int[] { 0xfd, 0xf5, 0xe6, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("olive", new int[] { 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("olivedrab", new int[] { 0x6b, 0x8e, 0x23, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("orange", new int[] { 0xff, 0xa5, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("orangered", new int[] { 0xff, 0x45, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("orchid", new int[] { 0xda, 0x70, 0xd6, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("palegoldenrod", new int[] { 0xee, 0xe8, 0xaa, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("palegreen", new int[] { 0x98, 0xfb, 0x98, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("paleturquoise", new int[] { 0xaf, 0xee, 0xee, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("palevioletred", new int[] { 0xdb, 0x70, 0x93, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("papayawhip", new int[] { 0xff, 0xef, 0xd5, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("peachpuff", new int[] { 0xff, 0xda, 0xb9, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("peru", new int[] { 0xcd, 0x85, 0x3f, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("pink", new int[] { 0xff, 0xc0, 0xcb, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("plum", new int[] { 0xdd, 0xa0, 0xdd, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("powderblue", new int[] { 0xb0, 0xe0, 0xe6, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("purple", new int[] { 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("red", new int[] { 0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("rosybrown", new int[] { 0xbc, 0x8f, 0x8f, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("royalblue", new int[] { 0x41, 0x69, 0xe1, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("saddlebrown", new int[] { 0x8b, 0x45, 0x13, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("salmon", new int[] { 0xfa, 0x80, 0x72, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("sandybrown", new int[] { 0xf4, 0xa4, 0x60, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("seagreen", new int[] { 0x2e, 0x8b, 0x57, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("seashell", new int[] { 0xff, 0xf5, 0xee, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("sienna", new int[] { 0xa0, 0x52, 0x2d, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("silver", new int[] { 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xc0, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("skyblue", new int[] { 0x87, 0xce, 0xeb, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("slateblue", new int[] { 0x6a, 0x5a, 0xcd, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("slategray", new int[] { 0x70, 0x80, 0x90, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("snow", new int[] { 0xff, 0xfa, 0xfa, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("springgreen", new int[] { 0x00, 0xff, 0x7f, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("steelblue", new int[] { 0x46, 0x82, 0xb4, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("tan", new int[] { 0xd2, 0xb4, 0x8c, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("teal", new int[] { 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("thistle", new int[] { 0xd8, 0xbf, 0xd8, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("tomato", new int[] { 0xff, 0x63, 0x47, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("transparent", new int[] { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00 });
		NAMES.put("turquoise", new int[] { 0x40, 0xe0, 0xd0, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("violet", new int[] { 0xee, 0x82, 0xee, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("wheat", new int[] { 0xf5, 0xde, 0xb3, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("white", new int[] { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("whitesmoke", new int[] { 0xf5, 0xf5, 0xf5, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("yellow", new int[] { 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff });
		NAMES.put("yellowgreen", new int[] { 0x9a, 0xcd, 0x32, 0xff });

	 * A web color string without the leading # will be 3 or 6 characters long
	 * and all those characters will be hex digits. NOTE: colStr must be all
	 * lower case or the current hex letter test will fail.
	 * @param colStr
	 *            A non-null, lower case string that might describe an RGB color
	 *            in hex.
	 * @return Is this a web color hex string without the leading #?
	 * @since 5.0.6
	private static boolean missingHashColorFormat(String colStr) {
		int len = colStr.length();
		if (len == 3 || len == 6) {
			// and it just contains hex chars 0-9, a-f, A-F
			String match = "[0-9a-f]{" + len + "}";
			return colStr.matches(match);
		return false;

	 * Gives you a BaseColor based on a name.
	 * @param name
	 *            a name such as black, violet, cornflowerblue or #RGB or
	 *            #RRGGBB or RGB or RRGGBB or rgb(R,G,B)
	 * @return the corresponding BaseColor object. Never returns null.
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
	 *             if the String isn't a know representation of a color.
	public static BaseColor getRGBColor(String name) {
		int[] color = { 0, 0, 0, 255 };
		String colorName = name.toLowerCase();
		boolean colorStrWithoutHash = missingHashColorFormat(colorName);
		if (colorName.startsWith("#") || colorStrWithoutHash) {
			if (!colorStrWithoutHash) {
				// lop off the # to unify hex parsing.
				colorName = colorName.substring(1);
			if (colorName.length() == 3) {
				String red = colorName.substring(0, 1);
				color[0] = Integer.parseInt(red + red, 16);
				String green = colorName.substring(1, 2);
				color[1] = Integer.parseInt(green + green, 16);
				String blue = colorName.substring(2);
				color[2] = Integer.parseInt(blue + blue, 16);
				return new BaseColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]);
			if (colorName.length() == 6) {
				color[0] = Integer.parseInt(colorName.substring(0, 2), 16);
				color[1] = Integer.parseInt(colorName.substring(2, 4), 16);
				color[2] = Integer.parseInt(colorName.substring(4), 16);
				return new BaseColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]);
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(

		if (colorName.startsWith("rgb(")) {
			final String delim = "rgb(), \t\r\n\f";
			StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(colorName, delim);
			for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
				if (tok.hasMoreElements()) {
					color[k] = getRGBChannelValue(tok.nextToken());
					color[k] = Math.max(0, color[k]);
					color[k] = Math.min(255, color[k]);
			return new BaseColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]);

		if (colorName.startsWith("rgba(")) {
			final String delim = "rgba(), \t\r\n\f";
			StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(colorName, delim);
			for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) {
				if (tok.hasMoreElements()) {
					color[k] = getRGBChannelValue(tok.nextToken());
					color[k] = Math.max(0, color[k]);
					color[k] = Math.min(255, color[k]);
			if (tok.hasMoreElements()) {
				color[3] = (int)(255 * Float.parseFloat(tok.nextToken()) + 0.5);
			return new BaseColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]);

		if (!NAMES.containsKey(colorName)) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(
							new String[] { colorName }));
		color = NAMES.get(colorName);
		return new BaseColor(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]);

	private static int getRGBChannelValue(String rgbChannel) {
		if (rgbChannel.endsWith("%")) {
			return Integer.parseInt(rgbChannel.substring(0,
					rgbChannel.length() - 1)) * 255 / 100;
		} else {
			return Integer.parseInt(rgbChannel);


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