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com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.annot.PdfLineAnnotation Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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    This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2017 iText Group NV
    Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
    as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
    following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
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package com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.annot;

import com.itextpdf.kernel.geom.Rectangle;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfArray;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfBoolean;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDictionary;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfName;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfNumber;

 * The purpose of a line annotation is to display a single straight line on the page.
 * When opened, it displays a pop-up window containing the text of the associated note.
 * See also ISO-320001 "Line Annotations".
public class PdfLineAnnotation extends PdfMarkupAnnotation {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6047928061827404283L;

     * Creates a {@link PdfLineAnnotation} instance.
     * @param rect the annotation rectangle, defining the location of the annotation on the page
     *             in default user space units. See {@link PdfAnnotation#setRectangle(PdfArray)}.
     * @param line an array of four numbers, [x1 y1 x2 y2], specifying the starting and ending coordinates
     *             of the line in default user space. See also {@link #getLine()}.
	public PdfLineAnnotation(Rectangle rect, float[] line) {
        put(PdfName.L, new PdfArray(line));

     * Creates a {@link PdfLineAnnotation} instance from the given {@link PdfDictionary}
     * that represents annotation object. This method is useful for property reading in reading mode or
     * modifying in stamping mode.
     * @param pdfDictionary a {@link PdfDictionary} that represents existing annotation in the document.
    public PdfLineAnnotation(PdfDictionary pdfDictionary) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public PdfName getSubtype() {
        return PdfName.Line;

     * An array of four numbers, [x1 y1 x2 y2], specifying the starting and ending coordinates of the line
     * in default user space. If the {@link PdfName#LL} (see {@link #getLeaderLine()}) entry is present, this value represents
     * the endpoints of the leader lines rather than the endpoints of the line itself.
     * @return An array of four numbers specifying the starting and ending coordinates of the line in default user space.
    public PdfArray getLine() {
        return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.L);

     * An array of two names specifying the line ending styles that is used in drawing the line.
     * The first and second elements of the array shall specify the line ending styles for the endpoints defined,
     * respectively, by the first and second pairs of coordinates, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), in the {@link PdfName#L} array
     * (see {@link #getLine()}. For possible values see {@link #setLineEndingStyles(PdfArray)}.
     * @return An array of two names specifying the line ending styles that is used in drawing the line; or null if line
     * endings style is not explicitly defined, default value is [/None /None].
    public PdfArray getLineEndingStyles() {
        return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.LE);

     * Sets the line ending styles that are used in drawing the line.
     * The first and second elements of the array shall specify the line ending styles for the endpoints defined,
     * respectively, by the first and second pairs of coordinates, (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), in the {@link PdfName#L} array
     * (see {@link #getLine()}. Possible values for styles are:
  • {@link PdfName#Square} - A square filled with the annotation's interior color, if any;
  • *
  • {@link PdfName#Circle} - A circle filled with the annotation's interior color, if any;
  • *
  • {@link PdfName#Diamond} - A diamond shape filled with the annotation's interior color, if any;
  • *
  • {@link PdfName#OpenArrow} - Two short lines meeting in an acute angle to form an open arrowhead;
  • *
  • {@link PdfName#ClosedArrow} - Two short lines meeting in an acute angle as in the {@link PdfName#OpenArrow} style and * connected by a third line to form a triangular closed arrowhead filled with the annotation's interior color, if any;
  • *
  • {@link PdfName#None} - No line ending;
  • *
  • {@link PdfName#Butt} - A short line at the endpoint perpendicular to the line itself;
  • *
  • {@link PdfName#ROpenArrow} - Two short lines in the reverse direction from {@link PdfName#OpenArrow};
  • *
  • {@link PdfName#RClosedArrow} - A triangular closed arrowhead in the reverse direction from {@link PdfName#ClosedArrow};
  • *
  • {@link PdfName#Slash} - A short line at the endpoint approximately 30 degrees clockwise from perpendicular to the line itself;
  • *
* see also ISO-320001, Table 176 "Line ending styles". * @param lineEndingStyles An array of two names specifying the line ending styles that is used in drawing the line. * @return this {@link PdfLineAnnotation} instance. */ public PdfLineAnnotation setLineEndingStyles(PdfArray lineEndingStyles) { return (PdfLineAnnotation) put(PdfName.LE, lineEndingStyles); } /** * The length of leader lines in default user space that extend from each endpoint of the line perpendicular * to the line itself. A positive value means that the leader lines appear in the direction that is clockwise * when traversing the line from its starting point to its ending point (as specified by {@link PdfName#L} (see {@link #getLine()}); * a negative value indicates the opposite direction. * @return a float specifying the length of leader lines in default user space. * @deprecated use {@link #getLeaderLineLength()} instead. */ @Deprecated public float getLeaderLine() { PdfNumber n = getPdfObject().getAsNumber(PdfName.LL); return n == null ? 0 : n.floatValue(); } /** * Sets the length of leader lines in default user space that extend from each endpoint of the line perpendicular * to the line itself. A positive value means that the leader lines appear in the direction that is clockwise * when traversing the line from its starting point to its ending point (as specified by {@link PdfName#L} (see {@link #getLine()}); * a negative value indicates the opposite direction. * @param leaderLine a float specifying the length of leader lines in default user space. * @return this {@link PdfLineAnnotation} instance. * @deprecated use {@link #setLeaderLineLength(float)} instead. */ @Deprecated public PdfLineAnnotation setLeaderLine(float leaderLine) { return (PdfLineAnnotation) put(PdfName.LL, new PdfNumber(leaderLine)); } /** * The length of leader lines in default user space that extend from each endpoint of the line perpendicular * to the line itself. A positive value means that the leader lines appear in the direction that is clockwise * when traversing the line from its starting point to its ending point (as specified by {@link PdfName#L} (see {@link #getLine()}); * a negative value indicates the opposite direction. * @return a float specifying the length of leader lines in default user space. */ public float getLeaderLineLength() { PdfNumber n = getPdfObject().getAsNumber(PdfName.LL); return n == null ? 0 : n.floatValue(); } /** * Sets the length of leader lines in default user space that extend from each endpoint of the line perpendicular * to the line itself. A positive value means that the leader lines appear in the direction that is clockwise * when traversing the line from its starting point to its ending point (as specified by {@link PdfName#L} (see {@link #getLine()}); * a negative value indicates the opposite direction. * @param leaderLineLength a float specifying the length of leader lines in default user space. * @return this {@link PdfLineAnnotation} instance. */ public PdfLineAnnotation setLeaderLineLength(float leaderLineLength) { return (PdfLineAnnotation) put(PdfName.LL, new PdfNumber(leaderLineLength)); } /** * A non-negative number that represents the length of leader line extensions that extend from the line proper * 180 degrees from the leader lines. * @return a non-negative float that represents the length of leader line extensions; or if the leader line extension * is not explicitly set, returns the default value, which is 0. */ public float getLeaderLineExtension() { PdfNumber n = getPdfObject().getAsNumber(PdfName.LLE); return n == null ? 0 : n.floatValue(); } /** * Sets the length of leader line extensions that extend from the line proper 180 degrees from the leader lines. * This value shall not be set unless {@link PdfName#LL} (see {@link #setLeaderLine(float)}) is set. * @param leaderLineExtension a non-negative float that represents the length of leader line extensions. * @return this {@link PdfLineAnnotation} instance. */ public PdfLineAnnotation setLeaderLineExtension(float leaderLineExtension) { return (PdfLineAnnotation) put(PdfName.LLE, new PdfNumber(leaderLineExtension)); } /** * A non-negative number that represents the length of the leader line offset, which is the amount of empty space * between the endpoints of the annotation and the beginning of the leader lines. * @return a non-negative number that represents the length of the leader line offset, * or null if leader line offset is not set. */ public float getLeaderLineOffset() { PdfNumber n = getPdfObject().getAsNumber(PdfName.LLO); return n == null ? 0 : n.floatValue(); } /** * Sets the length of the leader line offset, which is the amount of empty space between the endpoints of the * annotation and the beginning of the leader lines. * @param leaderLineOffset a non-negative number that represents the length of the leader line offset. * @return this {@link PdfLineAnnotation} instance. */ public PdfLineAnnotation setLeaderLineOffset(float leaderLineOffset) { return (PdfLineAnnotation) put(PdfName.LLO, new PdfNumber(leaderLineOffset)); } /** * If true, the text specified by the {@link PdfName#Contents} or {@link PdfName#RC} entries * (see {@link PdfAnnotation#getContents()} and {@link PdfMarkupAnnotation#getRichText()}) * is replicated as a caption in the appearance of the line. * @return true, if the annotation text is replicated as a caption, false otherwise. If this property is * not set, default value is used which is false. */ public boolean getContentsAsCaption() { PdfBoolean b = getPdfObject().getAsBoolean(PdfName.Cap); return b != null && b.getValue(); } /** * If set to true, the text specified by the {@link PdfName#Contents} or {@link PdfName#RC} entries * (see {@link PdfAnnotation#getContents()} and {@link PdfMarkupAnnotation#getRichText()}) * will be replicated as a caption in the appearance of the line. * @param contentsAsCaption true, if the annotation text should be replicated as a caption, false otherwise. * @return this {@link PdfLineAnnotation} instance. */ public PdfLineAnnotation setContentsAsCaption(boolean contentsAsCaption) { return (PdfLineAnnotation) put(PdfName.Cap, PdfBoolean.valueOf(contentsAsCaption)); } /** * A name describing the annotation's caption positioning. Valid values are {@link PdfName#Inline}, meaning the caption * is centered inside the line, and {@link PdfName#Top}, meaning the caption is on top of the line. * @return a name describing the annotation's caption positioning, or null if the caption positioning is not * explicitly defined (in this case the default value is used, which is {@link PdfName#Inline}). */ public PdfName getCaptionPosition() { return getPdfObject().getAsName(PdfName.CP); } /** * Sets annotation's caption positioning. Valid values are {@link PdfName#Inline}, meaning the caption * is centered inside the line, and {@link PdfName#Top}, meaning the caption is on top of the line. * @param captionPosition a name describing the annotation's caption positioning. * @return this {@link PdfLineAnnotation} instance. */ public PdfLineAnnotation setCaptionPosition(PdfName captionPosition) { return (PdfLineAnnotation) put(PdfName.CP, captionPosition); } /** * A measure dictionary (see ISO-320001, Table 261) that specifies the scale and units that apply to the line annotation. * @return a {@link PdfDictionary} that represents a measure dictionary. */ public PdfDictionary getMeasure() { return getPdfObject().getAsDictionary(PdfName.Measure); } /** * Sets a measure dictionary that specifies the scale and units that apply to the line annotation. * @param measure a {@link PdfDictionary} that represents a measure dictionary, see ISO-320001, Table 261 for valid * contents specification. * @return this {@link PdfLineAnnotation} instance. */ public PdfLineAnnotation setMeasure(PdfDictionary measure) { return (PdfLineAnnotation) put(PdfName.Measure, measure); } /** * An array of two numbers that specifies the offset of the caption text from its normal position. * The first value is the horizontal offset along the annotation line from its midpoint, with a positive value * indicating offset to the right and a negative value indicating offset to the left. The second value is the vertical * offset perpendicular to the annotation line, with a positive value indicating a shift up and a negative value indicating * a shift down. * @return a {@link PdfArray} of two numbers that specifies the offset of the caption text from its normal position, * or null if caption offset is not explicitly specified (in this case a default value is used, which is [0, 0]). */ public PdfArray getCaptionOffset() { return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.CO); } /** * Sets the offset of the caption text from its normal position. * @param captionOffset a {@link PdfArray} of two numbers that specifies the offset of the caption text from its * normal position. The first value defines the horizontal offset along the annotation line from * its midpoint, with a positive value indicating offset to the right and a negative value indicating * offset to the left. The second value defines the vertical offset perpendicular to the annotation line, * with a positive value indicating a shift up and a negative value indicating a shift down. * @return this {@link PdfLineAnnotation} instance. */ public PdfLineAnnotation setCaptionOffset(PdfArray captionOffset) { return (PdfLineAnnotation) put(PdfName.CO, captionOffset); } /** * Sets the offset of the caption text from its normal position. * @param captionOffset an array of two floats that specifies the offset of the caption text from its * normal position. The first value defines the horizontal offset along the annotation line from * its midpoint, with a positive value indicating offset to the right and a negative value indicating * offset to the left. The second value defines the vertical offset perpendicular to the annotation line, * with a positive value indicating a shift up and a negative value indicating a shift down. * @return this {@link PdfLineAnnotation} instance. */ public PdfLineAnnotation setCaptionOffset(float[] captionOffset) { return setCaptionOffset(new PdfArray(captionOffset)); } }

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