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com.itextpdf.kernel.Version Maven / Gradle / Ivy


    This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2018 iText Group NV
    Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
    as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
    following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
    See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with this program; if not, see or write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL:

    The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
    of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
    Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.

    In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
    a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
    or manipulated using iText.

    You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
    a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
    develop commercial activities involving the iText software without
    disclosing the source code of your own applications.
    These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP,
    serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed
    source product.

    For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
    address: [email protected]
package com.itextpdf.kernel;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

 * This class contains version information about iText.
 * Changing the version makes it extremely difficult to debug an application.
 * Also, the nature of open source software is that you honor the copyright of the original creators of the software.
public final class Version {

     * Lock object used for synchronization
    private static final Object staticLock = new Object();

     * String that will indicate if the AGPL version is used.
    private static final String AGPL = " (AGPL-version)";

     * The iText version instance.
    private static volatile Version version = null;
     * This String contains the name of the product.
     * iText is a registered trademark by iText Group NV.
     * Please don't change this constant.
    private static final String iTextProductName = "iText\u00ae";
     * This String contains the version number of this iText release.
     * For debugging purposes, we request you NOT to change this constant.
    private static final String release = "7.1.4";
     * This String contains the iText version as shown in the producer line.
     * iText is a product developed by iText Group NV.
     * iText Group requests that you retain the iText producer line
     * in every PDF that is created or manipulated using iText.
    private static final String producerLine = iTextProductName + " " + release + " \u00a92000-2018 iText Group NV";

     * The version info;
    private final VersionInfo info;

    private boolean expired;

     * @depricated Use {@link Version#getInstance()} instead. Will be removed in next major release.
    public Version() { = new VersionInfo(iTextProductName, release, producerLine, null);

    private Version(VersionInfo info, boolean expired) { = info;
        this.expired = expired;

     * Gets an instance of the iText version that is currently used.
     * Note that iText Group requests that you retain the iText producer line
     * in every PDF that is created or manipulated using iText.
    public static Version getInstance() {
        synchronized (staticLock) {
            if (version != null) {
                return version;
        Version localVersion;
        String key = null;
        try {
            String coreVersion = release;
            String[] info = getLicenseeInfoFromLicenseKey(coreVersion);
            if(info != null){
                if (info[3] != null && info[3].trim().length() > 0) {
                    key = info[3];
                } else {
                    key = "Trial version ";
                    if (info[5] == null) {
                        key += "unauthorised";
                    } else {
                        key += info[5];

                if (info.length > 6) {
                    if (info[6] != null && info[6].trim().length() > 0) {
                        //Compare versions with this release versions
                        checkLicenseVersion(coreVersion, info[6]);

                if (info[4] != null && info[4].trim().length() > 0) {
                    localVersion = initVersion(info[4], key, false);
                } else if (info[2] != null && info[2].trim().length() > 0) {
                    localVersion = initDefaultLicensedVersion(info[2], key);
                } else if (info[0] != null && info[0].trim().length() > 0) {
                    // fall back to contact name, if company name is unavailable.
                    // we shouldn't have a licensed version without company name,
                    // but let's account for it anyway
                    localVersion = initDefaultLicensedVersion(info[0], key);
                } else {
                    localVersion = initAGPLVersion(null, key);
            } else {
                localVersion = initAGPLVersion(null, key);
            //Catch the exception
        } catch(LicenseVersionException lve) {
            //Rethrow license version exceptions
            throw lve;
        }catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe){
            //License key library not on classpath, switch to AGPL
            localVersion = initAGPLVersion(null, key);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            //Check if an iText5 license is loaded
            if(e.getCause() != null && e.getCause().getMessage().equals(LicenseVersionException.LICENSE_FILE_NOT_LOADED)) {
                if (isiText5licenseLoaded()) {
                    throw new LicenseVersionException(LicenseVersionException.NO_I_TEXT7_LICENSE_IS_LOADED_BUT_AN_I_TEXT5_LICENSE_IS_LOADED);
            localVersion = initAGPLVersion(e.getCause(), key);
        return atomicSetVersion(localVersion);

     * Checks if the AGPL version is used.
     * @return returns true if the AGPL version is used.
    public static boolean isAGPLVersion() {
        return getInstance().getVersion().indexOf(AGPL) > 0;

     * Is the license expired?
     * @return true if expired
    public static boolean isExpired() {
        return getInstance().expired;

     * Gets the product name.
     * iText Group NV requests that you retain the iText producer line
     * in every PDF that is created or manipulated using iText.
     * @return the product name
    public String getProduct() {
        return info.getProduct();

     * Gets the release number.
     * iText Group NV requests that you retain the iText producer line
     * in every PDF that is created or manipulated using iText.
     * @return the release number
    public String getRelease() {
        return info.getRelease();

     * Returns the iText version as shown in the producer line.
     * iText is a product developed by iText Group NV.
     * iText Group requests that you retain the iText producer line
     * in every PDF that is created or manipulated using iText.
     * @return iText version
    public String getVersion() {
        return info.getVersion();

     * Returns a license key if one was provided, or null if not.
     * @return a license key.
    public String getKey() {
        return info.getKey();

     * Returns a version info in one class
     * @return a version info.
    public VersionInfo getInfo() {
        return info;

    private static Version initDefaultLicensedVersion(String ownerName, String key) {
        String producer = producerLine + " (" + ownerName;
        if (! key.toLowerCase().startsWith("trial")) {
            producer += "; licensed version)";
        } else {
            producer += "; " + key + ")";
        return initVersion(producer, key, false);

    private static Version initAGPLVersion(Throwable cause, String key) {
        String producer = producerLine + AGPL;

        boolean expired = cause != null && cause.getMessage() != null && cause.getMessage().contains("expired");

        return initVersion(producer, key, expired);

    private static Version initVersion(String producer, String key, boolean expired) {
        return new Version(new VersionInfo(iTextProductName, release, producer, key), expired);

    private static Class getLicenseKeyClass() throws ClassNotFoundException {
        String licenseKeyClassFullName = "com.itextpdf.licensekey.LicenseKey";
        return Class.forName(licenseKeyClassFullName);

    private static void checkLicenseVersion(String coreVersionString, String licenseVersionString){
        String[] coreVersions = parseVersionString(coreVersionString);
        String[] licenseVersions = parseVersionString(licenseVersionString);

        int coreMajor = Integer.parseInt(coreVersions[0]);
        int coreMinor = Integer.parseInt(coreVersions[1]);

        int licenseMajor = Integer.parseInt(licenseVersions[0]);
        int licenseMinor = Integer.parseInt(licenseVersions[1]);
        //Major version check
        if(licenseMajor < coreMajor){
            throw new LicenseVersionException(LicenseVersionException.THE_MAJOR_VERSION_OF_THE_LICENSE_0_IS_LOWER_THAN_THE_MAJOR_VERSION_1_OF_THE_CORE_LIBRARY).setMessageParams(licenseMajor,coreMajor);
            throw new LicenseVersionException(LicenseVersionException.THE_MAJOR_VERSION_OF_THE_LICENSE_0_IS_HIGHER_THAN_THE_MAJOR_VERSION_1_OF_THE_CORE_LIBRARY).setMessageParams(licenseMajor,coreMajor);

        //Minor version check
        if(licenseMinor < coreMinor){
            throw new LicenseVersionException(LicenseVersionException.THE_MINOR_VERSION_OF_THE_LICENSE_0_IS_LOWER_THAN_THE_MINOR_VERSION_1_OF_THE_CORE_LIBRARY).setMessageParams(licenseMinor,coreMinor);


    private static String[] parseVersionString(String version){
        String splitRegex = "\\.";
        String[] split = version.split(splitRegex);
        //Guard for empty versions and throw exceptions
        if(split.length == 0){
            throw new LicenseVersionException(LicenseVersionException.VERSION_STRING_IS_EMPTY_AND_CANNOT_BE_PARSED);
        //Desired Format: X.Y.Z-....
        //Also catch X, X.Y-...
        String major = split[0];
        String minor ="0"; //If no minor version is present, default to 0
        if(split.length > 1) {
            minor = split[1].substring(0);
        //Check if both values are numbers
        if(!isVersionNumeric(major)) throw new LicenseVersionException(LicenseVersionException.MAJOR_VERSION_IS_NOT_NUMERIC);
        if(!isVersionNumeric(minor)) throw new LicenseVersionException(LicenseVersionException.MINOR_VERSION_IS_NOT_NUMERIC);
        return new String[]{major,minor};

    private static String[] getLicenseeInfoFromLicenseKey(String validatorKey) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, InvocationTargetException {
        String licenseeInfoMethodName = "getLicenseeInfoForVersion";
        Class klass = getLicenseKeyClass();
        if (klass != null) {
            Class[] cArg = {String.class};
            Method m = klass.getMethod(licenseeInfoMethodName, cArg);
            Object[] args = {validatorKey};
            String[] info = (String[]) m.invoke(klass.newInstance(), args);
            return info;
        return null;

    private static boolean isiText5licenseLoaded(){
        String validatorKey5 = "5";
        boolean result = false;
        try {
            String[] info = getLicenseeInfoFromLicenseKey(validatorKey5);
            result = true;
        }catch(Exception e){
            //TODO: Log this exception?
        return result;

    private static boolean isVersionNumeric(String version){
        //I did not want to introduce an extra dependency on apache.commons in order to use StringUtils.
        //This small method is not the most optimal, but it should do for release
            return true;
        }catch(NumberFormatException e){
            return false;

    private static Version atomicSetVersion(Version newVersion) {
        synchronized (staticLock) {
            version = newVersion;
            return version;

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