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com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.colorspace.PdfShading Maven / Gradle / Ivy


    This file is part of the iText (R) project.
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    Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.

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package com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.colorspace;

import com.itextpdf.kernel.PdfException;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfArray;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDictionary;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfName;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfNumber;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfObject;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfObjectWrapper;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfStream;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.function.PdfFunction;

 * The abstract PdfShading class that represents the Shading Dictionary PDF object.
public abstract class PdfShading extends PdfObjectWrapper {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4781809723744243508L;

     * constants of shading type (see ISO-320001 Table 78)
	private static class ShadingType {
        /** The int value of function-based shading type*/
        public static final int FUNCTION_BASED = 1;
        /** The int value of axial shading type*/
        public static final int AXIAL = 2;
        /** The int value of radial shading type*/
        public static final int RADIAL = 3;
        /** The int value of free-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh shading type*/
        public static final int FREE_FORM_GOURAUD_SHADED_TRIANGLE_MESH = 4;
        /** The int value of lattice-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh shading type*/
        public static final int LATTICE_FORM_GOURAUD_SHADED_TRIANGLE_MESH = 5;
        /** The int value of coons patch meshes shading type*/
        public static final int COONS_PATCH_MESH = 6;
        /** The int value of tensor-product patch meshes shading type*/
        public static final int TENSOR_PRODUCT_PATCH_MESH = 7;

     * Creates the {@link PdfShading} object from the existing {@link PdfDictionary} with corresponding type.
     * @param shadingDictionary {@link PdfDictionary} from which the {@link PdfShading} object will be created.
     * @return Created {@link PdfShading} object.
    public static PdfShading makeShading(PdfDictionary shadingDictionary) {
        if (!shadingDictionary.containsKey(PdfName.ShadingType)) {
            throw new PdfException(PdfException.ShadingTypeNotFound);
        if (!shadingDictionary.containsKey(PdfName.ColorSpace)) {
            throw new PdfException(PdfException.ColorSpaceNotFound);

        PdfShading shading;
        switch (shadingDictionary.getAsNumber(PdfName.ShadingType).intValue()) {
            case ShadingType.FUNCTION_BASED:
                shading = new FunctionBased(shadingDictionary);
            case ShadingType.AXIAL:
                shading = new Axial(shadingDictionary);
            case ShadingType.RADIAL:
                shading = new Radial(shadingDictionary);
                if (!shadingDictionary.isStream()) {
                    throw new PdfException(PdfException.UnexpectedShadingType);
                shading = new FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh((PdfStream) shadingDictionary);
                if (!shadingDictionary.isStream()) {
                    throw new PdfException(PdfException.UnexpectedShadingType);
                shading = new LatticeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh((PdfStream) shadingDictionary);
            case ShadingType.COONS_PATCH_MESH:
                if (!shadingDictionary.isStream()) {
                    throw new PdfException(PdfException.UnexpectedShadingType);
                shading = new CoonsPatchMesh((PdfStream) shadingDictionary);
            case ShadingType.TENSOR_PRODUCT_PATCH_MESH:
                if (!shadingDictionary.isStream()) {
                    throw new PdfException(PdfException.UnexpectedShadingType);
                shading = new TensorProductPatchMesh((PdfStream) shadingDictionary);
                throw new PdfException(PdfException.UnexpectedShadingType);
        return shading;

    protected PdfShading(PdfDictionary pdfObject) {

    protected PdfShading(PdfDictionary pdfObject, int type, PdfColorSpace colorSpace) {
        getPdfObject().put(PdfName.ShadingType, new PdfNumber(type));
        if (colorSpace instanceof PdfSpecialCs.Pattern) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("colorSpace");
        getPdfObject().put(PdfName.ColorSpace, colorSpace.getPdfObject());

     * Gets the shading type.
     * @return int value of {@link PdfName#ShadingType}.
    public int getShadingType() {
        return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.ShadingType);

     * Gets the color space in which colour values shall be expressed.
     * @return {@link PdfObject} Color space
    public PdfObject getColorSpace() {
        return getPdfObject().get(PdfName.ColorSpace);

     * Gets the function PdfObject that represents color transitions
     * across the shading geometry.
     * @return {@link PdfObject} Function
    public PdfObject getFunction() {
        return getPdfObject().get(PdfName.Function);

     * Sets the function that represents color transitions
     * across the shading geometry as one object.
     * @param function The {@link PdfFunction} to set.
    public void setFunction(PdfFunction function) {
        getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Function, function.getPdfObject());

     * Sets the function object that represents color transitions
     * across the shading geometry as an array of functions.
     * @param functions The array of {@link PdfFunction} to be set.
    public void setFunction(PdfFunction[] functions) {
        PdfArray arr = new PdfArray();
        for (PdfFunction func : functions) {
        getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Function, arr);

     * To manually flush a {@code PdfObject} behind this wrapper, you have to ensure
     * that this object is added to the document, i.e. it has an indirect reference.
     * Basically this means that before flushing you need to explicitly call {@link #makeIndirect(PdfDocument)}.
     * For example: wrapperInstance.makeIndirect(document).flush();
     * Note that not every wrapper require this, only those that have such warning in documentation.
    public void flush() {

    protected boolean isWrappedObjectMustBeIndirect() {
        return true;

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with function-based type,
     * that defines color at every point in the domain by a specified mathematical function.
    public static class FunctionBased extends PdfShading {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -4459197498902558052L;

		protected FunctionBased(PdfDictionary pdfDictionary) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param colorSpace the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         * @param function the {@link PdfFunction}, that is used to calculate color transitions.
        public FunctionBased(PdfColorSpace colorSpace, PdfFunction function) {
            this(colorSpace.getPdfObject(), function);

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param colorSpace the {@link PdfObject}, that represents color space in which colour values shall be expressed.
         * @param function the {@link PdfFunction}, that is used to calculate color transitions.
        public FunctionBased(PdfObject colorSpace, PdfFunction function) {
            super(new PdfDictionary(), ShadingType.FUNCTION_BASED, PdfColorSpace.makeColorSpace(colorSpace));


         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} domain rectangle object that establishes an internal coordinate space
         * for the shading that is independent of the target coordinate space in which it shall be painted.
         * @return {@link PdfArray} domain rectangle.
        public PdfArray getDomain() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Domain);

         * Sets the {@link PdfArray} domain rectangle object that establishes an internal coordinate space
         * for the shading that is independent of the target coordinate space in which it shall be painted.
         * @param xmin the Xmin coordinate of rectangle.
         * @param xmax the Xmax coordinate of rectangle.
         * @param ymin the Ymin coordinate of rectangle.
         * @param ymax the Ymax coordinate of rectangle.
        public void setDomain(float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax) {
            setDomain(new PdfArray(new float[] {xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax}));

         * Sets the {@link PdfArray} domain rectangle object that establishes an internal coordinate space
         * for the shading that is independent of the target coordinate space in which it shall be painted.
         * @param domain the {@link PdfArray} domain rectangle object to be set.
        public void setDomain(PdfArray domain) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Domain, domain);

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of floats that represents the transformation matrix that maps the domain rectangle
         * into a corresponding figure in the target coordinate space.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} of transformation matrix (identical matrix by default).
        public PdfArray getMatrix() {
            PdfArray matrix = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Matrix);
            if (matrix == null) {
                matrix = new PdfArray(new float[]{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0});
            return matrix;

         * Sets the array of floats that represents the transformation matrix that maps the domain rectangle
         * into a corresponding figure in the target coordinate space.
         * @param matrix the {@code float[]} of transformation matrix to be set.
        public void setMatrix(float[] matrix) {
            setMatrix(new PdfArray(matrix));

         * Sets the array of floats that represents the transformation matrix that maps the domain rectangle
         * into a corresponding figure in the target coordinate space.
         * @param matrix the {@link PdfArray} transformation matrix object to be set.
        public void setMatrix(PdfArray matrix) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Matrix, matrix);

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with axial type,
     * that define a colour blend that varies along a linear axis between two endpoints
     * and extends indefinitely perpendicular to that axis.
    public static class Axial extends PdfShading {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 5504688740677023792L;

		protected Axial(PdfDictionary pdfDictionary) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param x0 the start coordinate of X axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param y0 the start coordinate of Y axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param color0 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the start point.
         * @param x1 the end coordinate of X axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param y1 the end coordinate of Y axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param color1 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the end point.
        public Axial(PdfColorSpace cs, float x0, float y0, float[] color0, float x1, float y1, float[] color1) {
            super(new PdfDictionary(), ShadingType.AXIAL, cs);

            setCoords(x0, y0, x1, y1);
            PdfFunction func = new PdfFunction.Type2(new PdfArray(new float[] {0, 1}), null,
                    new PdfArray(color0), new PdfArray(color1), new PdfNumber(1));

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param x0 the start coordinate of X axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param y0 the start coordinate of Y axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param color0 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the start point.
         * @param x1 the end coordinate of X axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param y1 the end coordinate of Y axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param color1 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the end point.
         * @param extend the array of two booleans that specified whether to extend the shading
         *               beyond the starting and ending points of the axis, respectively.
        public Axial(PdfColorSpace cs, float x0, float y0, float[] color0, float x1, float y1, float[] color1, boolean[] extend) {
            this(cs, x0, y0, color0, x1, y1, color1);

            if (extend == null || extend.length != 2)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("extend");

            setExtend(extend[0], extend[1]);

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param coords the {@link PdfArray} of four number four numbers [x0 y0 x1 y1] that specified the starting
         *               and the endings coordinates of thew axis, expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param function the {@link PdfFunction} object, that is used to calculate color transitions.
        public Axial(PdfColorSpace cs, PdfArray coords, PdfFunction function) {
            super(new PdfDictionary(), ShadingType.AXIAL, cs);

         * Gets the Coords object - a {@link PdfArray} of four numbers [x0 y0 x1 y1] that specified the starting
         * and the endings coordinates of thew axis, expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} Coords object.
        public PdfArray getCoords() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Coords);

         * Sets the Choords object with the four params expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param x0 the start coordinate of X axis to be set.
         * @param y0 the start coordinate of Y axis to be set.
         * @param x1 the end coordinate of X axis to be set.
         * @param y1 the end coordinate of Y axis to be set.
        public void setCoords(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) {
            setCoords(new PdfArray(new float[] {x0, y0, x1, y1}));

         * Sets the Choords object with the {@link PdfArray} of four numbers [x0 y0 x1 y1],
         * that specified the starting and the endings coordinates of thew axis,
         * expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param coords the Chords {@link PdfArray} to be set.
        public void setCoords(PdfArray coords) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Coords, coords);

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code float} [t0, t1] that represent the limiting values of a parametric
         * variable t, that becomes an input of color function(s).
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} of Domain object ([0.0 1.0] by default)
        public PdfArray getDomain() {
            PdfArray domain = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Domain);
            if (domain == null) {
                domain = new PdfArray(new float[]{0, 1});
            return domain;

         * Sets the Domain with the array of two {@code float} [t0, t1] that represent the limiting values
         * of a parametric variable t, that becomes an input of color function(s).
         * @param t0 first limit of variable t
         * @param t1 second limit of variable t
        public void setDomain(float t0, float t1) {
            setDomain(new PdfArray(new float[] {t0, t1}));

         * Sets the Domain with the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code float} [t0, t1] that represent the limiting values
         * of a parametric variable t, that becomes an input of color function(s).
         * @param domain the {@link PdfArray} that represents domain
        public void setDomain(PdfArray domain) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Domain, domain);

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code boolean} that specified whether to extend the shading
         * beyond the starting and ending points of the axis, respectively.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} of Extended object ([false false] by default)
        public PdfArray getExtend() {
            PdfArray extend = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Extend);
            if (extend == null) {
                extend = new PdfArray(new boolean[]{false, false});
            return extend;

         * Sets the Extend object with the two {@code boolean} value.
         * @param extendStart if true will extend shading beyond the starting point of Coords
         * @param extendEnd if true will extend shading beyond the ending point of Coords
        public void setExtend(boolean extendStart, boolean extendEnd) {
            setExtend(new PdfArray(new boolean[] {extendStart, extendEnd}));

         * Sets the Extend object with the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code boolean}.
         * If first is true shading will extend beyond the starting point of Coords.
         * If second is true shading will extend beyond the ending point of Coords.
         * @param extend the {@link PdfArray} representing Extend object
        public void setExtend(PdfArray extend) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Extend, extend);

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with radial type,
     * that define a colour blend that varies between two circles.
     * This type of shading shall not be used with an Indexed colour space
    public static class Radial extends PdfShading {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -5012819396006804845L;

        protected Radial(PdfDictionary pdfDictionary) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.         *
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The Indexed color space isn't excepted.
         * @param x0 the X coordinate of starting circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param y0 the Y coordinate of starting circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param r0 the radius of starting circle's centre, should be greater or equal to 0.
         *           If 0 then starting circle is treated as point.
         *           If both radii are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param color0 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the start circle.
         * @param x1 the X coordinate of ending circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param y1 the Y coordinate of ending circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param r1 the radius of ending circle's centre, should be greater or equal to 0.
         *           If 0 then ending circle is treated as point.
         *           If both radii are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param color1 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the end circle.
        public Radial(PdfColorSpace cs, float x0, float y0, float r0, float[] color0, float x1, float y1, float r1, float[] color1) {
            super(new PdfDictionary(), ShadingType.RADIAL, cs);

            setCoords(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1);
            PdfFunction func = new PdfFunction.Type2(new PdfArray(new float[] {0, 1}), null,
                    new PdfArray(color0), new PdfArray(color1), new PdfNumber(1));

         * Creates the new instance of the class.         *
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The Indexed color space isn't excepted.
         * @param x0 the X coordinate of starting circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param y0 the Y coordinate of starting circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param r0 the radius of starting circle's centre, should be greater or equal to 0.
         *           If 0 then starting circle is treated as point.
         *           If both radii are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param color0 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the start circle.
         * @param x1 the X coordinate of ending circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param y1 the Y coordinate of ending circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param r1 the radius of ending circle's centre, should be greater or equal to 0.
         *           If 0 then ending circle is treated as point.
         *           If both radii are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param color1 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the end circle.
         * @param extend the array of two {@code boolean} that specified whether to extend the shading
         *               beyond the starting and ending points of the axis, respectively.
        public Radial(PdfColorSpace cs, float x0, float y0, float r0, float[] color0, float x1, float y1, float r1, float[] color1, boolean[] extend) {
            this(cs, x0, y0, r0, color0, x1, y1, r1, color1);

            if (extend == null || extend.length != 2)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("extend");

            setExtend(extend[0], extend[1]);

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The Indexed color space isn't excepted.
         * @param coords the {@link PdfArray} of of six numbers [x0 y0 r0 x1 y1 r1],
         *               specifying the centres and radii of the starting and ending circles,
         *               expressed in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         *               The radii r0 and r1 shall both be greater than or equal to 0.
         *               If one radius is 0, the corresponding circle shall be treated as a point;
         *               if both are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param function the {@link PdfFunction} object, that is used to calculate color transitions.
        public Radial(PdfColorSpace cs, PdfArray coords, PdfFunction function) {
            super(new PdfDictionary(), ShadingType.RADIAL, cs);

         * Gets the coords {@link PdfArray} object - an array of six numbers [x0 y0 r0 x1 y1 r1],
         * specifying the centres and radii of the starting and ending circles,
         * expressed in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * The radii r0 and r1 shall both be greater than or equal to 0.
         * If one radius is 0, the corresponding circle shall be treated as a point;
         * if both are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} coords object.
        public PdfArray getCoords() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Coords);

         * Sets the coords object.
         * @param x0 the X coordinate of starting circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param y0 the Y coordinate of starting circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param r0 the radius of starting circle's centre, should be greater or equal to 0.
         *           If 0 then starting circle is treated as point.
         *           If both radii are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param x1 the X coordinate of ending circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param y1 the Y coordinate of ending circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param r1 the radius of ending circle's centre, should be greater or equal to 0.
         *           If 0 then ending circle is treated as point.
         *           If both radii are 0, nothing shall be painted.
        public void setCoords(float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1) {
            setCoords(new PdfArray(new float[] {x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1}));

         * Sets the coords {@link PdfArray} object - an array of six numbers [x0 y0 r0 x1 y1 r1],
         * specifying the centres and radii of the starting and ending circles,
         * expressed in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * The radii r0 and r1 shall both be greater than or equal to 0.
         * If one radius is 0, the corresponding circle shall be treated as a point;
         * if both are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param coords - {@link PdfArray} choords object to be set.
        public void setCoords(PdfArray coords) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Coords, coords);

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code float} [t0, t1] that represent the limiting values of a parametric
         * variable t, that becomes an input of color function(s).
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} of Domain object ([0.0 1.0] by default)
        public PdfArray getDomain() {
            PdfArray domain = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Domain);
            if (domain == null) {
                domain = new PdfArray(new float[]{0, 1});
            return domain;

         * Sets the Domain with the array of two {@code float} [t0, t1] that represent the limiting values
         * of a parametric variable t, that becomes an input of color function(s).
         * @param t0 first limit of variable t
         * @param t1 second limit of variable t
        public void setDomain(float t0, float t1) {
            setDomain(new PdfArray(new float[] {t0, t1}));

         * Sets the Domain with the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code float} [t0, t1] that represent the limiting values
         * of a parametric variable t, that becomes an input of color function(s).
         * @param domain the {@link PdfArray} that represents domain
        public void setDomain(PdfArray domain) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Domain, domain);

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code boolean} that specified whether to extend the shading
         * beyond the starting and ending circles of the axis, respectively.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} of Extended object ([false false] by default)
        public PdfArray getExtend() {
            PdfArray extend = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Extend);
            if (extend == null) {
                extend = new PdfArray(new boolean[]{false, false});
            return extend;

         * Sets the Extend object with the two {@code boolean} value.
         * @param extendStart if true will extend shading beyond the starting circle of Coords.
         * @param extendEnd if true will extend shading beyond the ending circle of Coords.
        public void setExtend(boolean extendStart, boolean extendEnd) {
            setExtend(new PdfArray(new boolean[] {extendStart, extendEnd}));

         * Sets the Extend object with the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code boolean}.
         * If first is true shading will extend beyond the starting circle of Coords.
         * If second is true shading will extend beyond the ending circle of Coords.
         * @param extend the {@link PdfArray} representing Extend object
        public void setExtend(PdfArray extend) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Extend, extend);

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with
     * free-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh type.
     * The area to be shaded is defined by a path composed entirely of triangles.
     * The colour at each vertex of the triangles is specified,
     * and a technique known as Gouraud interpolation is used to colour the interiors.
     * The object shall be represented as stream containing a sequence of vertex data.
     * Each vertex is specified by the following values, in the order shown:
     * f x y c1 ... cn where:
     * f -  the vertex's edge flag, that determines the vertex is connected to other vertices of the triangle mesh.
     *      For full description, see ISO-320001 Paragraph
     * x, y - vertex's horizontal and vertical coordinates, expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
     * - vertex's colour components.
     * If the shading dictionary includes a Function entry, only a single parametric value, t,
     * shall be specified for each vertex in place of the colour components
    public static class FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh extends PdfShading {
    	private static final long serialVersionUID = -2690557760051875972L;

        protected FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh(PdfStream pdfStream) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         *                    The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or 8,
         *                    but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         *                    The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, or 2.
         * @param decode the {@code int[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerFlag, float[] decode) {
            this(cs, bitsPerCoordinate, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerFlag, new PdfArray(decode));

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         *                    The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or 8,
         *                    but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         *                    The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, or 2.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerFlag, PdfArray decode) {
            super(new PdfStream(), ShadingType.FREE_FORM_GOURAUD_SHADED_TRIANGLE_MESH, cs);


         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public int getBitsPerCoordinate() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public void setBitsPerCoordinate(int bitsPerCoordinate) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate, new PdfNumber(bitsPerCoordinate));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public int getBitsPerComponent() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerComponent);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public void setBitsPerComponent(int bitsPerComponent) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerComponent, new PdfNumber(bitsPerComponent));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         * But only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         * The valid flag values are 0, 1 or 2.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 2, 4 or 8.
        public int getBitsPerFlag() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerFlag);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         * But only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         * The valid flag values are 0, 1 or 2.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits to be set. Shall be 2, 4 or 8.
        public void setBitsPerFlag(int bitsPerFlag) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerFlag, new PdfNumber(bitsPerFlag));

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} Decode object.
        public PdfArray getDecode() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Decode);

         * Sets the {@code float[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@code float[]} of Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(float[] decode) {
            setDecode(new PdfArray(decode));

         * Sets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(PdfArray decode) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Decode, decode);

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with
     * lattice-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh type.
     * This type is similar to {@link FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh} but instead of using free-form geometry,
     * the vertices are arranged in a pseudorectangular lattice,
     * which is topologically equivalent to a rectangular grid.
     * The vertices are organized into rows, which need not be geometrically linear.
     * The verticals data in stream is similar to {@link FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh},
     * except there is no edge flag.
    public static class LatticeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh extends PdfShading {
    	private static final long serialVersionUID = -8776232978423888214L;

        protected LatticeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh(PdfStream pdfStream) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param verticesPerRow the number of vertices in each row of the lattice (shall be > 1).
         *                       The number of rows need not be specified.
         * @param decode the {@code int[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public LatticeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int verticesPerRow, float[] decode) {
            this(cs, bitsPerCoordinate, bitsPerComponent, verticesPerRow, new PdfArray(decode));

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param verticesPerRow the number of vertices in each row of the lattice (shall be > 1).
         *                       The number of rows need not be specified.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public LatticeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int verticesPerRow, PdfArray decode) {
            super(new PdfStream(), ShadingType.LATTICE_FORM_GOURAUD_SHADED_TRIANGLE_MESH, cs);


         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public int getBitsPerCoordinate() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public void setBitsPerCoordinate(int bitsPerCoordinate) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate, new PdfNumber(bitsPerCoordinate));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public int getBitsPerComponent() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerComponent);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public void setBitsPerComponent(int bitsPerComponent) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerComponent, new PdfNumber(bitsPerComponent));

         * Gets the number of vertices in each row of the lattice.
         * @return the number of vertices. Can only be greater than 1.
        public int getVerticesPerRow() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.VerticesPerRow);

         * Sets the number of vertices in each row of the lattice.
         * The number of rows need not be specified.
         * @param verticesPerRow the number of vertices to be set. Shall be greater than 1.
        public void setVerticesPerRow(int verticesPerRow) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.VerticesPerRow, new PdfNumber(verticesPerRow));

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} Decode object.
        public PdfArray getDecode() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Decode);

         * Sets the {@code float[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@code float[]} of Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(float[] decode) {
            setDecode(new PdfArray(decode));

         * Sets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(PdfArray decode) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Decode, decode);

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with
     * Coons Patch mesh type.
     * This type of shading is constructed from one or more colour patches, each bounded by four cubic Bézier curves.
     * Degenerate Bézier curves are allowed and are useful for certain graphical effects.
     * At least one complete patch shall be specified.
     * The shape of patch is defined by 12 control points.
     * Colours are specified for each corner of the unit square,
     * and bilinear interpolation is used to fill in colours over the entire unit square.
     * Coordinates are mapped from the unit square into a four-sided patch whose sides are not necessarily linear.
     * The mapping is continuous: the corners of the unit square map to corners of the patch
     * and the sides of the unit square map to sides of the patch.
     * For the format of data stream, that defines patches (see ISO-320001 Table 85).
     * If the shading dictionary contains a Function entry, the colour data for each corner of a patch
     * shall be specified by a single parametric value t rather than by n separate colour components
    public static class CoonsPatchMesh extends PdfShading {
    	private static final long serialVersionUID = 7296891352801419708L;

        protected CoonsPatchMesh(PdfStream pdfStream) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         *                    The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or 8,
         *                    but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         *                    The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @param decode the {@code int[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public CoonsPatchMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerFlag, float[] decode) {
            this(cs, bitsPerCoordinate, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerFlag, new PdfArray(decode));

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         *                    The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or 8,
         *                    but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         *                    The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public CoonsPatchMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerFlag, PdfArray decode) {
            super(new PdfStream(), ShadingType.COONS_PATCH_MESH, cs);

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public int getBitsPerCoordinate() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public void setBitsPerCoordinate(int bitsPerCoordinate) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate, new PdfNumber(bitsPerCoordinate));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public int getBitsPerComponent() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerComponent);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public void setBitsPerComponent(int bitsPerComponent) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerComponent, new PdfNumber(bitsPerComponent));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         * But only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         * The valid flag values are 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 2, 4 or 8.
        public int getBitsPerFlag() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerFlag);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         * But only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         * The valid flag values are 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits to be set. Shall be 2, 4 or 8.
        public void setBitsPerFlag(int bitsPerFlag) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerFlag, new PdfNumber(bitsPerFlag));

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} Decode object.
        public PdfArray getDecode() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Decode);

         * Sets the {@code float[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@code float[]} of Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(float[] decode) {
            setDecode(new PdfArray(decode));

         * Sets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(PdfArray decode) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Decode, decode);

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with
     * Tensor-Product Patch mesh type.
     * This type of shading is identical to {@link CoonsPatchMesh}, except that it's based on a
     * bicubic tensor-product patch defined by 16 control points.
     * For the format of data stream, that defines patches, see ISO-320001 Table 86.
    public static class TensorProductPatchMesh extends PdfShading {
    	private static final long serialVersionUID = -2750695839303504742L;

        protected TensorProductPatchMesh(PdfStream pdfStream) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         *                    The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or 8,
         *                    but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         *                    The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @param decode the {@code int[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public TensorProductPatchMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerFlag, float[] decode) {
            this(cs, bitsPerCoordinate, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerFlag, new PdfArray(decode));

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         *                    The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or 8,
         *                    but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         *                    The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public TensorProductPatchMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerFlag, PdfArray decode) {
            super(new PdfStream(), ShadingType.TENSOR_PRODUCT_PATCH_MESH, cs);


         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public int getBitsPerCoordinate() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public void setBitsPerCoordinate(int bitsPerCoordinate) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate, new PdfNumber(bitsPerCoordinate));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public int getBitsPerComponent() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerComponent);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public void setBitsPerComponent(int bitsPerComponent) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerComponent, new PdfNumber(bitsPerComponent));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         * But only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         * The valid flag values are 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 2, 4 or 8.
        public int getBitsPerFlag() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerFlag);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         * But only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         * The valid flag values are 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits to be set. Shall be 2, 4 or 8.
        public void setBitsPerFlag(int bitsPerFlag) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerFlag, new PdfNumber(bitsPerFlag));

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} Decode object.
        public PdfArray getDecode() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Decode);

         * Sets the {@code float[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@code float[]} of Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(float[] decode) {
            setDecode(new PdfArray(decode));

         * Sets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(PdfArray decode) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Decode, decode);

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