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com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagutils.TagStructureContext Maven / Gradle / Ivy


    This file is part of the iText (R) project.
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    Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.

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package com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagutils;

import com.itextpdf.kernel.PdfException;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfArray;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDictionary;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfIndirectReference;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfName;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfNumber;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfPage;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfVersion;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.annot.PdfAnnotation;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging.IStructureNode;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging.PdfMcr;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging.PdfNamespace;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging.PdfObjRef;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging.PdfStructElem;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging.PdfStructTreeRoot;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging.StandardNamespaces;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging.StandardRoles;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * {@code TagStructureContext} class is used to track necessary information of document's tag structure.
 * It is also used to make some global modifications of the tag tree like removing or flushing page tags, however
 * these two methods and also others are called automatically and are for the most part for internal usage.
* There shall be only one instance of this class per {@code PdfDocument}. To obtain instance of this class use * {@link PdfDocument#getTagStructureContext()}. */ public class TagStructureContext { private static final Set allowedRootTagRoles = new HashSet<>(); static { allowedRootTagRoles.add(StandardRoles.DOCUMENT); allowedRootTagRoles.add(StandardRoles.PART); allowedRootTagRoles.add(StandardRoles.ART); allowedRootTagRoles.add(StandardRoles.SECT); allowedRootTagRoles.add(StandardRoles.DIV); } private PdfDocument document; private PdfStructElem rootTagElement; protected TagTreePointer autoTaggingPointer; private PdfVersion tagStructureTargetVersion; private boolean forbidUnknownRoles; private WaitingTagsManager waitingTagsManager; private Set namespaces; private Map nameToNamespace; private PdfNamespace documentDefaultNamespace; /** * Do not use this constructor, instead use {@link PdfDocument#getTagStructureContext()} * method. *
* Creates {@code TagStructureContext} for document. There shall be only one instance of this * class per {@code PdfDocument}. * @param document the document which tag structure will be manipulated with this class. */ public TagStructureContext(PdfDocument document) { this(document, document.getPdfVersion()); } /** * Do not use this constructor, instead use {@link PdfDocument#getTagStructureContext()} * method. *

* Creates {@code TagStructureContext} for document. There shall be only one instance of this * class per {@code PdfDocument}. * @param document the document which tag structure will be manipulated with this class. * @param tagStructureTargetVersion the version of the pdf standard to which the tag structure shall adhere. */ public TagStructureContext(PdfDocument document, PdfVersion tagStructureTargetVersion) { this.document = document; if (!document.isTagged()) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.MustBeATaggedDocument); } waitingTagsManager = new WaitingTagsManager(); namespaces = new LinkedHashSet<>(); nameToNamespace = new HashMap<>(); this.tagStructureTargetVersion = tagStructureTargetVersion; forbidUnknownRoles = true; if (targetTagStructureVersionIs2()) { initRegisteredNamespaces(); setNamespaceForNewTagsBasedOnExistingRoot(); } } /** * If forbidUnknownRoles is set to true, then if you would try to add new tag which has not a standard role and * it's role is not mapped through RoleMap, an exception will be raised. * Default value - true. * @param forbidUnknownRoles new value of the flag * @return current {@link TagStructureContext} instance. */ public TagStructureContext setForbidUnknownRoles(boolean forbidUnknownRoles) { this.forbidUnknownRoles = forbidUnknownRoles; return this; } public PdfVersion getTagStructureTargetVersion() { return tagStructureTargetVersion; } /** * All tagging logic performed by iText automatically (along with addition of content, annotations etc) * uses {@link TagTreePointer} returned by this method to manipulate the tag structure. * Typically it points at the root tag. This pointer also could be used to tweak auto tagging process * (e.g. move this pointer to the Section tag, which would result in placing all automatically tagged content * under Section tag). * @return the {@code TagTreePointer} which is used for all automatic tagging of the document. */ public TagTreePointer getAutoTaggingPointer() { if (autoTaggingPointer == null) { autoTaggingPointer = new TagTreePointer(document); } return autoTaggingPointer; } /** * Gets {@link WaitingTagsManager} for the current document. It allows to mark tags as waiting, * which would indicate that they are incomplete and are not ready to be flushed. * @return document's {@link WaitingTagsManager} class instance. */ public WaitingTagsManager getWaitingTagsManager() { return waitingTagsManager; } /** * A namespace that is used as a default value for the tagging for any new {@link TagTreePointer} created * (including the pointer returned by {@link #getAutoTaggingPointer()}, which implies that automatically * created tag structure will be in this namespace by default). *

* By default, this value is defined based on the PDF document version and the existing tag structure inside * a document. For the new empty PDF 2.0 documents this namespace is set to {@link StandardNamespaces#PDF_2_0}. *


This value has meaning only for the PDF documents of version 2.0 and higher.

* @return a {@link PdfNamespace} which is used as a default value for the document tagging. */ public PdfNamespace getDocumentDefaultNamespace() { return documentDefaultNamespace; } /** * Sets a namespace that will be used as a default value for the tagging for any new {@link TagTreePointer} created. * See {@link #getDocumentDefaultNamespace()} for more info. *

* Be careful when changing this property value. It is most recommended to do it right after the {@link PdfDocument} was * created, before any content was added. Changing this value after any content was added might result in the mingled * tag structure from the namespaces point of view. So in order to maintain the document consistent but in the namespace * different from default, set this value before any modifications to the document were made and before * {@link #getAutoTaggingPointer()} method was called for the first time. *


This value has meaning only for the PDF documents of version 2.0 and higher.

* @param namespace a {@link PdfNamespace} which is to be used as a default value for the document tagging. * @return current {@link TagStructureContext} instance. */ public TagStructureContext setDocumentDefaultNamespace(PdfNamespace namespace) { this.documentDefaultNamespace = namespace; return this; } /** * This method defines a recommended way to obtain {@link PdfNamespace} class instances. *

* Returns either a wrapper over an already existing namespace dictionary in the document or over a new one * if such namespace wasn't encountered before. Calling this method is considered as encountering a namespace, * i.e. two sequential calls on this method will return the same namespace instance (which is not true in general case * of two method calls, for instance if several namespace instances with the same name are created via * {@link PdfNamespace} constructors and set to the elements of the tag structure, then the last encountered one * will be returned by this method). However encountered namespaces will not be added to the document's structure tree root * {@link PdfName#Namespaces /Namespaces} array unless they were set to the certain element of the tag structure. *

* @param namespaceName a {@link String} defining the namespace name (conventionally a uniform resource identifier, or URI). * @return {@link PdfNamespace} wrapper over either already existing namespace object or over the new one. */ public PdfNamespace fetchNamespace(String namespaceName) { PdfNamespace ns = nameToNamespace.get(namespaceName); if (ns == null) { ns = new PdfNamespace(namespaceName); nameToNamespace.put(namespaceName, ns); } return ns; } /** * Gets an instance of the {@link IRoleMappingResolver} corresponding to the current tag structure target version. * This method implies that role is in the default standard structure namespace. * @param role a role in the default standard structure namespace which mapping is to be resolved. * @return a {@link IRoleMappingResolver} instance, with the giving role as current. */ public IRoleMappingResolver getRoleMappingResolver(String role) { return getRoleMappingResolver(role, null); } /** * Gets an instance of the {@link IRoleMappingResolver} corresponding to the current tag structure target version. * @param role a role in the given namespace which mapping is to be resolved. * @param namespace a {@link PdfNamespace} which this role belongs to. * @return a {@link IRoleMappingResolver} instance, with the giving role in the given {@link PdfNamespace} as current. */ public IRoleMappingResolver getRoleMappingResolver(String role, PdfNamespace namespace) { if (targetTagStructureVersionIs2()) { return new RoleMappingResolverPdf2(role, namespace, getDocument()); } else { return new RoleMappingResolver(role, getDocument()); } } /** * Checks if the given role and namespace are specified to be obligatory mapped to the standard structure namespace * in order to be a valid role in the Tagged PDF. * @param role a role in the given namespace which mapping necessity is to be checked. * @param namespace a {@link PdfNamespace} which this role belongs to, null value refers to the default standard * structure namespace. * @return true, if the given role in the given namespace is either mapped to the standard structure role or doesn't * have to; otherwise false. */ public boolean checkIfRoleShallBeMappedToStandardRole(String role, PdfNamespace namespace) { return resolveMappingToStandardOrDomainSpecificRole(role, namespace) != null; } /** * Gets an instance of the {@link IRoleMappingResolver} which is already in the "resolved" state: it returns * role in the standard or domain-specific namespace for the {@link IRoleMappingResolver#getRole()} and {@link IRoleMappingResolver#getNamespace()} * methods calls which correspond to the mapping of the given role; or null if the given role is not mapped to the standard or domain-specific one. * @param role a role in the given namespace which mapping is to be resolved. * @param namespace a {@link PdfNamespace} which this role belongs to. * @return an instance of the {@link IRoleMappingResolver} which returns false * for the {@link IRoleMappingResolver#currentRoleShallBeMappedToStandard()} method call; if mapping cannot be resolved * to this state, this method returns null, which means that the given role * in the specified namespace is not mapped to the standard role in the standard namespace. */ public IRoleMappingResolver resolveMappingToStandardOrDomainSpecificRole(String role, PdfNamespace namespace) { IRoleMappingResolver mappingResolver = getRoleMappingResolver(role, namespace); mappingResolver.resolveNextMapping(); int i = 0; // reasonably large arbitrary number that will help to avoid a possible infinite loop int maxIters = 100; while (mappingResolver.currentRoleShallBeMappedToStandard()) { if (++i > maxIters) { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TagStructureContext.class); logger.error(composeTooMuchTransitiveMappingsException(role, namespace)); return null; } if (!mappingResolver.resolveNextMapping()) { return null; } } return mappingResolver; } /** * Removes annotation content item from the tag structure. * If annotation is not added to the document or is not tagged, nothing will happen. * @return {@link TagTreePointer} instance which points at annotation tag parent if annotation was removed, * otherwise returns null. */ public TagTreePointer removeAnnotationTag(PdfAnnotation annotation) { PdfStructElem structElem = null; PdfDictionary annotDic = annotation.getPdfObject(); PdfNumber structParentIndex = (PdfNumber) annotDic.get(PdfName.StructParent); if (structParentIndex != null) { PdfObjRef objRef = document.getStructTreeRoot().findObjRefByStructParentIndex(annotDic.getAsDictionary(PdfName.P), structParentIndex.intValue()); if (objRef != null) { PdfStructElem parent = (PdfStructElem) objRef.getParent(); parent.removeKid(objRef); structElem = parent; } } annotDic.remove(PdfName.StructParent); annotDic.setModified(); if (structElem != null) { return new TagTreePointer(document).setCurrentStructElem(structElem); } return null; } /** * Removes content item from the tag structure. *
* Nothing happens if there is no such mcid on given page. * @param page page, which contains this content item * @param mcid marked content id of this content item * @return {@code TagTreePointer} which points at the parent of the removed content item, or null if there is no * such mcid on given page. */ public TagTreePointer removeContentItem(PdfPage page, int mcid) { PdfMcr mcr = document.getStructTreeRoot().findMcrByMcid(page.getPdfObject(), mcid); if (mcr == null) { return null; } PdfStructElem parent = (PdfStructElem) mcr.getParent(); parent.removeKid(mcr); return new TagTreePointer(document).setCurrentStructElem(parent); } /** * Removes all tags that belong only to this page. The logic which defines if tag belongs to the page is described * at {@link #flushPageTags(PdfPage)}. * @param page page that defines which tags are to be removed * @return current {@link TagStructureContext} instance. */ public TagStructureContext removePageTags(PdfPage page) { PdfStructTreeRoot structTreeRoot = document.getStructTreeRoot(); Collection pageMcrs = structTreeRoot.getPageMarkedContentReferences(page); if (pageMcrs != null) { // We create a copy here, because pageMcrs is backed by the internal collection which is changed when mcrs are removed. List mcrsList = new ArrayList<>(pageMcrs); for (PdfMcr mcr : mcrsList) { removePageTagFromParent(mcr, mcr.getParent()); } } return this; } /** * Flushes the tags which are considered to belong to the given page. * The logic that defines if the given tag (structure element) belongs to the page is the following: * if all the marked content references (dictionary or number references), that are the * descendants of the given structure element, belong to the current page - the tag is considered * to belong to the page. If tag has descendants from several pages - it is flushed, if all other pages except the * current one are flushed. * *

* If some of the page's tags have waiting state (see {@link WaitingTagsManager} these tags are considered * as not yet finished ones, and they and their children won't be flushed. * @param page a page which tags will be flushed. */ public TagStructureContext flushPageTags(PdfPage page) { PdfStructTreeRoot structTreeRoot = document.getStructTreeRoot(); Collection pageMcrs = structTreeRoot.getPageMarkedContentReferences(page); if (pageMcrs != null) { for (PdfMcr mcr : pageMcrs) { PdfStructElem parent = (PdfStructElem) mcr.getParent(); flushParentIfBelongsToPage(parent, page); } } return this; } /** * Transforms root tags in a way that complies with the tagged PDF specification. * Depending on PDF version behaviour may differ. * *
* ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7 and lower) * Grouping Elements * *
* "In a tagged PDF document, the structure tree shall contain a single top-level element; that is, * the structure tree root (identified by the StructTreeRoot entry in the document catalogue) shall * have only one child in its K (kids) array. If the PDF file contains a complete document, the structure * type Document should be used for this top-level element in the logical structure hierarchy. If the file * contains a well-formed document fragment, one of the structure types Part, Art, Sect, or Div may be used instead." * *
* For PDF 2.0 and higher root tag is allowed to have only the Document role. */ public void normalizeDocumentRootTag() { // in this method we could deal with existing document, so we don't won't to throw exceptions here boolean forbid = forbidUnknownRoles; forbidUnknownRoles = false; List rootKids = document.getStructTreeRoot().getKids(); IRoleMappingResolver mapping = null; if (rootKids.size() > 0) { PdfStructElem firstKid = (PdfStructElem) rootKids.get(0); mapping = resolveMappingToStandardOrDomainSpecificRole(firstKid.getRole().getValue(), firstKid.getNamespace()); } if (rootKids.size() == 1 && mapping != null && mapping.currentRoleIsStandard() && isRoleAllowedToBeRoot(mapping.getRole())) { rootTagElement = (PdfStructElem) rootKids.get(0); } else { document.getStructTreeRoot().getPdfObject().remove(PdfName.K); rootTagElement = new RootTagNormalizer(this, rootTagElement, document).makeSingleStandardRootTag(rootKids); } forbidUnknownRoles = forbid; } /** * A utility method that prepares the current instance of the {@link TagStructureContext} for * the closing of document. Essentially it flushes all the "hanging" information to the document. */ public void prepareToDocumentClosing() { waitingTagsManager.removeAllWaitingStates(); actualizeNamespacesInStructTreeRoot(); } /** *

* Gets {@link PdfStructElem} at which {@link TagTreePointer} points. *

* NOTE: Be aware that {@link PdfStructElem} is a low level class, use it carefully, * especially in conjunction with high level {@link TagTreePointer} and {@link TagStructureContext} classes. * @param pointer a {@link TagTreePointer} which points at desired {@link PdfStructElem}. * @return a {@link PdfStructElem} at which given {@link TagTreePointer} points. */ public PdfStructElem getPointerStructElem(TagTreePointer pointer) { return pointer.getCurrentStructElem(); } /** * Creates a new {@link TagTreePointer} which points at given {@link PdfStructElem}. * @param structElem a {@link PdfStructElem} for which {@link TagTreePointer} will be created. * @return a new {@link TagTreePointer}. */ public TagTreePointer createPointerForStructElem(PdfStructElem structElem) { return new TagTreePointer(structElem, document); } PdfStructElem getRootTag() { if (rootTagElement == null) { normalizeDocumentRootTag(); } return rootTagElement; } PdfDocument getDocument() { return document; } void ensureNamespaceRegistered(PdfNamespace namespace) { if (namespace != null) { PdfDictionary namespaceObj = namespace.getPdfObject(); if (!namespaces.contains(namespaceObj)) { namespaces.add(namespaceObj); } nameToNamespace.put(namespace.getNamespaceName(), namespace); } } void throwExceptionIfRoleIsInvalid(AccessibilityProperties properties, PdfNamespace pointerCurrentNamespace) { PdfNamespace namespace = properties.getNamespace(); if (namespace == null) { namespace = pointerCurrentNamespace; } throwExceptionIfRoleIsInvalid(properties.getRole(), namespace); } void throwExceptionIfRoleIsInvalid(String role, PdfNamespace namespace) { if (!checkIfRoleShallBeMappedToStandardRole(role, namespace)) { String exMessage = composeInvalidRoleException(role, namespace); if (forbidUnknownRoles) { throw new PdfException(exMessage); } else { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TagStructureContext.class); logger.warn(exMessage); } } } boolean targetTagStructureVersionIs2() { return PdfVersion.PDF_2_0.compareTo(tagStructureTargetVersion) <= 0; } void flushParentIfBelongsToPage(PdfStructElem parent, PdfPage currentPage) { if (parent.isFlushed() || waitingTagsManager.getObjForStructDict(parent.getPdfObject()) != null || parent.getParent() instanceof PdfStructTreeRoot) { return; } List kids = parent.getKids(); boolean readyToBeFlushed = true; for (IStructureNode kid : kids) { if (kid instanceof PdfMcr) { PdfDictionary kidPage = ((PdfMcr) kid).getPageObject(); if (!kidPage.isFlushed() && (currentPage == null || !kidPage.equals(currentPage.getPdfObject()))) { readyToBeFlushed = false; break; } } else if (kid instanceof PdfStructElem) { // If kid is structElem and was already flushed then in kids list there will be null for it instead of // PdfStructElement. And therefore if we get into this if-clause it means that some StructElem wasn't flushed. readyToBeFlushed = false; break; } } if (readyToBeFlushed) { IStructureNode parentsParent = parent.getParent(); parent.flush(); if (parentsParent instanceof PdfStructElem) { flushParentIfBelongsToPage((PdfStructElem)parentsParent, currentPage); } } } private boolean isRoleAllowedToBeRoot(String role) { if (targetTagStructureVersionIs2()) { return StandardRoles.DOCUMENT.equals(role); } else { return allowedRootTagRoles.contains(role); } } private void setNamespaceForNewTagsBasedOnExistingRoot() { List rootKids = document.getStructTreeRoot().getKids(); if (rootKids.size() > 0) { PdfStructElem firstKid = (PdfStructElem) rootKids.get(0); IRoleMappingResolver resolvedMapping = resolveMappingToStandardOrDomainSpecificRole(firstKid.getRole().getValue(), firstKid.getNamespace()); if (resolvedMapping == null || !resolvedMapping.currentRoleIsStandard()) { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TagStructureContext.class); String nsStr; if (firstKid.getNamespace() != null) { nsStr = firstKid.getNamespace().getNamespaceName(); } else { nsStr = StandardNamespaces.getDefault(); } logger.warn(MessageFormat.format(LogMessageConstant.EXISTING_TAG_STRUCTURE_ROOT_IS_NOT_STANDARD, firstKid.getRole().getValue(), nsStr)); } if (resolvedMapping == null || !StandardNamespaces.PDF_1_7.equals(resolvedMapping.getNamespace().getNamespaceName())) { documentDefaultNamespace = fetchNamespace(StandardNamespaces.PDF_2_0); } } else { documentDefaultNamespace = fetchNamespace(StandardNamespaces.PDF_2_0); } } private String composeInvalidRoleException(String role, PdfNamespace namespace) { return composeExceptionBasedOnNamespacePresence(role, namespace, PdfException.RoleIsNotMappedToAnyStandardRole, PdfException.RoleInNamespaceIsNotMappedToAnyStandardRole); } private String composeTooMuchTransitiveMappingsException(String role, PdfNamespace namespace) { return composeExceptionBasedOnNamespacePresence(role, namespace, LogMessageConstant.CANNOT_RESOLVE_ROLE_TOO_MUCH_TRANSITIVE_MAPPINGS, LogMessageConstant.CANNOT_RESOLVE_ROLE_IN_NAMESPACE_TOO_MUCH_TRANSITIVE_MAPPINGS); } private void initRegisteredNamespaces() { PdfStructTreeRoot structTreeRoot = document.getStructTreeRoot(); for (PdfNamespace namespace : structTreeRoot.getNamespaces()) { namespaces.add(namespace.getPdfObject()); nameToNamespace.put(namespace.getNamespaceName(), namespace); } } private void actualizeNamespacesInStructTreeRoot() { if (namespaces.size() > 0) { PdfStructTreeRoot structTreeRoot = getDocument().getStructTreeRoot(); PdfArray rootNamespaces = structTreeRoot.getNamespacesObject(); Set newNamespaces = new LinkedHashSet<>(namespaces); for (int i = 0; i < rootNamespaces.size(); ++i) { newNamespaces.remove(rootNamespaces.getAsDictionary(i)); } for (PdfDictionary newNs : newNamespaces) { rootNamespaces.add(newNs); } if (!newNamespaces.isEmpty()) { structTreeRoot.setModified(); } } } private void removePageTagFromParent(IStructureNode pageTag, IStructureNode parent) { if (parent instanceof PdfStructElem) { PdfStructElem structParent = (PdfStructElem) parent; if (!structParent.isFlushed()) { structParent.removeKid(pageTag); PdfDictionary parentStructDict = structParent.getPdfObject(); if (waitingTagsManager.getObjForStructDict(parentStructDict) == null && parent.getKids().size() == 0 && !(structParent.getParent() instanceof PdfStructTreeRoot)) { removePageTagFromParent(structParent, parent.getParent()); PdfIndirectReference indRef = parentStructDict.getIndirectReference(); if (indRef != null) { // TODO how about possible references to structure element from refs or structure destination for instance? indRef.setFree(); } } } else { if (pageTag instanceof PdfMcr) { throw new PdfException(PdfException.CannotRemoveTagBecauseItsParentIsFlushed); } } } else { // it is StructTreeRoot // should never happen as we always should have only one root tag and we don't remove it } } private String composeExceptionBasedOnNamespacePresence(String role, PdfNamespace namespace, String withoutNsEx, String withNsEx) { if (namespace == null) { return MessageFormat.format(withoutNsEx, role); } else { String nsName = namespace.getNamespaceName(); PdfIndirectReference ref = namespace.getPdfObject().getIndirectReference(); if (ref != null) { nsName = nsName + " (" + Integer.toString(ref.getObjNumber()) + " " + Integer.toString(ref.getGenNumber()) + " obj)"; } return MessageFormat.format(withNsEx, role, nsName); } } }

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