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com.itextpdf.layout.borders.Border Maven / Gradle / Ivy


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package com.itextpdf.layout.borders;

import com.itextpdf.kernel.colors.Color;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.colors.ColorConstants;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.geom.Point;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.geom.Rectangle;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.canvas.PdfCanvas;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Represents a border.
public abstract class Border {

     * The null Border, i.e. the presence of such border is equivalent to the absence of the border
    public static final Border NO_BORDER = null;

     * Value used by discontinuous borders during the drawing process
    private static final float CURV = 0.447f;
     * The solid border.
     * @see SolidBorder
    public static final int SOLID = 0;
     * The dashed border.
     * @see DashedBorder
    public static final int DASHED = 1;
     * The dotted border.
     * @see DottedBorder
    public static final int DOTTED = 2;
     * The double border.
     * @see DoubleBorder
    public static final int DOUBLE = 3;
     * The round-dots border.
     * @see RoundDotsBorder
    public static final int ROUND_DOTS = 4;
     * The 3D groove border.
     * @see GrooveBorder
    public static final int _3D_GROOVE = 5;
     * The 3D inset border.
     * @see InsetBorder
    public static final int _3D_INSET = 6;
     * The 3D outset border.
     * @see OutsetBorder
    public static final int _3D_OUTSET = 7;
     * The 3D ridge border.
     * @see RidgeBorder
    public static final int _3D_RIDGE = 8;

     * The color of the border.
     * @see TransparentColor
    protected TransparentColor transparentColor;

     * The width of the border.
    protected float width;
     * The type of the border.
    protected int type;
     * The hash value for the border.
    private int hash;

     * Creates a {@link Border border} with the given width.
     * The {@link Color color} to be set by default is black
     * @param width the width which the border should have
    protected Border(float width) {
        this(ColorConstants.BLACK, width);

     * Creates a {@link Border border} with given width and {@link Color color}.
     * @param color the color which the border should have
     * @param width the width which the border should have
    protected Border(Color color, float width) {
        this.transparentColor = new TransparentColor(color);
        this.width = width;

     * Creates a {@link Border border} with given width, {@link Color color} and opacity.
     * @param color   the color which the border should have
     * @param width   the width which the border should have
     * @param opacity the opacity which border should have; a float between 0 and 1, where 1 stands for fully opaque color and 0 - for fully transparent
    protected Border(Color color, float width, float opacity) {
        this.transparentColor = new TransparentColor(color, opacity);
        this.width = width;

     * All borders are supposed to be drawn in such way, that inner content of the element is on the right from the
     * drawing direction. Borders are drawn in this order: top, right, bottom, left.

* Given points specify the line which lies on the border of the content area, * therefore the border itself should be drawn to the left from the drawing direction. *

* borderWidthBefore and borderWidthAfter parameters are used to * define the widths of the borders that are before and after the current border, e.g. for * the bottom border, borderWidthBefore specifies width of the right border and * borderWidthAfter - width of the left border. Those width are used to handle areas * of border joins. * * @param canvas PdfCanvas to be written to * @param x1 x coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param y1 y coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param x2 x coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param y2 y coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param defaultSide the {@link Border.Side}, that we will fallback to, if it cannot be determined by border coordinates * @param borderWidthBefore defines width of the border that is before the current one * @param borderWidthAfter defines width of the border that is after the current one */ public abstract void draw(PdfCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Side defaultSide, float borderWidthBefore, float borderWidthAfter); /** * All borders are supposed to be drawn in such way, that inner content of the element is on the right from the * drawing direction. Borders are drawn in this order: top, right, bottom, left. *

* Given points specify the line which lies on the border of the content area, * therefore the border itself should be drawn to the left from the drawing direction. *

* borderWidthBefore and borderWidthAfter parameters are used to * define the widths of the borders that are before and after the current border, e.g. for * the bottom border, borderWidthBefore specifies width of the right border and * borderWidthAfter - width of the left border. Those width are used to handle areas * of border joins. *

* borderRadius is used to draw rounded borders. * * @param canvas PdfCanvas to be written to * @param x1 x coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param y1 y coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param x2 x coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param y2 y coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param borderRadius defines the radius of the element's corners * @param defaultSide the {@link Border.Side}, that we will fallback to, if it cannot be determined by border coordinates * @param borderWidthBefore defines width of the border that is before the current one * @param borderWidthAfter defines width of the border that is after the current one */ public void draw(PdfCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float borderRadius, Side defaultSide, float borderWidthBefore, float borderWidthAfter) { draw(canvas, x1, y1, x2, y2, borderRadius, borderRadius, borderRadius, borderRadius, defaultSide, borderWidthBefore, borderWidthAfter); } /** * All borders are supposed to be drawn in such way, that inner content of the element is on the right from the * drawing direction. Borders are drawn in this order: top, right, bottom, left. *

* Given points specify the line which lies on the border of the content area, * therefore the border itself should be drawn to the left from the drawing direction. *

* borderWidthBefore and borderWidthAfter parameters are used to * define the widths of the borders that are before and after the current border, e.g. for * the bottom border, borderWidthBefore specifies width of the right border and * borderWidthAfter - width of the left border. Those width are used to handle areas * of border joins. *

* horizontalRadius1, verticalRadius1, horizontalRadius2 * and verticalRadius2 are used to draw rounded borders. * * @param canvas PdfCanvas to be written to * @param x1 x coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param y1 y coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param x2 x coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param y2 y coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param horizontalRadius1 defines the horizontal radius of the border's first corner * @param verticalRadius1 defines the vertical radius of the border's first corner * @param horizontalRadius2 defines the horizontal radius of the border's second corner * @param verticalRadius2 defines the vertical radius of the border's second corner * @param defaultSide the {@link Border.Side}, that we will fallback to, if it cannot be determined by border coordinates * @param borderWidthBefore defines width of the border that is before the current one * @param borderWidthAfter defines width of the border that is after the current one */ public void draw(PdfCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float horizontalRadius1, float verticalRadius1, float horizontalRadius2, float verticalRadius2, Side defaultSide, float borderWidthBefore, float borderWidthAfter) { Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Border.class); logger.warn(MessageFormatUtil.format(LogMessageConstant.METHOD_IS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_BY_DEFAULT_OTHER_METHOD_WILL_BE_USED, "Border#draw(PdfCanvas, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, Side, float, float", "Border#draw(PdfCanvas, float, float, float, float, Side, float, float)")); draw(canvas, x1, y1, x2, y2, defaultSide, borderWidthBefore, borderWidthAfter); } /** * Draws the border of a cell. * * @param canvas PdfCanvas to be written to * @param x1 x coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param y1 y coordinate of the beginning point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param x2 x coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param y2 y coordinate of the ending point of the element side, that should be bordered * @param defaultSide the {@link Border.Side}, that we will fallback to, if it cannot be determined by border coordinates */ public abstract void drawCellBorder(PdfCanvas canvas, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Side defaultSide); /** * Returns the type of the {@link Border border} * * @return the type of border. */ public abstract int getType(); /** * Gets the {@link Color color} of the {@link Border border} * * @return the {@link Color color} */ public Color getColor() { return transparentColor.getColor(); } /** * Gets the opacity of the {@link Border border} * * @return the border opacity; a float between 0 and 1, where 1 stands for fully opaque color and 0 - for fully transparent */ public float getOpacity() { return transparentColor.getOpacity(); } /** * Gets the width of the {@link Border border} * * @return the width */ public float getWidth() { return width; } /** * Sets the {@link Color color} of the {@link Border border} * * @param color The color */ public void setColor(Color color) { this.transparentColor = new TransparentColor(color, this.transparentColor.getOpacity()); } /** * Sets the width of the {@link Border border} * * @param width The width */ public void setWidth(float width) { this.width = width; } /** * Indicates whether the border is equal to the given border. * The border type, width and color are considered during the comparison. */ @Override public boolean equals(Object anObject) { if (this == anObject) { return true; } if (anObject instanceof Border) { Border anotherBorder = (Border) anObject; if (anotherBorder.getType() != getType() || !anotherBorder.getColor().equals(getColor()) || anotherBorder.getWidth() != getWidth() || anotherBorder.transparentColor.getOpacity() != transparentColor.getOpacity()) { return false; } } else { return false; } return true; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { int h = hash; if (h == 0) { h = (int) getWidth() * 31 + getColor().hashCode(); h = h * 31 + (int) transparentColor.getOpacity(); hash = h; } return h; } /** * Returns the {@link Side side} corresponded to the line between two points. * Notice that we consider the rectangle traversal to be clockwise. * In case side couldn't be detected we will fallback to default side * * @param x1 the abscissa of the left-bottom point * @param y1 the ordinate of the left-bottom point * @param x2 the abscissa of the right-top point * @param y2 the ordinate of the right-top point * @param defaultSide the default side of border * @return the corresponded {@link Side side} */ protected Side getBorderSide(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Side defaultSide) { boolean isLeft = false; boolean isRight = false; if (Math.abs(y2 - y1) > 0.0005f) { isLeft = y2 - y1 > 0; isRight = y2 - y1 < 0; } boolean isTop = false; boolean isBottom = false; if (Math.abs(x2 - x1) > 0.0005f) { isTop = x2 - x1 > 0; isBottom = x2 - x1 < 0; } if (isTop) { return isLeft ? Side.LEFT : Side.TOP; } else if (isRight) { return Side.RIGHT; } else if (isBottom) { return Side.BOTTOM; } else if (isLeft) { return Side.LEFT; } return defaultSide; } /** * Enumerates the different sides of the rectangle. * The rectangle sides are expected to be parallel to corresponding page sides * Otherwise the result is Side.NONE */ public enum Side { NONE, TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, LEFT } protected Point getIntersectionPoint(Point lineBeg, Point lineEnd, Point clipLineBeg, Point clipLineEnd) { double A1 = lineBeg.getY() - lineEnd.getY(), A2 = clipLineBeg.getY() - clipLineEnd.getY(); double B1 = lineEnd.getX() - lineBeg.getX(), B2 = clipLineEnd.getX() - clipLineBeg.getX(); double C1 = lineBeg.getX() * lineEnd.getY() - lineBeg.getY() * lineEnd.getX(); double C2 = clipLineBeg.getX() * clipLineEnd.getY() - clipLineBeg.getY() * clipLineEnd.getX(); double M = B1 * A2 - B2 * A1; return new Point((B2 * C1 - B1 * C2) / M, (C2 * A1 - C1 * A2) / M); } /** * Adjusts the size of the gap between dots * * @param distance the {@link Border border} length * @param initialGap the initial size of the gap * @return the adjusted size of the gap */ protected float getDotsGap(double distance, float initialGap) { double gapsNum = Math.ceil(distance / initialGap); if (gapsNum == 0) { return initialGap; } return (float) (distance / gapsNum); } /** * Perform drawing operations to draw discontinuous borders. Used by {@link DashedBorder}, {@link DottedBorder} and {@link RoundDotsBorder}. * * @param canvas canvas to draw on * @param defaultSide the {@link Border.Side}, that we will fallback to, if it cannot be determined by border coordinates * @param borderWidthBefore defines width of the border that is before the current one * @param borderWidthAfter defines width of the border that is after the current one */ /** * Perform drawing operations to draw discontinuous borders. Used by {@link DashedBorder}, {@link DottedBorder} and {@link RoundDotsBorder}. * * @param canvas canvas to draw on * @param boundingRectangle rectangle representing the bounding box of the drawing operations * @param horizontalRadii the horizontal radius of the border's two corners * @param verticalRadii the vertical radius of the border's two corners * @param defaultSide the {@link Border.Side}, that we will fallback to, if it cannot be determined by border coordinates * @param borderWidthBefore defines width of the border that is before the current one * @param borderWidthAfter defines width of the border that is after the current one */ protected void drawDiscontinuousBorders(PdfCanvas canvas, Rectangle boundingRectangle, float[] horizontalRadii, float[] verticalRadii, Side defaultSide, float borderWidthBefore, float borderWidthAfter) { float x1 = boundingRectangle.getX(); float y1 = boundingRectangle.getY(); float x2 = boundingRectangle.getRight(); float y2 = boundingRectangle.getTop(); float horizontalRadius1 = horizontalRadii[0]; float horizontalRadius2 = horizontalRadii[1]; float verticalRadius1 = verticalRadii[0]; float verticalRadius2 = verticalRadii[1]; // Points (x0, y0) and (x3, y3) are used to produce Bezier curve float x0 = boundingRectangle.getX(); float y0 = boundingRectangle.getY(); float x3 = boundingRectangle.getRight(); float y3 = boundingRectangle.getTop(); float innerRadiusBefore; float innerRadiusFirst; float innerRadiusSecond; float innerRadiusAfter; float widthHalf = width / 2; Point clipPoint1; Point clipPoint2; Point clipPoint; Border.Side borderSide = getBorderSide(x1, y1, x2, y2, defaultSide); switch (borderSide) { case TOP: innerRadiusBefore = Math.max(0, horizontalRadius1 - borderWidthBefore); innerRadiusFirst = Math.max(0, verticalRadius1 - width); innerRadiusSecond = Math.max(0, verticalRadius2 - width); innerRadiusAfter = Math.max(0, horizontalRadius2 - borderWidthAfter); x0 -= borderWidthBefore / 2; y0 -= innerRadiusFirst; x3 += borderWidthAfter / 2; y3 -= innerRadiusSecond; clipPoint1 = getIntersectionPoint(new Point(x1 - borderWidthBefore, y1 + width), new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x0, y0), new Point(x0 + 10, y0)); clipPoint2 = getIntersectionPoint(new Point(x2 + borderWidthAfter, y2 + width), new Point(x2, y2), new Point(x3, y3), new Point(x3 - 10, y3)); if (clipPoint1.x > clipPoint2.x) { clipPoint = getIntersectionPoint(new Point(x1 - borderWidthBefore, y1 + width), clipPoint1, clipPoint2, new Point(x2 + borderWidthAfter, y2 + width)); canvas.moveTo(x1 - borderWidthBefore, y1 + width).lineTo(clipPoint.x, clipPoint.y).lineTo(x2 + borderWidthAfter, y2 + width).lineTo(x1 - borderWidthBefore, y1 + width); } else { canvas.moveTo(x1 - borderWidthBefore, y1 + width).lineTo(clipPoint1.x, clipPoint1.y).lineTo(clipPoint2.x, clipPoint2.y).lineTo(x2 + borderWidthAfter, y2 + width).lineTo(x1 - borderWidthBefore, y1 + width); } canvas.clip().endPath(); x1 += innerRadiusBefore; y1 += widthHalf; x2 -= innerRadiusAfter; y2 += widthHalf; canvas .moveTo(x0, y0).curveTo(x0, y0 + innerRadiusFirst * CURV, x1 - innerRadiusBefore * CURV, y1, x1, y1) .lineTo(x2, y2) .curveTo(x2 + innerRadiusAfter * CURV, y2, x3, y3 + innerRadiusSecond * CURV, x3, y3); break; case RIGHT: innerRadiusBefore = Math.max(0, verticalRadius1 - borderWidthBefore); innerRadiusFirst = Math.max(0, horizontalRadius1 - width); innerRadiusSecond = Math.max(0, horizontalRadius2 - width); innerRadiusAfter = Math.max(0, verticalRadius2 - borderWidthAfter); x0 -= innerRadiusFirst; y0 += borderWidthBefore / 2; x3 -= innerRadiusSecond; y3 -= borderWidthAfter / 2; clipPoint1 = getIntersectionPoint(new Point(x1 + width, y1 + borderWidthBefore), new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x0, y0), new Point(x0, y0 - 10)); clipPoint2 = getIntersectionPoint(new Point(x2 + width, y2 - borderWidthAfter), new Point(x2, y2), new Point(x3, y3), new Point(x3, y3 - 10)); if (clipPoint1.y < clipPoint2.y) { clipPoint = getIntersectionPoint(new Point(x1 + width, y1 + borderWidthBefore), clipPoint1, clipPoint2, new Point(x2 + width, y2 - borderWidthAfter)); canvas.moveTo(x1 + width, y1 + borderWidthBefore).lineTo(clipPoint.x, clipPoint.y).lineTo(x2 + width, y2 - borderWidthAfter).lineTo(x1 + width, y1 + borderWidthBefore).clip().endPath(); } else { canvas.moveTo(x1 + width, y1 + borderWidthBefore).lineTo(clipPoint1.x, clipPoint1.y).lineTo(clipPoint2.x, clipPoint2.y).lineTo(x2 + width, y2 - borderWidthAfter).lineTo(x1 + width, y1 + borderWidthBefore).clip().endPath(); } canvas.clip().endPath(); x1 += widthHalf; y1 -= innerRadiusBefore; x2 += widthHalf; y2 += innerRadiusAfter; canvas .moveTo(x0, y0).curveTo(x0 + innerRadiusFirst * CURV, y0, x1, y1 + innerRadiusBefore * CURV, x1, y1) .lineTo(x2, y2) .curveTo(x2, y2 - innerRadiusAfter * CURV, x3 + innerRadiusSecond * CURV, y3, x3, y3); break; case BOTTOM: innerRadiusBefore = Math.max(0, horizontalRadius1 - borderWidthBefore); innerRadiusFirst = Math.max(0, verticalRadius1 - width); innerRadiusSecond = Math.max(0, verticalRadius2 - width); innerRadiusAfter = Math.max(0, horizontalRadius2 - borderWidthAfter); x0 += borderWidthBefore / 2; y0 += innerRadiusFirst; x3 -= borderWidthAfter / 2; y3 += innerRadiusSecond; clipPoint1 = getIntersectionPoint(new Point(x1 + borderWidthBefore, y1 - width), new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x0, y0), new Point(x0 - 10, y0)); clipPoint2 = getIntersectionPoint(new Point(x2 - borderWidthAfter, y2 - width), new Point(x2, y2), new Point(x3, y3), new Point(x3 + 10, y3)); if (clipPoint1.x < clipPoint2.x) { clipPoint = getIntersectionPoint(new Point(x1 + borderWidthBefore, y1 - width), clipPoint1, clipPoint2, new Point(x2 - borderWidthAfter, y2 - width)); canvas.moveTo(x1 + borderWidthBefore, y1 - width).lineTo(clipPoint.x, clipPoint.y).lineTo(x2 - borderWidthAfter, y2 - width).lineTo(x1 + borderWidthBefore, y1 - width); } else { canvas.moveTo(x1 + borderWidthBefore, y1 - width).lineTo(clipPoint1.x, clipPoint1.y).lineTo(clipPoint2.x, clipPoint2.y).lineTo(x2 - borderWidthAfter, y2 - width).lineTo(x1 + borderWidthBefore, y1 - width); } canvas.clip().endPath(); x1 -= innerRadiusBefore; y1 -= widthHalf; x2 += innerRadiusAfter; y2 -= widthHalf; canvas .moveTo(x0, y0).curveTo(x0, y0 - innerRadiusFirst * CURV, x1 + innerRadiusBefore * CURV, y1, x1, y1) .lineTo(x2, y2) .curveTo(x2 - innerRadiusAfter * CURV, y2, x3, y3 - innerRadiusSecond * CURV, x3, y3); break; case LEFT: innerRadiusBefore = Math.max(0, verticalRadius1 - borderWidthBefore); innerRadiusFirst = Math.max(0, horizontalRadius1 - width); innerRadiusSecond = Math.max(0, horizontalRadius2 - width); innerRadiusAfter = Math.max(0, verticalRadius2 - borderWidthAfter); x0 += innerRadiusFirst; y0 -= borderWidthBefore / 2; x3 += innerRadiusSecond; y3 += borderWidthAfter / 2; clipPoint1 = getIntersectionPoint(new Point(x1 - width, y1 - borderWidthBefore), new Point(x1, y1), new Point(x0, y0), new Point(x0, y0 + 10)); clipPoint2 = getIntersectionPoint(new Point(x2 - width, y2 + borderWidthAfter), new Point(x2, y2), new Point(x3, y3), new Point(x3, y3 + 10)); if (clipPoint1.y > clipPoint2.y) { clipPoint = getIntersectionPoint(new Point(x1 - width, y1 - borderWidthBefore), clipPoint1, clipPoint2, new Point(x2 - width, y2 + borderWidthAfter)); canvas.moveTo(x1 - width, y1 - borderWidthBefore).lineTo(clipPoint.x, clipPoint.y).lineTo(x2 - width, y2 + borderWidthAfter).lineTo(x1 - width, y1 - borderWidthBefore); } else { canvas.moveTo(x1 - width, y1 - borderWidthBefore).lineTo(clipPoint1.x, clipPoint1.y).lineTo(clipPoint2.x, clipPoint2.y).lineTo(x2 - width, y2 + borderWidthAfter).lineTo(x1 - width, y1 - borderWidthBefore); } canvas.clip().endPath(); x1 -= widthHalf; y1 += innerRadiusBefore; x2 -= widthHalf; y2 -= innerRadiusAfter; canvas .moveTo(x0, y0).curveTo(x0 - innerRadiusFirst * CURV, y0, x1, y1 - innerRadiusBefore * CURV, x1, y1) .lineTo(x2, y2) .curveTo(x2, y2 + innerRadiusAfter * CURV, x3 - innerRadiusSecond * CURV, y3, x3, y3); break; default: break; } canvas .stroke() .restoreState(); } /** * Calculate adjusted starting points for discontinuous borders, given two opposing points (A and B) that define the bounding rectangle * * @param x1 x-coordinate of point A * @param y1 y-ordinate of point A * @param x2 x-coordinate of point B * @param y2 y-ordinate of point B * @param defaultSide default side of the border used to determine the side given by points A and B * @return float[] containing the adjusted starting points in the form {x1,y1,x2,y2} */ protected float[] getStartingPointsForBorderSide(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, Side defaultSide) { float widthHalf = width / 2; Border.Side borderSide = getBorderSide(x1, y1, x2, y2, defaultSide); switch (borderSide) { case TOP: y1 += widthHalf; y2 += widthHalf; break; case RIGHT: x1 += widthHalf; x2 += widthHalf; break; case BOTTOM: y1 -= widthHalf; y2 -= widthHalf; break; case LEFT: x1 -= widthHalf; x2 -= widthHalf; break; default: break; } return new float[]{x1, y1, x2, y2}; } }

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