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com.itextpdf.layout.renderer.LineRenderer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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    This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2019 iText Group NV
    Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
    as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
    following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
    See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with this program; if not, see or write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL:

    The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
    of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
    Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.

    In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
    a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
    or manipulated using iText.

    You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
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    For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
    address: [email protected]
package com.itextpdf.layout.renderer;

import com.itextpdf.kernel.geom.Rectangle;
import com.itextpdf.layout.element.TabStop;
import com.itextpdf.layout.layout.LayoutArea;
import com.itextpdf.layout.layout.LayoutContext;
import com.itextpdf.layout.layout.LayoutResult;
import com.itextpdf.layout.layout.LineLayoutContext;
import com.itextpdf.layout.layout.LineLayoutResult;
import com.itextpdf.layout.layout.MinMaxWidthLayoutResult;
import com.itextpdf.layout.layout.TextLayoutResult;
import com.itextpdf.layout.minmaxwidth.MinMaxWidth;
import com.itextpdf.layout.minmaxwidth.MinMaxWidthUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;

public class LineRenderer extends AbstractRenderer {

    // AbstractRenderer.EPS is not enough here
    private static final float MIN_MAX_WIDTH_CORRECTION_EPS = 0.001f;
    protected float maxAscent;
    protected float maxDescent;
    // bidi levels
    protected byte[] levels;
    private float maxTextAscent;
    private float maxTextDescent;
    private float maxBlockAscent;
    private float maxBlockDescent;

    public LayoutResult layout(LayoutContext layoutContext) {
        Rectangle layoutBox = layoutContext.getArea().getBBox().clone();
        boolean wasParentsHeightClipped = layoutContext.isClippedHeight();
        List floatRendererAreas = layoutContext.getFloatRendererAreas();

        OverflowPropertyValue oldXOverflow = null;
        boolean wasXOverflowChanged = false;

        if (floatRendererAreas != null) {
            float layoutWidth = layoutBox.getWidth();
            FloatingHelper.adjustLineAreaAccordingToFloats(floatRendererAreas, layoutBox);
            if (layoutWidth > layoutBox.getWidth()) {
                oldXOverflow = this.getProperty(Property.OVERFLOW_X);
                wasXOverflowChanged = true;
                setProperty(Property.OVERFLOW_X, OverflowPropertyValue.FIT);

        boolean noSoftWrap = Boolean.TRUE.equals(this.getOwnProperty(Property.NO_SOFT_WRAP_INLINE));

        LineLayoutContext lineLayoutContext = layoutContext instanceof LineLayoutContext ? (LineLayoutContext) layoutContext : new LineLayoutContext(layoutContext);
        if (lineLayoutContext.getTextIndent() != 0) {
                    .setWidth(layoutBox.getWidth() - lineLayoutContext.getTextIndent());

        occupiedArea = new LayoutArea(layoutContext.getArea().getPageNumber(), layoutBox.clone().moveUp(layoutBox.getHeight()).setHeight(0).setWidth(0));

        float curWidth = 0;
        maxAscent = 0;
        maxDescent = 0;
        maxTextAscent = 0;
        maxTextDescent = 0;
        maxBlockAscent = -1e20f;
        maxBlockDescent = 1e20f;
        int childPos = 0;

        MinMaxWidth minMaxWidth = new MinMaxWidth();
        AbstractWidthHandler widthHandler;
        if (noSoftWrap) {
            widthHandler = new SumSumWidthHandler(minMaxWidth);
        } else {
            widthHandler = new MaxSumWidthHandler(minMaxWidth);



        int totalNumberOfTrimmedGlyphs = trimFirst();

        BaseDirection baseDirection = applyOtf();

        updateBidiLevels(totalNumberOfTrimmedGlyphs, baseDirection);

        boolean anythingPlaced = false;
        TabStop hangingTabStop = null;
        LineLayoutResult result = null;

        boolean floatsPlaced = false;
        Map floatsToNextPageSplitRenderers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        List floatsToNextPageOverflowRenderers = new ArrayList<>();
        List floatsOverflowedToNextLine = new ArrayList<>();
        int lastTabIndex = 0;

        while (childPos < childRenderers.size()) {
            IRenderer childRenderer = childRenderers.get(childPos);
            LayoutResult childResult = null;
            Rectangle bbox = new Rectangle(layoutBox.getX() + curWidth, layoutBox.getY(), layoutBox.getWidth() - curWidth, layoutBox.getHeight());

            if (childRenderer instanceof TextRenderer) {
                // Delete these properties in case of relayout. We might have applied them during justify().
            } else if (childRenderer instanceof TabRenderer) {
                if (hangingTabStop != null) {
                    IRenderer tabRenderer = childRenderers.get(childPos - 1);
                    tabRenderer.layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(layoutContext.getArea().getPageNumber(), bbox), wasParentsHeightClipped));
                    curWidth += tabRenderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
                hangingTabStop = calculateTab(childRenderer, curWidth, layoutBox.getWidth());
                if (childPos == childRenderers.size() - 1)
                    hangingTabStop = null;
                if (hangingTabStop != null) {
                    lastTabIndex = childPos;

            if (hangingTabStop != null && hangingTabStop.getTabAlignment() == TabAlignment.ANCHOR
                    && childRenderer instanceof TextRenderer) {
                childRenderer.setProperty(Property.TAB_ANCHOR, hangingTabStop.getTabAnchor());

            // Normalize child width
            Object childWidth = childRenderer.getProperty(Property.WIDTH);
            boolean childWidthWasReplaced = false;
            boolean childRendererHasOwnWidthProperty = childRenderer.hasOwnProperty(Property.WIDTH);
            if (childWidth instanceof UnitValue && ((UnitValue) childWidth).isPercentValue()) {
                float normalizedChildWidth = ((UnitValue) childWidth).getValue() / 100 * layoutContext.getArea().getBBox().getWidth();
                normalizedChildWidth = decreaseRelativeWidthByChildAdditionalWidth(childRenderer, normalizedChildWidth);

                if (normalizedChildWidth > 0) {
                    childRenderer.setProperty(Property.WIDTH, UnitValue.createPointValue(normalizedChildWidth));
                    childWidthWasReplaced = true;

            FloatPropertyValue kidFloatPropertyVal = childRenderer.getProperty(Property.FLOAT);
            boolean isChildFloating = childRenderer instanceof AbstractRenderer && FloatingHelper.isRendererFloating(childRenderer, kidFloatPropertyVal);
            if (isChildFloating) {
                childResult = null;
                MinMaxWidth kidMinMaxWidth = FloatingHelper.calculateMinMaxWidthForFloat((AbstractRenderer) childRenderer, kidFloatPropertyVal);
                float floatingBoxFullWidth = kidMinMaxWidth.getMaxWidth();
                // TODO width will be recalculated on float layout;
                // also not taking it into account (i.e. not setting it on child renderer) results in differences with html
                // when floating span is split on other line;
                // TODO DEVSIX-1730: may be process floating spans as inline blocks always?

                if (!wasXOverflowChanged && childPos > 0) {
                    oldXOverflow = this.getProperty(Property.OVERFLOW_X);
                    wasXOverflowChanged = true;
                    setProperty(Property.OVERFLOW_X, OverflowPropertyValue.FIT);
                if (!lineLayoutContext.isFloatOverflowedToNextPageWithNothing() && floatsOverflowedToNextLine.isEmpty()
                        && (!anythingPlaced || floatingBoxFullWidth <= bbox.getWidth())) {
                    childResult = childRenderer.layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(layoutContext.getArea().getPageNumber(), layoutContext.getArea().getBBox().clone()), null, floatRendererAreas, wasParentsHeightClipped));
                // Get back child width so that it's not lost
                if (childWidthWasReplaced) {
                    if (childRendererHasOwnWidthProperty) {
                        childRenderer.setProperty(Property.WIDTH, childWidth);
                    } else {

                float minChildWidth = 0;
                float maxChildWidth = 0;
                if (childResult instanceof MinMaxWidthLayoutResult) {
                    if (!childWidthWasReplaced) {
                        minChildWidth = ((MinMaxWidthLayoutResult) childResult).getMinMaxWidth().getMinWidth();
                    // TODO if percents width was used, max width might be huge
                    maxChildWidth = ((MinMaxWidthLayoutResult) childResult).getMinMaxWidth().getMaxWidth();
                    widthHandler.updateMinChildWidth(minChildWidth + AbstractRenderer.EPS);
                    widthHandler.updateMaxChildWidth(maxChildWidth + AbstractRenderer.EPS);
                } else {
                    widthHandler.updateMinChildWidth(kidMinMaxWidth.getMinWidth() + AbstractRenderer.EPS);
                    widthHandler.updateMaxChildWidth(kidMinMaxWidth.getMaxWidth() + AbstractRenderer.EPS);

                if (childResult == null && !lineLayoutContext.isFloatOverflowedToNextPageWithNothing()) {
                } else if (lineLayoutContext.isFloatOverflowedToNextPageWithNothing() || childResult.getStatus() == LayoutResult.NOTHING) {
                    floatsToNextPageSplitRenderers.put(childPos, null);
                } else if (childResult.getStatus() == LayoutResult.PARTIAL) {
                    floatsPlaced = true;

                    if (childRenderer instanceof TextRenderer) {
                        // This code is specifically for floating inline text elements:
                        // inline elements cannot have fixed width, also they progress horizontally, which means
                        // that if they don't fit in one line, they will definitely be moved onto the new line (and also
                        // under all floats). Specifying the whole width of layout area is required to avoid possible normal
                        // content wrapping around floating text in case floating text gets wrapped onto the next line
                        // not evenly.
                        LineRenderer[] split = splitNotFittingFloat(childPos, childResult);
                        IRenderer splitRenderer = childResult.getSplitRenderer();
                        if (splitRenderer instanceof TextRenderer) {
                            ((TextRenderer) splitRenderer).trimFirst();
                            ((TextRenderer) splitRenderer).trimLast();
                        // ensure no other thing (like text wrapping the float) will occupy the line
                        result = new LineLayoutResult(LayoutResult.PARTIAL, occupiedArea, split[0], split[1], null);
                    } else {
                        floatsToNextPageSplitRenderers.put(childPos, childResult.getSplitRenderer());
                        adjustLineOnFloatPlaced(layoutBox, childPos, kidFloatPropertyVal, childResult.getSplitRenderer().getOccupiedArea().getBBox());
                } else {
                    floatsPlaced = true;

                    if (childRenderer instanceof TextRenderer) {
                        ((TextRenderer) childRenderer).trimFirst();
                        ((TextRenderer) childRenderer).trimLast();

                    adjustLineOnFloatPlaced(layoutBox, childPos, kidFloatPropertyVal, childRenderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox());

                if (!anythingPlaced && childResult != null && childResult.getStatus() == LayoutResult.NOTHING && floatRendererAreas.isEmpty()) {
                    if (isFirstOnRootArea()) {
                        // Current line is empty, kid returns nothing and neither floats nor content
                        // were met on root area (e.g. page area) - return NOTHING, don't layout other line content,
                        // expect FORCED_PLACEMENT to be set.

            MinMaxWidth childBlockMinMaxWidth = null;
            boolean isInlineBlockChild = isInlineBlockChild(childRenderer);
            if (!childWidthWasReplaced) {
                if (isInlineBlockChild && childRenderer instanceof AbstractRenderer) {
                    childBlockMinMaxWidth = ((AbstractRenderer) childRenderer).getMinMaxWidth();
                    float childMaxWidth = childBlockMinMaxWidth.getMaxWidth();
                    float lineFullAvailableWidth = layoutContext.getArea().getBBox().getWidth() - lineLayoutContext.getTextIndent();
                    if (!noSoftWrap && childMaxWidth > bbox.getWidth() + MIN_MAX_WIDTH_CORRECTION_EPS && bbox.getWidth() != lineFullAvailableWidth) {
                        childResult = new LineLayoutResult(LayoutResult.NOTHING, null, null, childRenderer, childRenderer);
                    } else {
                        childMaxWidth += MIN_MAX_WIDTH_CORRECTION_EPS;
                        float inlineBlockWidth = Math.min(childMaxWidth, lineFullAvailableWidth);

                        if (!isOverflowFit(this.getProperty(Property.OVERFLOW_X))) {
                            float childMinWidth = childBlockMinMaxWidth.getMinWidth() + MIN_MAX_WIDTH_CORRECTION_EPS;
                            inlineBlockWidth = Math.max(childMinWidth, inlineBlockWidth);

                        if (childBlockMinMaxWidth.getMinWidth() > bbox.getWidth()) {
                            childRenderer.setProperty(Property.FORCED_PLACEMENT, true);
                    childBlockMinMaxWidth.setChildrenMaxWidth(childBlockMinMaxWidth.getChildrenMaxWidth() + MIN_MAX_WIDTH_CORRECTION_EPS);
                    childBlockMinMaxWidth.setChildrenMinWidth(childBlockMinMaxWidth.getChildrenMinWidth() + MIN_MAX_WIDTH_CORRECTION_EPS);

            if (childResult == null) {
                if (!wasXOverflowChanged && childPos > 0) {
                    oldXOverflow = this.getProperty(Property.OVERFLOW_X);
                    wasXOverflowChanged = true;
                    setProperty(Property.OVERFLOW_X, OverflowPropertyValue.FIT);
                childResult = childRenderer.layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(layoutContext.getArea().getPageNumber(), bbox), wasParentsHeightClipped));
                if (childResult instanceof MinMaxWidthLayoutResult && null != childBlockMinMaxWidth) { // it means that we've already increased layout area by MIN_MAX_WIDTH_CORRECTION_EPS
                    MinMaxWidth childResultMinMaxWidth = ((MinMaxWidthLayoutResult) childResult).getMinMaxWidth();
                    childResultMinMaxWidth.setChildrenMaxWidth(childResultMinMaxWidth.getChildrenMaxWidth() + MIN_MAX_WIDTH_CORRECTION_EPS);
                    childResultMinMaxWidth.setChildrenMinWidth(childResultMinMaxWidth.getChildrenMinWidth() + MIN_MAX_WIDTH_CORRECTION_EPS);

            // Get back child width so that it's not lost
            if (childWidthWasReplaced) {
                if (childRendererHasOwnWidthProperty) {
                    childRenderer.setProperty(Property.WIDTH, childWidth);
                } else {

            float minChildWidth = 0;
            float maxChildWidth = 0;
            if (childResult instanceof MinMaxWidthLayoutResult) {
                if (!childWidthWasReplaced) {
                    minChildWidth = ((MinMaxWidthLayoutResult) childResult).getMinMaxWidth().getMinWidth();
                maxChildWidth = ((MinMaxWidthLayoutResult) childResult).getMinMaxWidth().getMaxWidth();
            } else if (childBlockMinMaxWidth != null) {
                minChildWidth = childBlockMinMaxWidth.getMinWidth();
                maxChildWidth = childBlockMinMaxWidth.getMaxWidth();

            float childAscent = 0;
            float childDescent = 0;
            if (childRenderer instanceof ILeafElementRenderer && childResult.getStatus() != LayoutResult.NOTHING) {
                childAscent = ((ILeafElementRenderer) childRenderer).getAscent();
                childDescent = ((ILeafElementRenderer) childRenderer).getDescent();
            } else if (isInlineBlockChild && childResult.getStatus() != LayoutResult.NOTHING) {
                if (childRenderer instanceof AbstractRenderer) {
                    Float yLine = ((AbstractRenderer) childRenderer).getLastYLineRecursively();
                    if (yLine == null) {
                        childAscent = childRenderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getHeight();
                    } else {
                        childAscent = childRenderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getTop() - (float) yLine;
                        childDescent = -((float) yLine - childRenderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getBottom());
                } else {
                    childAscent = childRenderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getHeight();

            boolean newLineOccurred = (childResult instanceof TextLayoutResult && ((TextLayoutResult) childResult).isSplitForcedByNewline());
            boolean shouldBreakLayouting = childResult.getStatus() != LayoutResult.FULL || newLineOccurred;

            boolean wordWasSplitAndItWillFitOntoNextLine = false;

            if (shouldBreakLayouting && childResult instanceof TextLayoutResult && ((TextLayoutResult) childResult).isWordHasBeenSplit()) {
                if (wasXOverflowChanged) {
                    setProperty(Property.OVERFLOW_X, oldXOverflow);
                LayoutResult newLayoutResult = childRenderer.layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(layoutContext.getArea().getPageNumber(), layoutBox), wasParentsHeightClipped));
                if (wasXOverflowChanged) {
                    setProperty(Property.OVERFLOW_X, OverflowPropertyValue.FIT);
                if (newLayoutResult instanceof TextLayoutResult && !((TextLayoutResult) newLayoutResult).isWordHasBeenSplit()) {
                    wordWasSplitAndItWillFitOntoNextLine = true;

            if (!wordWasSplitAndItWillFitOntoNextLine) {
                maxAscent = Math.max(maxAscent, childAscent);
                if (childRenderer instanceof TextRenderer) {
                    maxTextAscent = Math.max(maxTextAscent, childAscent);
                } else if (!isChildFloating) {
                    maxBlockAscent = Math.max(maxBlockAscent, childAscent);
                maxDescent = Math.min(maxDescent, childDescent);
                if (childRenderer instanceof TextRenderer) {
                    maxTextDescent = Math.min(maxTextDescent, childDescent);
                } else if (!isChildFloating) {
                    maxBlockDescent = Math.min(maxBlockDescent, childDescent);
            float maxHeight = maxAscent - maxDescent;

            float currChildTextIndent = anythingPlaced ? 0 : lineLayoutContext.getTextIndent();
            if (hangingTabStop != null
                    && (TabAlignment.LEFT == hangingTabStop.getTabAlignment() || shouldBreakLayouting || childRenderers.size() - 1 == childPos || childRenderers.get(childPos + 1) instanceof TabRenderer)) {
                IRenderer tabRenderer = childRenderers.get(lastTabIndex);
                List affectedRenderers = new ArrayList<>();
                affectedRenderers.addAll(childRenderers.subList(lastTabIndex + 1, childPos + 1));
                float tabWidth = calculateTab(layoutBox, curWidth, hangingTabStop, affectedRenderers, tabRenderer);

                tabRenderer.layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(layoutContext.getArea().getPageNumber(), bbox), wasParentsHeightClipped));
                float sumOfAffectedRendererWidths = 0;
                for (IRenderer renderer : affectedRenderers) {
                    renderer.move(tabWidth + sumOfAffectedRendererWidths, 0);
                    sumOfAffectedRendererWidths += renderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
                if (childResult.getSplitRenderer() != null) {
                    childResult.getSplitRenderer().move(tabWidth + sumOfAffectedRendererWidths - childResult.getSplitRenderer().getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth(), 0);
                float tabAndNextElemWidth = tabWidth + childResult.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
                if (hangingTabStop.getTabAlignment() == TabAlignment.RIGHT && curWidth + tabAndNextElemWidth < hangingTabStop.getTabPosition()) {
                    curWidth = hangingTabStop.getTabPosition();
                } else {
                    curWidth += tabAndNextElemWidth;
                widthHandler.updateMinChildWidth(minChildWidth + currChildTextIndent);
                widthHandler.updateMaxChildWidth(tabWidth + maxChildWidth + currChildTextIndent);
                hangingTabStop = null;
            } else if (null == hangingTabStop) {
                if (childResult.getOccupiedArea() != null && childResult.getOccupiedArea().getBBox() != null) {
                    curWidth += childResult.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
                widthHandler.updateMinChildWidth(minChildWidth + currChildTextIndent);
                widthHandler.updateMaxChildWidth(maxChildWidth + currChildTextIndent);
            if (!wordWasSplitAndItWillFitOntoNextLine) {
                occupiedArea.setBBox(new Rectangle(layoutBox.getX(), layoutBox.getY() + layoutBox.getHeight() - maxHeight, curWidth, maxHeight));

            if (shouldBreakLayouting) {
                LineRenderer[] split = split();
                split[0].childRenderers = new ArrayList<>(childRenderers.subList(0, childPos));

                if (wordWasSplitAndItWillFitOntoNextLine) {
                    split[1].childRenderers.addAll(childRenderers.subList(childPos + 1, childRenderers.size()));
                } else {
                    boolean forcePlacement = Boolean.TRUE.equals(getPropertyAsBoolean(Property.FORCED_PLACEMENT));
                    boolean isInlineBlockAndFirstOnRootArea = isInlineBlockChild && isFirstOnRootArea();
                    if (childResult.getStatus() == LayoutResult.PARTIAL && (!isInlineBlockChild || forcePlacement || isInlineBlockAndFirstOnRootArea) || childResult.getStatus() == LayoutResult.FULL) {
                        anythingPlaced = true;

                    if (null != childResult.getOverflowRenderer()) {
                        if (isInlineBlockChild && !forcePlacement && !isInlineBlockAndFirstOnRootArea) {
                        } else {
                            if (isInlineBlockChild && childResult.getOverflowRenderer().getChildRenderers().size() == 0
                                    && childResult.getStatus() == LayoutResult.PARTIAL) {
                            } else {
                    split[1].childRenderers.addAll(childRenderers.subList(childPos + 1, childRenderers.size()));

                replaceSplitRendererKidFloats(floatsToNextPageSplitRenderers, split[0]);
                split[1].childRenderers.addAll(0, floatsOverflowedToNextLine);

                // no sense to process empty renderer
                if (split[1].childRenderers.size() == 0 && floatsToNextPageOverflowRenderers.isEmpty()) {
                    split[1] = null;

                IRenderer causeOfNothing = childResult.getStatus() == LayoutResult.NOTHING ? childResult.getCauseOfNothing() : childRenderer;
                if (split[1] == null) {
                    result = new LineLayoutResult(LayoutResult.FULL, occupiedArea, split[0], split[1], causeOfNothing);
                } else {
                    if (anythingPlaced || floatsPlaced) {
                        result = new LineLayoutResult(LayoutResult.PARTIAL, occupiedArea, split[0], split[1], causeOfNothing);
                    } else {
                        result = new LineLayoutResult(LayoutResult.NOTHING, null, split[0], split[1], null);
                if (newLineOccurred) {

            } else {
                anythingPlaced = true;

        if (result == null) {
            boolean noOverflowedFloats = floatsOverflowedToNextLine.isEmpty() && floatsToNextPageOverflowRenderers.isEmpty();
            if ((anythingPlaced || floatsPlaced) && noOverflowedFloats || 0 == childRenderers.size()) {
                result = new LineLayoutResult(LayoutResult.FULL, occupiedArea, null, null);
            } else {
                if (noOverflowedFloats) {
                    // all kids were some non-image and non-text kids (tab-stops?),
                    // but in this case, it should be okay to return FULL, as there is nothing to be placed
                    result = new LineLayoutResult(LayoutResult.FULL, occupiedArea, null, null);
                } else if (anythingPlaced || floatsPlaced) {
                    LineRenderer[] split = split();
                    split[0].childRenderers.addAll(childRenderers.subList(0, childPos));
                    replaceSplitRendererKidFloats(floatsToNextPageSplitRenderers, split[0]);

                    // If `result` variable is null up until now but not everything was placed - there is no
                    // content overflow, only floats are overflowing.
                    // The floatsOverflowedToNextLine might be empty, while the only overflowing floats are
                    // in floatsToNextPageOverflowRenderers. This situation is handled in ParagraphRenderer separately.
                    result = new LineLayoutResult(LayoutResult.PARTIAL, occupiedArea, split[0], split[1], null);
                } else {
                    IRenderer causeOfNothing = floatsOverflowedToNextLine.isEmpty() ? floatsToNextPageOverflowRenderers.get(0) : floatsOverflowedToNextLine.get(0);
                    result = new LineLayoutResult(LayoutResult.NOTHING, null, null, this, causeOfNothing);

        if (baseDirection != null && baseDirection != BaseDirection.NO_BIDI) {
            List children = null;
            if (result.getStatus() == LayoutResult.PARTIAL) {
                children = result.getSplitRenderer().getChildRenderers();
            } else if (result.getStatus() == LayoutResult.FULL) {
                children = getChildRenderers();

            if (children != null) {
                boolean newLineFound = false;
                List lineGlyphs = new ArrayList<>();

                // We shouldn't forget about images, float, inline-blocks that has to be inserted somewhere.
                // TODO determine correct place to insert this content. Probably consider inline floats separately.
                Map> insertAfter = new HashMap<>();
                List starterNonTextRenderers = new ArrayList<>();
                TextRenderer lastTextRenderer = null;

                for (IRenderer child : children) {
                    if (newLineFound) {
                    if (child instanceof TextRenderer) {
                        GlyphLine childLine = ((TextRenderer) child).line;
                        for (int i = childLine.start; i < childLine.end; i++) {
                            if (TextUtil.isNewLine(childLine.get(i))) {
                                newLineFound = true;
                            lineGlyphs.add(new RendererGlyph(childLine.get(i), (TextRenderer) child));
                        lastTextRenderer = (TextRenderer) child;
                    } else if (lastTextRenderer != null) {
                        if (!insertAfter.containsKey(lastTextRenderer)) {
                            insertAfter.put(lastTextRenderer, new ArrayList());
                    } else {
                byte[] lineLevels = new byte[lineGlyphs.size()];
                if (levels != null) {
                    System.arraycopy(levels, 0, lineLevels, 0, lineGlyphs.size());

                int[] reorder = TypographyUtils.reorderLine(lineGlyphs, lineLevels, levels);

                if (reorder != null) {
                    int pos = 0;
                    int initialPos = 0;
                    boolean reversed = false;
                    int offset = 0;

                    // Insert non-text renderers
                    for (IRenderer child : starterNonTextRenderers) {

                    while (pos < lineGlyphs.size()) {
                        IRenderer renderer = lineGlyphs.get(pos).renderer;
                        TextRenderer newRenderer = new TextRenderer((TextRenderer) renderer).removeReversedRanges();

                        // Insert non-text renderers
                        if (insertAfter.containsKey((TextRenderer) renderer)) {
                            children.addAll(insertAfter.get((TextRenderer) renderer));
                            insertAfter.remove((TextRenderer) renderer);

                        newRenderer.line = new GlyphLine(newRenderer.line);
                        List replacementGlyphs = new ArrayList<>();
                        while (pos < lineGlyphs.size() && lineGlyphs.get(pos).renderer == renderer) {
                            if (pos + 1 < lineGlyphs.size()) {
                                if (reorder[pos] == reorder[pos + 1] + 1 &&
                                        !TextUtil.isSpaceOrWhitespace(lineGlyphs.get(pos + 1).glyph) && !TextUtil.isSpaceOrWhitespace(lineGlyphs.get(pos).glyph)) {
                                    reversed = true;
                                } else {
                                    if (reversed) {
                                        List reversedRange = newRenderer.initReversedRanges();
                                        reversedRange.add(new int[]{initialPos - offset, pos - offset});
                                        reversed = false;
                                    initialPos = pos + 1;


                        if (reversed) {
                            List reversedRange = newRenderer.initReversedRanges();
                            reversedRange.add(new int[]{initialPos - offset, pos - 1 - offset});
                            reversed = false;
                            initialPos = pos;
                        offset = initialPos;

                    float currentXPos = occupiedArea.getBBox().getLeft();
                    for (IRenderer child : children) {
                        float currentWidth;
                        if (child instanceof TextRenderer) {
                            currentWidth = ((TextRenderer) child).calculateLineWidth();
                            UnitValue[] margins = ((TextRenderer) child).getMargins();
                            if (!margins[1].isPointValue()) {
                                Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LineRenderer.class);
                                logger.error(MessageFormatUtil.format(LogMessageConstant.PROPERTY_IN_PERCENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED, Property.MARGIN_RIGHT));
                            if (!margins[3].isPointValue()) {
                                Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LineRenderer.class);
                                logger.error(MessageFormatUtil.format(LogMessageConstant.PROPERTY_IN_PERCENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED, Property.MARGIN_LEFT));
                            UnitValue[] paddings = ((TextRenderer) child).getPaddings();
                            if (!paddings[1].isPointValue()) {
                                Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LineRenderer.class);
                                logger.error(MessageFormatUtil.format(LogMessageConstant.PROPERTY_IN_PERCENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED, Property.PADDING_RIGHT));
                            if (!paddings[3].isPointValue()) {
                                Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LineRenderer.class);
                                logger.error(MessageFormatUtil.format(LogMessageConstant.PROPERTY_IN_PERCENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED, Property.PADDING_LEFT));
                            currentWidth += margins[1].getValue() + margins[3].getValue() + paddings[1].getValue() + paddings[3].getValue();
                            ((TextRenderer) child).occupiedArea.getBBox().setX(currentXPos).setWidth(currentWidth);
                        } else {
                            currentWidth = child.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
                            if (child instanceof AbstractRenderer) {
                                child.move(currentXPos - child.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getX(), 0);
                            } else {
                        currentXPos += currentWidth;

                if (result.getStatus() == LayoutResult.PARTIAL) {
                    LineRenderer overflow = (LineRenderer) result.getOverflowRenderer();
                    if (levels != null) {
                        overflow.levels = new byte[levels.length - lineLevels.length];
                        System.arraycopy(levels, lineLevels.length, overflow.levels, 0, overflow.levels.length);
                        if (overflow.levels.length == 0) {
                            overflow.levels = null;
        LineRenderer processed = result.getStatus() == LayoutResult.FULL ? this : (LineRenderer) result.getSplitRenderer();
        if (anythingPlaced || floatsPlaced) {

        if (wasXOverflowChanged) {
            setProperty(Property.OVERFLOW_X, oldXOverflow);
            if (null != result.getSplitRenderer()) {
                result.getSplitRenderer().setProperty(Property.OVERFLOW_X, oldXOverflow);
            if (null != result.getOverflowRenderer()) {
                result.getOverflowRenderer().setProperty(Property.OVERFLOW_X, oldXOverflow);
        return result;

    public float getMaxAscent() {
        return maxAscent;

    public float getMaxDescent() {
        return maxDescent;

    public float getYLine() {
        return occupiedArea.getBBox().getY() - maxDescent;

    public float getLeadingValue(Leading leading) {
        switch (leading.getType()) {
            case Leading.FIXED:
                return Math.max(leading.getValue(), maxBlockAscent - maxBlockDescent);
            case Leading.MULTIPLIED:
                return getTopLeadingIndent(leading) + getBottomLeadingIndent(leading);
                throw new IllegalStateException();

    public IRenderer getNextRenderer() {
        return new LineRenderer();

    protected Float getFirstYLineRecursively() {
        return getYLine();

    protected Float getLastYLineRecursively() {
        return getYLine();

    public void justify(float width) {
        float ratio = (float) this.getPropertyAsFloat(Property.SPACING_RATIO);
        IRenderer lastChildRenderer = getLastNonFloatChildRenderer();
        if (lastChildRenderer == null) {
        float freeWidth = occupiedArea.getBBox().getX() + width -
                lastChildRenderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getX() - lastChildRenderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
        int numberOfSpaces = getNumberOfSpaces();
        int baseCharsCount = baseCharactersCount();
        float baseFactor = freeWidth / (ratio * numberOfSpaces + (1 - ratio) * (baseCharsCount - 1));
        if (Float.isInfinite(baseFactor)) { //Prevent a NaN when trying to justify a single word with spacing_ratio == 1.0
            baseFactor = 0;
        float wordSpacing = ratio * baseFactor;
        float characterSpacing = (1 - ratio) * baseFactor;

        float lastRightPos = occupiedArea.getBBox().getX();
        for (IRenderer child : childRenderers) {
            if (FloatingHelper.isRendererFloating(child)) {
            float childX = child.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getX();
            child.move(lastRightPos - childX, 0);
            childX = lastRightPos;
            if (child instanceof TextRenderer) {
                float childHSCale = (float) ((TextRenderer) child).getPropertyAsFloat(Property.HORIZONTAL_SCALING, 1f);
                Float oldCharacterSpacing = ((TextRenderer) child).getPropertyAsFloat(Property.CHARACTER_SPACING);
                Float oldWordSpacing = ((TextRenderer) child).getPropertyAsFloat(Property.WORD_SPACING);
                child.setProperty(Property.CHARACTER_SPACING, (null == oldCharacterSpacing ? 0 : (float) oldCharacterSpacing) + characterSpacing / childHSCale);
                child.setProperty(Property.WORD_SPACING, (null == oldWordSpacing ? 0 : (float) oldWordSpacing) + wordSpacing / childHSCale);
                boolean isLastTextRenderer = child == lastChildRenderer;
                float widthAddition = (isLastTextRenderer ? (((TextRenderer) child).lineLength() - 1) : ((TextRenderer) child).lineLength()) * characterSpacing +
                        wordSpacing * ((TextRenderer) child).getNumberOfSpaces();
                child.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().setWidth(child.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth() + widthAddition);
            lastRightPos = childX + child.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();


    protected int getNumberOfSpaces() {
        int spaces = 0;
        for (IRenderer child : childRenderers) {
            if (child instanceof TextRenderer && !FloatingHelper.isRendererFloating(child)) {
                spaces += ((TextRenderer) child).getNumberOfSpaces();
        return spaces;

     * Gets the total lengths of characters in this line. Other elements (images, tables) are not taken
     * into account.
    protected int length() {
        int length = 0;
        for (IRenderer child : childRenderers) {
            if (child instanceof TextRenderer && !FloatingHelper.isRendererFloating(child)) {
                length += ((TextRenderer) child).lineLength();
        return length;

     * Returns the number of base characters, i.e. non-mark characters
    protected int baseCharactersCount() {
        int count = 0;
        for (IRenderer child : childRenderers) {
            if (child instanceof TextRenderer && !FloatingHelper.isRendererFloating(child)) {
                count += ((TextRenderer) child).baseCharactersCount();
        return count;

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (IRenderer renderer : childRenderers) {
        return sb.toString();

    protected LineRenderer createSplitRenderer() {
        return (LineRenderer) getNextRenderer();

    protected LineRenderer createOverflowRenderer() {
        return (LineRenderer) getNextRenderer();

    protected LineRenderer[] split() {
        LineRenderer splitRenderer = createSplitRenderer();
        splitRenderer.occupiedArea = occupiedArea.clone();
        splitRenderer.parent = parent;
        splitRenderer.maxAscent = maxAscent;
        splitRenderer.maxDescent = maxDescent;
        splitRenderer.maxTextAscent = maxTextAscent;
        splitRenderer.maxTextDescent = maxTextDescent;
        splitRenderer.maxBlockAscent = maxBlockAscent;
        splitRenderer.maxBlockDescent = maxBlockDescent;
        splitRenderer.levels = levels;

        LineRenderer overflowRenderer = createOverflowRenderer();
        overflowRenderer.parent = parent;

        return new LineRenderer[]{splitRenderer, overflowRenderer};

    protected LineRenderer adjustChildrenYLine() {
        float actualYLine = occupiedArea.getBBox().getY() + occupiedArea.getBBox().getHeight() - maxAscent;
        for (IRenderer renderer : childRenderers) {
            if (FloatingHelper.isRendererFloating(renderer)) {
            if (renderer instanceof ILeafElementRenderer) {
                float descent = ((ILeafElementRenderer) renderer).getDescent();
                renderer.move(0, actualYLine - renderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getBottom() + descent);
            } else {
                Float yLine = isInlineBlockChild(renderer) && renderer instanceof AbstractRenderer ? ((AbstractRenderer) renderer).getLastYLineRecursively() : null;
                renderer.move(0, actualYLine - (yLine == null ? renderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getBottom() : (float) yLine));
        return this;

    protected void applyLeading(float deltaY) {
        for (IRenderer child : childRenderers) {
            if (!FloatingHelper.isRendererFloating(child)) {
                child.move(0, deltaY);
            // TODO for floats we don't apply any leading for the moment (and therefore line-height for pdf2html is not entirely supported in terms of floats)

    protected LineRenderer trimLast() {
        int lastIndex = childRenderers.size();
        IRenderer lastRenderer = null;
        while (--lastIndex >= 0) {
            lastRenderer = childRenderers.get(lastIndex);
            if (!FloatingHelper.isRendererFloating(lastRenderer)) {
        if (lastRenderer instanceof TextRenderer && lastIndex >= 0) {
            float trimmedSpace = ((TextRenderer) lastRenderer).trimLast();
            occupiedArea.getBBox().setWidth(occupiedArea.getBBox().getWidth() - trimmedSpace);
        return this;

    public boolean containsImage() {
        for (IRenderer renderer : childRenderers) {
            if (renderer instanceof ImageRenderer) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public MinMaxWidth getMinMaxWidth() {
        LineLayoutResult result = (LineLayoutResult) layout(new LayoutContext(new LayoutArea(1, new Rectangle(MinMaxWidthUtils.getInfWidth(), AbstractRenderer.INF))));
        return result.getMinMaxWidth();

    float getTopLeadingIndent(Leading leading) {
        switch (leading.getType()) {
            case Leading.FIXED:
                return (Math.max(leading.getValue(), maxBlockAscent - maxBlockDescent) - occupiedArea.getBBox().getHeight()) / 2;
            case Leading.MULTIPLIED:
                UnitValue fontSize = this.getProperty(Property.FONT_SIZE, UnitValue.createPointValue(0f));
                if (!fontSize.isPointValue()) {
                    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LineRenderer.class);
                    logger.error(MessageFormatUtil.format(LogMessageConstant.PROPERTY_IN_PERCENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED, Property.FONT_SIZE));
                // In HTML, depending on whether  is present or not, and if present then depending on the version,
                // the behavior id different. In one case, bottom leading indent is added for images, in the other it is not added.
                // This is why !containsImage() is present below. Depending on the presence of this !containsImage() condition, the behavior changes
                // between the two possible scenarios in HTML.
                float textAscent = maxTextAscent == 0 && maxTextDescent == 0 && Math.abs(maxAscent) + Math.abs(maxDescent) != 0 && !containsImage() ? fontSize.getValue() * 0.8f : maxTextAscent;
                float textDescent = maxTextAscent == 0 && maxTextDescent == 0 && Math.abs(maxAscent) + Math.abs(maxDescent) != 0 && !containsImage() ? -fontSize.getValue() * 0.2f : maxTextDescent;
                return Math.max(textAscent + ((textAscent - textDescent) * (leading.getValue() - 1)) / 2, maxBlockAscent) - maxAscent;
                throw new IllegalStateException();

    float getBottomLeadingIndent(Leading leading) {
        switch (leading.getType()) {
            case Leading.FIXED:
                return (Math.max(leading.getValue(), maxBlockAscent - maxBlockDescent) - occupiedArea.getBBox().getHeight()) / 2;
            case Leading.MULTIPLIED:
                UnitValue fontSize = this.getProperty(Property.FONT_SIZE, UnitValue.createPointValue(0f));
                if (!fontSize.isPointValue()) {
                    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LineRenderer.class);
                    logger.error(MessageFormatUtil.format(LogMessageConstant.PROPERTY_IN_PERCENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED, Property.FONT_SIZE));
                // In HTML, depending on whether  is present or not, and if present then depending on the version,
                // the behavior id different. In one case, bottom leading indent is added for images, in the other it is not added.
                // This is why !containsImage() is present below. Depending on the presence of this !containsImage() condition, the behavior changes
                // between the two possible scenarios in HTML.
                float textAscent = maxTextAscent == 0 && maxTextDescent == 0 && !containsImage() ? fontSize.getValue() * 0.8f : maxTextAscent;
                float textDescent = maxTextAscent == 0 && maxTextDescent == 0 && !containsImage() ? -fontSize.getValue() * 0.2f : maxTextDescent;
                return Math.max(-textDescent + ((textAscent - textDescent) * (leading.getValue() - 1)) / 2, -maxBlockDescent) + maxDescent;
                throw new IllegalStateException();

    private LineRenderer[] splitNotFittingFloat(int childPos, LayoutResult childResult) {
        LineRenderer[] split = split();
        split[0].childRenderers.addAll(childRenderers.subList(0, childPos));
        split[1].childRenderers.addAll(childRenderers.subList(childPos + 1, childRenderers.size()));

        return split;

    private void adjustLineOnFloatPlaced(Rectangle layoutBox, int childPos, FloatPropertyValue kidFloatPropertyVal, Rectangle justPlacedFloatBox) {
        if (justPlacedFloatBox.getBottom() >= layoutBox.getTop() || justPlacedFloatBox.getTop() < layoutBox.getTop()) {
        boolean ltr = true; // TODO handle it
        float floatWidth = justPlacedFloatBox.getWidth();
        if (kidFloatPropertyVal.equals(FloatPropertyValue.LEFT)) {
            layoutBox.setWidth(layoutBox.getWidth() - floatWidth).moveRight(floatWidth);
            if (ltr) {
                for (int i = 0; i < childPos; ++i) {
                    IRenderer prevChild = childRenderers.get(i);
                    if (!FloatingHelper.isRendererFloating(prevChild)) {
                        prevChild.move(floatWidth, 0);
        } else {
            layoutBox.setWidth(layoutBox.getWidth() - floatWidth);
            if (!ltr) {
                // TODO

    private void replaceSplitRendererKidFloats(Map floatsToNextPageSplitRenderers, LineRenderer splitRenderer) {
        for (Map.Entry splitFloat : floatsToNextPageSplitRenderers.entrySet()) {
            if (splitFloat.getValue() != null) {
                splitRenderer.childRenderers.set(splitFloat.getKey(), splitFloat.getValue());
            } else {
                splitRenderer.childRenderers.set(splitFloat.getKey(), null);
        for (int i = splitRenderer.getChildRenderers().size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            if (splitRenderer.getChildRenderers().get(i) == null) {

    private IRenderer getLastNonFloatChildRenderer() {
        for (int i = childRenderers.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            if (FloatingHelper.isRendererFloating(childRenderers.get(i))) {
            return childRenderers.get(i);
        return null;

    private TabStop getNextTabStop(float curWidth) {
        NavigableMap tabStops = this.>getProperty(Property.TAB_STOPS);

        Map.Entry nextTabStopEntry = null;
        TabStop nextTabStop = null;

        if (tabStops != null)
            nextTabStopEntry = tabStops.higherEntry(curWidth);
        if (nextTabStopEntry != null) {
            nextTabStop = ((Map.Entry) nextTabStopEntry).getValue();

        return nextTabStop;

     * Calculates and sets encountered tab size.
     * Returns null, if processing is finished and layout can be performed for the tab renderer;
     * otherwise, in case when the tab should be processed after the next element in the line, this method returns corresponding tab stop.
    private TabStop calculateTab(IRenderer childRenderer, float curWidth, float lineWidth) {
        TabStop nextTabStop = getNextTabStop(curWidth);

        if (nextTabStop == null) {
            processDefaultTab(childRenderer, curWidth, lineWidth);
            return null;

        childRenderer.setProperty(Property.TAB_LEADER, nextTabStop.getTabLeader());
        childRenderer.setProperty(Property.WIDTH, UnitValue.createPointValue(nextTabStop.getTabPosition() - curWidth));
        childRenderer.setProperty(Property.MIN_HEIGHT, UnitValue.createPointValue(maxAscent - maxDescent));

        if (nextTabStop.getTabAlignment() == TabAlignment.LEFT) {
            return null;

        return nextTabStop;

     * Calculates and sets tab size with the account of the element that is next in the line after the tab.
     * Returns resulting width of the tab.
    private float calculateTab(Rectangle layoutBox, float curWidth, TabStop tabStop, List affectedRenderers, IRenderer tabRenderer) {
        float sumOfAffectedRendererWidths = 0;
        for (IRenderer renderer : affectedRenderers) {
            sumOfAffectedRendererWidths += renderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
        float tabWidth = 0;
        switch (tabStop.getTabAlignment()) {
            case RIGHT:
                tabWidth = tabStop.getTabPosition() - curWidth - sumOfAffectedRendererWidths;
            case CENTER:
                tabWidth = tabStop.getTabPosition() - curWidth - sumOfAffectedRendererWidths / 2;
            case ANCHOR:
                float anchorPosition = -1;
                float processedRenderersWidth = 0;
                for (IRenderer renderer : affectedRenderers) {
                    anchorPosition = ((TextRenderer) renderer).getTabAnchorCharacterPosition();
                    if (-1 != anchorPosition) {
                    } else {
                        processedRenderersWidth += renderer.getOccupiedArea().getBBox().getWidth();
                if (anchorPosition == -1) {
                    anchorPosition = 0;
                tabWidth = tabStop.getTabPosition() - curWidth - anchorPosition - processedRenderersWidth;
        if (tabWidth < 0) {
            tabWidth = 0;
        if (curWidth + tabWidth + sumOfAffectedRendererWidths > layoutBox.getWidth()) {
            tabWidth -= (curWidth + sumOfAffectedRendererWidths + tabWidth) - layoutBox.getWidth();

        tabRenderer.setProperty(Property.WIDTH, UnitValue.createPointValue(tabWidth));
        tabRenderer.setProperty(Property.MIN_HEIGHT, UnitValue.createPointValue(maxAscent - maxDescent));

        return tabWidth;

    private void processDefaultTab(IRenderer tabRenderer, float curWidth, float lineWidth) {
        Float tabDefault = this.getPropertyAsFloat(Property.TAB_DEFAULT);
        Float tabWidth = tabDefault - curWidth % tabDefault;
        if (curWidth + tabWidth > lineWidth)
            tabWidth = lineWidth - curWidth;
        tabRenderer.setProperty(Property.WIDTH, UnitValue.createPointValue((float) tabWidth));
        tabRenderer.setProperty(Property.MIN_HEIGHT, UnitValue.createPointValue(maxAscent - maxDescent));

    private void updateChildrenParent() {
        for (IRenderer renderer : childRenderers) {

     * Trim first child text renderers.
     * @return total number of trimmed glyphs.
    private int trimFirst() {
        int totalNumberOfTrimmedGlyphs = 0;
        for (IRenderer renderer : childRenderers) {
            if (FloatingHelper.isRendererFloating(renderer)) {
            if (renderer instanceof TextRenderer) {
                TextRenderer textRenderer = (TextRenderer) renderer;
                GlyphLine currentText = textRenderer.getText();
                if (currentText != null) {
                    int prevTextStart = currentText.start;
                    int numOfTrimmedGlyphs = textRenderer.getText().start - prevTextStart;
                    totalNumberOfTrimmedGlyphs += numOfTrimmedGlyphs;
                if (textRenderer.length() > 0) {
            } else {
        return totalNumberOfTrimmedGlyphs;

     * Apply OTF features and return the last(!) base direction of child renderer
     * @return the last(!) base direction of child renderer.
    private BaseDirection applyOtf() {
        BaseDirection baseDirection = this.getProperty(Property.BASE_DIRECTION);
        for (IRenderer renderer : childRenderers) {
            if (renderer instanceof TextRenderer) {
                ((TextRenderer) renderer).applyOtf();
                if (baseDirection == null || baseDirection == BaseDirection.NO_BIDI) {
                    baseDirection = renderer.getOwnProperty(Property.BASE_DIRECTION);
        return baseDirection;

    private void updateBidiLevels(int totalNumberOfTrimmedGlyphs, BaseDirection baseDirection) {
        if (totalNumberOfTrimmedGlyphs != 0 && levels != null) {
            levels = Arrays.copyOfRange(levels, totalNumberOfTrimmedGlyphs, levels.length);

        List unicodeIdsReorderingList = null;
        if (levels == null && baseDirection != null && baseDirection != BaseDirection.NO_BIDI) {
            unicodeIdsReorderingList = new ArrayList<>();
            boolean newLineFound = false;
            for (IRenderer child : childRenderers) {
                if (newLineFound) {
                if (child instanceof TextRenderer) {
                    GlyphLine text = ((TextRenderer) child).getText();
                    for (int i = text.start; i < text.end; i++) {
                        Glyph glyph = text.get(i);
                        if (TextUtil.isNewLine(glyph)) {
                            newLineFound = true;
                        // we assume all the chars will have the same bidi group
                        // we also assume pairing symbols won't get merged with other ones
                        int unicode = glyph.hasValidUnicode() ? glyph.getUnicode() : glyph.getUnicodeChars()[0];
            levels = unicodeIdsReorderingList.size() > 0 ? TypographyUtils.getBidiLevels(baseDirection, ArrayUtil.toIntArray(unicodeIdsReorderingList)) : null;

     * While resolving TextRenderer may split into several ones with different fonts.
    private void resolveChildrenFonts() {
        List newChildRenderers = new ArrayList<>(childRenderers.size());
        boolean updateChildRendrers = false;
        for (IRenderer child : childRenderers) {
            if (child instanceof TextRenderer) {
                if (((TextRenderer) child).resolveFonts(newChildRenderers)) {
                    updateChildRendrers = true;
            } else {

        // this mean, that some TextRenderer has been replaced.
        if (updateChildRendrers) {
            childRenderers = newChildRenderers;

    private float decreaseRelativeWidthByChildAdditionalWidth(IRenderer childRenderer, float normalizedChildWidth) {
        // Decrease the calculated width by margins, paddings and borders so that even for 100% width the content definitely fits.
        // TODO Actually, from html/css point of view - this is wrong, however we still do it, in order to avoid NOTHING due to
        // horizontal overflow. Probably remove this when overflow-x is supported.
        if (childRenderer instanceof AbstractRenderer) {
            Rectangle dummyRect = new Rectangle(normalizedChildWidth, 0);
            ((AbstractRenderer) childRenderer).applyMargins(dummyRect, false);
            if (!isBorderBoxSizing(childRenderer)) {
                ((AbstractRenderer) childRenderer).applyBorderBox(dummyRect, false);
                ((AbstractRenderer) childRenderer).applyPaddings(dummyRect, false);
            normalizedChildWidth = dummyRect.getWidth();
        return normalizedChildWidth;

    private boolean isInlineBlockChild(IRenderer child) {
        return child instanceof BlockRenderer || child instanceof TableRenderer;

    static class RendererGlyph {
        public Glyph glyph;
        public TextRenderer renderer;

        public RendererGlyph(Glyph glyph, TextRenderer textRenderer) {
            this.glyph = glyph;
            this.renderer = textRenderer;