com.itextpdf.svg.SvgConstants Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.itextpdf.svg;
import com.itextpdf.styledxmlparser.CommonAttributeConstants;
* A class containing constant values signifying the proeprty names of tags, attribute, CSS-style
* and certain values in SVG XML.
public final class SvgConstants {
private SvgConstants() {
* Class containing the constant property names for the tags in the SVG spec
public static final class Tags {
* Tag defining a Hyperlink.
public static final String A = "a";
* Alternate glyphs to be used instead of regular grlyphs, e.g. ligatures, Asian scripts, ...
public static final String ALT_GLYPH = "altGlyph";
* Defines a set of glyph substitions.
public static final String ALT_GLYPH_DEF = "altGlyphDef";
* Defines a candidate set of glyph substitutions.
public static final String ALT_GLYPH_ITEM = "altGlyphItem";
* Not supported in PDF.
public static final String ANIMATE = "animate";
* Not supported in PDF.
public static final String ANIMATE_MOTION = "animateMotion";
* Not supported in PDF.
public static final String ANIMATE_COLOR = "animateColor";
* Not supported in PDF.
public static final String ANIMATE_TRANSFORM = "animateTransform";
* Tag defining a {@link com.itextpdf.svg.renderers.impl.CircleSvgNodeRenderer circle}.
* @since 7.1.2
public static final String CIRCLE = "circle";
* Tag defining a clipping path. A clipping path defines the region where can be drawn. Anything outside the path won't be drawn.
public static final String CLIP_PATH = "clipPath";
* Tag defining the color profile to be used.
public static final String COLOR_PROFILE = "color-profile";
* Not supported in PDF
public static final String CURSOR = "cursor";
* Tag defining objects that can be reused from another context
public static final String DEFS = "defs";
* Tag defining the description of its parent element
public static final String DESC = "desc";
* Tag defining an {@link com.itextpdf.svg.renderers.impl.EllipseSvgNodeRenderer ellipse}.
* @since 7.1.2
public static final String ELLIPSE = "ellipse";
* Tag defining how to blend two objects together.
public static final String FE_BLEND = "feBlend";
* Tag defining the color matrix transformations that can be performed.
public static final String FE_COLOR_MATRIX = "feColorMatrix";
* Tag defining color component remapping.
public static final String FE_COMPONENT_TRANSFER = "feComponentTransfer";
* Tag defining the combination of two input images.
public static final String FE_COMPOSITE = "feComposite";
* Tag defining a matrix convolution filter
public static final String FE_COMVOLVE_MATRIX = "feConvolveMatrix";
* Tag defining the lighting map.
public static final String FE_DIFFUSE_LIGHTING = "feDiffuseLighting";
* Tag defining the values to displace an image.
public static final String FE_DISPLACEMENT_MAP = "feDisplacementMap";
* Tag defining a distant light source.
public static final String FE_DISTANT_LIGHT = "feDistantLight";
* Tag defining the fill of a subregion.
public static final String FE_FLOOD = "feFlood";
* Tag defining the transfer function for the Alpha component.
public static final String FE_FUNC_A = "feFuncA";
* Tag defining the transfer function for the Blue component.
public static final String FE_FUNC_B = "feFuncB";
* Tag defining the transfer function for the Green component.
public static final String FE_FUNC_G = "feFuncG";
* Tag defining the transfer function for the Red component.
public static final String FE_FUNC_R = "feFuncR";
* Tag defining the blur values.
public static final String FE_GAUSSIAN_BLUR = "feGaussianBlur";
* Tag defining a image data from a source.
public static final String FE_IMAGE = "feImage";
* Tag defining that filters will be applied concurrently instead of sequentially.
public static final String FE_MERGE = "feMerge";
* Tag defining a node in a merge.
public static final String FE_MERGE_NODE = "feMergeNode";
* Tag defining the erosion or dilation of an image.
public static final String FE_MORPHOLOGY = "feMorphology";
* Tag defining the offset of an image.
public static final String FE_OFFSET = "feOffset";
* Tag defining a point light effect.
public static final String FE_POINT_LIGHT = "fePointLight";
* Tag defining a lighting map.
public static final String FE_SPECULAR_LIGHTING = "feSpecularLighting";
* Tag defining a spotlight.
public static final String FE_SPOTLIGHT = "feSpotLight";
* Tag defining a fill that can be repeated. Similar to PATTERN.
public static final String FE_TILE = "feTile";
* Tag defining values for the perlin turbulence function.
public static final String FE_TURBULENCE = "feTurbulence";
* Tag defining a collection of filter operations.
public static final String FILTER = "filter";
* Tag defining a font.
public static final String FONT = "font";
* Tag defining a font-face.
public static final String FONT_FACE = "font-face";
* Tag defining the formats of the font.
public static final String FONT_FACE_FORMAT = "font-face-format";
* Tag defining the name of the font.
public static final String FONT_FACE_NAME = "font-face-name";
* Tag defining the source file of the font.
public static final String FONT_FACE_SRC = "font-face-src";
* Tag defining the URI of a font.
public static final String FONT_FACE_URI = "font-face-uri";
* Tag definign a foreign XML standard to be inserted. E.g. MathML
public static final String FOREIGN_OBJECT = "foreignObject";
* Tag defining a group of elements.
public static final String G = "g";
* Tag defining a single glyph.
public static final String GLYPH = "glyph";
* Tag defining a sigle glyph for altGlyph.
public static final String GLYPH_REF = "glyphRef";
* Tag defining the horizontal kerning values in between two glyphs.
public static final String HKERN = "hkern";
* Tag defining an image.
public static final String IMAGE = "image";
* Tag defining a {@link com.itextpdf.svg.renderers.impl.LineSvgNodeRenderer line}.
* @since 7.1.2
public static final String LINE = "line";
* Tag defining a {@link com.itextpdf.svg.renderers.impl.LinearGradientSvgNodeRenderer linear gradient}.
public static final String LINEAR_GRADIENT = "linearGradient";
* Tag defining a link
public static final String LINK = "link";
* Tag defining the graphics (arrowheads or polymarkers) to be drawn at the end of paths, lines, etc.
public static final String MARKER = "marker";
* Tag defining a mask.
public static final String MASK = "mask";
* Tag defining metadata.
public static final String METADATA = "metadata";
* Tag defining content to be rendered if a glyph is missing from the font.
public static final String MISSING_GLYPH = "missing-glyph";
* Not supported in PDF
public static final String MPATH = "mpath";
* Tag defining a {@link com.itextpdf.svg.renderers.impl.PathSvgNodeRenderer path}.
* @since 7.1.2
public static final String PATH = "path";
* Tag defining a graphical object that can be repeated.
public static final String PATTERN = "pattern";
* Tag defining a {@link com.itextpdf.svg.renderers.impl.PolygonSvgNodeRenderer polygon} shape.
* @since 7.1.2
public static final String POLYGON = "polygon";
* Tag defining a {@link com.itextpdf.svg.renderers.impl.PolylineSvgNodeRenderer polyline} shape.
* @since 7.1.2
public static final String POLYLINE = "polyline";
* Tag defining a radial gradient
public static final String RADIAL_GRADIENT = "radialGradient";
* Tag defining a {@link com.itextpdf.svg.renderers.impl.RectangleSvgNodeRenderer rectangle}.
* @since 7.1.2
public static final String RECT = "rect";
* Not supported in PDF.
public static final String SCRIPT = "script";
* Not supported in PDF.
public static final String SET = "set";
* Tag defining the ramp of colors in a gradient.
public static final String STOP = "stop";
* Tag defining the color in stop point of a gradient.
public static final String STOP_COLOR = "stop-color";
* Tag defining the opacity in stop point of a gradient.
public static final String STOP_OPACITY = "stop-opacity";
* Tag defining the style to be.
public static final String STYLE = "style";
* Tag defining an {@link com.itextpdf.svg.renderers.impl.SvgTagSvgNodeRenderer SVG} element.
* @since 7.1.2
public static final String SVG = "svg";
* Tag defining a switch element.
public static final String SWITCH = "switch";
* Tag defining graphical templates that can be reused by the use tag.
public static final String SYMBOL = "symbol";
* Tag defining text to be drawn on a page/screen.
* @since 7.1.2
public static final String TEXT = "text";
* Phantom tag for text leaf.
public static final String TEXT_LEAF = ":text-leaf";
* Tag defining a path on which text can be drawn.
public static final String TEXT_PATH = "textPath";
* Tag defining the description of an element. Is not rendered.
public static final String TITLE = "title";
* Tag defining a span within a text element.
public static final String TSPAN = "tspan";
* Tag defining the use of a named object.
public static final String USE = "use";
* Tag defining how to view the image.
public static final String VIEW = "view";
* Tag defining the vertical kerning values in between two glyphs.
public static final String VKERN = "vkern";
* Class containing the constant property names for the attributes of tags in the SVG spec
public static final class Attributes extends CommonAttributeConstants {
* Attribute defining the clipping path to be applied to a specific shape or group of shapes.
public static final String CLIP_PATH = "clip-path";
* Attribute defining the clipping rule in a clipping path (or element thereof).
public static final String CLIP_RULE = "clip-rule";
* Attribute defining the x value of the center of a circle or ellipse.
public static final String CX = "cx";
* Attribute defining the y value of the center of a circle or ellipse.
public static final String CY = "cy";
* Attribute defining the outline of a shape.
public static final String D = "d";
* Attribute defining the relative x-translation of a text-element
public static final String DX = "dx";
* Attribute defining the relative y-translation of a text-element
public static final String DY = "dy";
* Attribute defining the fill color.
public static final String FILL = "fill";
* Attribute defining the fill opacity.
public static final String FILL_OPACITY = "fill-opacity";
* Attribute defining the fill rule.
public static final String FILL_RULE = "fill-rule";
* Attribute defining the font family.
public static final String FONT_FAMILY = "font-family";
* Attribute defining the font weight.
public static final String FONT_WEIGHT = "font-weight";
* Attribute defining the font style.
public static final String FONT_STYLE = "font-style";
* Attribute defining the font size.
public static final String FONT_SIZE = "font-size";
* The Constant ITALIC.
public static final String ITALIC = "italic";
* The Constant BOLD.
public static final String BOLD = "bold";
* Attribute defining the units relation for a color gradient.
public static final String GRADIENT_UNITS = "gradientUnits";
* Attribute defining the transformations for a color gradient.
public static final String GRADIENT_TRANSFORM = "gradientTransform";
* Attribute defining the height. Used in several elements.
public static final String HEIGHT = "height";
* Attribute defining the href value.
public static final String HREF = "href";
* Attribute defining the unique id of an element.
public static final String ID = "id";
* Attribute defining the marker to use at the end of a path, line, polygon or polyline
public static final String MARKER_END = "marker-end";
* Attribute defining the height of the viewport in which the marker is to be fitted
public static final String MARKER_HEIGHT = "markerHeight";
* Attribute defining the marker drawn at every other vertex but the start and end of a path, line, polygon or polyline
public static final String MARKER_MID = "marker-mid";
* Attribute defining the marker to use at the start of a path, line, polygon or polyline
public static final String MARKER_START = "marker-start";
* Attribute defining the width of the viewport in which the marker is to be fitted
public static final String MARKER_WIDTH = "markerWidth";
* Attribute defining the coordinate system for attributes ‘markerWidth’, ‘markerHeight’ and the contents of the ‘marker’.
public static final String MARKER_UNITS = "markerUnits";
* Attribute defining the offset of a stop color for gradients.
public static final String OFFSET = "offset";
* Attribute defining the opacity of a group or graphic element.
public static final String OPACITY = "opacity";
* Attribute defining the orientation of a marker
public static final String ORIENT = "orient";
* Close Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_CLOSE_PATH = "Z";
* CurveTo Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_CURVE_TO = "C";
* Relative CurveTo Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_REL_CURVE_TO = "c";
* Attribute defining Elliptical arc path operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_ELLIPTICAL_ARC_A = "A";
* Attribute defining Elliptical arc path operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_REL_ELLIPTICAL_ARC_A = "a";
* Smooth CurveTo Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_CURVE_TO_S = "S";
* Relative Smooth CurveTo Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_REL_CURVE_TO_S = "s";
* Absolute LineTo Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_LINE_TO = "L";
* Absolute hrizontal LineTo Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_LINE_TO_H = "H";
* Relative horizontal LineTo Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_REL_LINE_TO_H = "h";
* Absolute vertical LineTo Path operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_LINE_TO_V = "V";
* Relative vertical LineTo Path operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_REL_LINE_TO_V = "v";
* Relative LineTo Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_REL_LINE_TO = "l";
* MoveTo Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_MOVE_TO = "M";
* Relative MoveTo Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_REL_MOVE_TO = "m";
* Shorthand/smooth quadratic Bézier curveto.
public static final String PATH_DATA_SHORTHAND_CURVE_TO = "T";
* Relative Shorthand/smooth quadratic Bézier curveto.
public static final String PATH_DATA_REL_SHORTHAND_CURVE_TO = "t";
* Catmull-Rom curve command.
public static final String PATH_DATA_CATMULL_CURVE = "R";
* Relative Catmull-Rom curve command.
public static final String PATH_DATA_REL_CATMULL_CURVE = "r";
* Bearing command.
public static final String PATH_DATA_BEARING = "B";
* Relative Bearing command.
public static final String PATH_DATA_REL_BEARING = "b";
* Quadratic CurveTo Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_QUAD_CURVE_TO = "Q";
* Relative Quadratic CurveTo Path Operator.
public static final String PATH_DATA_REL_QUAD_CURVE_TO = "q";
* Attribute defining the coordinate system for the pattern content.
public static final String PATTERN_CONTENT_UNITS = "patternContentUnits";
* Attribute defining list of transform definitions for the pattern element.
public static final String PATTERN_TRANSFORM = "patternTransform";
* Attribute defining the coordinate system for attributes x, y, width , and height in pattern.
public static final String PATTERN_UNITS = "patternUnits";
* Attribute defining the points of a polyline or polygon.
public static final String POINTS = "points";
* Attribute defining how to preserve the aspect ratio when scaling.
public static final String PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO = "preserveAspectRatio";
* Attribute defining the radius of a circle.
public static final String R = "r";
* Attribute defining the x-axis coordinate of the reference point which is to be aligned exactly at the marker position.
public static final String REFX = "refX";
* Attribute defining the y-axis coordinate of the reference point which is to be aligned exactly at the marker position.
public static final String REFY = "refY";
* Attribute defining the x-axis of an ellipse or the x-axis radius of rounded rectangles.
public static final String RX = "rx";
* Attribute defining the y-axis of an ellipse or the y-axis radius of rounded rectangles.
public static final String RY = "ry";
* Attribute defining the spread method for a color gradient.
public static final String SPREAD_METHOD = "spreadMethod";
* Attribute defining the stroke color.
public static final String STROKE = "stroke";
* Attribute defining the stroke dash offset.
public static final String STROKE_DASHARRAY = "stroke-dasharray";
* Attribute defining the stroke dash offset.
public static final String STROKE_DASHOFFSET = "stroke-dashoffset";
* Attribute defining the stroke linecap.
public static final String STROKE_LINECAP = "stroke-linecap";
* Attribute defining the stroke miterlimit.
public static final String STROKE_MITERLIMIT = "stroke-miterlimit";
* Attribute defingin the stroke opacity.
public static final String STROKE_OPACITY = "stroke-opacity";
* Attribute defining the stroke width.
public static final String STROKE_WIDTH = "stroke-width";
* Attribute defining the style of an element.
public static final String STYLE = "style";
* Attribute defining the text content of a text node.
public static final String TEXT_CONTENT = "text_content";
* Attribute defining the text anchor used by the text
public static final String TEXT_ANCHOR = "text-anchor";
* Attribute defining a transformation that needs to be applied.
public static final String TRANSFORM = "transform";
* Attribute defining the viewbox of an element.
public static final String VIEWBOX = "viewBox";
* Attribute defining the width of an element.
public static final String WIDTH = "width";
* Attribute defining the x value of an element.
public static final String X = "x";
* Attribute defining the first x coordinate value of a line.
public static final String X1 = "x1";
* Attribute defining the second x coordinate value of a line.
public static final String X2 = "x2";
* Attribute defining image source.
public static final String XLINK_HREF = "xlink:href";
* Attribute defining XML namespace
public static final String XMLNS = "xmlns";
* Attribute defining the y value of an element.
public static final String Y = "y";
* Attribute defining the first y coordinate value of a line.
public static final String Y1 = "y1";
* Attribute defining the second y coordinate value of a line.
public static final String Y2 = "y2";
* Attribute defining version
public static final String VERSION = "version";
* Class containing the constants for values appearing in SVG tags and attributes
public static final class Values {
* Value representing automatic orientation for the marker attribute orient.
public static final String AUTO = "auto";
* Value representing reverse automatic orientation for the start marker.
public static final String AUTO_START_REVERSE = "auto-start-reverse";
* Value representing the default value for the stroke linecap.
public static final String BUTT = "butt";
* Value representing the default aspect ratio: xmidymid.
public static final String DEFAULT_ASPECT_RATIO = Values.XMID_YMID;
* Value representing how to preserve the aspect ratio when dealing with images.
public static final String DEFER = "defer";
* Value representing the fill rule "even odd".
public static final String FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD = "evenodd";
* Value representing the fill rule "nonzero".
public static final String FILL_RULE_NONZERO = "nonzero";
* Value representing the meet for preserve aspect ratio calculations.
public static final String MEET = "meet";
* Value representing the "none" value".
public static final String NONE = "none";
* Value representing the units relation "objectBoundingBox".
public static final String OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX = "objectBoundingBox";
* The value representing slice for the preserve aspect ratio calculations;
public static final String SLICE = "slice";
* Value representing the text-alignment end for text objects
public static final String TEXT_ANCHOR_END = "end";
* Value representing the text-alignment middle for text objects
public static final String TEXT_ANCHOR_MIDDLE = "middle";
* Value representing the text-alignment start for text objects
public static final String TEXT_ANCHOR_START = "start";
* Value representing the gradient spread method "pad".
public static final String SPREAD_METHOD_PAD = "pad";
* Value representing the gradient spread method "repeat".
public static final String SPREAD_METHOD_REPEAT = "repeat";
* Value representing the gradient spread method "reflect".
public static final String SPREAD_METHOD_REFLECT = "reflect";
* The value for markerUnits that represent values in a coordinate system which has a single unit equal the size in user units of the current stroke width.
public static final String STROKEWIDTH = "strokeWidth";
* Value representing the units relation "userSpaceOnUse".
public static final String USER_SPACE_ON_USE = "userSpaceOnUse";
* Value representing how to align when scaling.
public static final String XMIN_YMIN = "xminymin";
* Value representing how to align when scaling.
public static final String XMIN_YMID = "xminymid";
* Value representing how to align when scaling.
public static final String XMIN_YMAX = "xminymax";
* Value representing how to align when scaling.
public static final String XMID_YMID = "xmidymid";
* Value representing how to align when scaling.
public static final String XMID_YMIN = "xmidymin";
* Value representing how to align when scaling.
public static final String XMID_YMAX = "xmidymax";
* Value representing how to align when scaling.
public static final String XMAX_YMIN = "xmaxymin";
* Value representing how to align when scaling.
public static final String XMAX_YMID = "xmaxymid";
* Value representing how to align when scaling.
public static final String XMAX_YMAX = "xmaxymax";
public static final String VERSION1_1 = "1.1";