oriented.OrientClient.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package oriented
import com.orientechnologies.orient.client.remote.OServerAdmin
import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.{OrientGraph, OrientGraphFactory, OrientGraphNoTx}
import oriented.free.dsl._
import oriented.syntax.{OrientIO, OrientProgram}
* OrientClient provides communication to OrientDB, with either a InMemory, (P)Local or Remote database.
sealed trait OrientClient {
* Connection uri to OrientDB.
def uri: String
* Database name for connecting to the database.
def db: String
* User string for authentication.
def user: String
* User password for authentication.
def password: String
* Returns a graph instance that has transactions disabled.
def graphNoTransaction: OrientGraphNoTx = factory.getNoTx
* Returns a graph instances that has transactions enabled.
def graph: OrientGraph = factory.getTx
* Creates the server admin for type of connection to OrientDB.
def serverAdmin: OServerAdmin
* Factory for creation of the Graphs.
* Needs to be lazy for initializing in trait.
lazy val factory: OrientGraphFactory = pool.map { case (min, max) =>
new OrientGraphFactory(uri).setupPool(min, max)
}.getOrElse(new OrientGraphFactory(uri))
* Optional connection pool parameters, tuple represents minimal to maximal connections.
def pool: Option[(Int, Int)]
val C: Clients[OrientProgram] = Clients.clients[OrientProgram]
* Action on the client that creates a OrientIO for creating a VertexType of A.
def createVertexType[A](implicit orientFormat: OrientFormat[A]): OrientIO[VertexType[A]] =
* Action on the client that creates a OrientIO for creating an EdgeType of A.
def createEdgeType[A](implicit orientFormat: OrientFormat[A]): OrientIO[EdgeType[A]] =
* Action on the client that creates an OrientIO which creates a Vertex in the database.
def addVertex[A](vertexModel: A)(implicit orientFormat: OrientFormat[A]): OrientIO[Vertex[A]] =
C.addVertex[A](vertexModel, orientFormat)
* Action on the client that creates an OrientIO which creates an Edge link between to vertices in the database.
def addEdge[A, B, C](edgeModel: A,
inVertex: Vertex[B],
outVertex: Vertex[C])
(implicit orientFormat: OrientFormat[A]): OrientIO[Edge[A]] =
C.addEdge[A, B, C](edgeModel, inVertex, outVertex, orientFormat)
def shutdown(close: Boolean = false): OrientIO[Unit] =
* Creates an InMemory Client for OrientDB.
case class InMemoryClient(db: String, user: String = "root", password: String = "root", pool: Option[(Int, Int)] = None) extends OrientClient {
val uri: String = s"memory:$db"
val serverAdmin: OServerAdmin = new OServerAdmin(uri)
* Creates an PLocal Client for OrientDB.
case class PLocalClient(uri: String, db: String, user: String, password: String, pool: Option[(Int, Int)] = None) extends OrientClient {
val serverAdmin: OServerAdmin = new OServerAdmin(uri).connect(user, password)
if(!serverAdmin.existsDatabase(db)) serverAdmin.createDatabase(db, "document", "plocal")
* Creates an Remote Client for OrientDB.
case class RemoteClient(uri: String, db: String, user: String, password: String, pool: Option[(Int, Int)] = None) extends OrientClient {
val serverAdmin: OServerAdmin = new OServerAdmin(uri).connect(user, password)