com.jamonapi.Mon Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.jamonapi;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
* Servlet that enables the ability to take advantage of jamon by passing arbitrary strings to this servlet which
* subsequently calls start/stop/add on the MonitorFactory. The distribution comes with some bash scripts which should work
* on mac/linux/unix that allow you to take advantage of jamon facilities from your scripts. This can be used to track nightly
* running processes such as backups to name just one. The scripts simply take arguments and reformat them to calls to this servlet
* via either curl or wget whichever is installed. See them as well as jamon_readme.txt in the distribution zip in the directory
* osmon for more info.
* Note if the calls was unsuccessful (to add/start/stop/get) then the error message is returned which starts with the keyword: Error. OK will be returned by
* add/start/stop if they are successful, but not get. get simply returns the value or error if there was a problem. script calls to jgetdata.sh don't call
* this servlet and so they don't return error if they fail, however you can check to see if they contain data.
* Happy monitoring!
* put this in web.xml file
* {@code
* Mon
* com.jamonapi.Mon
* Mon
* /Mon
* }
* @author stevesouza
public class Mon extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final String DEFAULT_UNITS="ms.";
private static final String ERROR="Error";
private static final String OK="OK";
private static String help= "This servlet allows one to take advantage of JAMon by calling a servlet. This allows \n"+
"calls to be made from operating system scripts for example. Typically you would make \n"+
"calls by using curl or wget to make http calls to the JAMon Mon Servlet. start/stop work like \n"+
"a stopwatch. You pass in a label that will appear in the jamon report. You pass the same label to \n" +
"both start and stop the monitor. For more information look at osmon/jamon_readme.txt as well as the\n"+
"scripts in the same directory. These scripts allow you to access JAMon from the OS and can also be altered"+
"to meet your needs if that is your requirement. (http://www.jamonapi.com)";
private Map map=new ConcurrentHashMap();// used to find monitors to stop or skip.
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
if (hasValue(request.getParameter("start")))
start(request, response);
else if (hasValue(request.getParameter("stop")))
stop(request, response);
else if (hasValue(request.getParameter("add")))
add(request, response);
else if (hasValue(request.getParameter("skip")))
skip(request, response);
else if (hasValue(request.getParameter("get")))
getValue(request, response);
/** create a key from passed in label, details and units. note that details aren't really part of the key
* @param label Monitors key (Example: myUnixBackup)
* @param detail Any string that you would want to access via a listener (Example: 400MB backup succeeded)
* @param units Monitors unit (Example: minutes)
* @return The monitors key
private MonKey getMonKey(String label, String detail, String units) {
if (detail==null)
return new MonKeyImp(label, detail, units);
/** start a monitor by providing a summary label and optionally a detail string. note this won't be called unless
* a label was passed.
* @param request Servlet request
* @param response Servlet response
* @throws IOException
private void start(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
String label=request.getParameter("start");
String detail=request.getParameter("detail");
MonKey key=getMonKey(label, detail, DEFAULT_UNITS);
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println(OK+": start successfully called on - "+label);
/** start a monitor and put it in the map so it can be retrieved when stop or skip are called. note add doesn't
* need the monitor in the map.
private void startMon(MonKey key) {
map.put(key, MonitorFactory.start(key));
/** stop a previously started monitor if it exists. */
private void stop(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String label=request.getParameter("stop");
Monitor mon=removeMon(label, null, DEFAULT_UNITS);
if (mon==null) {
out.println(ERROR+": stop requires that an existing label is passed in. For example: curl http://localhost:8080/jamon/Mon?stop=mylabel");
} else {
out.println(OK+": stop successfully called on - "+mon);
/** skip a previously started monitor if it exists. doesn't add value */
private void skip(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String label=request.getParameter("skip");
Monitor mon=removeMon(label, null, DEFAULT_UNITS);
if (mon==null) {
out.println(ERROR+": skip requires that an existing label is passed in. For example: curl http://localhost:8080/jamon/Mon?skip=mylabel");
} else {
out.println(OK+": skip successfully called on - "+mon);
/** remove monitor from map and also return it. This is done in conjunction with calls to stop and skip. */
private Monitor removeMon(String label, String detail, String units) {
MonKey key=getMonKey(label, detail, units);
Monitor mon=(Monitor) map.get(key);
if (mon!=null)
return mon;
/** process calls to add which is an implemetation of a counter or adder. */
private void add(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String label=request.getParameter("add"); // jamon label
String units=request.getParameter("units"); // something like bytes
String value=request.getParameter("value"); // number
String detail=request.getParameter("detail"); // can view via jamon listeners.
Double val=toDouble(value);
if (isEmpty(label) || isEmpty(units) || isEmpty(val)) {
out.println(ERROR+": add requires that a label, units and numeric value are passed in. For example: curl http://localhost:8080/jamon/Mon?add=mylabel&units=bytes&value=1234");
out.println(" Optionally a detail may be passed in: curl http://localhost:8080/jamon/Mon?add=os.mylabel&units=bytes&value=1234&detail=Backup%20script%20from%20host%20backupserver\n");
} else {
MonKey key=getMonKey(label, detail, units);
Monitor mon=MonitorFactory.add(key, val);
out.println(OK+": add successfully called on - "+label+" - "+mon);
/** return a value out of the monitor such as hits, max, min etc. */
private void getValue(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String label=request.getParameter("get");
String type=request.getParameter("type");
String units=request.getParameter("units");
if (isEmpty(units))
if (isEmpty(label) || isEmpty(type)) {
out.println(ERROR+": get requires that a label, and type be passed in. units is optional and will default to a time monitor if not provided (ms.). ");
out.println(" Type is the type of value you want from the given monitor. Examples are: hits, avg, min, max, total, firstaccess, lastaccess, active. ");
out.println(" For example: curl http://localhost:8080/jamon/Mon?get=mylabel&type=avg");
out.println(" For example: curl http://localhost:8080/jamon/Mon?get=mylabel&type=max&units=bytes");
} else { // OK get value
MonKey key=getMonKey(label, null, units);
Monitor mon=MonitorFactory.getMonitor(key);
if (mon==null)
out.println(ERROR+": Key didn't exist ("+label+","+units+")");
else {
Object obj=null;
if ("mon".equalsIgnoreCase(type))
if (obj==null)
out.println(ERROR+": type didn't exist ("+type+")");
else // success return value
/** convert string to Double */
private Double toDouble (String numStr) {
try {
return new Double(numStr);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
private void displayHelp( HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
/** return true if string is null or empty */
private boolean isEmpty(Object str) {
return (str==null || "".equals(str));
/** return true if string has a value i.e. if string is not empty */
private boolean hasValue(Object str) {
return !isEmpty(str);
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
doGet(request, response);
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