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package kvstore
import{ OneForOneStrategy, Props, ActorRef, Actor }
import kvstore.Arbiter._
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import akka.pattern.{ ask, pipe }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.util.Random
import scala.language.postfixOps
object Replica {
sealed trait Operation {
def key: String
def id: Long
case class Insert(key: String, value: String, id: Long) extends Operation
case class Remove(key: String, id: Long) extends Operation
case class Get(key: String, id: Long) extends Operation
sealed trait OperationReply
case class OperationAck(id: Long) extends OperationReply
case class OperationFailed(id: Long) extends OperationReply
case class GetResult(key: String, valueOption: Option[String], id: Long) extends OperationReply
private[Replica] case class Done(id: Long, sender: ActorRef)
* To validate response
private[Replica] case class ValidateResponse(seq: Long, times: Int)
def props(arbiter: ActorRef, persistenceProps: Props): Props = Props(new Replica(arbiter, persistenceProps))
class Replica(val arbiter: ActorRef, persistenceProps: Props) extends Actor {
import Replica._
import Replicator._
import Persistence._
import context.dispatcher
* Key Value pair mapping
var kv = Map.empty[String, String]
* A map from secondary replicas to replicators
var secondaries = Map.empty[ActorRef, ActorRef]
* the current set of replicators
var replicators = Set.empty[ActorRef]
def newStorage = context.actorOf(persistenceProps, "Storage_" + Math.abs(Random.nextInt))
override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
case _: PersistenceException => SupervisorStrategy.Restart
arbiter ! Join
var storage: ActorRef = newStorage
def receive = {
case any @ _ =>
context.become(receiver(List[(Any, ActorRef)]()))
self.tell(any, sender)
* Primary Receive for the Replica. Based on the message received by Arbiter,
* it decides if the replica should act as Primary or Secondary one.
* Meanwhile if any other message is received before, it is stored and no action is taken.
* Only on receiving the status from [[kvstore.Arbiter]], all the messages received yet
* are executed.
def receiver(toAdd: List[(Any, ActorRef)]): Receive = {
case JoinedPrimary =>
toAdd.foreach { case (x, y) => self.tell(x, y) }
case JoinedSecondary =>
toAdd.foreach { case (x, y) => self.tell(x, y) }
case other @ _ => context.become(receiver((other, sender) :: toAdd))
* Map of Id to (senderRef, Persist).
* This is used to validate if persistence was successful or not
var acks = Map.empty[Long, (ActorRef, Persist)]
* Map of id to (senderRef, replicators to which message is sent to replicate)
* This is used to validate if secondary-node operations were successful or not
var childAcks = Map.empty[Long, (ActorRef, Set[ActorRef])]
* Receive for Primary Node
val leader: Receive = {
case Replicas(replicas) => {
val removed = secondaries.keySet -- replicas.filter(x => x != self) { x =>
val rep = secondaries(x)
val inProcess = childAcks.filter(x => x._2._2 contains rep)
inProcess.foreach { f => self.tell(Replicated("", f._1), rep) }
secondaries -= x
replicators -= rep
var newOnes = Set[ActorRef]()
replicas.filter(x => x != self).map { newR =>
secondaries.get(newR) match {
case Some(i) => //do nothing
case None => {
val replicator = context.actorOf(Replicator.props(newR), "Replicator_" + Math.abs(Random.nextInt))
secondaries += (newR -> replicator)
replicators += replicator
newOnes += replicator
kv.foreach { x =>
val random = nextId
newOnes.foreach(_ ! Replicate(x._1, Some(x._2), random))
childAcks += (random -> ((self, newOnes)))
case Insert(key, value, id) =>
persistPrimary(key, Some(value), id)
val rep = Replicate(key, Some(value), id) => x ! rep)
childAcks += (id -> ((sender, replicators)))
case Remove(key, id) =>
persistPrimary(key, None, id)
val rep = Replicate(key, None, id) => x ! rep)
childAcks += (id -> ((sender, replicators)))
case Get(key, id) =>
sender ! GetResult(key, kv.get(key), id)
case Terminated(ref) =>
storage = newStorage
case ValidateResponse(seq, times) => validateResponse(seq, times)
case p @ Persisted(key, id) =>
acks.get(id) match {
case Some((ref, x)) =>
acks -= id
isDone(Done(, ref))
case None => //throw new IllegalStateException("ActorRef for seq: " + id + " not found")
case r @ Replicated(key, id) =>
childAcks.get(id) match {
case Some(seq) =>
childAcks -= id
childAcks += (id -> (seq._1, seq._2 - sender))
isDone(Done(id, seq._1))
case None =>
//throw new IllegalStateException("This cannot happen: " + r + " ")
* Checks if it is done and the client can get notification. Else does nothing
private def isDone(done: Done) {
val Done(id, ref) = done
if (!acks.contains(id) && childAcks(id)._2.isEmpty) {
ref ! OperationAck(id)
var retryRemove = Set[Long]()
* Action when validateResponse message is received.
* It checks if it has been primary node has been persisted. If successively failure then sends Remove message to all children. Else waits for one more time
* If primary node has been
private def validateResponse(seq: Long, times: Int) {
acks.get(seq) match {
case None => if (childAcks(seq)._2.isEmpty) {
//do nothing
} else {
if (times < 10)
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(100 milliseconds, self, ValidateResponse(seq, times + 1))
else childAcks(seq)._1 ! OperationFailed(seq)
case Some((ref, rep)) =>
if (times < 10) {
storage ! rep
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(100 milliseconds, self, ValidateResponse(seq, times + 1))
} else {
if (retryRemove.contains( {
ref ! OperationFailed(
retryRemove -=
} else {
self.tell(Remove(rep.key,, ref)
retryRemove +=
* Try persisting. It schedules a message to itself after 100 msec to check if operation was succesful or not
def persistPrimary(key: String, opt: Option[String], id: Long) {
opt match {
case Some(x) => kv += ((key, x))
case None => kv -= key
storage ! Persist(key, opt, id)
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(100 milliseconds, self, ValidateResponse(id, 1))
acks += ((id, (sender, Persist(key, opt, id))))
* Receive for replica role
val replica: Receive = {
case Get(key, id) =>
sender ! GetResult(key, kv.get(key), id)
case s @ Snapshot(key, value, seq) => snapshot(s)
case Persisted(key, seq) => acks.get(seq) match {
case Some((ref, x)) =>
ref ! SnapshotAck(key, seq)
acks -= seq
case None => // throw new IllegalStateException("ActorRef for seq: " + seq + " not found " + acks)
case ValidateResponse(seq, _) =>
acks.get(seq) match {
case None => //do nothing
case Some((ref, rep)) =>
storage ! rep
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(100 milliseconds, self, ValidateResponse(seq, 1))
case x @ _ => println("Unknown message " + x)
var expSeq = 0L;
def snapshot(s: Snapshot) {
val Snapshot(key, value, seq) = s
if (seq > expSeq) {
//do nothing
} else if (seq < expSeq) {
sender ! SnapshotAck(key, seq)
} else {
value match {
case Some(x) => kv += ((key, x))
case None => kv -= key
expSeq = Math.max(expSeq, seq + 1)
storage ! Persist(key, value, seq)
context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(100 milliseconds, self, ValidateResponse(seq, 1))
acks += ((seq, (sender, Persist(key, value, seq))))
* Returns next long id which can be safely used for internal requests
private def nextId: Long = {
var random = Random.nextLong
while (childAcks.contains(random)) {
random = Random.nextLong
-1 * Math.abs(random)