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* Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package scriptella.driver.ldap.ldif;
import scriptella.expression.LineIterator;
import scriptella.util.StringUtils;
import javax.naming.ldap.BasicControl;
import javax.naming.ldap.Control;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
public class LdifReader implements Iterator, Iterable {
* A list of read lines
private final List lines=new ArrayList();
* The ldif file version default value
private static final int DEFAULT_VERSION = 1;
* The ldif version
private int version=DEFAULT_VERSION;
* Type of element read
private static final int ENTRY = 0;
private static final int CHANGE = 1;
private static final int UNKNOWN = 2;
* Size limit for file contained values
private final long sizeLimit;
* The default size limit : 1Mo
private static final long SIZE_LIMIT_DEFAULT = 1024000;
* State values for the modify operation
private static final int MOD_SPEC = 0;
private static final int ATTRVAL_SPEC = 1;
private static final int ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP = 2;
* Iterator prefetched entry
private Entry prefetched;
* The ldif LineIterator
private LineIterator in;
* A flag set if the ldif contains entries
private boolean containsEntries;
* A flag set if the ldif contains changes
private boolean containsChanges;
* A constructor which takes a line iterator.
* @param in A Reader containing ldif formated input
* @throws LdifParseException If the file cannot be processed or if the format is incorrect
public LdifReader(LineIterator in) {
* * A constructor which takes a line iterator and a size limit.
* @param in A Reader containing ldif formated input
* @param sizeLimit maximum file size that can be accepted for an attribute value
public LdifReader(LineIterator in, long sizeLimit) { = in;
this.sizeLimit = sizeLimit;
// First get the version - if any -
version = parseVersion();
prefetched = parseEntry();
* For testing purposes.
public LdifReader(String string) {
this(new LineIterator(new StringReader(string)));
* @return The ldif file version
public int getVersion() {
return version;
* @return The maximum size of a file which is used into an attribute value.
public long getSizeLimit() {
return sizeLimit;
* Parse the changeType
* @param line The line which contains the changeType
* @return The operation.
private int parseChangeType(String line) {
int operation = Entry.ADD;
String modOp = line.substring("changetype:".length() + 1).trim();
if ("add".equalsIgnoreCase(modOp)) {
operation = Entry.ADD;
} else if ("delete".equalsIgnoreCase(modOp)) {
operation = Entry.DELETE;
} else if ("modify".equalsIgnoreCase(modOp)) {
operation = Entry.MODIFY;
} else if ("moddn".equalsIgnoreCase(modOp)) {
operation = Entry.MODDN;
} else if ("modrdn".equalsIgnoreCase(modOp)) {
operation = Entry.MODRDN;
return operation;
* Parse the DN of an entry
* @param line The line to parse
* @return A DN
private String parseDn(String line) {
String dn = null;
String lowerLine = line.toLowerCase();
if (lowerLine.startsWith("dn:") || lowerLine.startsWith("DN:")) {
// Ok, we have a DN. Is it base 64 encoded ?
int length = line.length();
if (length == 3) {
// The DN is empty : error
throw new LdifParseException("No DN for entry", line);
} else if (line.charAt(3) == ':') {
if (length > 4) {
// This is a base 64 encoded DN.
String trimmedLine = line.substring(4).trim();
try {
dn = new String(Utils.base64Decode(trimmedLine.toCharArray()), "UTF-8");
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
// The DN is not base 64 encoded
throw new LdifParseException("Invalid base 64 encoded DN",line);
} else {
// The DN is empty : error
throw new LdifParseException("No DN for entry", line);
} else {
dn = line.substring(3).trim();
} else {
throw new LdifParseException("No DN for entry", line);
return dn;
* Parse the value part.
* @param line The line which contains the value
* @param pos The starting position in the line
* @return A String or a byte[], depending of the kind of value we get
* @throws LdifParseException If something went wrong
private Object parseValue(String line, int pos) {
if (line.length() > pos + 1) {
char c = line.charAt(pos + 1);
if (c == ':') {
String value = line.substring(pos + 2).trim();
return Utils.base64Decode(value.toCharArray());
} else if (c == '<') {
String urlName = line.substring(pos + 2).trim();
try {
return Utils.toByteArray(getUriStream(urlName), sizeLimit);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new LdifParseException("Failed to read \""+urlName+"\" file content",line,e);
} else {
return line.substring(pos + 1).trim();
} else {
return null;
* Resolves URI to URL and returns a content stream.
* This method just creates a new URL, subclasses may chnange this behaviour.
* @param uri URI to resolve.
* @return resolved URL content stream.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs or URI is malformed.
protected InputStream getUriStream(String uri) throws IOException {
return new URL(uri).openStream();
* Parse a control. The grammar is : ::= "control:"
* ::=
* | e ::= "true" | "false" ::=
* | e ::= ":" | "::"
* | ":<"
* It can be read as : "control:" [ " "+ ( "true" |
* "false") ] [ ":" | "::" | ":<"
* ]
* @param line The line containing the control
* @return A control
private Control parseControl(String line) {
String lowerLine = line.toLowerCase().trim();
char[] controlValue = line.trim().toCharArray();
int pos = 0;
int length = controlValue.length;
// Get the
if (pos > length) {
// No OID : error !
throw new LdifParseException("Bad control, no oid", line);
int initPos = pos;
while (Utils.isCharASCII(controlValue, pos, '.') || Utils.isDigit(controlValue, pos)) {
if (pos == initPos) {
// Not a valid OID !
throw new LdifParseException("Bad control, no oid", line);
String oid = lowerLine.substring(0, pos);
boolean criticality=false;
byte[] controlBytes = null;
// Get the criticality, if any
// Skip the
while (Utils.isCharASCII(controlValue, pos, ' ')) {
// Check if we have a "true" or a "false"
int criticalPos = lowerLine.indexOf(':');
int criticalLength = 0;
if (criticalPos == -1) {
criticalLength = length - pos;
} else {
criticalLength = criticalPos - pos;
if ((criticalLength == 4) && ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(lowerLine.substring(pos, pos + 4)))) {
} else if ((criticalLength == 5) && ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(lowerLine.substring(pos, pos + 5)))) {
} else if (criticalLength != 0) {
// If we have a criticality, it should be either "true" or "false",
// nothing else
throw new LdifParseException("Bad control criticality", line);
if (criticalPos > 0) {
// We have a value. It can be a normal value, a base64 encoded value
// or a file contained value
if (Utils.isCharASCII(controlValue, criticalPos + 1, ':')) {
// Base 64 encoded value
controlBytes = Utils.base64Decode(line.substring(criticalPos + 2).toCharArray());
} else if (Utils.isCharASCII(controlValue, criticalPos + 1, '<')) {
// File contained value
} else {
// Standard value
byte[] value = new byte[length - criticalPos - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < length - criticalPos - 1; i++) {
value[i] = (byte) controlValue[i + criticalPos + 1];
return new BasicControl(oid, criticality, controlBytes);
* Parse an AttributeType/AttributeValue
* @param entry The entry where to store the value
* @param line The line to parse
public void parseAttributeValue(Entry entry, String line) {
int colonIndex = line.indexOf(':');
String attributeType = line.substring(0, colonIndex);
// We should *not* have a DN twice
if (attributeType.equalsIgnoreCase("dn")) {
throw new LdifParseException("A ldif entry should not have two DN", line);
Object attributeValue = parseValue(line, colonIndex);
// Update the entry
entry.addAttribute(attributeType, attributeValue);
* Parse a ModRDN operation
* @param entry The entry to update
* @param iter The lines iterator
private void parseModRdn(Entry entry, Iterator iter) {
// We must have two lines : one starting with "newrdn:" or "newrdn::",
// and the second starting with "deleteoldrdn:"
if (iter.hasNext()) {
String line = (String);
String lowerLine = line.toLowerCase();
if (lowerLine.startsWith("newrdn::") || lowerLine.startsWith("newrdn:")) {
int colonIndex = line.indexOf(':');
Object attributeValue = parseValue(line, colonIndex);
entry.setNewRdn(attributeValue instanceof String ? (String) attributeValue : Utils
.utf8ToString((byte[]) attributeValue));
} else {
throw new LdifParseException("Bad modrdn operation", line);
} else {
throw new LdifParseException("Bad modrdn operation, no newrdn");
if (iter.hasNext()) {
String line = (String);
String lowerLine = line.toLowerCase();
if (lowerLine.startsWith("deleteoldrdn:")) {
int colonIndex = line.indexOf(':');
Object attributeValue = parseValue(line, colonIndex);
} else {
throw new LdifParseException("Bad modrdn operation, no deleteoldrdn", line);
} else {
throw new LdifParseException("Bad modrdn operation, no deleteoldrdn");
* Parse a modify change type.
* The grammar is : ::= "changetype:" FILL "modify" SEP
* ::= "add:" | "delete:"
* | "replace:" ::=
* @param entry The entry to feed
* @param iter The lines
private void parseModify(Entry entry, Iterator iter) {
int state = MOD_SPEC;
String modified = null;
int modification = 0;
// The following flag is used to deal with empty modifications
boolean isEmptyValue = true;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String line = (String);
String lowerLine = line.toLowerCase();
if (lowerLine.startsWith("-")) {
if (state != ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP) {
throw new LdifParseException("Bad modify separator", line);
} else {
if (isEmptyValue) {
// Update the entry
entry.addModificationItem(modification, modified, null);
state = MOD_SPEC;
isEmptyValue = true;
} else if (lowerLine.startsWith("add:")) {
if ((state != MOD_SPEC) && (state != ATTRVAL_SPEC)) {
throw new LdifParseException("Bad modify state", line);
modified = line.substring("add:".length()).trim();
modification = DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE;
} else if (lowerLine.startsWith("delete:")) {
if ((state != MOD_SPEC) && (state != ATTRVAL_SPEC)) {
throw new LdifParseException("Bad modify state", line);
modified = line.substring("delete:".length()).trim();
modification = DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE;
} else if (lowerLine.startsWith("replace:")) {
if ((state != MOD_SPEC) && (state != ATTRVAL_SPEC)) {
throw new LdifParseException("Bad modify state", line);
modified = line.substring("replace:".length()).trim();
modification = DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE;
} else {
if ((state != ATTRVAL_SPEC) && (state != ATTRVAL_SPEC_OR_SEP)) {
throw new LdifParseException("Bad modify state", line);
// A standard AttributeType/AttributeValue pair
int colonIndex = line.indexOf(':');
String attributeType = line.substring(0, colonIndex);
if (!attributeType.equals(modified)) {
throw new LdifParseException("Bad modify attribute", line);
// We should *not* have a DN twice
if (attributeType.equals("dn")) {
throw new LdifParseException("A ldif entry should not have two DN", line);
Object attributeValue = parseValue(line, colonIndex);
// Update the entry
entry.addModificationItem(modification, attributeType, attributeValue);
isEmptyValue = false;
* Parse a change operation. We have to handle different cases depending on
* the operation. 1) Delete : there should *not* be any line after the
* "changetype: delete" 2) Add : we must have a list of AttributeType :
* AttributeValue elements 3) ModDN : we must have two following lines: a
* "newrdn:" and a "deleteoldrdn:" 4) ModRDN : the very same, but a
* "newsuperior:" line is expected 5) Modify :
* The grammar is : ::= "changetype:" FILL "add" SEP
* | "changetype:" FILL "delete" |
* "changetype:" FILL "modrdn" SEP SEP SEP | // To
* be checked "changetype:" FILL "moddn" SEP SEP SEP
* SEP | "changetype:" FILL "modify" SEP
* ::= "newrdn:" FILL RDN | "newrdn::" FILL
* BASE64-RDN ::= "deleteoldrdn:" FILL "0" | "deleteoldrdn:"
* FILL "1" ::= "newsuperior:" FILL DN | "newsuperior::" FILL
* BASE64-DN ::= | e ::=
* "add:" | "delete:" | "replace:"
* ::= ATTRVAL-SPEC | e
* @param entry The entry to feed
* @param iter The lines iterator
* @param operation The change operation (add, modify, delete, moddn or modrdn)
* @param control The associated control, if any
private void parseChange(Entry entry, Iterator iter, int operation, Control control) {
// The changetype and operation has already been parsed.
switch (operation) {
case Entry.DELETE:
// The change type will tell that it's a delete operation,
// the dn is used as a key.
case Entry.ADD:
// We will iterate through all attribute/value pairs
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String line = (String);
parseAttributeValue(entry, line);
case Entry.MODIFY:
parseModify(entry, iter);
case Entry.MODRDN:// They are supposed to have the same syntax ???
case Entry.MODDN:
// First, parse the modrdn part
parseModRdn(entry, iter);
// The next line should be the new superior
if (iter.hasNext()) {
String line = (String);
String lowerLine = line.toLowerCase();
if (lowerLine.startsWith("newsuperior:")) {
int colonIndex = line.indexOf(':');
Object attributeValue = parseValue(line, colonIndex);
entry.setNewSuperior(attributeValue instanceof String ? (String) attributeValue : Utils
.utf8ToString((byte[]) attributeValue));
} else {
if (operation == Entry.MODDN) {
throw new LdifParseException("Bad moddn operation, no newsuperior", line);
} else {
if (operation == Entry.MODDN) {
throw new LdifParseException("Bad moddn operation, no newsuperior");
// This is an error
throw new LdifParseException("Bad operation");
* Parse a ldif file. The following rules are processed :
* ::= |
* ::=
* ::=
* ::= "dn:"
* | "dn::"
* ::= "changetype:"
private Entry parseEntry() {
if ((lines == null) || (lines.size() == 0)) {
return null;
// The entry must start with a dn: or a dn::
String line = lines.get(0);
String dn = parseDn(line);
// Ok, we have found a DN
Entry entry = new Entry();
// We remove this dn from the lines
// Now, let's iterate through the other lines
Iterator iter = lines.iterator();
// This flag is used to distinguish between an entry and a change
int type = UNKNOWN;
// The following boolean is used to check that a control is *not*
// found elswhere than just after the dn
boolean controlSeen = false;
// We use this boolean to check that we do not have AttributeValues
// after a change operation
boolean changeTypeSeen = false;
int operation = Entry.ADD;
String lowerLine = null;
Control control = null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
// Each line could start either with an OID, an attribute type, with
// "control:" or with "changetype:"
line = (String);
lowerLine = line.toLowerCase();
// We have three cases :
// 1) The first line after the DN is a "control:"
// 2) The first line after the DN is a "changeType:"
// 3) The first line after the DN is anything else
if (lowerLine.startsWith("control:")) {
if (containsEntries) {
throw new LdifParseException("No changes withing entries", line);
containsChanges = true;
if (controlSeen) {
throw new LdifParseException("Control misplaced", line);
// Parse the control
control = parseControl(line.substring("control:".length()));
} else if (lowerLine.startsWith("changetype:")) {
if (containsEntries) {
throw new LdifParseException("No changes withing entries", line);
containsChanges = true;
if (changeTypeSeen) {
throw new LdifParseException("ChangeType misplaced", line);
// A change request
type = CHANGE;
controlSeen = true;
operation = parseChangeType(line);
// Parse the change operation in a separate function
parseChange(entry, iter, operation, control);
changeTypeSeen = true;
} else if (line.indexOf(':') > 0) {
if (containsChanges) {
throw new LdifParseException("No entries within changes", line);
containsEntries = true;
if (controlSeen || changeTypeSeen) {
throw new LdifParseException("AttributeType misplaced", line);
parseAttributeValue(entry, line);
type = ENTRY;
} else {
// Invalid attribute Value
throw new LdifParseException("Bad attribute", line);
if (type == CHANGE) {
return entry;
* "version:"
static final Pattern VERSION_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[ ]*version\\:[ ]*(\\d+)[ ]*");
* "version:"
static final Pattern VERSION_PATTERN_LINE1 = Pattern.compile("[ ]*version\\:[ ]*");
static final Pattern VERSION_PATTERN_LINE2 = Pattern.compile("[ ]\\d+");
* Parse the version from the ldif input.
* @return A number representing the version (default to 1)
private int parseVersion() {
// First, read a list of lines
if (lines.size() == 0) {
// get the first line
String line = lines.get(0);
Matcher versionMatcher = VERSION_PATTERN.matcher(line);
String versionStr = null;
if (versionMatcher.matches()) {;
// We have found the version, just discard the line from the list
} else {
versionMatcher = VERSION_PATTERN_LINE1.matcher(line);
if (versionMatcher.matches()) {
if (!lines.isEmpty()) {
versionMatcher = VERSION_PATTERN_LINE2.matcher(lines.get(1));
if (versionMatcher.matches()) {;
if (versionStr!=null) {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(versionStr.trim());
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new LdifParseException("Invalid LDIF version number "+versionStr, line);
} else {
* Reads an entry in a ldif buffer, and returns the resulting lines, without
* comments, and unfolded.
* The lines represent *one* entry.
private void readLines() {
String line;
boolean insideComment = true;
boolean isFirstLine = true;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128);
while (in.hasNext()) { //while not EOF
line =;
if (StringUtils.isAsciiWhitespacesOnly(line)) { //if line is empty
if (isFirstLine) {
} else {
// The line is empty, we have read an entry
insideComment = false;
if (lines.isEmpty()) { //if block is empty, i.e. comments section - read the next entry
} else { //otherwise stop
isFirstLine = false;
// We will read the first line which is not a comment
switch (line.charAt(0)) {
case '#':
insideComment = true;
case ' ':
if (insideComment) {
} else if (sb.length() == 0) {
throw new LdifParseException("Ldif Parsing error: Cannot have an empty continuation line");
} else {
insideComment = false;
// We have found a new entry
// First, stores the previous one if any.
if (sb.length() != 0) {
sb = new StringBuilder(line);
insideComment = false;
// Stores the current line if necessary.
if (sb.length() != 0) {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterator Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Gets the next LDIF on the channel.
* @return the next LDIF as a String.
public Entry next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("No LDIF entries to read. Use hasNext().");
Entry res = prefetched;
return res;
* Tests to see if another LDIF is on the input channel.
* @return true if another LDIF is available false otherwise.
public boolean hasNext() {
if (prefetched==null) {
prefetched = parseEntry();
return null != prefetched;
* Always throws UnsupportedOperationException!
* @see java.util.Iterator#remove()
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* @return An iterator on the file
public Iterator iterator() {
return this;
* Just a helper method
List asList() {
// Create a list that will contain the read entries
List entries = new ArrayList();
// When done, get the entries one by one.
while (hasNext()) {
Entry entry = next();
return entries;
* @return True if the ldif file contains entries, fals if it contains
* changes
public boolean containsEntries() {
return containsEntries;