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com.jaxio.celerio.configuration.entity.ColumnConfig Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015 JAXIO
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.jaxio.celerio.configuration.entity;
import com.jaxio.celerio.configuration.MetaAttribute;
import com.jaxio.celerio.configuration.database.JdbcType;
import com.jaxio.celerio.util.MappedType;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import java.util.List;
import static;
import static com.jaxio.celerio.configuration.Util.nonNull;
import static;
import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE;
import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank;
public class ColumnConfig {
protected List labels;
protected List usages = newArrayList();
protected EnumConfig enumConfig = new EnumConfig();
protected String sharedEnumName;
protected SafeHtml safeHtml;
protected GeneratedValue generatedValue;
protected GenericGenerator genericGenerator;
protected IndexedField indexedField;
protected List customAnnotations = newArrayList();
protected ManyToOneConfig manyToOneConfig;
protected OneToManyConfig oneToManyConfig;
protected OneToOneConfig oneToOneConfig;
protected OneToOneConfig inverseOneToOneConfig;
protected ManyToManyConfig manyToManyConfig;
// db metadata
protected Boolean ignore;
protected JdbcType type; // TODO: confusing ==> rename to jdbcType
protected MappedType mappedType;
protected Boolean lazy;
protected String fieldName;
protected String tableName;
protected String columnName;
protected Integer size;
protected Integer min;
protected Integer max;
protected Integer ordinalPosition;
protected Integer displayOrder;
protected Integer formFieldOrder;
protected Integer searchFieldOrder;
protected Integer searchResultOrder;
protected String typeConverter;
protected String comment;
protected Integer decimalDigits;
protected String defaultValue;
// functional
protected Boolean businessKey;
protected Boolean asTransient;
protected Boolean messageKey;
protected Boolean html;
private String label;
// relations
protected Boolean inverse;
protected AssociationDirection associationDirection;
protected Boolean enableOneToVirtualOne;
// front
protected Boolean autoIncrement;
protected Boolean nullable;
protected Boolean formField;
protected Boolean searchField;
protected Boolean searchResult;
protected Boolean selectLabel;
protected Boolean unique;
protected Boolean version;
protected Boolean visible;
protected Boolean password;
// relation
protected String targetTableName;
protected String targetColumnName;
protected List metaAttributes;
* The labels for this attribute. They appear in the entity properties file located under 'src/main/resources/localization/domain'.
public List getLabels() {
return labels;
* For future uses
public List getUsages() {
return usages;
public void setUsages(List usages) {
this.usages = nonNull(usages);
* Convenient for hbm2celerio to avoid dead tags.
public void forceUsagesToNullIfEmpty() {
if (usages != null && usages.isEmpty()) {
usages = null;
* Specify the enum config to map this column to a Java enum. If this enum is used by other columns, you must declare instead a shared enum and reference it
* using the sharedEnumName attribute.
public EnumConfig getEnumConfig() {
return enumConfig;
public void setEnumConfig(EnumConfig e) {
this.enumConfig = e;
public boolean hasEnum() {
return hasEnumConfig() || hasSharedEnum();
public boolean hasSharedEnum() {
return getSharedEnumName() != null;
public boolean hasEnumConfig() {
return enumConfig != null && enumConfig.hasEnum();
* References a shared enum name by its name. You cannot have both an enum configuration, and a shared enum name.
public String getSharedEnumName() {
return sharedEnumName;
* When this element is present, the SafeHtml annotation is added on this field.
public SafeHtml getSafeHtml() {
return safeHtml;
public boolean hasSafeHtml() {
return safeHtml != null;
* The base label for this column. You may either set it here or in a nested labels/label.
public String getLabel() {
return label;
* When the column represents a single primary key, you can configure the GeneratedValue JPA annotation here.
public GeneratedValue getGeneratedValue() {
return generatedValue;
public boolean hasGeneratedValue() {
return generatedValue != null;
* When the column represents a single primary key, you can configure the GenericGenerator JPA annotation here.
public GenericGenerator getGenericGenerator() {
return genericGenerator;
public boolean hasGenericGenerator() {
return genericGenerator != null;
* Configure the Hibernate search Field annotation. If present, the field is annotated, if absent it is not.
public IndexedField getIndexedField() {
return indexedField;
public boolean hasIndexedField() {
return indexedField != null;
* List of custom annotations to apply on this property.
public List getCustomAnnotations() {
return customAnnotations;
public void setCustomAnnotations(List customAnnotations) {
this.customAnnotations = nonNull(customAnnotations);
* Convenient for hbm2celerio to avoid dead tags.
public void forceCustomAnnotationsToNullIfEmpty() {
if (customAnnotations != null && customAnnotations.isEmpty()) {
customAnnotations = null;
* If set to true, the column will be ignored. Make sure you do not ignore not null columns.
public Boolean getIgnore() {
return ignore;
public boolean hasTrueIgnore() {
return getIgnore() == Boolean.TRUE;
* Override the default JdbcType.
public JdbcType getType() {
return type;
* Force the Java mapped type for this column instead of relying on Celerio's conventions.
public MappedType getMappedType() {
return mappedType;
* Should the mapped property be lazy loaded ? If yes, the annotation @Basic(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
is used. Defaults to 'true' for CLOB, BLOB
* or BYTES mapped types.
public Boolean getLazy() {
return lazy;
public boolean hasLazy() {
return lazy != null;
* The corresponding variable name in the Java world. By default, the field name is deduced from the column name.
* For primary key the field name is always forced to Example: 'first_name' will become 'firstName';
public String getFieldName() {
return fieldName;
* Allows you to use JPA secondary table if you set a table name that is different from the entity table name. Default to the entity table name.
public String getTableName() {
return tableName;
public boolean hasTableName() {
return isNotBlank(tableName);
public String getTableNameEscaped() {
return escapeSql(getTableName());
* The mandatory column name.
public String getColumnName() {
return columnName;
public boolean hasColumnName() {
return isNotBlank(columnName);
* Override the column size defined in the Metadata. Defaults to the size found when reversing the database schema.
public Integer getSize() {
return size;
public boolean hasMin() {
return getMin() != null;
* Minimum length for String or else. When present it is used in the @Size validation annotation. No default value.
public Integer getMin() {
return min;
public boolean hasMax() {
return getMax() != null;
* Maximum value for this attribute. No default value.
public Integer getMax() {
return max;
* Override the column ordinal position defined in the Metadata. Defaults to the ordinal position found when reversing the database schema.
public Integer getOrdinalPosition() {
return ordinalPosition;
* The order of appearance of this column in forms, from top to bottom and in search results, from left to right. It defaults to the ordinal position.
public Integer getDisplayOrder() {
return displayOrder;
* The order of appearance of this column in edit forms, from top to bottom, from left to right.
* It defaults to the display order, or in last resort to the ordinal position.
public Integer getFormFieldOrder() {
return formFieldOrder;
* The order of appearance of this column in search forms, from top to bottom, from left to right.
* It defaults to the display order, or in last resort to the ordinal position.
public Integer getSearchFieldOrder() {
return searchFieldOrder;
* The order of appearance of this column in tables (search results or one to many), from left to right.
* It defaults to the display order, or in last resort to the ordinal position.
public Integer getSearchResultOrder() {
return searchResultOrder;
* Sets the 'type' attribute passed to the 'org.hibernate.annotations.Type' annotation. By default, no Type annotation is used.
public String getTypeConverter() {
return typeConverter;
* Indicates if this property is part of the entity business key. You may set it on several properties at the same time if your business key involves more
* than one column. If set to true, the property will be used in equals/hashCode methods. As soon as you declare this attribute on a property, convention no
* longer applies for the entity.
public Boolean getBusinessKey() {
return businessKey;
public boolean hasTrueBusinessKey() {
return TRUE == businessKey;
* Allows you to override the getter in a sub-class that extends the base entity.
* If set to true, all the annotations for the corresponding getter will be commented and a @Transient annotation will be set.
public Boolean getAsTransient() {
return asTransient;
public boolean isTransient() {
return asTransient != null ? asTransient : false;
* Override the comment defined in the Metadata. The comment that will be inserted as JavaDoc in the corresponding getter method. Defaults to the comment
* found when reversing the database schema.
public String getComment() {
return comment;
public boolean hasComment() {
return isNotBlank(comment);
* Override the column decimal digits defined in the Metadata. Defaults to the decimal digits found when reversing the database schema.
public Integer getDecimalDigits() {
return decimalDigits;
* Override the default value defined in the Metadata. Defaults to the default value found when reversing the database schema.
public String getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue;
public boolean hasDefaultValue() {
return getDefaultValue() != null;
* Indicates whether the possible values held by this column are used as keys to resolve the associated localized values.
public Boolean getMessageKey() {
return messageKey;
* Does this column contain html? When true, some special escaping on the front is performed.
public Boolean getHtml() {
return html;
public boolean hasHtml() {
return html != null;
* If this column represents a foreign key that points to the target of a ManyToMany association it can be set to true to change the default inverse side of
* the ManyToMany association. By convention, the column with the highest ordinal position refers to the inverse side.
public Boolean getInverse() {
return inverse;
* If this column represents an importedKey, should it be bidirectionnal or unidirectionnal
public AssociationDirection getAssociationDirection() {
return associationDirection;
* If this column represents an importedKey, and the column is unique, should the one to one be handled via a collection ?
public Boolean getEnableOneToVirtualOne() {
return enableOneToVirtualOne;
* Override the autoIncrement value defined in the Metadata. You should use it only in case your driver is unable to determine whether the primary key is
* auto incremented or not.
public Boolean getAutoIncrement() {
return autoIncrement;
* Override the nullable value defined in the Metadata. Defaults to the nullable value found when reversing the database schema.
public Boolean getNullable() {
return nullable;
* Should this column appear in edit form? By default, most columns appear in the edit form. Note that this configuration is taken into account only if at
* least one of the entity's columnConfig formField attribute (could be this one) is set to true.
public Boolean getFormField() {
return formField;
public boolean hasTrueFormField() {
return formField == TRUE;
* Should this column appear in search form?
public Boolean getSearchField() {
return searchField;
public boolean hasTrueSearchField() {
return searchField == TRUE;
* Should this column appear in search results?
public Boolean getSearchResult() {
return searchResult;
public boolean hasTrueSearchResult() {
return searchResult == TRUE;
* Should this column be part of the label representation
public Boolean getSelectLabel() {
return selectLabel;
* Override the uniqueness defined in the indexes from the metadata.
public Boolean getUnique() {
return unique;
* Should this column be visible to the users ?
public Boolean getVisible() {
return visible;
* Should this column be used to provide optimistic locking? If true, this column will be mapped with a @Version annotation providing the mapped type is
* compatible with @Version expected type. Defaults to true if the fieldName is "version" and if the mapped type is compatible with @Version.
public Boolean getVersion() {
return version;
* If you use a legacy database schema that does not declare foreign keys, you can manually set the target table name. If you do, you may also need to set
* the targetColumnName. This attribute is not taken into account if a foreign key is already declared in your schema.
public String getTargetTableName() {
return targetTableName;
public boolean hasTargetTableName() {
return isNotBlank(targetTableName);
* Once you have set the targetTableName, you can adjust the targetColumnName if it is different from the primaryKey column. Defaults to the
* targetTableName's primary key column.
public String getTargetColumnName() {
return targetColumnName;
public boolean hasTargetColumnName() {
return isNotBlank(targetColumnName);
public boolean useConfigForIdGenerator() {
return hasGeneratedValue() || hasGenericGenerator();
public boolean hasTargetEntityName() {
int confCounter = 0;
if (getManyToOneConfig() != null) {
if (getOneToOneConfig() != null) {
if (getManyToManyConfig() != null) {
if (confCounter > 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("You cannot have more than one association config on columnConfig " + getColumnName());
return (getManyToOneConfig() != null && getManyToOneConfig().hasTargetEntityName()) ||
(getOneToOneConfig() != null && getOneToOneConfig().hasTargetEntityName()) ||
(getManyToManyConfig() != null && getManyToManyConfig().hasTargetEntityName());
public String lookupTargetEntityName() {
if (getManyToOneConfig() != null && getOneToOneConfig() != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("You cannot have a manyToOneConfig and a oneToOneConfig at the same time on columnConfig " + getColumnName());
} else if (getManyToOneConfig() != null) {
return getManyToOneConfig().getTargetEntityName();
} else if (getOneToOneConfig() != null) {
return getOneToOneConfig().getTargetEntityName();
} else if (getManyToManyConfig() != null) {
return getManyToManyConfig().getTargetEntityName();
} else {
return null;
* Should this column be considered as storing a password ? This will impact input types attribute on the web tier.
public Boolean getPassword() {
return password;
public Boolean isPassword() {
return TRUE == getPassword();
public static Predicate SEARCH_RESULT = new Predicate() {
public boolean apply(ColumnConfig columnConfig) {
return columnConfig.hasTrueSearchResult();
public static Predicate SEARCH_FIELD = new Predicate() {
public boolean apply(ColumnConfig columnConfig) {
return columnConfig.hasTrueSearchField();
public static Predicate FORM_FIELD = new Predicate() {
public boolean apply(ColumnConfig columnConfig) {
return columnConfig.hasTrueFormField();
* Meta attributes are free form key value pairs.
public List getMetaAttributes() {
return metaAttributes;
public boolean hasMetaAttributes() {
return metaAttributes != null && !metaAttributes.isEmpty();