com.jayway.restassured.assertion.XMLAssertion.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.jayway.restassured.assertion
import com.jayway.restassured.internal.path.xml.NodeChildrenImpl
import com.jayway.restassured.internal.path.xml.NodeImpl
import com.jayway.restassured.path.xml.element.NodeChildren
import static com.jayway.restassured.assertion.AssertionSupport.escapeMinus
import static com.jayway.restassured.assertion.AssertionSupport.generateWhitespace
import groovy.util.slurpersupport.*
class XMLAssertion implements Assertion {
String key;
boolean toUpperCase;
/* Matches fragment such as children() or size(2) */
private def isInvocationFragment = ~/.*\(\d*\)|.*\{.*/
def Object getResult(Object object) {
key = escapeMinus(key);
def indexOfDot = key.indexOf(".")
def baseString
def evaluationString
def isRootOnly = indexOfDot < 0
if (!isRootOnly) {
if(toUpperCase) {
def pathFragments = key.split("\\.");
for(int i = 0; i < pathFragments.length; i++) {
if(isPathFragment(pathFragments[i])) {
pathFragments[i] = pathFragments[i].toUpperCase();
key = pathFragments.join(".")
evaluationString = key.substring(indexOfDot);
baseString = key.substring(0, indexOfDot)
} else {
evaluationString = "";
baseString = key;
def result;
def rootObject = "restAssuredXmlRootObject"
try {
result =, object, "$rootObject$evaluationString")
} catch (Exception e) {
def errorMessage = e.getMessage();
if(errorMessage.startsWith("No signature of method:")) {
errorMessage = "Path $key is invalid."
} else {
errorMessage = e.getMessage().replace("startup failed:", "Invalid path:").replace(rootObject, generateWhitespace(rootObject.length() - baseString.length()) + baseString)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(errorMessage);
def javaObject = convertToJavaObject(result)
return preventTreatingRootObjectAsAList(javaObject)
private def preventTreatingRootObjectAsAList(javaObject) {
if (javaObject instanceof List && javaObject.size() == 1) {
javaObject = javaObject.get(0)
return javaObject
boolean isPathFragment(String fragment) {
return !isInvocationFragment.matcher(fragment).matches()
private def convertToJavaObject(result) {
def returnValue;
if(result.getClass().getName().equals(Attributes.class.getName())) {
returnValue = toJavaObject(result, true, false)
} else if(result instanceof Node) {
returnValue = nodeToJavaObject(result)
} else if(result instanceof FilteredNodeChildren) {
returnValue = toJavaObject(result, false, true)
} else if(result instanceof NodeChild) {
def object = toJavaObject(result, false, false)
if(object instanceof NodeChildren) {
returnValue = object.get(0)
} else {
returnValue = object
} else if(result instanceof GPathResult) {
returnValue = toJavaObject(result, false, false)
} else if(result instanceof List) {
returnValue = handleList(result)
} else {
returnValue = result;
return returnValue
private def handleList(List result) {
if (result.size() == 1) {
return convertToJavaObject(result.get(0))
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
result.set(i, convertToJavaObject(result.get(i)))
private def nodeToJavaObject(node) {
def nodeImpl = new NodeImpl(name:
addAttributes(nodeImpl, node)
for(Object child : node.children()) {
if(child instanceof Node) {
def object = convertToJavaObject(child)
nodeImpl.children << object
} else {
nodeImpl.value = child
private def addAttributes(nodeImpl, node) {
def attributes = node.attributes();
nodeImpl.attributes = convertToJavaObject(attributes)
private boolean shouldBeTreatedAsList(child) {
def firstGrandChild = child.children().get(0);
return firstGrandChild instanceof Node;
private def toJavaObject(nodes, isAttributes, forceList) {
if (nodes.size() == 1 && !hasChildren(nodes, isAttributes)) {
return nodes.text()
} else {
return toJavaList(nodes, isAttributes, forceList)
private boolean hasChildren(nodes, isAttributes) {
if(isAttributes) {
return false;
return !nodes.children().isEmpty()
private def toJavaList(nodes, isAttributes, forceList) {
def nodeList = forceList ? [] : new NodeChildrenImpl()
if(isAttributes) {
def temp = []
nodes.each {
CharArrayWriter caw = new CharArrayWriter();
temp << caw.toString()
return temp
} else {
nodes.nodeIterator().each {
def object = convertToJavaObject(it)
nodeList << object
def String description() {
return "XML element"
class XmlEntity {
def children
def attributes
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