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com.jayway.restassured.internal.TestSpecificationImpl.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package com.jayway.restassured.internal;

import com.jayway.restassured.internal.assertion.AssertParameter
import com.jayway.restassured.response.Response
import com.jayway.restassured.specification.RequestSender
import com.jayway.restassured.specification.RequestSpecification
import com.jayway.restassured.specification.ResponseSpecification

import static com.jayway.restassured.internal.assertion.AssertParameter.notNull

 * A test com.jayway.restassured.specification contains a {@link ResponseSpecification} and a {@link RequestSpecification}. It's
 * mainly used when you have long specifications, e.g.
 * RequestSpecification requestSpecification = with().parameters("firstName", "John", "lastName", "Doe");
 * ResponseSpecification responseSpecification = expect().body("greeting", equalTo("Greetings John Doe"));
 *  given(requestSpecification, responseSpecification).get("/greet");
* * This will perform a GET request to "/greet" and verify it according to the responseSpecification. */ class TestSpecificationImpl implements RequestSender { def final RequestSpecification requestSpecification def final ResponseSpecification responseSpecification TestSpecificationImpl(RequestSpecification requestSpecification, ResponseSpecification responseSpecification) { AssertParameter.notNull requestSpecification, "requestSpecification" AssertParameter.notNull responseSpecification, "responseSpecification" this.requestSpecification = requestSpecification this.responseSpecification = responseSpecification; responseSpecification.requestSpecification = requestSpecification requestSpecification.responseSpecification = responseSpecification } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ Response get(String path, Object... pathParams) { requestSpecification.get path, pathParams } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ Response post(String path, Object... pathParams) { path, pathParams } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ Response put(String path, Object... pathParams) { requestSpecification.put path, pathParams } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ Response delete(String path, Object... pathParams) { requestSpecification.delete path, pathParams } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ Response head(String path, Object... pathParams) { requestSpecification.head path, pathParams } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ Response patch(String path, Object... pathParams) { requestSpecification.patch path, pathParams } Response options(String path, Object... pathParams) { requestSpecification.options path, pathParams } Response get(URI uri) { get(notNull(uri, "URI").toString()) } Response post(URI uri) { post(notNull(uri, "URI").toString()) } Response put(URI uri) { put(notNull(uri, "URI").toString()) } Response delete(URI uri) { delete(notNull(uri, "URI").toString()) } Response head(URI uri) { head(notNull(uri, "URI").toString()) } Response patch(URI uri) { patch(notNull(uri, "URI").toString()) } Response options(URI uri) { options(notNull(uri, "URI").toString()) } def Response get(URL url) { get(notNull(url, "URL").toString()) } def Response post(URL url) { post(notNull(url, "URL").toString()) } def Response put(URL url) { put(notNull(url, "URL").toString()) } def Response delete(URL url) { delete(notNull(url, "URL").toString()) } def Response head(URL url) { head(notNull(url, "URL").toString()) } def Response patch(URL url) { patch(notNull(url, "URL").toString()) } def Response options(URL url) { options(notNull(url, "URL").toString()) } def Response get() { get("") } def Response post() { post("") } def Response put() { put("") } def Response delete() { delete("") } def Response head() { head("") } def Response patch() { patch("") } def Response options() { options("") } Response get(String path, Map pathParams) { requestSpecification.get path, pathParams } Response post(String path, Map pathParams) { path, pathParams } Response put(String path, Map pathParams) { requestSpecification.put path, pathParams } Response delete(String path, Map pathParams) { requestSpecification.delete path, pathParams } Response head(String path, Map pathParams) { requestSpecification.head path, pathParams } Response patch(String path, Map pathParams) { requestSpecification.patch path, pathParams } Response options(String path, Map pathParams) { requestSpecification.options path, pathParams } def RequestSpecification getRequestSpecification() { requestSpecification } def ResponseSpecification getResponseSpecification() { responseSpecification } }

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