Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""> <mapper namespace=""> <resultMap type="StoreGoods" id="StoreGoodsResult"> <result property="goodsId" column="goods_id" /> <result property="cateId" column="cate_id" /> <result property="extendCatId" column="extend_cat_id" /> <result property="goodsSn" column="goods_sn" /> <result property="goodsName" column="goods_name" /> <result property="clickCount" column="click_count" /> <result property="brandId" column="brand_id" /> <result property="storeCount" column="store_count" /> <result property="commentCount" column="comment_count" /> <result property="weight" column="weight" /> <result property="volume" column="volume" /> <result property="marketPrice" column="market_price" /> <result property="shopPrice" column="shop_price" /> <result property="costPrice" column="cost_price" /> <result property="priceLadder" column="price_ladder" /> <result property="keywords" column="keywords" /> <result property="goodsRemark" column="goods_remark" /> <result property="goodsContent" column="goods_content" /> <result property="mobileContent" column="mobile_content" /> <result property="goodsLogo" column="goods_logo" /> <result property="isVirtual" column="is_virtual" /> <result property="virtualIndate" column="virtual_indate" /> <result property="virtualLimit" column="virtual_limit" /> <result property="virtualRefund" column="virtual_refund" /> <result property="isOnSale" column="is_on_sale" /> <result property="isFreeShipping" column="is_free_shipping" /> <result property="onTime" column="on_time" /> <result property="sort" column="sort" /> <result property="isRecommend" column="is_recommend" /> <result property="isNew" column="is_new" /> <result property="isHot" column="is_hot" /> <result property="lastUpdate" column="last_update" /> <result property="goodsType" column="goods_type" /> <result property="specType" column="spec_type" /> <result property="giveIntegral" column="give_integral" /> <result property="exchangeIntegral" column="exchange_integral" /> <result property="suppliersId" column="suppliers_id" /> <result property="salesSum" column="sales_sum" /> <result property="promType" column="prom_type" /> <result property="promId" column="prom_id" /> <result property="commission" column="commission" /> <result property="spu" column="spu" /> <result property="sku" column="sku" /> <result property="templateId" column="template_id" /> <result property="goodsVideo" column="goods_video" /> </resultMap> <sql id="selectStoreGoodsVo"> select goods_id, cate_id, extend_cat_id, goods_sn, goods_name, click_count, brand_id, store_count, comment_count, weight, volume, market_price, shop_price, cost_price, price_ladder, keywords, goods_remark, goods_content, mobile_content, goods_logo, is_virtual, virtual_indate, virtual_limit, virtual_refund, is_on_sale, is_free_shipping, on_time, sort, is_recommend, is_new, is_hot, last_update, goods_type, spec_type, give_integral, exchange_integral, suppliers_id, sales_sum, prom_type, prom_id, commission, spu, sku, template_id, goods_video from store_goods </sql> <select id="selectStoreGoodsList" parameterType="StoreGoods" resultMap="StoreGoodsResult"> <include refid="selectStoreGoodsVo"/> <where> <if test="cateId != null and cateId != ''"> and cate_id = #{cateId}</if> <if test="goodsSn != null and goodsSn != ''"> and goods_sn = #{goodsSn}</if> <if test="goodsName != null and goodsName != ''"> and goods_name like concat('%', #{goodsName}, '%')</if> </where> </select> <select id="selectStoreGoodsById" parameterType="Integer" resultMap="StoreGoodsResult"> <include refid="selectStoreGoodsVo"/> where goods_id = #{goodsId} </select> <insert id="insertStoreGoods" parameterType="StoreGoods" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="goodsId"> insert into store_goods <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="cateId != null ">cate_id,</if> <if test="extendCatId != null ">extend_cat_id,</if> <if test="goodsSn != null and goodsSn != ''">goods_sn,</if> <if test="goodsName != null and goodsName != ''">goods_name,</if> <if test="clickCount != null ">click_count,</if> <if test="brandId != null ">brand_id,</if> <if test="storeCount != null ">store_count,</if> <if test="commentCount != null ">comment_count,</if> <if test="weight != null ">weight,</if> <if test="volume != null ">volume,</if> <if test="marketPrice != null ">market_price,</if> <if test="shopPrice != null ">shop_price,</if> <if test="costPrice != null ">cost_price,</if> <if test="priceLadder != null and priceLadder != ''">price_ladder,</if> <if test="keywords != null and keywords != ''">keywords,</if> <if test="goodsRemark != null and goodsRemark != ''">goods_remark,</if> <if test="goodsContent != null and goodsContent != ''">goods_content,</if> <if test="mobileContent != null and mobileContent != ''">mobile_content,</if> <if test="goodsLogo != null and goodsLogo != ''">goods_logo,</if> <if test="isVirtual != null ">is_virtual,</if> <if test="virtualIndate != null ">virtual_indate,</if> <if test="virtualLimit != null ">virtual_limit,</if> <if test="virtualRefund != null ">virtual_refund,</if> <if test="isOnSale != null ">is_on_sale,</if> <if test="isFreeShipping != null ">is_free_shipping,</if> <if test="onTime != null ">on_time,</if> <if test="sort != null ">sort,</if> <if test="isRecommend != null ">is_recommend,</if> <if test="isNew != null ">is_new,</if> <if test="isHot != null ">is_hot,</if> <if test="lastUpdate != null ">last_update,</if> <if test="goodsType != null ">goods_type,</if> <if test="specType != null ">spec_type,</if> <if test="giveIntegral != null ">give_integral,</if> <if test="exchangeIntegral != null ">exchange_integral,</if> <if test="suppliersId != null ">suppliers_id,</if> <if test="salesSum != null ">sales_sum,</if> <if test="promType != null ">prom_type,</if> <if test="promId != null ">prom_id,</if> <if test="commission != null ">commission,</if> <if test="spu != null and spu != ''">spu,</if> <if test="sku != null and sku != ''">sku,</if> <if test="templateId != null ">template_id,</if> <if test="goodsVideo != null and goodsVideo != ''">goods_video,</if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="cateId != null ">#{cateId},</if> <if test="extendCatId != null ">#{extendCatId},</if> <if test="goodsSn != null and goodsSn != ''">#{goodsSn},</if> <if test="goodsName != null and goodsName != ''">#{goodsName},</if> <if test="clickCount != null ">#{clickCount},</if> <if test="brandId != null ">#{brandId},</if> <if test="storeCount != null ">#{storeCount},</if> <if test="commentCount != null ">#{commentCount},</if> <if test="weight != null ">#{weight},</if> <if test="volume != null ">#{volume},</if> <if test="marketPrice != null ">#{marketPrice},</if> <if test="shopPrice != null ">#{shopPrice},</if> <if test="costPrice != null ">#{costPrice},</if> <if test="priceLadder != null and priceLadder != ''">#{priceLadder},</if> <if test="keywords != null and keywords != ''">#{keywords},</if> <if test="goodsRemark != null and goodsRemark != ''">#{goodsRemark},</if> <if test="goodsContent != null and goodsContent != ''">#{goodsContent},</if> <if test="mobileContent != null and mobileContent != ''">#{mobileContent},</if> <if test="goodsLogo != null and goodsLogo != ''">#{goodsLogo},</if> <if test="isVirtual != null ">#{isVirtual},</if> <if test="virtualIndate != null ">#{virtualIndate},</if> <if test="virtualLimit != null ">#{virtualLimit},</if> <if test="virtualRefund != null ">#{virtualRefund},</if> <if test="isOnSale != null ">#{isOnSale},</if> <if test="isFreeShipping != null ">#{isFreeShipping},</if> <if test="onTime != null ">#{onTime},</if> <if test="sort != null ">#{sort},</if> <if test="isRecommend != null ">#{isRecommend},</if> <if test="isNew != null ">#{isNew},</if> <if test="isHot != null ">#{isHot},</if> <if test="lastUpdate != null ">#{lastUpdate},</if> <if test="goodsType != null ">#{goodsType},</if> <if test="specType != null ">#{specType},</if> <if test="giveIntegral != null ">#{giveIntegral},</if> <if test="exchangeIntegral != null ">#{exchangeIntegral},</if> <if test="suppliersId != null ">#{suppliersId},</if> <if test="salesSum != null ">#{salesSum},</if> <if test="promType != null ">#{promType},</if> <if test="promId != null ">#{promId},</if> <if test="commission != null ">#{commission},</if> <if test="spu != null and spu != ''">#{spu},</if> <if test="sku != null and sku != ''">#{sku},</if> <if test="templateId != null ">#{templateId},</if> <if test="goodsVideo != null and goodsVideo != ''">#{goodsVideo},</if> </trim> </insert> <update id="updateStoreGoods" parameterType="StoreGoods"> update store_goods <trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="cateId != null ">cate_id = #{cateId},</if> <if test="extendCatId != null ">extend_cat_id = #{extendCatId},</if> <if test="goodsSn != null and goodsSn != ''">goods_sn = #{goodsSn},</if> <if test="goodsName != null and goodsName != ''">goods_name = #{goodsName},</if> <if test="clickCount != null ">click_count = #{clickCount},</if> <if test="brandId != null ">brand_id = #{brandId},</if> <if test="storeCount != null ">store_count = #{storeCount},</if> <if test="commentCount != null ">comment_count = #{commentCount},</if> <if test="weight != null ">weight = #{weight},</if> <if test="volume != null ">volume = #{volume},</if> <if test="marketPrice != null ">market_price = #{marketPrice},</if> <if test="shopPrice != null ">shop_price = #{shopPrice},</if> <if test="costPrice != null ">cost_price = #{costPrice},</if> <if test="priceLadder != null and priceLadder != ''">price_ladder = #{priceLadder},</if> <if test="keywords != null and keywords != ''">keywords = #{keywords},</if> <if test="goodsRemark != null and goodsRemark != ''">goods_remark = #{goodsRemark},</if> <if test="goodsContent != null and goodsContent != ''">goods_content = #{goodsContent},</if> <if test="mobileContent != null and mobileContent != ''">mobile_content = #{mobileContent},</if> <if test="goodsLogo != null and goodsLogo != ''">goods_logo = #{goodsLogo},</if> <if test="isVirtual != null ">is_virtual = #{isVirtual},</if> <if test="virtualIndate != null ">virtual_indate = #{virtualIndate},</if> <if test="virtualLimit != null ">virtual_limit = #{virtualLimit},</if> <if test="virtualRefund != null ">virtual_refund = #{virtualRefund},</if> <if test="isOnSale != null ">is_on_sale = #{isOnSale},</if> <if test="isFreeShipping != null ">is_free_shipping = #{isFreeShipping},</if> <if test="onTime != null ">on_time = #{onTime},</if> <if test="sort != null ">sort = #{sort},</if> <if test="isRecommend != null ">is_recommend = #{isRecommend},</if> <if test="isNew != null ">is_new = #{isNew},</if> <if test="isHot != null ">is_hot = #{isHot},</if> <if test="lastUpdate != null ">last_update = #{lastUpdate},</if> <if test="goodsType != null ">goods_type = #{goodsType},</if> <if test="specType != null ">spec_type = #{specType},</if> <if test="giveIntegral != null ">give_integral = #{giveIntegral},</if> <if test="exchangeIntegral != null ">exchange_integral = #{exchangeIntegral},</if> <if test="suppliersId != null ">suppliers_id = #{suppliersId},</if> <if test="salesSum != null ">sales_sum = #{salesSum},</if> <if test="promType != null ">prom_type = #{promType},</if> <if test="promId != null ">prom_id = #{promId},</if> <if test="commission != null ">commission = #{commission},</if> <if test="spu != null and spu != ''">spu = #{spu},</if> <if test="sku != null and sku != ''">sku = #{sku},</if> <if test="templateId != null ">template_id = #{templateId},</if> <if test="goodsVideo != null and goodsVideo != ''">goods_video = #{goodsVideo},</if> </trim> where goods_id = #{goodsId} </update> <delete id="deleteStoreGoodsById" parameterType="Integer"> delete from store_goods where goods_id = #{goodsId} </delete> <delete id="deleteStoreGoodsByIds" parameterType="String"> delete from store_goods where goods_id in <foreach item="goodsId" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{goodsId} </foreach> </delete> </mapper>