Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""> <mapper namespace=""> <resultMap type="StoreOrderGoods" id="StoreOrderGoodsResult"> <result property="recId" column="rec_id" /> <result property="orderId" column="order_id" /> <result property="goodsId" column="goods_id" /> <result property="goodsName" column="goods_name" /> <result property="goodsSn" column="goods_sn" /> <result property="goodsNum" column="goods_num" /> <result property="marketPrice" column="market_price" /> <result property="goodsPrice" column="goods_price" /> <result property="costPrice" column="cost_price" /> <result property="memberGoodsPrice" column="member_goods_price" /> <result property="giveIntegral" column="give_integral" /> <result property="specKey" column="spec_key" /> <result property="specKeyName" column="spec_key_name" /> <result property="barCode" column="bar_code" /> <result property="isComment" column="is_comment" /> <result property="promType" column="prom_type" /> <result property="promId" column="prom_id" /> <result property="isSend" column="is_send" /> <result property="deliveryId" column="delivery_id" /> <result property="sku" column="sku" /> </resultMap> <sql id="selectStoreOrderGoodsVo"> select rec_id, order_id, goods_id, goods_name, goods_sn, goods_num, market_price, goods_price, cost_price, member_goods_price, give_integral, spec_key, spec_key_name, bar_code, is_comment, prom_type, prom_id, is_send, delivery_id, sku from store_order_goods </sql> <select id="selectStoreOrderGoodsList" parameterType="StoreOrderGoods" resultMap="StoreOrderGoodsResult"> <include refid="selectStoreOrderGoodsVo"/> <where> <if test="orderId != null "> and order_id = #{orderId}</if> <if test="goodsId != null "> and goods_id = #{goodsId}</if> <if test="goodsName != null and goodsName != ''"> and goods_name like concat('%', #{goodsName}, '%')</if> <if test="goodsSn != null and goodsSn != ''"> and goods_sn = #{goodsSn}</if> <if test="goodsNum != null "> and goods_num = #{goodsNum}</if> <if test="marketPrice != null "> and market_price = #{marketPrice}</if> <if test="goodsPrice != null "> and goods_price = #{goodsPrice}</if> <if test="costPrice != null "> and cost_price = #{costPrice}</if> <if test="memberGoodsPrice != null "> and member_goods_price = #{memberGoodsPrice}</if> <if test="giveIntegral != null "> and give_integral = #{giveIntegral}</if> <if test="specKey != null and specKey != ''"> and spec_key = #{specKey}</if> <if test="specKeyName != null and specKeyName != ''"> and spec_key_name like concat('%', #{specKeyName}, '%')</if> <if test="barCode != null and barCode != ''"> and bar_code = #{barCode}</if> <if test="isComment != null "> and is_comment = #{isComment}</if> <if test="promType != null "> and prom_type = #{promType}</if> <if test="promId != null "> and prom_id = #{promId}</if> <if test="isSend != null "> and is_send = #{isSend}</if> <if test="deliveryId != null "> and delivery_id = #{deliveryId}</if> <if test="sku != null and sku != ''"> and sku = #{sku}</if> </where> </select> <select id="selectStoreOrderGoodsById" parameterType="Integer" resultMap="StoreOrderGoodsResult"> <include refid="selectStoreOrderGoodsVo"/> where rec_id = #{recId} </select> <insert id="insertStoreOrderGoods" parameterType="StoreOrderGoods" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="recId"> insert into store_order_goods <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="orderId != null ">order_id,</if> <if test="goodsId != null ">goods_id,</if> <if test="goodsName != null and goodsName != ''">goods_name,</if> <if test="goodsSn != null and goodsSn != ''">goods_sn,</if> <if test="goodsNum != null ">goods_num,</if> <if test="marketPrice != null ">market_price,</if> <if test="goodsPrice != null ">goods_price,</if> <if test="costPrice != null ">cost_price,</if> <if test="memberGoodsPrice != null ">member_goods_price,</if> <if test="giveIntegral != null ">give_integral,</if> <if test="specKey != null and specKey != ''">spec_key,</if> <if test="specKeyName != null and specKeyName != ''">spec_key_name,</if> <if test="barCode != null and barCode != ''">bar_code,</if> <if test="isComment != null ">is_comment,</if> <if test="promType != null ">prom_type,</if> <if test="promId != null ">prom_id,</if> <if test="isSend != null ">is_send,</if> <if test="deliveryId != null ">delivery_id,</if> <if test="sku != null and sku != ''">sku,</if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="orderId != null ">#{orderId},</if> <if test="goodsId != null ">#{goodsId},</if> <if test="goodsName != null and goodsName != ''">#{goodsName},</if> <if test="goodsSn != null and goodsSn != ''">#{goodsSn},</if> <if test="goodsNum != null ">#{goodsNum},</if> <if test="marketPrice != null ">#{marketPrice},</if> <if test="goodsPrice != null ">#{goodsPrice},</if> <if test="costPrice != null ">#{costPrice},</if> <if test="memberGoodsPrice != null ">#{memberGoodsPrice},</if> <if test="giveIntegral != null ">#{giveIntegral},</if> <if test="specKey != null and specKey != ''">#{specKey},</if> <if test="specKeyName != null and specKeyName != ''">#{specKeyName},</if> <if test="barCode != null and barCode != ''">#{barCode},</if> <if test="isComment != null ">#{isComment},</if> <if test="promType != null ">#{promType},</if> <if test="promId != null ">#{promId},</if> <if test="isSend != null ">#{isSend},</if> <if test="deliveryId != null ">#{deliveryId},</if> <if test="sku != null and sku != ''">#{sku},</if> </trim> </insert> <update id="updateStoreOrderGoods" parameterType="StoreOrderGoods"> update store_order_goods <trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="orderId != null ">order_id = #{orderId},</if> <if test="goodsId != null ">goods_id = #{goodsId},</if> <if test="goodsName != null and goodsName != ''">goods_name = #{goodsName},</if> <if test="goodsSn != null and goodsSn != ''">goods_sn = #{goodsSn},</if> <if test="goodsNum != null ">goods_num = #{goodsNum},</if> <if test="marketPrice != null ">market_price = #{marketPrice},</if> <if test="goodsPrice != null ">goods_price = #{goodsPrice},</if> <if test="costPrice != null ">cost_price = #{costPrice},</if> <if test="memberGoodsPrice != null ">member_goods_price = #{memberGoodsPrice},</if> <if test="giveIntegral != null ">give_integral = #{giveIntegral},</if> <if test="specKey != null and specKey != ''">spec_key = #{specKey},</if> <if test="specKeyName != null and specKeyName != ''">spec_key_name = #{specKeyName},</if> <if test="barCode != null and barCode != ''">bar_code = #{barCode},</if> <if test="isComment != null ">is_comment = #{isComment},</if> <if test="promType != null ">prom_type = #{promType},</if> <if test="promId != null ">prom_id = #{promId},</if> <if test="isSend != null ">is_send = #{isSend},</if> <if test="deliveryId != null ">delivery_id = #{deliveryId},</if> <if test="sku != null and sku != ''">sku = #{sku},</if> </trim> where rec_id = #{recId} </update> <delete id="deleteStoreOrderGoodsById" parameterType="Integer"> delete from store_order_goods where rec_id = #{recId} </delete> <delete id="deleteStoreOrderGoodsByIds" parameterType="String"> delete from store_order_goods where rec_id in <foreach item="recId" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{recId} </foreach> </delete> </mapper>