Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""> <mapper namespace=""> <resultMap type="StoreSpecGoodsPrice" id="StoreSpecGoodsPriceResult"> <result property="itemId" column="item_id" /> <result property="goodsId" column="goods_id" /> <result property="key" column="key" /> <result property="keyName" column="key_name" /> <result property="price" column="price" /> <result property="marketPrice" column="market_price" /> <result property="storeCount" column="store_count" /> <result property="barCode" column="bar_code" /> <result property="sku" column="sku" /> <result property="specImg" column="spec_img" /> <result property="promId" column="prom_id" /> <result property="promType" column="prom_type" /> </resultMap> <sql id="selectStoreSpecGoodsPriceVo"> select item_id, goods_id, `key`, key_name, price, market_price, store_count, bar_code, sku, spec_img, prom_id, prom_type from store_spec_goods_price </sql> <select id="selectStoreSpecGoodsPriceList" parameterType="StoreSpecGoodsPrice" resultMap="StoreSpecGoodsPriceResult"> <include refid="selectStoreSpecGoodsPriceVo"/> <where> <if test="goodsId != null "> and goods_id = #{goodsId}</if> <if test="key != null and key != ''"> and `key` = #{key}</if> <if test="keyName != null and keyName != ''"> and key_name like concat('%', #{keyName}, '%')</if> <if test="price != null "> and price = #{price}</if> <if test="marketPrice != null "> and market_price = #{marketPrice}</if> <if test="storeCount != null "> and store_count = #{storeCount}</if> <if test="barCode != null and barCode != ''"> and bar_code = #{barCode}</if> <if test="sku != null and sku != ''"> and sku = #{sku}</if> <if test="specImg != null and specImg != ''"> and spec_img = #{specImg}</if> <if test="promId != null "> and prom_id = #{promId}</if> <if test="promType != null "> and prom_type = #{promType}</if> </where> </select> <select id="selectStoreSpecGoodsPriceItemStr" parameterType="Long" resultType="string"> select GROUP_CONCAT(`key` SEPARATOR '_') AS items_id from store_spec_goods_price where goods_id = #{goodsId} </select> <select id="selectStoreSpecGoodsPriceById" parameterType="Long" resultMap="StoreSpecGoodsPriceResult"> <include refid="selectStoreSpecGoodsPriceVo"/> where item_id = #{itemId} </select> <insert id="insertStoreSpecGoodsPrice" parameterType="StoreSpecGoodsPrice" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="itemId"> insert into store_spec_goods_price <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="goodsId != null ">goods_id,</if> <if test="key != null and key != ''">`key`,</if> <if test="keyName != null and keyName != ''">key_name,</if> <if test="price != null ">price,</if> <if test="marketPrice != null ">market_price,</if> <if test="storeCount != null ">store_count,</if> <if test="barCode != null and barCode != ''">bar_code,</if> <if test="sku != null and sku != ''">sku,</if> <if test="specImg != null and specImg != ''">spec_img,</if> <if test="promId != null ">prom_id,</if> <if test="promType != null ">prom_type,</if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="goodsId != null ">#{goodsId},</if> <if test="key != null and key != ''">#{key},</if> <if test="keyName != null and keyName != ''">#{keyName},</if> <if test="price != null ">#{price},</if> <if test="marketPrice != null ">#{marketPrice},</if> <if test="storeCount != null ">#{storeCount},</if> <if test="barCode != null and barCode != ''">#{barCode},</if> <if test="sku != null and sku != ''">#{sku},</if> <if test="specImg != null and specImg != ''">#{specImg},</if> <if test="promId != null ">#{promId},</if> <if test="promType != null ">#{promType},</if> </trim> </insert> <update id="updateStoreSpecGoodsPrice" parameterType="StoreSpecGoodsPrice"> update store_spec_goods_price <trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="goodsId != null ">goods_id = #{goodsId},</if> <if test="key != null and key != ''">`key` = #{key},</if> <if test="keyName != null and keyName != ''">key_name = #{keyName},</if> <if test="price != null ">price = #{price},</if> <if test="marketPrice != null ">market_price = #{marketPrice},</if> <if test="storeCount != null ">store_count = #{storeCount},</if> <if test="barCode != null and barCode != ''">bar_code = #{barCode},</if> <if test="sku != null and sku != ''">sku = #{sku},</if> <if test="specImg != null and specImg != ''">spec_img = #{specImg},</if> <if test="promId != null ">prom_id = #{promId},</if> <if test="promType != null ">prom_type = #{promType},</if> </trim> where item_id = #{itemId} </update> <delete id="deleteStoreSpecGoodsPriceById" parameterType="Long"> delete from store_spec_goods_price where item_id = #{itemId} </delete> <delete id="delStoreSpecGoodsPriceByGoodsId" parameterType="int"> delete from store_spec_goods_price where goods_id = #{goodsId} </delete> <delete id="deleteStoreSpecGoodsPriceByIds" parameterType="String"> delete from store_spec_goods_price where item_id in <foreach item="itemId" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{itemId} </foreach> </delete> </mapper>