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com.jetdrone.vertx.yoke.extras.middleware.OAuth2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.jetdrone.vertx.yoke.extras.middleware;
import com.jetdrone.vertx.yoke.Middleware;
import com.jetdrone.vertx.yoke.middleware.YokeRequest;
import com.jetdrone.vertx.yoke.YokeSecurity;
import com.jetdrone.vertx.yoke.core.YokeException;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.UUID;
public abstract class OAuth2 {
private final String authorize_uri = "/oauth/authorize";
private final String access_token_uri = "/oauth/access_token";
private final YokeSecurity security = null; //new YokeSecurity();
private final Key cryptoKey = security.getKey("AES");
private final Cipher encCipher = security.getCipher(cryptoKey, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE);
private final Cipher decCipher = security.getCipher(cryptoKey, Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE);
private final Mac signMac = security.getMac("HmacSHA256");
public OAuth2() {
private JsonObject parseAuthorization(String authorization) {
if (authorization == null) {
return null;
final JsonObject response = new JsonObject();
final String user;
final String pass;
final String scheme;
try {
String[] parts = authorization.split(" ");
if (parts.length != 2) {
return null;
scheme = parts[0];
if (!"Basic".equals(scheme)) {
return null;
String[] credentials = new String(DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(parts[1])).split(":");
user = credentials[0];
pass = credentials[1];
response.putString("username", user).putString("password", pass);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | NullPointerException e) {
return null;
return response;
private String stringify(JsonElement json) {
// TODO: encrypt + sign
if (json.isArray()) {
return ((JsonArray) json).encode();
} else if (json.isObject()) {
return ((JsonObject) json).encode();
return null;
private String urify(JsonObject json) {
// TODO: convert json object to uri param encoded string
return null;
private JsonElement parse(String str) {
// TODO: decrypt + verify sign
if (str.charAt(0) == '{') {
return new JsonObject(str);
if (str.charAt(0) == '[') {
return new JsonArray(str);
return null;
private JsonObject generateAccessToken(String user_id, String client_id, String extra_data, JsonObject token_options) {
JsonObject out = new JsonObject()
.putString("access_token", stringify(new JsonArray().add(user_id).add(client_id).add(System.currentTimeMillis()).add(extra_data)))
.putString("refresh_token", null);
if (token_options != null) {
return out;
public final Middleware login = new Middleware() {
public void handle(@NotNull YokeRequest request, @NotNull Handler next) {
String atok, user_id, client_id, extra_data;
Date grant_date;
if(request.getParameter("access_token") != null) {
atok = request.getParameter("access_token");
} else if(request.getParameter("authorization", "").indexOf("Bearer ") == 0) {
atok = request.getParameter("authorization").replace("Bearer", "").trim();
} else {
try {
JsonArray data = parse(atok).asArray();
user_id = data.get(0);
client_id = data.get(1);
grant_date = new Date((Long) data.get(2));
extra_data = data.get(3);
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
next.handle(new YokeException(400, e));
access_token(request, new JsonObject()
.putString("user_id", user_id)
.putString("client_id", client_id)
.putString("extra_data", extra_data)
// TODO: this should be a date
.putNumber("grant_date", grant_date.getTime()), next);
public final Middleware oauth = new Middleware() {
public void handle(@NotNull final YokeRequest request, @NotNull final Handler next) {
// TODO: remove prefix
String uri = request.path();
if("GET".equals(request.method()) && authorize_uri.equals(uri)) {
final String client_id = request.getParameter("client_id");
final String redirect_uri = request.getFormParameter("redirect_uri");
if(client_id == null || redirect_uri == null) {
next.handle(new YokeException(400, "client_id and redirect_uri required"));
// authorization form will be POSTed to same URL, so we"ll have all params
enforce_login(request, request.uri(), new Handler() {
public void handle(String user_id) {
// store user_id in an HMAC-protected encrypted query param
String authorize_url = request.uri() + "&" + "x_user_id=" + YokeSecurity.sign(YokeSecurity.encrypt(user_id, encCipher), signMac);
// user is logged in, render approval page
authorize_form(request, client_id, authorize_url);
} else if("POST".equals(request.method()) && authorize_uri.equals(uri)) {
final String client_id = request.getParameter("client_id", request.getFormParameter("client_id"));
final String redirect_uri = request.getParameter("redirect_uri", request.getFormParameter("redirect_uri"));
final String response_type = request.getParameter("response_type", request.getFormParameter("response_type", "code"));
final String state = request.getParameter("state", request.getFormParameter("state"));
final String x_user_id = request.getParameter("x_user_id", request.getFormParameter("x_user_id"));
final String url;
switch(response_type) {
case "code": url = redirect_uri + "?"; break;
case "token": url = redirect_uri + "#"; break;
next.handle(new YokeException(400, "invalid response_type requested"));
// TODO: use better API once available
JsonObject json = request.body();
if(json.toMap().containsKey("allow")) {
if("token".equals(response_type)) {
final String user_id;
try {
user_id = YokeSecurity.unsign(YokeSecurity.decrypt(x_user_id, decCipher), signMac);
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
create_access_token(user_id, client_id, new Handler() {
public void handle(JsonObject json) {
final JsonObject atok = generateAccessToken(user_id, client_id, json.getString("extra_data"), json.getObject("token_options"));
save_access_token(user_id, client_id, atok, new Handler() {
public void handle(Object event) {
request.response().redirect(303, url + urify(atok));
} else {
final String code = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
save_grant(request, client_id, code, new Handler() {
public void handle(Object error) {
JsonObject extras = new JsonObject().putString("code", code);
// pass back anti-CSRF opaque value
if(state != null)
extras.putString("state", state);
request.response().redirect(303, url + urify(extras));
} else {
request.response().redirect(303, url + "&error=access_denied");
} else if("POST".equals(request.method()) && access_token_uri.equals(uri)) {
String _client_id = request.getFormParameter("client_id");
String client_secret = request.getFormParameter("client_secret");
String redirect_uri = request.getFormParameter("redirect_uri");
final String code = request.getFormParameter("code");
if(_client_id == null || client_secret == null) {
JsonObject authorization = parseAuthorization(request.getHeader("authorization"));
if(authorization == null) {
next.handle(new YokeException("client_id and client_secret required"));
_client_id = authorization.getString("username");
client_secret = authorization.getString("password");
final String client_id = _client_id;
if("password".equals(request.getFormParameter("grant_type"))) {
client_auth(client_id, client_secret, request.getFormParameter("username"), request.getFormParameter("password"), new Handler>() {
public void handle(AsyncResult result) {
if(result.failed()) {
next.handle(new YokeException(401, result.cause()));
createAccessToken(result.result(), client_id, new Handler() {
public void handle(JsonObject atok) {
} else {
lookup_grant(client_id, client_secret, code, new Handler>() {
public void handle(final AsyncResult result) {
if(result.failed()) {
next.handle(new YokeException(400, result.cause()));
createAccessToken(result.result(), client_id, new Handler() {
public void handle(final JsonObject atok) {
remove_grant(result.result(), client_id, code, new Handler() {
public void handle(Object err) {
} else {
private void createAccessToken(final String user_id, final String client_id, final Handler next) {
create_access_token(user_id, client_id, new Handler() {
public void handle(JsonObject json) {
final JsonObject atok = generateAccessToken(user_id, client_id, json.getString("extra_data"), json.getObject("token_options"));
save_access_token(user_id, client_id, atok, new Handler() {
public void handle(Object event) {
// Store interaction
private void access_token(Object... args) {
// function(req,token,next){
// console.log("Access token request",token);
// loadUserById(token.user_id, function(err,user){
// if(user){
// req.session.user=user;
// next();
// } else {
// next(new Error("Unable to load user"));
// }
// }
// }
private void create_access_token(Object... args) {
// User defined or:
// function(user_id,client_id,next){ return next(null);
private void save_access_token(Object... args) {
// Optional???
private void enforce_login(Object... args) {
// function(req,res,authorize_url,next){
// if(req.session.user){
// next(req.session.user);
// } else {
// res.writeHead(303,{ Location: Hop._OAuth.options.loginURL+"?next="+encodeURIComponent(authorize_url)});
// res.end();
// }
// }
private void authorize_form(Object... args) {
// function(req,res,client_id,authorize_url){
// if(options.loginTemplate){
// res.render(Hop._OAuth.options.loginTemplate,{ client_id: client_id, authorize_url:authorize_url});
// } else {
// res.end('this app wants to access your account... ');
// }
// }
private void client_auth(Object... args) {
private void lookup_grant(Object... args) {
// this.lookupGrant=function(client_id,client_secret,code,next){
// //console.log("lookup grant",client_id,client_secret,code);
// var key = "oauth_"+client_id.toString()+"_"+code.toString();
// options.redisClient.get(key,function(err,data){
// if(data!=null){
// var user = JSON.parse(data.toString());
// next(null,user);
// } else {
// next(new Error("Invalid grant"));
// }
// });
// }
private void remove_grant(Object... args) {
// this.removeGrant=function(user_id,client_id,code){
// //console.log("remove grant",user_id,client_id,code);
// var key = "oauth_"+client_id.toString()+"_"+code.toString();
// options.redisClient.del(key);
// }
private void save_grant(Object... args) {
// this.saveGrant=function(req,client_id,code,next){
// //console.log("Save grant",null,client_id,code);
// var key = "oauth_"+client_id.toString()+"_"+code.toString();
// options.redisClient.set(key,options.getUserId(req.session.user));
// next();
// }