com.jidesoft.swing.Searchable Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* @(#)${NAME}
* Copyright 2002 - 2004 JIDE Software Inc. All rights reserved.
package com.jidesoft.swing;
import com.jidesoft.plaf.UIDefaultsLookup;
import com.jidesoft.popup.JidePopup;
import com.jidesoft.swing.event.SearchableEvent;
import com.jidesoft.swing.event.SearchableListener;
import com.jidesoft.utils.DefaultWildcardSupport;
import com.jidesoft.utils.WildcardSupport;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
* JList, JTable and JTree are three data-rich components. They can be used to display a huge amount of data so
* searching function will be very a useful feature in those components. Searchable
is such a class that
* can make JList, JTable and JTree searchable. User can simply type in any string they want to search for and use arrow
* keys to navigate to next or previous occurrence.
* Searchable
is a base abstract class. ListSearchable
, TableSearchable
* TreeSearchable
are implementations to make JList, JTable and JTree searchable respectively. For each
* implementation, there are five methods need to be implemented. protected abstract int
* getSelectedIndex()
protected abstract void setSelectedIndex(int index, boolean incremental)
* protected abstract int getElementCount()
protected abstract Object getElementAt(int
* index)
protected abstract String convertElementToString(Object element)
* Please look at the javadoc of each method to learn more details.
* The keys used by this class are fully customizable. Subclass can override the methods such as {@link
* #isActivateKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent)}, {@link #isDeactivateKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent)}, {@link
* #isFindFirstKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent)},{@link #isFindLastKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent)}, {@link
* #isFindNextKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent)}, {@link #isFindPreviousKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent)} to provide its own set
* of keys.
* In addition to press up/down arrow to find next occurrence or previous occurrence of particular string, there are
* several other features that are very handy.
* Multiple selection feature - If you press CTRL key and hold it while pressing up and down arrow, it will find
* next/previous occurence while keeping existing selections.
Select all feature - If you type in a searching text
* and press CTRL+A, all the occurrences of that searching string will be selected. This is a very handy feature. For
* example you want to delete all rows in a table whose name column begins with "old". So you can type in "old" and
* press CTRL+A, now all rows begining with "old" will be selected. Pressing delete will delete all of them.
* regular expression support - It allows '?' to match any letter or digit, or '*' to match several letters or digits.
* Even though it's possible to implement full regular expression support, we don't want to do that. The reason is the
* regular expression is very complex, it's probably not a good idea to let user type in such a complex expression in a
* small popup window. However if your user is very familiar with regular expression, you can add the feature to
* Searchable
. All you need to do is to override {@link #compare(String,String)} method and implement by
* yourself.
* As this is an abstract class, please refer to to javadoc of {@link ListSearchable},{@link TreeSearchable}, and {@link
* TableSearchable} to find out how to use it with JList, JTree and JTable respectively.
* This component has a timer. If user types very fast, it will accumulate them together and generate only one searching
* action. The timer can be controlled by {@link #setSearchingDelay(int)}.
* By default we will use lightweight popup for the sake of performance. But if you use heavyweight component which
* could obscure the lightweight popup, you can call {@link #setHeavyweightComponentEnabled(boolean)} to true so that
* heavyweight popup will be used.
* When a Searchable
is installed on a component, component.getClientProperty(Searchable.CLIENT_PROPERTY_SEARCHABLE)
* will give you the Searchable instance. You can use static method {@link #getSearchable(javax.swing.JComponent)} to
* get it too.
* Last but not the least, only one Searchable is allowed on a component. If you install another one, it will remove the
* first one and then install the new one.
public abstract class Searchable {
private final PropertyChangeSupport _propertyChangeSupport = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
protected final JComponent _component;
private SearchPopup _popup;
private JLayeredPane _layeredPane;
private boolean _heavyweightComponentEnabled;
* optional SearchableProvider
private SearchableProvider _searchableProvider;
private Pattern _pattern;
private String _searchText;
private String _previousSearchText;
private boolean _fromStart = true;
private boolean _caseSensitive = false;
private boolean _repeats = false;
private boolean _wildcardEnabled = true;
private WildcardSupport _wildcardSupport = null;
private Color _mismatchForeground;
private Color _foreground = null;
private Color _background = null;
protected ComponentListener _componentListener;
protected KeyListener _keyListener;
protected FocusListener _focusListener;
public final static String PROPERTY_SEARCH_TEXT = "searchText";
private int _cursor = -1;
private String _searchLabel = null;
* The popup location
private int _popupLocation = SwingConstants.TOP;
private int _searchingDelay = 0;
private boolean _reverseOrder = false;
* A list of event listeners for this component.
protected EventListenerList listenerList = new EventListenerList();
private Component _popupLocationRelativeTo;
* The client property for Searchable instance. When Searchable is installed on a component, this client property
* has the Searchable.
public final static String CLIENT_PROPERTY_SEARCHABLE = "Searchable";
* Creates a Searchable.
* @param component component where the Searchable will be installed.
public Searchable(JComponent component) {
_previousSearchText = null;
_component = component;
updateClientProperty(_component, this);
* Creates a Searchable.
* @param component component where the Searchable will be installed.
* @param searchableProvider the Searchable Provider.
public Searchable(JComponent component, SearchableProvider searchableProvider) {
_searchableProvider = searchableProvider;
_previousSearchText = null;
_component = component;
updateClientProperty(_component, this);
* Gets the selected index in the component. The concrete implementation should call methods on the component to
* retrieve the current selected index. If the component supports multiple selection, it's OK just return the index
* of the first selection. Here are some examples. In the case of JList, the index is the row index. In the case
* of JTree, the index is the row index too. In the case of JTable, depending on the seleection mode, the index
* could be row index (in row selection mode), could be column index (in column selection mode) or could the cell
* index (in cell selection mode).
* @return the selected index.
protected abstract int getSelectedIndex();
* Sets the selected index. The concrete implementation should call methods on the component to select the element
* at the specified index. The incremental flag is used to do multiple select. If the flag is true, the element at
* the index should be added to current selection. If false, you should clear previous selection and then select the
* element.
* @param index the index to be selected
* @param incremental a flag to enable multiple selection. If the flag is true, the element at the index should be
* added to current selection. If false, you should clear previous selection and then select the
* element.
protected abstract void setSelectedIndex(int index, boolean incremental);
* Gets the total element count in the component. Different concrete implementation could have different
* interpretation of the count. This is totally OK as long as it's consistent in all the methods. For example, the
* index parameter in other methods should be always a valid value within the total count.
* @return the total element count.
protected abstract int getElementCount();
* Gets the element at the specified index. The element could be any data structure that internally used in the
* component. The convertElementToString method will give you a chance to convert the element to string which is
* used to compare with the string that user types in.
* @param index the index
* @return the element at the specified index.
protected abstract Object getElementAt(int index);
* Converts the element that returns from getElementAt() to string.
* @param element
* @return the string representing the element in the component.
protected abstract String convertElementToString(Object element);
* A text field for searching text.
protected class SearchField extends JTextField {
SearchField() {
putClientProperty("Synthetica.opaque", false);
public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
Dimension size = super.getPreferredSize();
size.width = getFontMetrics(getFont()).stringWidth(getText()) + 4;
return size;
public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) {
int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE && getDocument().getLength() == 0) {
final boolean isNavigationKey = isNavigationKey(e);
if (isDeactivateKey(e) && !isNavigationKey) {
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE)
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE || isNavigationKey)
if (isSelectAllKey(e)) {
* The popup panel for search label and search text field.
private class DefaultSearchPopup extends SearchPopup {
private JLabel _label;
private JLabel _noMatch;
public DefaultSearchPopup(String text) {
private void initComponents(String text) {
final Color foreground = Searchable.this.getForeground();
final Color background = Searchable.this.getBackground();
// setup the label
_label = new JLabel(getSearchLabel());
_noMatch = new JLabel();
//setup text field
_textField = new SearchField();
_textField.getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener() {
private Timer timer = new Timer(200, new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) {
protected void applyText() {
String text = _textField.getText().trim();
if (text.length() != 0) {
int found = findFromCursor(text);
if (found == -1) {
else {
select(found, null, text);
else {
void startTimer() {
if (getSearchingDelay() > 0) {
if (timer.isRunning()) {
else {
else {
setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(UIDefaultsLookup.getColor("controlShadow"), 1),
BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 6, 1, 8)));
setLayout(new BorderLayout(2, 0));
Dimension size = _label.getPreferredSize();
size.height = _textField.getPreferredSize().height;
add(_label, BorderLayout.BEFORE_LINE_BEGINS);
add(_textField, BorderLayout.CENTER);
add(_noMatch, BorderLayout.AFTER_LINE_ENDS);
protected void select(int index, KeyEvent e, String searchingText) {
if (index != -1) {
setSelectedIndex(index, e != null && isIncrementalSelectKey(e));
else {
if (index != -1) {
Object element = getElementAt(index);
fireSearchableEvent(new SearchableEvent(Searchable.this, SearchableEvent.SEARCHABLE_MATCH, searchingText, element, convertElementToString(element)));
else {
fireSearchableEvent(new SearchableEvent(Searchable.this, SearchableEvent.SEARCHABLE_NOMATCH, searchingText));
private void updatePopupBounds() {
if (_popup != null) {
try {
if (!isHeavyweightComponentEnabled()) {
else {
catch (Exception e) { // catch any potential exception
// see bug report at http://www.jidesoft.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=8557#8557
* Hides the popup.
public void hidePopup() {
if (_popup != null) {
if (isHeavyweightComponentEnabled()) {
else {
_layeredPane = null;
_popup = null;
_searchableProvider = null;
fireSearchableEvent(new SearchableEvent(this, SearchableEvent.SEARCHABLE_END));
public SearchableProvider getSearchableProvider() {
return _searchableProvider;
public void setSearchableProvider(SearchableProvider searchableProvider) {
_searchableProvider = searchableProvider;
* Installs necessary listeners to the component. This method will be called automatically when Searchable is
* created.
public void installListeners() {
if (_componentListener == null) {
_componentListener = createComponentListener();
Component scrollPane = JideSwingUtilities.getScrollPane(_component);
if (scrollPane != null) {
if (_keyListener == null) {
_keyListener = createKeyListener();
JideSwingUtilities.insertKeyListener(getComponent(), _keyListener, 0);
if (_focusListener == null) {
_focusListener = createFocusListener();
* Creates a component listener that updates the popup when component is hidden, moved or resized.
* @return a ComponentListener.
protected ComponentListener createComponentListener() {
return new ComponentAdapter() {
public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) {
boolean passive = _searchableProvider == null || _searchableProvider.isPassive();
if (passive) {
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) {
boolean passive = _searchableProvider == null || _searchableProvider.isPassive();
if (passive) {
public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) {
boolean passive = _searchableProvider == null || _searchableProvider.isPassive();
if (passive) {
* Creates the KeyListener and listen to key typed in the component.
* @return the KeyListener.
protected KeyListener createKeyListener() {
return new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {
boolean passive = _searchableProvider == null || _searchableProvider.isPassive();
if (passive) {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
boolean passive = _searchableProvider == null || _searchableProvider.isPassive();
if (passive) {
* Creates a FocusListener. We use it to hide the popup when the component losts focus.
* @return a FocusListener.
protected FocusListener createFocusListener() {
return new FocusAdapter() {
public void focusLost(FocusEvent focusevent) {
boolean passive = _searchableProvider == null || _searchableProvider.isPassive();
if (passive) {
* Uninstall the listeners that installed before. This method is never called because we don't have the control of
* the life cyle of the component. However you can call this method if you don't want the searchable component not
* searchable.
public void uninstallListeners() {
if (_componentListener != null) {
Component scrollPane = JideSwingUtilities.getScrollPane(getComponent());
if (scrollPane != null) {
_componentListener = null;
if (_keyListener != null) {
_keyListener = null;
if (_focusListener != null) {
_focusListener = null;
* Adds the property change listener. The only property change event that will be fired is the "searchText" property
* which will be fired when user types in a different search text in the popup.
* @param propertychangelistener
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener propertychangelistener) {
* Removes the property change listener.
* @param propertychangelistener
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener propertychangelistener) {
public void firePropertyChangeEvent(String searchingText) {
if (!searchingText.equals(_previousSearchText)) {
_propertyChangeSupport.firePropertyChange(PROPERTY_SEARCH_TEXT, _previousSearchText, searchingText);
fireSearchableEvent(new SearchableEvent(Searchable.this, SearchableEvent.SEARCHABLE_CHANGE, searchingText, _previousSearchText));
_previousSearchText = searchingText;
* Checks if the element matches the searching text.
* @param element
* @param searchingText
* @return true if matches.
protected boolean compare(Object element, String searchingText) {
String text = convertElementToString(element);
return text != null && compare(isCaseSensitive() ? text : text.toLowerCase(), searchingText);
* Checks if the element string matches the searching text. Different from {@link #compare(Object,String)}, this
* method is after the element has been converted to string using {@link #convertElementToString(Object)}.
* @param text
* @param searchingText
* @return true if matches.
protected boolean compare(String text, String searchingText) {
if (searchingText == null || searchingText.trim().length() == 0) {
return true;
if (!isWildcardEnabled()) {
return searchingText != null &&
(searchingText.equals(text) || searchingText.length() > 0 && (isFromStart() ? text.startsWith(searchingText) : text.indexOf(searchingText) != -1));
else {
// use the prvious pattern since nothing changed.
if (_searchText != null && _searchText.equals(searchingText) && _pattern != null) {
return _pattern.matcher(text).find();
WildcardSupport wildcardSupport = getWildcardSupport();
String s = wildcardSupport.convert(searchingText);
if (searchingText.equals(s)) {
return isFromStart() ? text.startsWith(searchingText) : text.indexOf(searchingText) != -1;
_searchText = searchingText;
try {
_pattern = Pattern.compile(isFromStart() ? s : ".*" + s, isCaseSensitive() ? 0 : Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
return _pattern.matcher(text).find();
catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
return false;
* Gets the cursor which is the index of current location when searching. The value will be used in findNext and
* findPrevious.
* @return the current position of the cursor.
public int getCursor() {
return _cursor;
* Sets the cursor which is the index of current location when searching. The value will be used in findNext and
* findPrevious.
* @param cursor the new position of the cursor.
public void setCursor(int cursor) {
_cursor = cursor;
* Finds the next matching index from the cursor.
* @param s
* @return the next index that the element matches the searching text.
public int findNext(String s) {
String str = isCaseSensitive() ? s : s.toLowerCase();
int count = getElementCount();
if (count == 0)
return s.length() > 0 ? -1 : 0;
int selectedIndex = (_cursor != -1 ? _cursor : getSelectedIndex());
for (int i = selectedIndex + 1; i < count; i++) {
Object element = getElementAt(i);
if (compare(element, str))
return i;
if (isRepeats()) {
for (int i = 0; i < selectedIndex; i++) {
Object element = getElementAt(i);
if (compare(element, str))
return i;
return selectedIndex == -1 ? -1 : (compare(getElementAt(selectedIndex), str) ? selectedIndex : -1);
* Finds the previous matching index from the cursor.
* @param s
* @return the previous index that the element matches the searching text.
public int findPrevious(String s) {
String str = isCaseSensitive() ? s : s.toLowerCase();
int count = getElementCount();
if (count == 0)
return s.length() > 0 ? -1 : 0;
int selectedIndex = (_cursor != -1 ? _cursor : getSelectedIndex());
for (int i = selectedIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Object element = getElementAt(i);
if (compare(element, str))
return i;
if (isRepeats()) {
for (int i = count - 1; i >= selectedIndex; i--) {
Object element = getElementAt(i);
if (compare(element, str))
return i;
return selectedIndex == -1 ? -1 : (compare(getElementAt(selectedIndex), str) ? selectedIndex : -1);
* Finds the next matching index from the cursor. If it reaches the end, it will restart from the beginning. However
* is the reverseOrder flag is true, it will finds the previous matching index from the cursor. If it reaches the
* beginning, it will restart from the end.
* @param s
* @return the next index that the element matches the searching text.
public int findFromCursor(String s) {
if (isReverseOrder()) {
return reverseFindFromCursor(s);
String str = isCaseSensitive() ? s : s.toLowerCase();
int selectedIndex = (_cursor != -1 ? _cursor : getSelectedIndex());
if (selectedIndex < 0)
selectedIndex = 0;
int count = getElementCount();
if (count == 0)
return -1; // no match
// find from cursor
for (int i = selectedIndex; i < count; i++) {
Object element = getElementAt(i);
if (compare(element, str))
return i;
// if not found, start over from the beginning
for (int i = 0; i < selectedIndex; i++) {
Object element = getElementAt(i);
if (compare(element, str))
return i;
return -1;
* Finds the previous matching index from the cursor. If it reaches the beginning, it will restart from the end.
* @param s
* @return the next index that the element matches the searching text.
public int reverseFindFromCursor(String s) {
if (!isReverseOrder()) {
return findFromCursor(s);
String str = isCaseSensitive() ? s : s.toLowerCase();
int selectedIndex = (_cursor != -1 ? _cursor : getSelectedIndex());
if (selectedIndex < 0)
selectedIndex = 0;
int count = getElementCount();
if (count == 0)
return -1; // no match
// find from cursor to beginning
for (int i = selectedIndex; i >= 0; i--) {
Object element = getElementAt(i);
if (compare(element, str))
return i;
// if not found, start over from the end
for (int i = count - 1; i >= selectedIndex; i--) {
Object element = getElementAt(i);
if (compare(element, str))
return i;
return -1;
* Finds the first element that matches the searching text.
* @param s
* @return the first element that matches with the searching text.
public int findFirst(String s) {
String str = isCaseSensitive() ? s : s.toLowerCase();
int count = getElementCount();
if (count == 0)
return s.length() > 0 ? -1 : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int index = getIndex(count, i);
Object element = getElementAt(index);
if (compare(element, str))
return index;
return -1;
* Finds the last element that matches the searching text.
* @param s
* @return the last element that matches the searching text.
public int findLast(String s) {
String str = isCaseSensitive() ? s : s.toLowerCase();
int count = getElementCount();
if (count == 0)
return s.length() > 0 ? -1 : 0;
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Object element = getElementAt(i);
if (compare(element, str))
return i;
return -1;
* This method is called when a key is typed or pressed.
* @param e the KeyEvent.
protected void keyTypedOrPressed(KeyEvent e) {
if (_searchableProvider != null && _searchableProvider.isPassive()) {
if (isActivateKey(e)) {
String searchingText = "";
if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED) {
if (((e.getModifiers() & Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()) != 0)) { // if alt key is pressed
if (e.isAltDown()) {
searchingText = String.valueOf(e.getKeyChar());
if (e.getKeyCode() != KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
private int getIndex(int count, int index) {
return isReverseOrder() ? count - index - 1 : index;
* Shows the search popup. By default, the search popup will be visible automatically when user types in the first
* key (in the case of JList, JTree, JTable) or types in designated keystroke (in the case of JTextComponent). So
* this method is only used when you want to show the popup manually.
* @param searchingText
public void showPopup(String searchingText) {
if (_searchableProvider == null) {
fireSearchableEvent(new SearchableEvent(this, SearchableEvent.SEARCHABLE_START, searchingText));
_searchableProvider = new SearchableProvider() {
public String getSearchingText() {
return _popup != null ? _popup.getSearchingText() : "";
public boolean isPassive() {
return true;
public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) {
if (_popup != null) {
* Creates the popup to hold the searching text.
* @param searchingText
* @return the searching popup.
protected SearchPopup createSearchPopup(String searchingText) {
return new DefaultSearchPopup(searchingText);
* Gets the searching text.
* @return the searching text.
public String getSearchingText() {
return _searchableProvider != null ? _searchableProvider.getSearchingText() : "";
private void showPopup(SearchPopup searchpopup) {
JRootPane rootPane = _component.getRootPane();
if (rootPane != null)
_layeredPane = rootPane.getLayeredPane();
else {
_layeredPane = null;
if (_layeredPane == null || isHeavyweightComponentEnabled()) {
_popup = searchpopup;
Point location = updateSizeAndLocation();
if (location != null) {
searchpopup.showPopup(location.x, location.y);
else {
_popup = null;
else {
if (_popup != null && _layeredPane != null) {
_layeredPane = null;
else if (!_component.isShowing())
_popup = null;
_popup = searchpopup;
if (_popup == null || !_component.isDisplayable())
if (_layeredPane == null) {
System.err.println("Failed to find layeredPane.");
_layeredPane.add(_popup, JLayeredPane.POPUP_LAYER);
private Point updateSizeAndLocation() {
Component component = getPopupLocationRelativeTo();
if (component == null) {
component = JideSwingUtilities.getScrollPane(_component);
if (component == null) {
component = _component;
Point componentLocation;
if (_popup != null) {
Dimension size = _popup.getPreferredSize();
switch (_popupLocation) {
case SwingConstants.BOTTOM:
try {
componentLocation = component.getLocationOnScreen();
componentLocation.y += component.getHeight();
if (!isHeavyweightComponentEnabled()) {
SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(componentLocation, _layeredPane);
if ((componentLocation.y + size.height > _layeredPane.getHeight())) {
componentLocation.y = _layeredPane.getHeight() - size.height;
catch (IllegalComponentStateException e) {
return null; // can't get the location so just return.
case SwingConstants.TOP:
try {
componentLocation = component.getLocationOnScreen();
if (!isHeavyweightComponentEnabled()) {
SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(componentLocation, _layeredPane);
componentLocation.y -= size.height;
if ((componentLocation.y < 0)) {
componentLocation.y = 0;
catch (IllegalComponentStateException e) {
return null; // can't get the location so just return.
if (!isHeavyweightComponentEnabled()) {
else {
return componentLocation;
else {
return null;
* Checks if the key is used as a key to find the first occurence.
* @param e
* @return true if the key in KeyEvent is a key to find the first occurence. By default, home key is used.
protected boolean isFindFirstKey(KeyEvent e) {
return e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_HOME;
* Checks if the key is used as a key to find the last occurence.
* @param e
* @return true if the key in KeyEvent is a key to find the last occurence. By default, end key is used.
protected boolean isFindLastKey(KeyEvent e) {
return e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_END;
* Checks if the key is used as a key to find the previous occurence.
* @param e
* @return true if the key in KeyEvent is a key to find the previous occurence. By default, up arrow key is used.
protected boolean isFindPreviousKey(KeyEvent e) {
return e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_UP;
* Checks if the key is used as a key to find the next occurence.
* @param e
* @return true if the key in KeyEvent is a key to find the next occurence. By default, down arrow key is used.
protected boolean isFindNextKey(KeyEvent e) {
return e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN;
* Checks if the key is used as a navigation key. Navigation keys are keys which are used to navigate to other
* occurences of the searching string.
* @param e
* @return true if the key in KeyEvent is a navigation key.
protected boolean isNavigationKey(KeyEvent e) {
return isFindFirstKey(e) || isFindLastKey(e) || isFindNextKey(e) || isFindPreviousKey(e);
* Checks if the key in KeyEvent should activate the search popup.
* @param e
* @return true if the keyChar is a letter or a digit or '*' or '?'.
protected boolean isActivateKey(KeyEvent e) {
char keyChar = e.getKeyChar();
return e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED && (Character.isLetterOrDigit(keyChar) || keyChar == '*' || keyChar == '?');
* Checks if the key in KeyEvent should hide the search popup. If this method return true and the key is not used
* for navigation purpose ({@link #isNavigationKey(java.awt.event.KeyEvent)} return false), the popup will be
* hidden.
* @param e
* @return true if the keyCode in the KeyEvent is escape key, enter key, or any of the arrow keys such as page up,
* page down, home, end, left, right, up and down.
protected boolean isDeactivateKey(KeyEvent e) {
int keyCode = e.getKeyCode();
return keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE
|| keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN
|| keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_HOME || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_END
|| keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT
|| keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_UP || keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN;
* Checks if the key will trigger selecting all.
* @param e
* @return true if the key in KeyEvent is a key to trigger selecting all.
protected boolean isSelectAllKey(KeyEvent e) {
return ((e.getModifiers() & Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()) != 0) && e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_A;
* Checks if the key will trigger incremental selection.
* @param e
* @return true if the key in KeyEvent is a key to trigger incremental selection. By default, ctrl down key is
* used.
protected boolean isIncrementalSelectKey(KeyEvent e) {
return (e.getModifiers() & Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask()) != 0;
* Gets the foreground color when the searching text doesn't match with any of the elements in the component.
* @return the forground color for mismatch. If you never call {@link #setMismatchForeground(java.awt.Color)}. red
* color will be used.
public Color getMismatchForeground() {
if (_mismatchForeground == null) {
return Color.RED;
else {
return _mismatchForeground;
* Sets the foreground for mismatch.
* @param mismatchForeground
public void setMismatchForeground(Color mismatchForeground) {
_mismatchForeground = mismatchForeground;
* Checks if the case is sensitive during searching.
* @return true if the searching is case sensitive.
public boolean isCaseSensitive() {
return _caseSensitive;
* Sets the case sensitive flag. By default, it's false meaning it's a case insensitive search.
* @param caseSensitive
public void setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive) {
_caseSensitive = caseSensitive;
* If it returns a positive number, it will wait for that many ms before doing the search. When the searching is
* complex, this flag will be useful to make the searching efficient. In the other words, if user types in several
* keys very quickly, there will be only one search. If it returns 0 or negative number, each key will generate a
* search.
* @return the number of ms delay before searching starts.
public int getSearchingDelay() {
return _searchingDelay;
* If this flag is set to a positive number, it will wait for that many ms before doing the search. When the
* searching is complex, this flag will be useful to make the searching efficient. In the other words, if user types
* in several keys very quickly, there will be only one search. If this flag is set to 0 or a negative number, each
* key will generate a search with no delay.
* @param searchingDelay the number of ms delay before searching start.
public void setSearchingDelay(int searchingDelay) {
_searchingDelay = searchingDelay;
* Checks if restart from the beginning when searching reaches the end or restart from the end when reaches
* beginning. Default is false.
* @return true or false.
public boolean isRepeats() {
return _repeats;
* Sets the repeat flag. By default, it's false meaning it will stop searching when reaching the end or reaching the
* beginning.
* @param repeats
public void setRepeats(boolean repeats) {
_repeats = repeats;
* Gets the foreground color used inn the search popup.
* @return the foreground. By default it will use the foreground of tooltip.
public Color getForeground() {
if (_foreground == null) {
return UIDefaultsLookup.getColor("ToolTip.foreground");
else {
return _foreground;
* Sets the foreground color used by popup.
* @param foreground
public void setForeground(Color foreground) {
_foreground = foreground;
* Gets the background color used inn the search popup.
* @return the background. By default it will use the background of tooltip.
public Color getBackground() {
if (_background == null) {
return UIDefaultsLookup.getColor("ToolTip.background");
else {
return _background;
* Sets the background color used by popup.
* @param background
public void setBackground(Color background) {
_background = background;
* Checks if it supports wildcard in searching text. By default it is true which means user can type in "*" or "?"
* to match with any charactors or any charactor. If it's false, it will treat "*" or "?" as a regular charactor.
* @return true if it supports wildcard.
public boolean isWildcardEnabled() {
return _wildcardEnabled;
* Enable or disable the usage of wildcard.
* @param wildcardEnabled
* @see #isWildcardEnabled()
public void setWildcardEnabled(boolean wildcardEnabled) {
_wildcardEnabled = wildcardEnabled;
* Gets the WildcardSupport. If user never sets it, {@link DefaultWildcardSupport} will be used.
* @return the WildcardSupport.
public WildcardSupport getWildcardSupport() {
if (_wildcardSupport == null) {
_wildcardSupport = new DefaultWildcardSupport();
return _wildcardSupport;
* Sets the WildcardSupport. This class allows you to define what wildcards to use and how to convert the wildcard
* strings to a regular expression string which is eventually used to search.
* @param wildcardSupport the new WildCardSupport.
public void setWildcardSupport(WildcardSupport wildcardSupport) {
_wildcardSupport = wildcardSupport;
* Gets the current text that appears in the search popup. By default it is "Search for: ".
* @return the text that appears in the search popup.
public String getSearchLabel() {
if (_searchLabel == null) {
return getResourceString("Searchable.searchFor");
else {
return _searchLabel;
* Sets the text that appears in the search popup.
* @param searchLabel
public void setSearchLabel(String searchLabel) {
_searchLabel = searchLabel;
* Adds the specified listener to receive searchable events from this searchable.
* @param l the searchable listener
public void addSearchableListener(SearchableListener l) {
listenerList.add(SearchableListener.class, l);
* Removes the specified searchable listener so that it no longer receives searchable events.
* @param l the searchable listener
public void removeSearchableListener(SearchableListener l) {
listenerList.remove(SearchableListener.class, l);
* Returns an array of all the SearchableListener
s added to this SearchableGroup
* addSearchableListener
* @return all of the SearchableListener
s added or an empty array if no listeners have been added
* @see #addSearchableListener
public SearchableListener[] getSearchableListeners() {
return listenerList.getListeners(SearchableListener.class);
* Fires a searchable event.
* @param e the event
protected void fireSearchableEvent(SearchableEvent e) {
Object[] listeners = listenerList.getListenerList();
for (int i = listeners.length - 2; i >= 0; i -= 2) {
if (listeners[i] == SearchableListener.class) {
((SearchableListener) listeners[i + 1]).searchableEventFired(e);
* Gets the actual component which installed this Searchable.
* @return the actual component which installed this Searchable.
public Component getComponent() {
return _component;
* Gets the popup location. It could be either {@link SwingConstants#TOP} or {@link SwingConstants#BOTTOM}.
* @return the popup location.
public int getPopupLocation() {
return _popupLocation;
* Sets the popup location.
* @param popupLocation the popup location. The valid values are either {@link SwingConstants#TOP} or {@link
* SwingConstants#BOTTOM}.
public void setPopupLocation(int popupLocation) {
_popupLocation = popupLocation;
public abstract class SearchPopup extends JidePopup {
protected SearchField _textField;
public void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) {
if (e.isConsumed()) {
String text = getSearchingText();
if (text.length() == 0) {
if (isSelectAllKey(e)) {
selectAll(e, text);
int found;
if (isFindPreviousKey(e)) {
found = findPrevious(text);
select(found, e, text);
else if (isFindNextKey(e)) {
found = findNext(text);
select(found, e, text);
else if (isFindFirstKey(e)) {
found = findFirst(text);
select(found, e, text);
else if (isFindLastKey(e)) {
found = findLast(text);
select(found, e, text);
// else {
// found = findFromCursor(text);
// }
if (e.getKeyCode() != KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
private void selectAll(KeyEvent e, String text) {
boolean oldReverseOrder = isReverseOrder(); // keep the old reverse order and we will set it back.
if (oldReverseOrder) {
int index = findFirst(text);
if (index != -1) {
setSelectedIndex(index, false); // clear side effect of ctrl-a will select all items
Searchable.this.setCursor(index); // as setSelectedIndex is used directly, we have to manually set the cursor value.
boolean oldRepeats = isRepeats(); // set repeats to false and set it back later.
if (oldRepeats) {
while (index != -1) {
int newIndex = findNext(text);
if (index == newIndex) {
index = -1;
else {
index = newIndex;
if (index == -1) {
select(index, e, text);
if (oldRepeats) {
if (oldReverseOrder) {
public String getSearchingText() {
return _textField != null ? _textField.getText() : "";
abstract protected void select(int index, KeyEvent e, String searchingText);
* Checks the searching order. By default the searchable starts searching from top to bottom. If this flag is false,
* it searchs from bottom to top.
* @return the reverseOrder flag.
public boolean isReverseOrder() {
return _reverseOrder;
* Sets the searching order. By default the searchable starts searching from top to bottom. If this flag is false,
* it searchs from bottom to top.
* @param reverseOrder
public void setReverseOrder(boolean reverseOrder) {
_reverseOrder = reverseOrder;
* Gets the localized string from resource bundle. Subclass can override it to provide its own string. Available
* keys are defined in swing.properties that begin with "Searchable.".
* @param key
* @return the localized string.
protected String getResourceString(String key) {
return Resource.getResourceBundle(_component != null ? _component.getLocale() : Locale.getDefault()).getString(key);
* Check if the searchable popup is visible.
* @return true if visible. Otherwise, false.
public boolean isPopupVisible() {
return _popup != null;
public boolean isHeavyweightComponentEnabled() {
return _heavyweightComponentEnabled;
public void setHeavyweightComponentEnabled(boolean heavyweightComponentEnabled) {
_heavyweightComponentEnabled = heavyweightComponentEnabled;
* Gets the component that the location of the popup relative to.
* @return the component that the location of the popup relative to.
public Component getPopupLocationRelativeTo() {
return _popupLocationRelativeTo;
* Sets the location of the popup relative to the specified component. Then based on the value of {@link
* #getPopupLocation()}. If you never set, we will use the searchable component or its scroll pane (if exists) as
* the popupLocationRelativeTo component.
* @param popupLocationRelativeTo
public void setPopupLocationRelativeTo(Component popupLocationRelativeTo) {
_popupLocationRelativeTo = popupLocationRelativeTo;
* This is a property of how to compare searching text with the data. If it is true, it will use {@link
* String#startsWith(String)} to do the comparison. Otherwise, it will use {@link String#indexOf(String)} to do the
* comparison.
* @return true or false.
public boolean isFromStart() {
return _fromStart;
* Sets the fromStart property.
* @param fromStart true if the comparison matches from the start of the text only. Otherwise false. The difference
* is if true, it will use String's startWith
method to match. If false, it will use
* indedxOf
public void setFromStart(boolean fromStart) {
_fromStart = fromStart;
* Gets the Searchable installed on the component. Null is no Searchable was installed.
* @param component the component
* @return the Searchable installed. Null is no Searchable was installed.
public static Searchable getSearchable(JComponent component) {
Object clientProperty = component.getClientProperty(CLIENT_PROPERTY_SEARCHABLE);
if (clientProperty instanceof Searchable) {
return ((Searchable) clientProperty);
else {
return null;
private void updateClientProperty(JComponent component, Searchable searchable) {
if (component != null) {
Object clientProperty = _component.getClientProperty(CLIENT_PROPERTY_SEARCHABLE);
if (clientProperty instanceof Searchable) {
((Searchable) clientProperty).uninstallListeners();
component.putClientProperty(CLIENT_PROPERTY_SEARCHABLE, searchable);