com.jidesoft.utils.PortingUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* @(#) 4/12/2006
* Copyright 2002 - 2006 JIDE Software Inc. All rights reserved.
package com.jidesoft.utils;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* A class that keeps all 1.4/1.3 different stuff.
public class PortingUtils {
private static Rectangle SCREEN_BOUNDS = null;
* Gets current focused components. If 1.3, just uses event's source; 1.4, used keyboard focus manager to get the
* correct focused component.
* @param event the AWT event
* @return current focused component
public static Component getCurrentFocusComponent(AWTEvent event) {
return KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner();
* Gets frame's state. In 1.3, used getState; in 1.4, uses getExtendedState.
* @param frame the frame
* @return frame's state
public static int getFrameState(Frame frame) {
return frame.getExtendedState();
* Sets frame's state. In 1.3, uses sets frame's state; in 1.4, uses gets frame's state.
* @param frame the frame
* @param state the state
public static void setFrameState(Frame frame, int state) {
* Gets mouse modifiers. If 1.3, uses getModifiers; 1.4, getModifiersEx.
* @param e the mouse event
* @return mouse modifiers
public static int getMouseModifiers(MouseEvent e) {
return e.getModifiersEx();
* Makes sure the component won't receive the focus.
* @param component the component
public static void removeFocus(JComponent component) {
* Removes the button border.
* @param button the button
public static void removeButtonBorder(AbstractButton button) {
button.setMargin(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
* To make sure the rectangle is within the screen bounds.
* @param invoker the invoker component
* @param rect the rectangle
* @return the rectangle that is in the screen bounds.
public static Rectangle containsInScreenBounds(Component invoker, Rectangle rect) {
return containsInScreenBounds(invoker, rect, false);
* To make sure the rectangle is within the screen bounds.
* @param invoker the invoker component
* @param rect the rectangle
* @param useInvokerDevice the flag to return invoker device or not
* @return the rectangle that is in the screen bounds.
* @since 3.4.1
public static Rectangle containsInScreenBounds(Component invoker, Rectangle rect, boolean useInvokerDevice) {
Rectangle screenBounds = getScreenBounds(invoker, useInvokerDevice);
Point p = rect.getLocation();
if (p.x + rect.width > screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width) {
p.x = screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width - rect.width;
if (p.y + rect.height > screenBounds.y + screenBounds.height) {
p.y = screenBounds.y + screenBounds.height - rect.height;
if (p.x < screenBounds.x) {
p.x = screenBounds.x;
if (p.y < screenBounds.y) {
p.y = screenBounds.y;
return new Rectangle(p, rect.getSize());
* To make sure the rectangle has overlap with the screen bounds.
* @param invoker the invoker component
* @param rect the rectangle
* @return the rectangle that has overlap with the screen bounds.
public static Rectangle overlapWithScreenBounds(Component invoker, Rectangle rect) {
Rectangle screenBounds = getScreenBounds(invoker);
Point p = rect.getLocation();
if (p.x > screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width) {
p.x = screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width - rect.width;
if (p.y > screenBounds.y + screenBounds.height) {
p.y = screenBounds.y + screenBounds.height - rect.height;
if (p.x + rect.width < screenBounds.x) {
p.x = screenBounds.x;
if (p.y + rect.height < screenBounds.y) {
p.y = screenBounds.y;
return new Rectangle(p, rect.getSize());
* Gets the screen size. In JDK1.4+, the returned size will exclude task bar area on Windows OS.
* @param invoker the invoker component
* @return the screen size.
public static Dimension getScreenSize(Component invoker) {
// to handle multi-display case
Dimension screenSize = SCREEN_BOUNDS.getSize(); // Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
// jdk1.4 only
if (invoker != null && !(invoker instanceof JApplet) && invoker.getGraphicsConfiguration() != null) {
Insets insets = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(invoker.getGraphicsConfiguration());
screenSize.width -= insets.left + insets.right;
screenSize.height -= + insets.bottom;
return screenSize;
* Gets the screen size. In JDK1.4+, the returned size will exclude task bar area on Windows OS.
* @param invoker the invoker component
* @return the screen size.
public static Dimension getLocalScreenSize(Component invoker) {
// jdk1.4 only
if (invoker != null && !(invoker instanceof JApplet) && invoker.getGraphicsConfiguration() != null) {
// to handle multi-display case
GraphicsConfiguration gc = invoker.getGraphicsConfiguration();
Rectangle bounds = gc.getBounds();
Insets insets = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(gc);
bounds.width -= insets.left + insets.right;
bounds.height -= + insets.bottom;
return bounds.getSize();
else {
return getScreenSize(invoker);
* Gets the screen bounds. In JDK1.4+, the returned bounds will exclude task bar area on Windows OS. If the invoker
* is null, the whole screen bounds including all display devices will be returned. If the invoker is not null and
* the useInvokeDevice flag is true, the screen of the display device for the invoker will be returned.
* @param invoker the invoker component
* @param useInvokerDevice the flag to return invoker device or not
* @return the screen bounds.
public static Rectangle getScreenBounds(Component invoker, boolean useInvokerDevice) {
// to handle multi-display case
Rectangle bounds = (!useInvokerDevice || invoker == null || invoker.getGraphicsConfiguration() == null) ? (Rectangle) SCREEN_BOUNDS.clone() : invoker.getGraphicsConfiguration().getBounds();
// jdk1.4 only
if (invoker != null && !(invoker instanceof JApplet) && invoker.getGraphicsConfiguration() != null) {
Insets insets = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(invoker.getGraphicsConfiguration());
bounds.x += insets.left;
bounds.y +=;
bounds.width -= insets.left + insets.right;
bounds.height -= + insets.bottom;
return bounds;
* Gets the screen bounds. In JDK1.4+, the returned bounds will exclude task bar area on Windows OS.
* By default, it will not use invoker graphic device automatically.
* @param invoker the invoker component
* @return the screen bounds.
* @see #getScreenBounds(java.awt.Component, boolean)
public static Rectangle getScreenBounds(Component invoker) {
return getScreenBounds(invoker, false);
* Gets the local monitor's screen bounds.
* @return the screen bounds.
public static Rectangle getLocalScreenBounds() {
GraphicsEnvironment e = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
return e.getMaximumWindowBounds();
private static void ensureScreenBounds() {
if (SCREEN_BOUNDS == null) {
SCREEN_BOUNDS = new Rectangle();
GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
GraphicsDevice[] gs = ge.getScreenDevices();
for (GraphicsDevice gd : gs) {
GraphicsConfiguration gc = gd.getDefaultConfiguration();
SCREEN_BOUNDS = SCREEN_BOUNDS.union(gc.getBounds());
private static Area SCREEN_AREA;
private static Rectangle[] SCREENS;
private static Insets[] INSETS;
private static Thread _initializationThread = null;
* If you use methods such as {@link #ensureOnScreen(java.awt.Rectangle)}, {@link
* #getContainingScreenBounds(java.awt.Rectangle, boolean)} or {@link #getScreenArea()} for the first time, it will
* take up to a few seconds to run because it needs to get device information. To avoid any slowness, you can call
* call this method in the class where you will use those three methods. This method will spawn a thread to retrieve
* device information thus it will return immediately. Hopefully, when you use the three methods, the thread is done
* so user will not notice any slowness.
synchronized public static void initializeScreenArea() {
* If you use methods such as {@link #ensureOnScreen(java.awt.Rectangle)}, {@link
* #getContainingScreenBounds(java.awt.Rectangle, boolean)} or {@link #getScreenArea()} for the first time, it will
* take up to a couple of seconds to run because it needs to get device information. To avoid any slowness, you can
* call {@link #initializeScreenArea()} method in the class where you will use those three methods. This method will
* spawn a thread to retrieve device information thus it will return immediately. Hopefully, when you use the three
* methods, the thread is done so user will not notice any slowness.
* @param priority as we will use a thread to calculate the screen area, you can use this parameter to control the
* priority of the thread. If you are waiting for the result before the next step, you should use
* normal priority (which is 5). If you just want to calculate when app starts, you can use a lower
* priority (such as 3). For example, AbstractComboBox needs screen size so that the popup doesn't
* go beyond the screen. So when AbstractComboBox is used, we will kick off the thread at priority
* 3. If user clicks on the drop down after the thread finished, there will be no time delay.
synchronized public static void initializeScreenArea(int priority) {
if (_initializationThread == null) {
_initializationThread = new Thread() {
public void run() {
SCREEN_AREA = new Area();
SCREEN_BOUNDS = new Rectangle();
GraphicsEnvironment environment = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
List screensList = new ArrayList();
List insetsList = new ArrayList();
GraphicsDevice[] screenDevices = environment.getScreenDevices();
for (GraphicsDevice device : screenDevices) {
GraphicsConfiguration configuration = device.getDefaultConfiguration();
Rectangle screenBounds = configuration.getBounds();
Insets insets = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenInsets(configuration);
SCREEN_AREA.add(new Area(screenBounds));
SCREEN_BOUNDS = SCREEN_BOUNDS.union(screenBounds);
SCREENS = screensList.toArray(new Rectangle[screensList.size()]);
INSETS = insetsList.toArray(new Insets[screensList.size()]);
_initializationThread = null;
else {;
public static boolean INITIALIZE_SCREEN_AREA_USING_THREAD = true;
public static boolean isInitializationThreadAlive() {
return _initializationThread != null && _initializationThread.isAlive();
public static boolean isInitalizationThreadStarted() {
return _initializationThread != null;
private static void waitForInitialization() {
while (_initializationThread != null && _initializationThread.isAlive()) {
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignore
* Ensures the rectangle is visible on the screen.
* @param invoker the invoking component
* @param bounds the input bounds
* @return the modified bounds.
public static Rectangle ensureVisible(Component invoker, Rectangle bounds) {
Rectangle mainScreenBounds = PortingUtils.getLocalScreenBounds(); // this is fast. Only if it is outside this bounds, we try the more expensive one.
if (!mainScreenBounds.contains(bounds.getLocation())) {
Rectangle screenBounds = PortingUtils.getScreenBounds(invoker, false);
if (bounds.x > screenBounds.x + screenBounds.width || bounds.x < screenBounds.x) {
bounds.x = screenBounds.x;
if (bounds.y > screenBounds.y + screenBounds.height || bounds.y < screenBounds.y) {
bounds.y = screenBounds.y;
return bounds;
* Modifies the position of rect so that it is completely on screen if that is possible. By default, it will allow
* the rect to cross two screens. You can call {@link #ensureOnScreen(java.awt.Rectangle, boolean)} and set the
* second parameter to false if you don't want to allow that case.
* @param rect The rectangle to be moved to a single screen
* @return rect after its position has been modified
public static Rectangle ensureOnScreen(Rectangle rect) {
return ensureOnScreen(rect, true);
* Modifies the position of rect so that it is completely on screen if that is possible.
* @param rect The rectangle to be moved to a single screen
* @param allowCrossScreen a flag to allow or disallow when the rect is cross two screens.
* @return rect after its position has been modified
public static Rectangle ensureOnScreen(Rectangle rect, boolean allowCrossScreen) {
// optimize it so that it is faster for most cases
Rectangle localScreenBounds = getLocalScreenBounds();
if (localScreenBounds.contains(rect)) {
return rect;
// check if rect is total on screen
if (allowCrossScreen && getScreenArea().contains(rect)) return rect;
// see if the top left is on any of the screens
Rectangle containingScreen = null;
Point rectPos = rect.getLocation();
for (Rectangle screenBounds : SCREENS) {
if (screenBounds.contains(rectPos)) {
containingScreen = screenBounds;
// if not see if rect partial on any screen
for (Rectangle screenBounds : SCREENS) {
if (screenBounds.intersects(rect)) {
containingScreen = screenBounds;
// check if it was on any screen
if (containingScreen == null) {
// it was not on any of the screens so center it on the first screen
rect.x = (SCREENS[0].width - rect.width) / 2;
rect.y = (SCREENS[0].height - rect.height) / 2;
return rect;
else {
// move rect so it is completely on a single screen
// check X
int rectRight = rect.x + rect.width;
int screenRight = containingScreen.x + containingScreen.width;
if (rectRight > screenRight) {
rect.x = screenRight - rect.width;
if (rect.x < containingScreen.x) rect.x = containingScreen.x;
// check Y
int rectBottom = rect.y + rect.height;
int screenBottom = containingScreen.y + containingScreen.height;
if (rectBottom > screenBottom) {
rect.y = screenBottom - rect.height;
if (rect.y < containingScreen.y) rect.y = containingScreen.y;
// return corrected rect
return rect;
* Gets the screen bounds that contains the rect. The screen bounds consider the screen insets if any.
* @param rect the rect of the component.
* @param considerInsets if consider the insets. The insets is for thing like Windows Task Bar.
* @return the screen bounds that contains the rect.
public static Rectangle getContainingScreenBounds(Rectangle rect, boolean considerInsets) {
// check if rect is total on screen
// if (SCREEN_AREA.contains(rect)) return SCREEN_AREA;
// see if the top left is on any of the screens
Rectangle containingScreen = null;
Insets insets = null;
Point rectPos = rect.getLocation();
for (int i = 0; i < SCREENS.length; i++) {
Rectangle screenBounds = SCREENS[i];
if (screenBounds.contains(rectPos)) {
containingScreen = screenBounds;
insets = INSETS[i];
// if not see if rect partial on any screen
for (int i = 0; i < SCREENS.length; i++) {
Rectangle screenBounds = SCREENS[i];
if (screenBounds.intersects(rect)) {
containingScreen = screenBounds;
insets = INSETS[i];
// fall back to the first screen
if (containingScreen == null) {
containingScreen = SCREENS[0];
insets = INSETS[0];
Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(containingScreen);
if (considerInsets && insets != null) {
bounds.x += insets.left;
bounds.y +=;
bounds.width -= insets.left + insets.right;
bounds.height -= + insets.bottom;
return bounds;
* Get screen area of all monitors.
* @return Union of all screens
public static Area getScreenArea() {
* Notifies user something is wrong. We use Toolkit beep method by default.
public static void notifyUser() {
* Notifies user something is wrong. We use Toolkit beep method by default.
* @param component the component that has the error or null if the error is not associated with any component.
public static void notifyUser(Component component) {
String beep = SecurityUtils.getProperty("jide.beepNotifyUser", "true");
if ("true".equals(beep)) {
* Checks the prerequisite needed by JIDE demos. If the prerequisite doesn't meet, it will prompt a message box and
* exit.
public static void prerequisiteChecking() {
if (!SystemInfo.isJdk14Above()) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "J2SE 1.4 or above is required for this demo.", "JIDE Software, Inc.", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
if (!SystemInfo.isJdk142Above()) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "J2SE 1.4.2 or above is recommended for this demo for the best experience of seamless integration with Windows XP.", "JIDE Software, Inc.", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
if (SystemInfo.isMacOSX()) { // set special properties for Mac OS X
java.lang.System.setProperty("apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar", "true");
System.setProperty("apple.awt.brushMetalLook", "true");
* Sets the preferred size on a component. This method is there mainly to fix the issue that setPreferredSize method
* is there on Component only after JDK5. For JDK1.4 and before, you need to cast to JComponent first. So this
* method captures this logic and only call setPreferedSize when the JDK is 1.5 and above or when the component is
* instance of JComponent.
* @param component the component
* @param size the preferred size.
public static void setPreferredSize(Component component, Dimension size) {
if (SystemInfo.isJdk15Above()) {
else if (component instanceof JComponent) {
//noinspection RedundantCast
((JComponent) component).setPreferredSize(size);
* Sets the minimum size on a component. This method is there mainly to fix the issue that setMinimumSize method is
* there on Component only after JDK5. For JDK1.4 and before, you need to cast to JComponent first. So this method
* captures this logic and only call setMinimumSize when the JDK is 1.5 and above or when the component is
* @param component the component
* @param size the preferred size.
public static void setMinimumSize(Component component, Dimension size) {
if (SystemInfo.isJdk15Above()) {
else if (component instanceof JComponent) {
//noinspection RedundantCast
((JComponent) component).setMinimumSize(size);
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