Download com.jillesvangurp JAR files with all dependencies
geogeometry from group com.jillesvangurp (version 2.11)
Misc tools for working with wgs 84 coordinates and geohashes
jsonj from group com.jillesvangurp (version 2.43)
A framework for working with json in Java the "proper" way. No mappings or model classes, it's all just lovely json, but in Java.
jsonj from group com.jillesvangurp (version 2.52)
A framework for working with json in Java the "proper" way. No mappings or model classes, it's all just lovely json, but in Java.
spring-depend from group com.jillesvangurp (version 0.2)
A tool for generating a spring bean dependency graph
efficientstring from group com.jillesvangurp (version 1.12)
A more memory efficient way of keeping large amount of strings in memory in Java
iterables-support from group com.jillesvangurp (version 1.8)
Misc classes to make processing utf-8 content with iterators a bit less painful.
urlbuilder from group com.jillesvangurp (version 1.1)
Simple class to help construct urls.
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