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import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.{Annotation, AnnotatorType}
abstract class T5EncoderDecoder(
val spp: SentencePieceWrapper,
val additionalTokens: Map[Int, String] = Map()) {
protected val paddingTokenId = 0
protected val eosTokenId = 1
protected val pieceSize: Int = spp.getSppModel.getPieceSize
protected val vocabSize = 32128
def sessionWarmup(): Unit = {
val dummyInput = Array.fill(1)(0) ++ Array(eosTokenId)
maxNewTokens = 1,
maxTextLength = 1,
doSample = false,
temperature = 0f,
topK = 0,
topP = 0f,
repetitionPenalty = 0f,
noRepeatNgramSize = 0,
randomSeed = Option(0L),
stopAtEos = true,
ignoreTokenIds = Array(0))
protected def decode(sentences: Array[Array[Int]]): Seq[String] = { { s =>
val filteredPieceIds = s.filter(x => x <= pieceSize || additionalTokens.contains(x))
val additionalTokenPositions =
filteredPieceIds.zipWithIndex.filter(x => additionalTokens.contains(x._1)).map(_._2)
val decodedStrings = if (additionalTokenPositions.nonEmpty) {
var offset = 0 => {
val slice =
spp.getSppModel.decodeIds(filteredPieceIds.slice(offset, i): _*) + additionalTokens(
offset = i + 1
}) ++ Array(
spp.getSppModel.decodeIds(filteredPieceIds.slice(offset, filteredPieceIds.length): _*))
} else {
Array(spp.getSppModel.decodeIds(filteredPieceIds: _*))
protected def encode(sentences: Seq[Annotation], task: String): Seq[Array[Int]] = { => {
val sentWithTask = if (task.nonEmpty) task.concat(" ").concat(s.result) else s.result
spp.getSppModel.encodeAsIds(sentWithTask) ++ Array(this.eosTokenId)
protected def tag(
batch: Seq[Array[Int]],
maxNewTokens: Int,
maxTextLength: Int,
doSample: Boolean,
topK: Int,
topP: Double,
temperature: Double,
noRepeatNgramSize: Int,
repetitionPenalty: Double,
randomSeed: Option[Long],
ignoreTokenIds: Array[Int] = Array(),
stopAtEos: Boolean): Array[Array[Int]]
def predict(
sentences: Seq[Annotation],
task: String,
batchSize: Int,
maxNewTokens: Int,
maxTextLength: Int,
doSample: Boolean,
topK: Int,
topP: Double,
temperature: Double,
randomSeed: Option[Long] = None,
ignoreTokenIds: Array[Int] = Array(),
isCaseSensitive: Boolean,
stopAtEos: Boolean,
noRepeatNgramSize: Int,
repetitionPenalty: Double): Seq[Annotation] = {
val batchDecoder = sentences.grouped(batchSize).toArray.flatMap { batch =>
val batchSP = encode(batch, task)
val spIds = tag(
batch = batchSP,
maxNewTokens = maxNewTokens,
maxTextLength = maxTextLength,
doSample = doSample,
topK = topK,
topP = topP,
temperature = temperature,
randomSeed = randomSeed,
ignoreTokenIds = ignoreTokenIds,
stopAtEos = stopAtEos,
noRepeatNgramSize = noRepeatNgramSize,
repetitionPenalty = repetitionPenalty)
var sentBegin, nextSentEnd = 0 { case (content, sent) =>
nextSentEnd += content.length - 1
val newAnnotation = new Annotation(
annotatorType = AnnotatorType.DOCUMENT,
begin = sentBegin,
end = nextSentEnd,
result = content,
metadata = sent.metadata)
sentBegin += nextSentEnd + 1
def generate(
prompts: Seq[Annotation],
batchSize: Int,
maxNewTokens: Int,
maxContextLength: Int,
doSample: Boolean,
topK: Int,
topP: Double,
temperature: Double,
randomSeed: Option[Long],
ignoreTokenIds: Array[Int],
isCaseSensitive: Boolean,
stopAtEos: Boolean,
noRepeatNgramSize: Int,
repetitionPenalty: Double): Seq[Annotation] = {
sentences = prompts,
task = "",
batchSize = batchSize,
maxNewTokens = maxNewTokens,
maxTextLength = maxContextLength,
doSample = doSample,
topK = topK,
topP = topP,
temperature = temperature,
randomSeed = randomSeed,
ignoreTokenIds = ignoreTokenIds,
isCaseSensitive = isCaseSensitive,
stopAtEos = stopAtEos,
noRepeatNgramSize = noRepeatNgramSize,
repetitionPenalty = repetitionPenalty)