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* Copyright 2017-2022 John Snow Labs
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.AnnotatorType._
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp._
import{BooleanParam, Param, ParamValidators, StringArrayParam}
import java.util.Locale
/** This annotator takes a sequence of strings (e.g. the output of a [[Tokenizer]],
* [[Normalizer]], [[Lemmatizer]], and [[Stemmer]]) and drops all the stop words from the input
* sequences.
* By default, it uses stop words from MLlibs
* [[ StopWordsRemover]]. Stop
* words can also be defined by explicitly setting them with `setStopWords(value: Array[String])`
* or loaded from pretrained models using `pretrained` of its companion object.
* {{{
* val stopWords = StopWordsCleaner.pretrained()
* .setInputCols("token")
* .setOutputCol("cleanTokens")
* .setCaseSensitive(false)
* // will load the default pretrained model `"stopwords_en"`.
* }}}
* For available pretrained models please see the
* [[ Models Hub]].
* For extended examples of usage, see the
* [[ Examples]]
* and
* [[ StopWordsCleanerTestSpec]].
* ==Example==
* {{{
* import spark.implicits._
* import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.DocumentAssembler
* import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotator.Tokenizer
* import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotator.SentenceDetector
* import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.StopWordsCleaner
* import
* val documentAssembler = new DocumentAssembler()
* .setInputCol("text")
* .setOutputCol("document")
* val sentenceDetector = new SentenceDetector()
* .setInputCols(Array("document"))
* .setOutputCol("sentence")
* val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()
* .setInputCols(Array("sentence"))
* .setOutputCol("token")
* val stopWords = new StopWordsCleaner()
* .setInputCols("token")
* .setOutputCol("cleanTokens")
* .setCaseSensitive(false)
* val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(
* documentAssembler,
* sentenceDetector,
* tokenizer,
* stopWords
* ))
* val data = Seq(
* "This is my first sentence. This is my second.",
* "This is my third sentence. This is my forth."
* ).toDF("text")
* val result =
* result.selectExpr("cleanTokens.result").show(false)
* +-------------------------------+
* |result |
* +-------------------------------+
* |[first, sentence, ., second, .]|
* |[third, sentence, ., forth, .] |
* +-------------------------------+
* }}}
* @groupname anno Annotator types
* @groupdesc anno
* Required input and expected output annotator types
* @groupname Ungrouped Members
* @groupname param Parameters
* @groupname setParam Parameter setters
* @groupname getParam Parameter getters
* @groupname Ungrouped Members
* @groupprio param 1
* @groupprio anno 2
* @groupprio Ungrouped 3
* @groupprio setParam 4
* @groupprio getParam 5
* @groupdesc param
* A list of (hyper-)parameter keys this annotator can take. Users can set and get the
* parameter values through setters and getters, respectively.
class StopWordsCleaner(override val uid: String)
extends AnnotatorModel[StopWordsCleaner]
with HasSimpleAnnotate[StopWordsCleaner] {
/** Output annotator type: TOKEN
* @group anno
override val outputAnnotatorType: AnnotatorType = TOKEN
/** Input annotator type: TOKEN
* @group anno
override val inputAnnotatorTypes: Array[AnnotatorType] = Array(TOKEN)
def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("STOPWORDS_CLEANER"))
/** The words to be filtered out (Default: Stop words from MLlib)
* @group param
val stopWords: StringArrayParam = new StringArrayParam(
"The words to be filtered out. by default it's english stop words from Spark ML")
/** The words to be filtered out
* @group setParam
def setStopWords(value: Array[String]): this.type = set(stopWords, value)
/** The words to be filtered out
* @group getParam
def getStopWords: Array[String] = $(stopWords)
/** Whether to do a case-sensitive comparison over the stop words (Default: `false`)
* @group param
val caseSensitive: BooleanParam = new BooleanParam(
"Whether to do a case-sensitive comparison over the stop words")
/** Whether to do a case-sensitive comparison over the stop words (Default: `false`)
* @group setParam
def setCaseSensitive(value: Boolean): this.type = set(caseSensitive, value)
/** Whether to do a case-sensitive comparison over the stop words (Default: `false`)
* @group getParam
def getCaseSensitive: Boolean = $(caseSensitive)
/** Locale of the input for case insensitive matching (Default: system default locale, or
* `Locale.US` if the default locale is not in available locales). Ignored when caseSensitive
* is true.
* @group param
val locale: Param[String] = new Param[String](
"Locale of the input for case insensitive matching. Ignored when caseSensitive is true.",
/** Locale of the input for case insensitive matching (Default: system default locale, or
* `Locale.US` if the default locale is not in available locales). Ignored when caseSensitive
* is true
* @group setParam
def setLocale(value: String): this.type = set(locale, value)
/** Locale of the input for case insensitive matching (Default: system default locale, or
* `Locale.US` if the default locale is not in available locales). Ignored when caseSensitive
* is true
* @group getParam
def getLocale: String = $(locale)
/** Returns system default locale, or `Locale.US` if the default locale is not in available
* locales in JVM.
* @group param
private val getDefaultOrUS: Locale = {
if (Locale.getAvailableLocales.contains(Locale.getDefault)) {
} else {
logWarning(s"Default locale set was [${Locale.getDefault.toString}]; however, it was " +
"not found in available locales in JVM, falling back to en_US locale. Set param `locale` " +
"in order to respect another locale.")
inputCols -> Array(TOKEN),
outputCol -> "cleanedToken",
stopWords -> StopWordsRemover.loadDefaultStopWords("english"),
caseSensitive -> false,
locale -> getDefaultOrUS.toString)
override def annotate(annotations: Seq[Annotation]): Seq[Annotation] = {
val annotationsWithoutStopWords = if ($(caseSensitive)) {
val stopWordsSet = $(stopWords).toSet
annotations.filter(s => !stopWordsSet.contains(s.result))
} else {
val lc = new Locale($(locale))
// scalastyle:off caselocale
val toLower = (s: String) => if (s != null) s.toLowerCase(lc) else s
val lowerStopWords = $(stopWords).map(toLower(_)).toSet
annotations.filter(s => !lowerStopWords.contains(toLower(s.result)))
} { tokenAnnotation =>
trait ReadablePretrainedStopWordsCleanerModel
extends ParamsAndFeaturesReadable[StopWordsCleaner]
with HasPretrained[StopWordsCleaner] {
override val defaultModelName: Some[String] = Some("stopwords_en")
/** Java compliant-overrides */
override def pretrained(): StopWordsCleaner = super.pretrained()
override def pretrained(name: String): StopWordsCleaner = super.pretrained(name)
override def pretrained(name: String, lang: String): StopWordsCleaner =
super.pretrained(name, lang)
override def pretrained(name: String, lang: String, remoteLoc: String): StopWordsCleaner =
super.pretrained(name, lang, remoteLoc)
object StopWordsCleaner
extends ParamsAndFeaturesReadable[StopWordsCleaner]
with ReadablePretrainedStopWordsCleanerModel