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* Copyright 2017-2022 John Snow Labs
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.classifier.dl
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.AnnotatorType.{CATEGORY, SENTENCE_EMBEDDINGS}
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp._
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.ner.Verbose
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.pretrained.ResourceDownloader
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.serialization.StructFeature
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import{FloatParam, IntArrayParam, StringArrayParam}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, SparkSession}
/** MultiClassifierDL for Multi-label Text Classification.
* MultiClassifierDL Bidirectional GRU with Convolution model we have built inside TensorFlow and
* supports up to 100 classes. The input to MultiClassifierDL is Sentence Embeddings such as
* state-of-the-art
* [[com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.embeddings.UniversalSentenceEncoder UniversalSentenceEncoder]],
* [[com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.embeddings.BertSentenceEmbeddings BertSentenceEmbeddings]], or
* [[com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.embeddings.SentenceEmbeddings SentenceEmbeddings]].
* This is the instantiated model of the [[MultiClassifierDLApproach]]. For training your own
* model, please see the documentation of that class.
* Pretrained models can be loaded with `pretrained` of the companion object:
* {{{
* val multiClassifier = MultiClassifierDLModel.pretrained()
* .setInputCols("sentence_embeddings")
* .setOutputCol("categories")
* }}}
* The default model is `"multiclassifierdl_use_toxic"`, if no name is provided. It uses
* embeddings from the
* [[com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.embeddings.UniversalSentenceEncoder UniversalSentenceEncoder]] and
* classifies toxic comments. The data is based on the
* [[ Jigsaw Toxic Comment Classification Challenge]].
* For available pretrained models please see the
* [[ Models Hub]].
* In machine learning, multi-label classification and the strongly related problem of
* multi-output classification are variants of the classification problem where multiple labels
* may be assigned to each instance. Multi-label classification is a generalization of multiclass
* classification, which is the single-label problem of categorizing instances into precisely one
* of more than two classes; in the multi-label problem there is no constraint on how many of the
* classes the instance can be assigned to. Formally, multi-label classification is the problem
* of finding a model that maps inputs x to binary vectors y (assigning a value of 0 or 1 for
* each element (label) in y).
* For extended examples of usage, see the
* [[ Examples]]
* and the
* [[ MultiClassifierDLTestSpec]].
* ==Example==
* {{{
* import spark.implicits._
* import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.base.DocumentAssembler
* import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.classifier.dl.MultiClassifierDLModel
* import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.embeddings.UniversalSentenceEncoder
* import
* val documentAssembler = new DocumentAssembler()
* .setInputCol("text")
* .setOutputCol("document")
* val useEmbeddings = UniversalSentenceEncoder.pretrained()
* .setInputCols("document")
* .setOutputCol("sentence_embeddings")
* val multiClassifierDl = MultiClassifierDLModel.pretrained()
* .setInputCols("sentence_embeddings")
* .setOutputCol("classifications")
* val pipeline = new Pipeline()
* .setStages(Array(
* documentAssembler,
* useEmbeddings,
* multiClassifierDl
* ))
* val data = Seq(
* "This is pretty good stuff!",
* "Wtf kind of crap is this"
* ).toDF("text")
* val result =
*"text", "classifications.result").show(false)
* +--------------------------+----------------+
* |text |result |
* +--------------------------+----------------+
* |This is pretty good stuff!|[] |
* |Wtf kind of crap is this |[toxic, obscene]|
* +--------------------------+----------------+
* }}}
* @see
* [[ Multi-label classification on Wikipedia]]
* @see
* [[ClassifierDLModel]] for single-class classification
* @see
* [[SentimentDLModel]] for sentiment analysis
* @groupname anno Annotator types
* @groupdesc anno
* Required input and expected output annotator types
* @groupname Ungrouped Members
* @groupname param Parameters
* @groupname setParam Parameter setters
* @groupname getParam Parameter getters
* @groupname Ungrouped Members
* @groupprio param 1
* @groupprio anno 2
* @groupprio Ungrouped 3
* @groupprio setParam 4
* @groupprio getParam 5
* @groupdesc param
* A list of (hyper-)parameter keys this annotator can take. Users can set and get the
* parameter values through setters and getters, respectively.
class MultiClassifierDLModel(override val uid: String)
extends AnnotatorModel[MultiClassifierDLModel]
with HasSimpleAnnotate[MultiClassifierDLModel]
with WriteTensorflowModel
with HasStorageRef
with ParamsAndFeaturesWritable
with HasEngine {
def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("MultiClassifierDLModel"))
/** Output annotator type : SENTENCE_EMBEDDINGS
* @group anno
override val inputAnnotatorTypes: Array[AnnotatorType] = Array(SENTENCE_EMBEDDINGS)
/** Output annotator type : CATEGORY
* @group anno
override val outputAnnotatorType: String = CATEGORY
/** ConfigProto from tensorflow, serialized into byte array. Get with
* config_proto.SerializeToString()
* @group param
val configProtoBytes = new IntArrayParam(
"ConfigProto from tensorflow, serialized into byte array. Get with config_proto.SerializeToString()")
/** The minimum threshold for each label to be accepted (Default: `0.5f`)
* @group param
val threshold = new FloatParam(
"The minimum threshold for each label to be accepted. Default is 0.5")
/** Tensorflow config Protobytes passed to the TF session
* @group setParam
def setConfigProtoBytes(bytes: Array[Int]): MultiClassifierDLModel.this.type =
set(this.configProtoBytes, bytes)
/** Tensorflow config Protobytes passed to the TF session
* @group getParam
def getConfigProtoBytes: Option[Array[Byte]] =
/** Dataset params
* @group param
val datasetParams = new StructFeature[ClassifierDatasetEncoderParams](this, "datasetParams")
val classes =
new StringArrayParam(this, "classes", "keep an internal copy of classes for Python")
/** Dataset params
* @group setParam
def setDatasetParams(params: ClassifierDatasetEncoderParams): MultiClassifierDLModel.this.type =
set(this.datasetParams, params)
def getClasses: Array[String] = {
val encoder = new ClassifierDatasetEncoder(datasetParams.get.get)
set(classes, encoder.tags)
/** The minimum threshold for each label to be accepted (Default: `0.5f`)
* @group setParam
def setThreshold(threshold: Float): MultiClassifierDLModel.this.type =
set(this.threshold, threshold)
private var _model: Option[Broadcast[TensorflowMultiClassifier]] = None
def setModelIfNotSet(spark: SparkSession, tf: TensorflowWrapper): this.type = {
if (_model.isEmpty) {
require(datasetParams.isSet, "datasetParams must be set before usage")
val encoder = new ClassifierDatasetEncoder(datasetParams.get.get)
_model = Some(
new TensorflowMultiClassifier(tf, encoder, None, Verbose.Silent)))
def getModelIfNotSet: TensorflowMultiClassifier = _model.get.value
/** The minimum threshold for each label to be accepted (Default: `0.5f`)
* @group getParam
def getThreshold: Float = $(this.threshold)
setDefault(threshold -> 0.5f)
override protected def beforeAnnotate(dataset: Dataset[_]): Dataset[_] = {
validateStorageRef(dataset, $(inputCols), SENTENCE_EMBEDDINGS)
/** takes a document and annotations and produces new annotations of this annotator's annotation
* type
* @param annotations
* Annotations that correspond to inputAnnotationCols generated by previous annotators if any
* @return
* any number of annotations processed for every input annotation. Not necessary one to one
* relationship
override def annotate(annotations: Seq[Annotation]): Seq[Annotation] = {
val sentences = annotations
.filter(_.annotatorType == SENTENCE_EMBEDDINGS)
.groupBy(_.metadata.getOrElse[String]("sentence", "0").toInt)
val embeddingsLength = sentences.flatMap(x => x._2.flatten(x => x.embeddings)).nonEmpty
if (embeddingsLength) {
getModelIfNotSet.predict(sentences, $(threshold), getConfigProtoBytes)
} else {
override def onWrite(path: String, spark: SparkSession): Unit = {
super.onWrite(path, spark)
configProtoBytes = getConfigProtoBytes)
trait ReadablePretrainedMultiClassifierDL
extends ParamsAndFeaturesReadable[MultiClassifierDLModel]
with HasPretrained[MultiClassifierDLModel] {
override val defaultModelName: Some[String] = Some("multiclassifierdl_use_toxic")
override def pretrained(
name: String,
lang: String,
remoteLoc: String): MultiClassifierDLModel = {
ResourceDownloader.downloadModel(MultiClassifierDLModel, name, Option(lang), remoteLoc)
/** Java compliant-overrides */
override def pretrained(): MultiClassifierDLModel =
pretrained(defaultModelName.get, defaultLang, defaultLoc)
override def pretrained(name: String): MultiClassifierDLModel =
pretrained(name, defaultLang, defaultLoc)
override def pretrained(name: String, lang: String): MultiClassifierDLModel =
pretrained(name, lang, defaultLoc)
trait ReadMultiClassifierDLTensorflowModel extends ReadTensorflowModel {
this: ParamsAndFeaturesReadable[MultiClassifierDLModel] =>
override val tfFile: String = "multiclassifierdl_tensorflow"
def readModel(instance: MultiClassifierDLModel, path: String, spark: SparkSession): Unit = {
val tf = readTensorflowModel(path, spark, "_multiclassifierdl_tf", initAllTables = true)
instance.setModelIfNotSet(spark, tf)
// This allows for Python to access getClasses function
val encoder = new ClassifierDatasetEncoder(instance.datasetParams.get.get)
instance.set(instance.classes, encoder.tags)
/** This is the companion object of [[MultiClassifierDLModel]]. Please refer to that class for the
* documentation.
object MultiClassifierDLModel
extends ReadablePretrainedMultiClassifierDL
with ReadMultiClassifierDLTensorflowModel