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* Copyright 2017-2022 John Snow Labs
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.pos.perceptron
import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MMap}
/** @param tags
* Holds all unique tags based on training
* @param taggedWordBook
* Contains non ambiguous words and their tags
* @param featuresWeight
* Contains prediction information based on context frequencies
* @groupname anno Annotator types
* @groupdesc anno
* Required input and expected output annotator types
* @groupname Ungrouped Members
* @groupname param Parameters
* @groupname setParam Parameter setters
* @groupname getParam Parameter getters
* @groupname Ungrouped Members
* @groupprio param 1
* @groupprio anno 2
* @groupprio Ungrouped 3
* @groupprio setParam 4
* @groupprio getParam 5
* @groupdesc param
* A list of (hyper-)parameter keys this annotator can take. Users can set and get the
* parameter values through setters and getters, respectively.
case class AveragedPerceptron(
tags: Array[String],
taggedWordBook: Map[String, String],
featuresWeight: Map[String, Map[String, Double]])
extends Serializable {
def predict(features: Map[String, Int]): String = {
/** scores are used for feature scores, which are all by default 0 if a feature has a relevant
* score, look for all its possible tags and their scores multiply their weights per the
* times they appear Return highest tag by score
val summedWeights: MMap[String, Double] = MMap.empty
.filter { case (feature, value) => featuresWeight.contains(feature) && value != 0 }
.foreach { case (feature, value) =>
.foreach { case (tag, weight) =>
summedWeights.update(tag, summedWeights.getOrElse(tag, 0.0) + (value * weight))
/** ToDo: Watch it here. Because of missing training corpus, default values are made to make
* tests pass Secondary sort by tag simply made to match original python behavior
tags.maxBy { tag =>
(summedWeights.withDefaultValue(0.0)(tag), tag)
/** @group getParam */
private[nlp] def getTags: Array[String] = tags
/** @group getParam */
def getWeights: Map[String, Map[String, Double]] = featuresWeight
/** @group getParam */
def getTaggedBook: Map[String, String] = taggedWordBook
class TrainingPerceptronLegacy(
tags: Array[String],
taggedWordBook: Map[String, String],
featuresWeight: MMap[String, MMap[String, Double]],
lastIteration: Int = 0)
extends Serializable {
/** How many training iterations ran
* @group param
private var updateIteration: Int = lastIteration
/** totals contains scores for words and their possible tags
* @group param
private val totals: MMap[(String, String), Double] = MMap().withDefaultValue(0.0)
/** weighting parameter for words and their tags based on how many times passed through
* @group param
private val timestamps: MMap[(String, String), Double] = MMap().withDefaultValue(0.0)
def predict(features: Map[String, Int]): String = {
/** scores are used for feature scores, which are all by default 0 if a feature has a relevant
* score, look for all its possible tags and their scores multiply their weights per the
* times they appear Return highest tag by score
val scoresByTag = features
.filter { case (feature, value) => featuresWeight.contains(feature) && value != 0 }
.map { case (feature, value) =>
.map { case (tag, weight) =>
(tag, value * weight)
.aggregate(MMap[String, Double]())(
(tagsScores, tagScore) =>
tagScore ++ { case (tag, score) =>
(tag, tagScore.getOrElse(tag, 0.0) + score)
(pTagScore, cTagScore) => { case (tag, score) => (tag, cTagScore.getOrElse(tag, 0.0) + score) })
/** ToDo: Watch it here. Because of missing training corpus, default values are made to make
* tests pass Secondary sort by tag simply made to match original python behavior
tags.maxBy { tag =>
(scoresByTag.withDefaultValue(0.0)(tag), tag)
/** Training level operation once a model was trained, average its weights more in the first
* iterations
private[pos] def averageWeights(): AveragedPerceptron = {
featuresWeight.foreach { case (feature, weights) =>
feature, { case (tag, weight) =>
val param = (feature, tag)
val total = totals(param) + ((updateIteration - timestamps(param)) * weight)
(tag, total / updateIteration.toDouble)
AveragedPerceptron(tags, taggedWordBook, featuresWeight.mapValues(_.toMap).toMap)
/** @group getParam */
private[nlp] def getUpdateIterations: Int = updateIteration
/** @group getParam */
private[nlp] def getTagBook: Map[String, String] = taggedWordBook
/** @group getParam */
private[nlp] def getTags: Array[String] = tags
/** @group getParam */
def getWeights: Map[String, Map[String, Double]] = featuresWeight.mapValues(_.toMap).toMap
/** This is model learning tweaking during training, in-place Uses mutable collections since
* this runs per word, not per iteration Hence, performance is needed, without risk as long as
* this is a non parallel training running outside spark
* @return
def update(truth: String, guess: String, features: Map[String, Int]): Unit = {
def updateFeature(tag: String, feature: String, weight: Double, value: Double): Unit = {
val param = (feature, tag)
/** update totals and timestamps */
totals(param) += ((updateIteration - timestamps(param)) * weight)
timestamps(param) = updateIteration
/** update weights */
featuresWeight(feature)(tag) = weight + value
updateIteration += 1
/** if prediction was wrong, take all features and for each feature get feature's current tags
* and their weights congratulate if success and punish for wrong in weight
if (truth != guess) {
features.foreach { case (feature, _) =>
val weights = featuresWeight.getOrElseUpdate(feature, MMap())
updateFeature(truth, feature, weights.getOrElse(truth, 0.0), 1.0)
updateFeature(guess, feature, weights.getOrElse(guess, 0.0), -1.0)