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com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.spell.norvig.NorvigSweetingModel.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright 2017-2022 John Snow Labs
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.spell.norvig

import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.spell.util.Utilities
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.serialization.MapFeature
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp._
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet

/** This annotator retrieves tokens and makes corrections automatically if not found in an English
  * dictionary. Inspired by Norvig model and [[ SymSpell]].
  * The Symmetric Delete spelling correction algorithm reduces the complexity of edit candidate
  * generation and dictionary lookup for a given Damerau-Levenshtein distance. It is six orders of
  * magnitude faster (than the standard approach with deletes + transposes + replaces + inserts)
  * and language independent.
  * This is the instantiated model of the [[NorvigSweetingApproach]]. For training your own model,
  * please see the documentation of that class.
  * Pretrained models can be loaded with `pretrained` of the companion object:
  * {{{
  * val spellChecker = NorvigSweetingModel.pretrained()
  *   .setInputCols("token")
  *   .setOutputCol("spell")
  *   .setDoubleVariants(true)
  * }}}
  * The default model is `"spellcheck_norvig"`, if no name is provided. For available pretrained
  * models please see the [[ Models Hub]].
  * For extended examples of usage, see the
  * [[ Spark NLP Workshop]]
  * and the
  * [[ NorvigSweetingTestSpec]].
  * ==Example==
  * {{{
  * import spark.implicits._
  * import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.base.DocumentAssembler
  * import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.Tokenizer
  * import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.spell.norvig.NorvigSweetingModel
  * import
  * val documentAssembler = new DocumentAssembler()
  *   .setInputCol("text")
  *   .setOutputCol("document")
  * val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()
  *   .setInputCols("document")
  *   .setOutputCol("token")
  * val spellChecker = NorvigSweetingModel.pretrained()
  *   .setInputCols("token")
  *   .setOutputCol("spell")
  * val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(
  *   documentAssembler,
  *   tokenizer,
  *   spellChecker
  * ))
  * val data = Seq("somtimes i wrrite wordz erong.").toDF("text")
  * val result =
  * +--------------------------------------+
  * |result                                |
  * +--------------------------------------+
  * |[sometimes, i, write, words, wrong, .]|
  * +--------------------------------------+
  * }}}
  * @see
  *   [[com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.spell.symmetric.SymmetricDeleteModel SymmetricDeleteModel]]
  *   for an alternative approach to spell checking
  * @see
  *   [[com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.spell.context.ContextSpellCheckerModel ContextSpellCheckerModel]]
  *   for a DL based approach
  * @groupname anno Annotator types
  * @groupdesc anno
  *   Required input and expected output annotator types
  * @groupname Ungrouped Members
  * @groupname param Parameters
  * @groupname setParam Parameter setters
  * @groupname getParam Parameter getters
  * @groupname Ungrouped Members
  * @groupprio param  1
  * @groupprio anno  2
  * @groupprio Ungrouped 3
  * @groupprio setParam  4
  * @groupprio getParam  5
  * @groupdesc param
  *   A list of (hyper-)parameter keys this annotator can take. Users can set and get the
  *   parameter values through setters and getters, respectively.
class NorvigSweetingModel(override val uid: String)
    extends AnnotatorModel[NorvigSweetingModel]
    with HasSimpleAnnotate[NorvigSweetingModel]
    with NorvigSweetingParams {

  import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.AnnotatorType._

  /** Annotator reference id. Used to identify elements in metadata or to refer to this annotator
    * type
  def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("SPELL"))

  private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("NorvigApproach")

  /** Output annotator type : TOKEN
    * @group anno
  override val outputAnnotatorType: AnnotatorType = TOKEN

  /** Input annotator type : TOKEN
    * @group anno
  override val inputAnnotatorTypes: Array[AnnotatorType] = Array(TOKEN)

  /** Number of words in the dictionary
    * @group param
  protected val wordCount: MapFeature[String, Long] = new MapFeature(this, "wordCount")

  /** @group getParam */
  protected def getWordCount: Map[String, Long] = $$(wordCount)

  /** @group setParam */
  def setWordCount(value: Map[String, Long]): this.type = set(wordCount, value)

  private lazy val allWords: HashSet[String] = {
    if ($(caseSensitive)) HashSet($$(wordCount).keys.toSeq: _*)
    else HashSet($$(wordCount) _*)

  private lazy val frequencyBoundaryValues: (Long, Long) = {
    val min: Long = $$(wordCount).filter(_._1.length > $(wordSizeIgnore)).minBy(_._2)._2
    val max = $$(wordCount).filter(_._1.length > $(wordSizeIgnore)).maxBy(_._2)._2
    (min, max)

  override def annotate(annotations: Seq[Annotation]): Seq[Annotation] = { { token =>
      val verifiedWord = checkSpellWord(token.result)
        Map("confidence" -> verifiedWord._2.toString, "sentence" -> token.metadata("sentence")))

  def checkSpellWord(raw: String): (String, Double) = {
    val input = Utilities.limitDuplicates($(dupsLimit), raw)
    logger.debug(s"spell checker target word: $input")
    val possibility = getBestSpellingSuggestion(input)
    if (possibility._1.isDefined) return (possibility._1.get, possibility._2)
    val listedSuggestions = suggestions(input)
    val sortedFrequencies = getSortedWordsByFrequency(listedSuggestions, input)
    val sortedHamming = getSortedWordsByHamming(listedSuggestions, input)
    getResult(sortedFrequencies, sortedHamming, input)

  private def getBestSpellingSuggestion(word: String): (Option[String], Double) = {
    var score: Double = 0
    if ($(shortCircuit)) {
      val suggestedWord = getShortCircuitSuggestion(word).getOrElse(word)
      score = getScoreFrequency(suggestedWord)
      (Some(suggestedWord), score)
    } else {
      val suggestions = getSuggestion(word: String)
      (suggestions._1, suggestions._2)

  private def getShortCircuitSuggestion(word: String): Option[String] = {
    if (Utilities.reductions(word, $(reductLimit)).exists(allWords.contains)) Some(word)
    else if (Utilities.getVowelSwaps(word, $(vowelSwapLimit)).exists(allWords.contains))
    else if (Utilities.variants(word).exists(allWords.contains)) Some(word)
    else if (both(word).exists(allWords.contains)) Some(word)
    else if ($(doubleVariants) && computeDoubleVariants(word).exists(allWords.contains))
    else None

  /** variants of variants of a word */
  def computeDoubleVariants(word: String): List[String] =
    Utilities.variants(word).flatMap(variant => Utilities.variants(variant))

  private def getSuggestion(word: String): (Option[String], Double) = {
    if (allWords.contains(word)) {
      logger.debug("Word found in dictionary. No spell change")
      (Some(word), 1)
    } else if (word.length <= $(wordSizeIgnore)) {
      logger.debug("word ignored because length is less than wordSizeIgnore")
      (Some(word), 0)
    } else if (allWords.contains(word.distinct)) {
      logger.debug("Word as distinct found in dictionary")
      val score = getScoreFrequency(word.distinct)
      (Some(word.distinct), score)
    } else (None, -1)

  def getScoreFrequency(word: String): Double = {
    val frequency = Utilities.getFrequency(word, $$(wordCount))

  def normalizeFrequencyValue(value: Long): Double = {
    if (value > frequencyBoundaryValues._2) {
      return 1
    if (value < frequencyBoundaryValues._1) {
      return 0
    val normalizedValue =
      (value - frequencyBoundaryValues._1).toDouble / (frequencyBoundaryValues._2 - frequencyBoundaryValues._1).toDouble
    BigDecimal(normalizedValue).setScale(4, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.HALF_UP).toDouble

  private def suggestions(word: String): List[String] = {
    val intersectedPossibilities = allWords.intersect({
      val base =
        Utilities.reductions(word, $(reductLimit)) ++
          Utilities.getVowelSwaps(word, $(vowelSwapLimit)) ++
          Utilities.variants(word) ++
      if ($(doubleVariants)) base ++ computeDoubleVariants(word) else base
    if (intersectedPossibilities.nonEmpty) intersectedPossibilities.toList
    else List.empty[String]

  private def both(word: String): List[String] = {
      .reductions(word, $(reductLimit))
      .flatMap(reduction => Utilities.getVowelSwaps(reduction, $(vowelSwapLimit)))

  def getSortedWordsByFrequency(words: List[String], input: String): List[(String, Long)] = {
    val filteredWords = words.withFilter(_.length >= input.length)
    val sortedWordsByFrequency = filteredWords
      .map(word => (word, compareFrequencies(word)))
      .sortWith(_._2 > _._2)
    logger.debug(s"recommended by frequency: ${sortedWordsByFrequency.mkString(", ")}")

  private def compareFrequencies(value: String): Long =
    Utilities.getFrequency(value, $$(wordCount))

  def getSortedWordsByHamming(words: List[String], input: String): List[(String, Long)] = {
    val sortedWordByHamming = words
      .map(word => (word, compareHammers(input)(word)))
    logger.debug(s"recommended by hamming: ${sortedWordByHamming.mkString(", ")}")

  private def compareHammers(input: String)(value: String): Long =
    Utilities.computeHammingDistance(input, value)

  def getResult(
      wordsByFrequency: List[(String, Long)],
      wordsByHamming: List[(String, Long)],
      input: String): (String, Double) = {
    var recommendation: (Option[String], Double) = (None, 0)
    val intersectWords = => word._1).intersect( => word._1))
    if (wordsByFrequency.isEmpty && wordsByHamming.isEmpty) {
      logger.debug("no intersection or frequent words found")
      recommendation = (Some(input), 0)
    } else if (wordsByFrequency.isEmpty || wordsByHamming.isEmpty) {
      logger.debug("no intersection but one recommendation found")
      recommendation = getRecommendation(wordsByFrequency, wordsByHamming)
    } else if (intersectWords.nonEmpty) {
      logger.debug("hammer and frequency recommendations found")
      val frequencyAndHammingRecommendation =
        getFrequencyAndHammingRecommendation(wordsByFrequency, wordsByHamming, intersectWords)
      recommendation =
        (frequencyAndHammingRecommendation._1, frequencyAndHammingRecommendation._2)
    } else {
      logger.debug("no intersection of hammer and frequency")
      recommendation =
        getFrequencyOrHammingRecommendation(wordsByFrequency, wordsByHamming, input)
    (recommendation._1.getOrElse(input), recommendation._2)

  private def getRecommendation(
      wordsByFrequency: List[(String, Long)],
      wordsByHamming: List[(String, Long)]) = {
    if (wordsByFrequency.nonEmpty) {
    } else {

  private def getFrequencyAndHammingRecommendation(
      wordsByFrequency: List[(String, Long)],
      wordsByHamming: List[(String, Long)],
      intersectWords: List[String]): (Option[String], Double) = {
    val wordsByFrequencyAndHamming = { word =>
      val frequency = wordsByFrequency.find(_._1 == word).get._2
      val hamming = wordsByHamming.find(_._1 == word).get._2
      (word, frequency, hamming)
    val bestFrequencyValue = wordsByFrequencyAndHamming.maxBy(_._2)._2
    val bestHammingValue = wordsByFrequencyAndHamming.minBy(_._3)._3
    val bestRecommendations = wordsByFrequencyAndHamming.filter(word =>
      word._2 == bestFrequencyValue && word._3 == bestHammingValue)
    if (bestRecommendations.nonEmpty) {
      val result = (
      (Some(result._1.get._1), result._2)
    } else {
      if ($(frequencyPriority)) {
        (Some(wordsByFrequencyAndHamming.sortBy(_._3).maxBy(_._2)._1), 1.toDouble)
      } else {
        (Some(wordsByFrequencyAndHamming.sortBy(_._2).reverse.minBy(_._3)._1), 1.toDouble)

  def getResultByFrequency(wordsByFrequency: List[(String, Long)]): (Option[String], Double) = {
    val bestFrequencyValue = wordsByFrequency.maxBy(_._2)._2
    val bestRecommendations = wordsByFrequency.filter(_._2 == bestFrequencyValue).map(_._1)

  def getResultByHamming(wordsByHamming: List[(String, Long)]): (Option[String], Double) = {
    val bestHammingValue = wordsByHamming.minBy(_._2)._2
    val bestRecommendations = wordsByHamming.filter(_._2 == bestHammingValue).map(_._1)

  def getFrequencyOrHammingRecommendation(
      wordsByFrequency: List[(String, Long)],
      wordsByHamming: List[(String, Long)],
      input: String): (Option[String], Double) = {
    val frequencyResult: String = getResultByFrequency(wordsByFrequency)._1.getOrElse(input)
    val hammingResult: String = getResultByHamming(wordsByHamming)._1.getOrElse(input)
    var result = List(frequencyResult, hammingResult)
    if (frequencyResult == input) {
      result = List(hammingResult)
    } else if (hammingResult == input) {
      result = List(frequencyResult)

    (Utilities.getRandomValueFromList(result), Utilities.computeConfidenceValue(result))


trait ReadablePretrainedNorvig
    extends ParamsAndFeaturesReadable[NorvigSweetingModel]
    with HasPretrained[NorvigSweetingModel] {
  override val defaultModelName = Some("spellcheck_norvig")

  /** Java compliant-overrides */
  override def pretrained(): NorvigSweetingModel = super.pretrained()

  override def pretrained(name: String): NorvigSweetingModel = super.pretrained(name)

  override def pretrained(name: String, lang: String): NorvigSweetingModel =
    super.pretrained(name, lang)

  override def pretrained(name: String, lang: String, remoteLoc: String): NorvigSweetingModel =
    super.pretrained(name, lang, remoteLoc)

/** This is the companion object of [[NorvigSweetingModel]]. Please refer to that class for the
  * documentation.
object NorvigSweetingModel extends ReadablePretrainedNorvig

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