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com.johnsnowlabs.ml.ai.MPNetClassification.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2017-2022 John Snow Labs
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.johnsnowlabs.ml.ai
import ai.onnxruntime.OnnxTensor
import com.johnsnowlabs.ml.onnx.{OnnxSession, OnnxWrapper}
import com.johnsnowlabs.ml.tensorflow.sign.{ModelSignatureConstants, ModelSignatureManager}
import com.johnsnowlabs.ml.tensorflow.{TensorResources, TensorflowWrapper}
import com.johnsnowlabs.ml.util.{ONNX, TensorFlow}
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.common._
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.tokenizer.wordpiece.{BasicTokenizer, WordpieceEncoder}
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.{ActivationFunction, Annotation, AnnotatorType}
import org.tensorflow.ndarray.buffer.IntDataBuffer
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
/** @param tensorflowWrapper
* TensorFlow Wrapper
* @param sentenceStartTokenId
* Id of sentence start Token
* @param sentenceEndTokenId
* Id of sentence end Token.
* @param tags
* labels which model was trained with in order
* @param signatures
* TF v2 signatures in Spark NLP
private[johnsnowlabs] class MPNetClassification(
val tensorflowWrapper: Option[TensorflowWrapper],
val onnxWrapper: Option[OnnxWrapper],
val sentenceStartTokenId: Int,
val sentenceEndTokenId: Int,
tags: Map[String, Int],
signatures: Option[Map[String, String]] = None,
vocabulary: Map[String, Int],
threshold: Float = 0.5f)
extends Serializable
with XXXForClassification {
val _tfMPNetSignatures: Map[String, String] =
val detectedEngine: String =
if (tensorflowWrapper.isDefined) TensorFlow.name
else if (onnxWrapper.isDefined) ONNX.name
else TensorFlow.name
private val onnxSessionOptions: Map[String, String] = new OnnxSession().getSessionOptions
protected val sentencePadTokenId = 1
protected val sigmoidThreshold: Float = threshold
val unkToken = ""
def tokenizeWithAlignment(
sentences: Seq[TokenizedSentence],
maxSeqLength: Int,
caseSensitive: Boolean): Seq[WordpieceTokenizedSentence] = {
val basicTokenizer = new BasicTokenizer(caseSensitive)
val encoder = new WordpieceEncoder(vocabulary)
sentences.map { tokenIndex =>
// filter empty and only whitespace tokens
val bertTokens =
tokenIndex.indexedTokens.filter(x => x.token.nonEmpty && !x.token.equals(" ")).map {
token =>
val content = if (caseSensitive) token.token else token.token.toLowerCase()
val sentenceBegin = token.begin
val sentenceEnd = token.end
val sentenceIndex = tokenIndex.sentenceIndex
val result = basicTokenizer.tokenize(
Sentence(content, sentenceBegin, sentenceEnd, sentenceIndex))
if (result.nonEmpty) result.head else IndexedToken("")
val wordpieceTokens = bertTokens.flatMap(token => encoder.encode(token)).take(maxSeqLength)
def tokenizeSeqString(
candidateLabels: Seq[String],
maxSeqLength: Int,
caseSensitive: Boolean): Seq[WordpieceTokenizedSentence] = {
val basicTokenizer = new BasicTokenizer(caseSensitive)
val encoder = new WordpieceEncoder(vocabulary)
val labelsToSentences = candidateLabels.map { s => Sentence(s, 0, s.length - 1, 0) }
labelsToSentences.map(label => {
val tokens = basicTokenizer.tokenize(label)
val wordpieceTokens = tokens.flatMap(token => encoder.encode(token)).take(maxSeqLength)
def tokenizeDocument(
docs: Seq[Annotation],
maxSeqLength: Int,
caseSensitive: Boolean): Seq[WordpieceTokenizedSentence] = {
// we need the original form of the token
// let's lowercase if needed right before the encoding
val basicTokenizer = new BasicTokenizer(caseSensitive = true, hasBeginEnd = false)
val encoder = new WordpieceEncoder(vocabulary, unkToken = unkToken)
val sentences = docs.map { s => Sentence(s.result, s.begin, s.end, 0) }
sentences.map { sentence =>
val tokens = basicTokenizer.tokenize(sentence)
val wordpieceTokens = if (caseSensitive) {
tokens.flatMap(token => encoder.encode(token))
} else {
// now we can lowercase the tokens since we have the original form already
val normalizedTokens =
tokens.map(x => IndexedToken(x.token.toLowerCase(), x.begin, x.end))
val normalizedWordPiece = normalizedTokens.flatMap(token => encoder.encode(token))
normalizedWordPiece.map { t =>
val orgToken = tokens
.find(org => t.begin == org.begin && t.isWordStart)
.map(x => x.token)
TokenPiece(t.wordpiece, orgToken, t.pieceId, t.isWordStart, t.begin, t.end)
def tag(batch: Seq[Array[Int]]): Seq[Array[Array[Float]]] = {
val batchLength = batch.length
val maxSentenceLength = batch.map(encodedSentence => encodedSentence.length).max
val rawScores = detectedEngine match {
case ONNX.name => getRowScoresWithOnnx(batch)
case _ => throw new NotImplementedError("TensorFlow is not supported.")
val dim = rawScores.length / (batchLength * maxSentenceLength)
val batchScores: Array[Array[Array[Float]]] = rawScores
.map(scores => calculateSoftmax(scores))
private def getRowScoresWithOnnx(batch: Seq[Array[Int]]): Array[Float] = {
val (runner, env) = onnxWrapper.get.getSession(onnxSessionOptions)
val tokenTensors =
OnnxTensor.createTensor(env, batch.map(x => x.map(x => x.toLong)).toArray)
val maskTensors =
batch.map(sentence => sentence.map(x => if (x == 0L) 0L else 1L)).toArray)
val inputs =
Map("input_ids" -> tokenTensors, "attention_mask" -> maskTensors).asJava
try {
val results = runner.run(inputs)
try {
val embeddings = results
} finally if (results != null) results.close()
def tagSequence(batch: Seq[Array[Int]], activation: String): Array[Array[Float]] = {
val batchLength = batch.length
val rawScores = detectedEngine match {
case ONNX.name => getRowScoresWithOnnx(batch)
case _ => throw new NotImplementedError("TensorFlow is not supported.")
val dim = rawScores.length / batchLength
val batchScores: Array[Array[Float]] =
.map(scores =>
activation match {
case ActivationFunction.softmax => calculateSoftmax(scores)
case ActivationFunction.sigmoid => calculateSigmoid(scores)
case _ => calculateSoftmax(scores)
def tagZeroShotSequence(
batch: Seq[Array[Int]],
entailmentId: Int,
contradictionId: Int,
activation: String): Array[Array[Float]] = {
val tensors = new TensorResources()
val maxSentenceLength = batch.map(encodedSentence => encodedSentence.length).max
val batchLength = batch.length
val tokenBuffers: IntDataBuffer = tensors.createIntBuffer(batchLength * maxSentenceLength)
val maskBuffers: IntDataBuffer = tensors.createIntBuffer(batchLength * maxSentenceLength)
val segmentBuffers: IntDataBuffer = tensors.createIntBuffer(batchLength * maxSentenceLength)
// [nb of encoded sentences , maxSentenceLength]
val shape = Array(batch.length.toLong, maxSentenceLength)
.foreach { case (sentence, idx) =>
val offset = idx * maxSentenceLength
maskBuffers.offset(offset).write(sentence.map(x => if (x == 0) 0 else 1))
val sentenceEndTokenIndex = sentence.indexOf(sentenceEndTokenId)
.map(i =>
if (i < sentenceEndTokenIndex) 0
else if (i == sentenceEndTokenIndex) 1
else 1)
val session = tensorflowWrapper.get.getTFSessionWithSignature(
configProtoBytes = None,
savedSignatures = signatures,
initAllTables = false)
val runner = session.runner
val tokenTensors = tensors.createIntBufferTensor(shape, tokenBuffers)
val maskTensors = tensors.createIntBufferTensor(shape, maskBuffers)
.getOrElse(ModelSignatureConstants.AttentionMask.key, "missing_input_mask_key"),
.getOrElse(ModelSignatureConstants.LogitsOutput.key, "missing_logits_key"))
val outs = runner.run().asScala
val rawScores = TensorResources.extractFloats(outs.head)
val dim = rawScores.length / batchLength
/** Computes probabilities for the start and end indexes for question answering.
* @param batch
* Batch of questions with context, encoded with [[encodeSequence]].
* @return
* Raw logits containing scores for the start and end indexes
def tagSpan(batch: Seq[Array[Int]]): (Array[Array[Float]], Array[Array[Float]]) = {
val batchLength = batch.length
val (startLogits, endLogits) = detectedEngine match {
case ONNX.name => computeLogitsWithOnnx(batch)
case _ => throw new NotImplementedError("TensorFlow is not supported.")
val endDim = endLogits.length / batchLength
val endScores: Array[Array[Float]] =
val startDim = startLogits.length / batchLength
val startScores: Array[Array[Float]] =
(startScores, endScores)
private def computeLogitsWithOnnx(batch: Seq[Array[Int]]): (Array[Float], Array[Float]) = {
val (runner, env) = onnxWrapper.get.getSession(onnxSessionOptions)
val tokenTensors =
OnnxTensor.createTensor(env, batch.map(x => x.map(_.toLong)).toArray)
val maskTensors =
OnnxTensor.createTensor(env, batch.map(sentence => Array.fill(sentence.length)(1L)).toArray)
val inputs =
Map("input_ids" -> tokenTensors, "attention_mask" -> maskTensors).asJava
try {
val results = runner.run(inputs)
try {
val startLogits = results
val endLogits = results
(startLogits, endLogits)
} finally if (results != null) results.close()
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
// Handle exceptions by logging or other means.
) // Return an empty array or appropriate error handling
} finally {
// Close tensors outside the try-catch to avoid repeated null checks.
// These resources are initialized before the try-catch, so they should be closed here.
def findIndexedToken(
tokenizedSentences: Seq[TokenizedSentence],
sentence: (WordpieceTokenizedSentence, Int),
tokenPiece: TokenPiece): Option[IndexedToken] = {
tokenizedSentences(sentence._2).indexedTokens.find(p => p.begin == tokenPiece.begin)
/** Encodes two sequences to be compatible with the MPNet models.
* Similarly to RoBerta models, MPNet requires two eos tokens to join two sequences.
* For example, the pair of sequences A, B should be joined to: ` A B `
override def encodeSequence(
seq1: Seq[WordpieceTokenizedSentence],
seq2: Seq[WordpieceTokenizedSentence],
maxSequenceLength: Int): Seq[Array[Int]] = {
val question = seq1
.flatMap { wpTokSentence =>
wpTokSentence.tokens.map(t => t.pieceId)
.take(maxSequenceLength - 2) ++ Array(sentenceEndTokenId, sentenceEndTokenId)
val context = seq2
.flatMap { wpTokSentence =>
wpTokSentence.tokens.map(t => t.pieceId)
.take(maxSequenceLength - question.length - 2) ++ Array(sentenceEndTokenId)
Seq(Array(sentenceStartTokenId) ++ question ++ context)
/** Processes logits, so that undesired logits do contribute to the output probabilities (such
* as question and special tokens).
* @param startLogits
* Raw logits for the start index
* @param endLogits
* Raw logits for the end index
* @param questionLength
* Length of the question tokens
* @param contextLength
* Length of the context tokens
* @return
* Probabilities for the start and end indexes
private def processLogits(
startLogits: Array[Float],
endLogits: Array[Float],
questionLength: Int,
contextLength: Int): (Array[Float], Array[Float]) = {
/** Sets log-logits to (almost) 0 for question and padding tokens so they can't contribute to
* the final softmax score.
* @param scores
* Logits of the combined sequences
* @return
* Scores, with unwanted tokens set to log-probability 0
def maskUndesiredTokens(scores: Array[Float]): Array[Float] = {
val numSpecialTokens = 4 // 4 added special tokens in encoded sequence (1 bos, 2 eos, 1 eos)
val totalLength = scores.length
scores.zipWithIndex.map { case (score, i) =>
val inQuestionTokens = i > 0 && i < questionLength + numSpecialTokens
val isEosToken = i == totalLength - 1
if (inQuestionTokens || isEosToken) -10000.0f
else score
val processedStartLogits = calculateSoftmax(maskUndesiredTokens(startLogits))
val processedEndLogits = calculateSoftmax(maskUndesiredTokens(endLogits))
(processedStartLogits, processedEndLogits)
override def predictSpan(
documents: Seq[Annotation],
maxSentenceLength: Int,
caseSensitive: Boolean,
mergeTokenStrategy: String = MergeTokenStrategy.vocab,
engine: String = TensorFlow.name): Seq[Annotation] = {
val questionAnnot = Seq(documents.head)
val contextAnnot = documents.drop(1)
val wordPieceTokenizedQuestion =
tokenizeDocument(questionAnnot, maxSentenceLength, caseSensitive)
val wordPieceTokenizedContext =
tokenizeDocument(contextAnnot, maxSentenceLength, caseSensitive)
val contextLength = wordPieceTokenizedContext.head.tokens.length
val questionLength = wordPieceTokenizedQuestion.head.tokens.length
val encodedInput =
encodeSequence(wordPieceTokenizedQuestion, wordPieceTokenizedContext, maxSentenceLength)
val (rawStartLogits, rawEndLogits) = tagSpan(encodedInput)
val (startScores, endScores) =
processLogits(rawStartLogits.head, rawEndLogits.head, questionLength, contextLength)
// Drop BOS token from valid results
val startIndex = startScores.zipWithIndex.drop(1).maxBy(_._1)
val endIndex = endScores.zipWithIndex.drop(1).maxBy(_._1)
val offsetStartIndex = 3 // 3 added special tokens
val offsetEndIndex = offsetStartIndex - 1
val allTokenPieces =
wordPieceTokenizedQuestion.head.tokens ++ wordPieceTokenizedContext.flatMap(x => x.tokens)
val decodedAnswer =
allTokenPieces.slice(startIndex._2 - offsetStartIndex, endIndex._2 - offsetEndIndex)
val content =
mergeTokenStrategy match {
case MergeTokenStrategy.vocab =>
decodedAnswer.filter(_.isWordStart).map(x => x.token).mkString(" ")
case MergeTokenStrategy.sentencePiece =>
val token = ""
.map(x =>
if (x.isWordStart) " " + token + x.token
else token + x.token)
val totalScore = startIndex._1 * endIndex._1
annotatorType = AnnotatorType.CHUNK,
begin = 0,
end = if (content.isEmpty) 0 else content.length - 1,
result = content,
metadata = Map(
"sentence" -> "0",
"chunk" -> "0",
"start" -> decodedAnswer.head.begin.toString,
"start_score" -> startIndex._1.toString,
"end" -> decodedAnswer.last.end.toString,
"end_score" -> endIndex._1.toString,
"score" -> totalScore.toString)))
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