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com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.DateMatcherTranslator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2017-2022 John Snow Labs
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators
import com.johnsnowlabs.util.JsonParser
import java.io.{FileNotFoundException, IOException}
import scala.io.Source
import scala.util.matching.Regex
sealed trait DateMatcherTranslatorPolicy {
def value: String
case object SingleDatePolicy extends DateMatcherTranslatorPolicy {
override def value: String = "single"
case object MultiDatePolicy extends DateMatcherTranslatorPolicy {
override def value: String = "multi"
class DateMatcherTranslator(policy: DateMatcherTranslatorPolicy) extends Serializable {
val SupportedLanguagesFilePath = "/date-matcher/supported_languages.txt"
val TranslationDataBaseDir = "/date-matcher/translation-dictionaries/dynamic/"
val JsonSuffix = ".json"
val Encoding = "utf-8"
val NotFound = "NF"
val SkipChar = "#"
val SpaceChar = " "
val NotAvailable = "NA"
val NameKey = "name"
val English = "en"
val EmptyStr = ""
val KeyPlaceholder = "#K#"
val ValuePlaceholder = "#V#"
val DigitsPattern = """(\\d+)"""
val NotDetected = "-1"
val AccentsPattern = "\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+"
val PunctuationPattern = "[^a-zA-Z0-9 \\/]"
/** Return one policy in [single, multi] associated to this translator */
def getPolicy() = policy
/** Load dictionary from supported language repository.
* @param language
* the language dictionary to load. Default is English.
* @return
* a map containing the language dictionary or throws an exception.
def loadDictionary(language: String = English) = {
val DictionaryPath = s"$TranslationDataBaseDir$language$JsonSuffix"
var jsonString = EmptyStr;
try {
jsonString = Source.fromInputStream(getClass.getResourceAsStream(DictionaryPath)).mkString
} catch {
case e: FileNotFoundException =>
throw new Exception(s"Couldn't find $language file in repository.")
case e: IOException => throw new Exception("Got an IOException!")
val jsonMap = JsonParser.parseObject[Map[String, Any]](jsonString)
// Utility method to parse the json files structure
def listify(any: Any): List[Any] =
any match {
case i: List[_] => i
case _ => List(any)
/** Load available language keys to process further matches
* @param text
* : text to match language against.
* @return
* a map containing the matching languages.
def _processSourceLanguageInfo(text: String, sourceLanguage: String) = {
val supportedLanguages =
if (!sourceLanguage.isEmpty) {
val actualLanguage = List(sourceLanguage)
val matchingLanguages = actualLanguage
.map(l => searchForLanguageMatches(text, l))
} else {
// TODO Autodetection flow or Exception
val activeLanguages = supportedLanguages.filterNot(_.startsWith(SkipChar)) // skip char
val matchingLanguages = activeLanguages
.map(l => searchForLanguageMatches(text, l))
def stringValuesToRegexes(
regexValuesIntersection: Set[String],
sourceLanguage: String): Set[Regex] = {
val res = regexValuesIntersection
.map(_.replaceAll(ValuePlaceholder, DigitsPattern))
.map(s => s.r)
/** Search for language matches token by token.
* @param text
* : the text to process for matching.
* @param sourceLanguage
* : the 2 characters string identifying a supported language.
* @return
* a tuple representing language matches information, i.e. (language, Set(matches))
private def searchForLanguageMatches(text: String, sourceLanguage: String) = {
val dictionary: Map[String, Any] = loadDictionary(sourceLanguage)
// contains all the retrieved values
val candidates = dictionary
.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]
val tokenMatches = findTokenMatches(text, candidates)
val sentenceMatches = findSentenceMatches(text, candidates, sourceLanguage)
val matches = tokenMatches.union(sentenceMatches.map(_._2.toString))
// skipping single character matches
val filteredMatches = matches.filter(_.length > 1)
val matchingLanguages: (String, Set[String]) =
if (filteredMatches.size != 0) {
.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]
.getOrElse(NameKey, NotAvailable)
.toString -> filteredMatches
} else
NotFound -> Set.empty
private def findSentenceMatches(
text: String,
dictionaryValues: Set[String],
sourceLanguage: String) = {
val regexes = stringValuesToRegexes(dictionaryValues, sourceLanguage)
val sentenceMatches =
for (regex <- regexes;
res = regex.findFirstMatchIn(text.toLowerCase)
if !res.isEmpty && res.size != 0) yield (text, regex)
private def findTokenMatches(text: String, dictionaryValues: Set[String]) = {
val candidateTokens =
val tokenMatches =
/** Process date matches with the source language.
* @param text
* : the text to detect.
* @return
* the detected language as tuple of matched languages with their frequency.
def processSourceLanguageInfo(
text: String,
sourceLanguage: String): Map[String, Set[String]] = {
// e.g. Map(it -> Set((.*) anni fa))
val processedSourceLanguageInfo: Map[String, Set[String]] =
_processSourceLanguageInfo(text, sourceLanguage)
// if multiple source languages match we default to english as further processing is not possible
if (processedSourceLanguageInfo.size != 1) {
// nothing to translate has matched
Map(English -> Set())
} else {
// utility type
type DateMatcherIndexedToken = (String, Int)
private def adjustPunctuation(text: String): String = {
text.replaceAll("\\.|,|!|\\?|:", EmptyStr)
/** Matches the indexed text token against the passed dictionary.
* @param indexToken
* the indexed token to match.
* @param dictionary
* the dictionary to match token against.
def matchIndexedToken: (DateMatcherIndexedToken, Map[String, Any]) => DateMatcherIndexedToken =
(indexToken, dictionary) => {
val (token, index) = indexToken
val keys = dictionary.keySet
val getListifiedValues: String => List[String] =
dictionary.getOrElse(_, NotAvailable) match {
case l: List[String @unchecked] => l
case s: String => List(s)
case m: Map[String @unchecked, Any @unchecked] => m.keySet.toList
case _ => throw new Exception("Cannot listify dictionary value.")
val translated: Set[(String, Int)] =
for (k <- keys
if getListifiedValues(k).contains(token)) yield (k, index)
// only first match if any is returned
if (!translated.isEmpty)
else {
// bypassed as not matched
/** Apply translation switching token where an index has been translated using the dictionary
* matching.
* @param translatedIndexedToken
* : the translated index token to replace in text.
* @param text
* : the original text where translation is applied.
* @return
* the text translated using token replacement.
def applyTranslation(translatedIndexedToken: Array[(String, Int)], text: String) = {
val tokens = text.split(SpaceChar)
translatedIndexedToken.map(t => tokens(t._2) = t._1)
tokens.mkString(" ")
def searchKeyFromValuesMatch(dictionary: Map[String, Any], k: String, toBeReplaced: String) = {
val candidates: List[String] = dictionary.getOrElse(k, List(NotFound)) match {
case i: List[String @unchecked] => i
case _ => List(dictionary.getOrElse(k, List(NotFound)).toString)
val cardinality: Int = getTimeUnitCardinality(toBeReplaced)
val res =
for (c <- candidates
if c.contains(toBeReplaced) || c
.replaceAll(ValuePlaceholder, cardinality.toString)
.contains(toBeReplaced)) yield c
if (!res.isEmpty)
(k, res.head)
(k, NotFound)
private def getTimeUnitCardinality(text: String) = {
val pattern = """(\d+)""".r
val cardinality = pattern.findFirstIn(text) match {
case Some(m) => m.toInt
case _ => -1
def getKeyFromDictionaryValue(toBeReplaced: Array[String], sourceLanguage: String) = {
val dictionary: Map[String, Any] = loadDictionary(sourceLanguage)
// contains all the retrieved keys
val iterKeys: Iterable[String] = dictionary
.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]]
val replacingKey: Iterable[(String, String)] = iterKeys
.map(k => searchKeyFromValuesMatch(dictionary, k, toBeReplaced.mkString(SpaceChar)))
def adjustPlurality(text: String) = {
val pattern = """(\d+)""".r
val res = pattern.findFirstIn(text) match {
case Some(m) => m.toInt
case _ => -1
val candidates = Array("second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month", "year")
var acc = text.replaceAll("\\.|,", " ")
val adjusted: String =
if (res > 1) {
val matchingCandidates =
for (c <- candidates
if text.contains(c)
&& !text.contains(1 + " " + c)
&& !text.contains(c + "s")) yield c
matchingCandidates.foreach(c => acc = acc.replaceAll(c, c + "s"))
} else {
/** Translate sentence from source info.
* @param text
* : sentence to translate.
* @param sourceLanguageInfo
* : the source info map.
* @return
* the translated sentence.
def translateBySentence(
text: String,
sourceLanguageInfo: Map[String, Set[String]],
policy: DateMatcherTranslatorPolicy) = {
val _text = text.toLowerCase
// return only the first matched pattern
def translateWithMultiDatePolicy = {
val patterns: Iterable[Regex] = sourceLanguageInfo.values.flatten.map(_.r)
var acc = text
for (p <- patterns) {
acc = _translateWithPattern(acc, p)
def _translateWithPattern(text: String, pattern: Regex) = {
val matchingGroup = pattern.findAllIn(text).toList.head
val toBeReplaced =
if (!matchingGroup.contains(ValuePlaceholder) || !matchingGroup.contains(
else {
val groupTokens = matchingGroup.split(SpaceChar)
groupTokens.takeRight(groupTokens.size - 1)
val sourceLanguage = sourceLanguageInfo.head._1
val replacingKeys = getKeyFromDictionaryValue(toBeReplaced, sourceLanguage)
val cardinality = getTimeUnitCardinality(text).toString
var acc = EmptyStr
if (cardinality != NotDetected) {
replacingKeys.foreach(rk =>
acc = text.replaceAll(
rk._2.replace(ValuePlaceholder, cardinality),
rk._1.replace(KeyPlaceholder, cardinality)))
val adjusted = adjustPlurality(acc)
} else {
.foreach(rk => acc = _text.replaceAll(rk._2, rk._1))
// return only the first matched pattern
def translateWithSingleDatePolicy = {
val strPattern = sourceLanguageInfo.values.flatten.head.r
_translateWithPattern(_text, strPattern)
val res = policy.value match {
case "single" => translateWithSingleDatePolicy
case "multi" => translateWithMultiDatePolicy
case _ => throw new Exception("Unknown date match translation policy")
/** Translate tokens from source info token by token.
* @param text
* : sentence to translate.
* @param sourceLanguageInfo
* : the osurce info map.
* @return
* the translated sentence.
private def translateTokens(text: String, sourceLanguageInfo: Map[String, Set[String]]) = {
// tokens can have punctuation so we remove it
val _text = adjustPunctuation(text)
if (!sourceLanguageInfo.keySet.head.equals(English)) {
val sourceLanguageDictionary: Map[String, Any] = loadDictionary(
val translatedIndexedToken: Array[DateMatcherIndexedToken] =
.map(matchIndexedToken(_, sourceLanguageDictionary))
applyTranslation(translatedIndexedToken, _text)
} else
/** Return the longest match
* @param sortedMatches
* : the list of matches sorted by length
* @return
* a List containing the longest match found in the input list
private def _regularizeSingleDateMatches(sortedMatches: List[String]) = {
/** Return the longest match
* @param sortedMatches
* : the list of matches sorted by length
* @param n
* : the number of desire matches
* @return
* the n longest match found in the input list
private def _regularizeMultiDateMatches(sortedMatches: List[String], n: Int = 2) = {
var acc = sortedMatches
for (m <- sortedMatches) {
sortedMatches.map(key =>
if (m.contains(key) && m.length > key.length)
acc = acc.filterNot(_ == key))
def preprocessSortedByLengthMatches(
sortedMatches: List[String],
policy: DateMatcherTranslatorPolicy) = {
policy.value match {
case "single" => _regularizeSingleDateMatches(sortedMatches)
case "multi" => _regularizeMultiDateMatches(sortedMatches)
/** Translate the text from source language to destination language.
* @param text
* the text to translate.
* @param sourceLanguageInfo
* the source language.
* @param destination
* the destination language.
* @return
* the translated text from source language to destination language.
private def _translate(
text: String,
sourceLanguageInfo: Map[String, Set[String]],
destination: String = English) = {
val key = sourceLanguageInfo.keySet.head
val sortedMatches: List[String] =
sourceLanguageInfo.values.flatten.toList.sortWith(_.length > _.length)
// Date Matcher takes 1 match, multi date n = 2 matches (default)
val _sortedMatches = preprocessSortedByLengthMatches(sortedMatches, getPolicy)
val _sourceLanguageInfo: Map[String, Set[String]] = Map(key -> _sortedMatches.toSet)
val predicates = Array(
_sourceLanguageInfo.head._2.toString().split(SpaceChar).size != 1)
val res =
if (predicates.forall(_.equals(true)))
translateBySentence(text, _sourceLanguageInfo, getPolicy)
translateTokens(text, _sourceLanguageInfo)
/** Translate the text from source language to destination language.
* @param _text
* the text to translate.
* @param sourceLanguage
* the source language.
* @param destination
* the destination language.
* @return
* the translated text from source language to destination language.
def translate(text: String, sourceLanguage: String, destination: String = English): String = {
// 0. normalize
val _text = text.toLowerCase
// 1. detect source language
val _sourceLanguageInfo: Map[String, Set[String]] =
processSourceLanguageInfo(_text, sourceLanguage)
// 2. apply translation if source is not english
val translated =
if (!_sourceLanguageInfo.keySet.head.equals(English))
_translate(_text, _sourceLanguageInfo, destination)
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