com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.spell.context.ContextSpellCheckerModel.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2017-2022 John Snow Labs
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.spell.context
import com.github.liblevenshtein.transducer.{Candidate, ITransducer}
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp._
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.ner.Verbose
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.spell.context.parser._
import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.serialization._
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import{BooleanParam, FloatParam, IntArrayParam, IntParam}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, SparkSession}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.util
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable
/** Implements a deep-learning based Noisy Channel Model Spell Algorithm. Correction candidates
* are extracted combining context information and word information.
* Spell Checking is a sequence to sequence mapping problem. Given an input sequence, potentially
* containing a certain number of errors, `ContextSpellChecker` will rank correction sequences
* according to three things:
* 1. Different correction candidates for each word — '''word level'''.
* 1. The surrounding text of each word, i.e. it’s context — '''sentence level'''.
* 1. The relative cost of different correction candidates according to the edit operations at
* the character level it requires — '''subword level'''.
* For an in-depth explanation of the module see the article
* [[ Applying Context Aware Spell Checking in Spark NLP]].
* This is the instantiated model of the [[ContextSpellCheckerApproach]]. For training your own
* model, please see the documentation of that class.
* Pretrained models can be loaded with `pretrained` of the companion object:
* {{{
* val spellChecker = ContextSpellCheckerModel.pretrained()
* .setInputCols("token")
* .setOutputCol("checked")
* }}}
* The default model is `"spellcheck_dl"`, if no name is provided. For available pretrained
* models please see the [[ Models Hub]].
* For extended examples of usage, see the
* [[ Examples]]
* and the
* [[ ContextSpellCheckerTestSpec]].
* ==Example==
* {{{
* import spark.implicits._
* import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.DocumentAssembler
* import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.Tokenizer
* import com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.spell.context.ContextSpellCheckerModel
* import
* val documentAssembler = new DocumentAssembler()
* .setInputCol("text")
* .setOutputCol("doc")
* val tokenizer = new Tokenizer()
* .setInputCols(Array("doc"))
* .setOutputCol("token")
* val spellChecker = ContextSpellCheckerModel
* .pretrained()
* .setTradeOff(12.0f)
* .setInputCols("token")
* .setOutputCol("checked")
* val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(
* documentAssembler,
* tokenizer,
* spellChecker
* ))
* val data = Seq("It was a cold , dreary day and the country was white with smow .").toDF("text")
* val result =
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* |result |
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* |[It, was, a, cold, ,, dreary, day, and, the, country, was, white, with, snow, .]|
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
* }}}
* @see
* [[com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.spell.norvig.NorvigSweetingModel NorvigSweetingModel]] and
* [[com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.annotators.spell.symmetric.SymmetricDeleteModel SymmetricDeleteModel]]
* for alternative approaches to spell checking
* @param uid
* required uid for storing annotator to disk
* @groupname anno Annotator types
* @groupdesc anno
* Required input and expected output annotator types
* @groupname Ungrouped Members
* @groupname param Parameters
* @groupname setParam Parameter setters
* @groupname getParam Parameter getters
* @groupname Ungrouped Members
* @groupprio param 1
* @groupprio anno 2
* @groupprio Ungrouped 3
* @groupprio setParam 4
* @groupprio getParam 5
* @groupdesc param
* A list of (hyper-)parameter keys this annotator can take. Users can set and get the
* parameter values through setters and getters, respectively.
class ContextSpellCheckerModel(override val uid: String)
extends AnnotatorModel[ContextSpellCheckerModel]
with HasSimpleAnnotate[ContextSpellCheckerModel]
with WeightedLevenshtein
with WriteTensorflowModel
with ParamsAndFeaturesWritable
with HasTransducerFeatures
with HasEngine {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("ContextSpellCheckerModel")
val transducer = new TransducerFeature(this, "mainVocabularyTransducer")
/** @group setParam */
def setVocabTransducer(trans: ITransducer[Candidate]): this.type = {
val main = new MainVocab()
main.transducer = trans
set(transducer, main)
val specialTransducers = new TransducerSeqFeature(this, "specialClassesTransducers")
/** @group setParam */
def setSpecialClassesTransducers(transducers: Seq[SpecialClassParser]): this.type = {
set(specialTransducers, transducers.toArray)
/** Frequency words from the vocabulary
* @group param
val vocabFreq = new MapFeature[String, Double](this, "vocabFreq")
/** @group setParam */
def setVocabFreq(v: Map[String, Double]): this.type = set(vocabFreq, v)
/** Mapping of ids to vocabulary
* @group param
val idsVocab = new MapFeature[Int, String](this, "idsVocab")
/** Mapping of vocabulary to ids
* @group param
val vocabIds = new MapFeature[String, Int](this, "vocabIds")
/** @group setParam */
def setVocabIds(v: Map[String, Int]): this.type = {
set(vocabIds, v)
/** Classes the spell checker recognizes
* @group param
val classes: MapFeature[Int, (Int, Int)] = new MapFeature(this, "classes")
/** @group setParam */
def setClasses(c: Map[Int, (Int, Int)]): this.type = set(classes, c)
/** Maximum distance for the generated candidates for every word, minimum 1.
* @group param
val wordMaxDistance = new IntParam(
"Maximum distance for the generated candidates for every word, minimum 1.")
/** @group setParam */
def setWordMaxDistance(k: Int): this.type = set(wordMaxDistance, k)
/** Maximum number of candidates for every word (Default: `6`).
* @group param
val maxCandidates =
new IntParam(this, "maxCandidates", "Maximum number of candidates for every word.")
/** @group setParam */
def setMaxCandidates(k: Int): this.type = set(maxCandidates, k)
/** What case combinations to try when generating candidates (Default: `CandidateStrategy.ALL`).
* @group param
val caseStrategy = new IntParam(
"What case combinations to try when generating candidates.")
/** @group setParam */
def setCaseStrategy(k: Int): this.type = set(caseStrategy, k)
/** Threshold perplexity for a word to be considered as an error.
* @group param
val errorThreshold = new FloatParam(
"Threshold perplexity for a word to be considered as an error.")
/** @group setParam */
def setErrorThreshold(t: Float): this.type = set(errorThreshold, t)
/** Tradeoff between the cost of a word and a transition in the language model (Default:
* `18.0f`).
* @group param
val tradeoff = new FloatParam(
"Tradeoff between the cost of a word and a transition in the language model.")
/** @group setParam */
def setTradeOff(lambda: Float): this.type = set(tradeoff, lambda)
/** Controls the influence of individual word frequency in the decision (Default: `120.0f`).
* @group param
val gamma = new FloatParam(
"Controls the influence of individual word frequency in the decision.")
/** @group setParam */
def setGamma(g: Float): this.type = set(gamma, g)
val weights: MapFeature[String, Map[String, Float]] =
new MapFeature[String, Map[String, Float]](this, "levenshteinWeights")
/** @group setParam */
def setWeights(w: Map[String, Map[String, Float]]): this.type = set(weights, w)
// for Python access
/** @group setParam */
def setWeights(w: util.HashMap[String, util.HashMap[String, Double]]): this.type = {
val ws = w.asScala.mapValues(_.asScala.mapValues(_.toFloat).toMap).toMap
set(weights, ws)
/** When set to true new lines will be treated as any other character (Default: `false`). When
* set to false correction is applied on paragraphs as defined by newline characters.
* @group param
val useNewLines = new BooleanParam(
"When set to true new lines will be treated as any other character, when set to false" +
" correction is applied on paragraphs as defined by newline characters.")
/** @group setParam */
def setUseNewLines(useIt: Boolean): this.type = set(useNewLines, useIt)
/** Maximum size for the window used to remember history prior to every correction (Default:
* `5`).
* @group param
val maxWindowLen = new IntParam(
"Maximum size for the window used to remember history prior to every correction.")
/** @group setParam */
def setMaxWindowLen(w: Int): this.type = set(maxWindowLen, w)
/** ConfigProto from tensorflow, serialized into byte array. Get with
* config_proto.SerializeToString()
* @group param
val configProtoBytes = new IntArrayParam(
"ConfigProto from tensorflow, serialized into byte array. Get with config_proto.SerializeToString()")
/** @group setParam */
def setConfigProtoBytes(bytes: Array[Int]): ContextSpellCheckerModel.this.type =
set(this.configProtoBytes, bytes)
/** @group getParam */
def getConfigProtoBytes: Option[Array[Byte]] = get(this.configProtoBytes).map(
/** Whether to correct special symbols or skip spell checking for them
* @group param
val correctSymbols: BooleanParam = new BooleanParam(
"Whether to correct special symbols or skip spell checking for them")
/** @group setParam */
def setCorrectSymbols(value: Boolean): this.type = set(correctSymbols, value)
setDefault(correctSymbols -> false)
/** If true will compare tokens in low case with vocabulary (Default: `false`)
* @group param
val compareLowcase: BooleanParam = new BooleanParam(
"If true will compare tokens in low case with vocabulary")
/** @group setParam */
def setCompareLowcase(value: Boolean): this.type = set(compareLowcase, value)
setDefault(compareLowcase -> false)
/** @group getParam */
def getWordClasses: Seq[(String, AnnotatorType)] = $$(specialTransducers).map {
case transducer: RegexParser =>
(transducer.label, "RegexParser")
case transducer: VocabParser =>
(transducer.label, "VocabParser")
/* update a regex class */
def updateRegexClass(label: String, regex: String): ContextSpellCheckerModel = {
val classes = $$(specialTransducers)
classes.count(_.label == label) == 1,
s"Not found regex class $label. You can only update existing classes.")
classes.filter(_.label.equals(label)).head match {
case r: RegexParser =>
r.regex = regex
r.transducer = r.generateTransducer
case _ => require(requirement = false, s"Class $label is not a regex class.")
/* update a vocabulary class */
def updateVocabClass(
label: String,
vocabList: util.ArrayList[String],
append: Boolean = true): ContextSpellCheckerModel = {
val vocab = scala.collection.mutable.Set( _*)
val classes = $$(specialTransducers)
classes.count(_.label == label) == 1,
s"Not found vocab class $label. You can only update existing classes.")
classes.filter(_.label.equals(label)).head match {
case v: VocabParser =>
if (v.vocab.eq(null)) v.vocab = mutable.Set.empty[String]
val newSet = if (append) v.vocab ++ vocab else vocab
v.vocab = newSet
v.transducer = v.generateTransducer
case _ => require(requirement = false, s"Class $label is not a vocabulary class.")
tradeoff -> 18.0f,
gamma -> 120.0f,
useNewLines -> false,
maxCandidates -> 6,
maxWindowLen -> 5,
caseStrategy -> CandidateStrategy.ALL)
// the scores for the EOS (end of sentence), and BOS (beginning of sentence)
private val eosScore = .01
private val bosScore = 1.0
private var _model: Option[Broadcast[TensorflowSpell]] = None
def getModelIfNotSet: TensorflowSpell = _model.get.value
def setModelIfNotSet(spark: SparkSession, tensorflow: TensorflowWrapper): this.type = {
if (_model.isEmpty) {
_model = Some(spark.sparkContext.broadcast(new TensorflowSpell(tensorflow, Verbose.Silent)))
/* trellis goes like (label, weight, candidate)*/
def decodeViterbi(trellis: Array[Array[(String, Double, String)]]): (Array[String], Double) = {
// encode words with ids
val encTrellis = Array(Array(($$(vocabIds)("_BOS_"), bosScore, "_BOS_"))) ++ { case (label, weight, cand) =>
// at this point we keep only those candidates that are in the vocabulary
($$(vocabIds).get(label), weight, cand)
}.filter(_._1.isDefined).map { case (x, y, z) => (x.get, y, z) }) ++
Array(Array(($$(vocabIds)("_EOS_"), eosScore, "_EOS_")))
// init
var pathsIds = Array(Array($$(vocabIds)("_BOS_")))
var pathWords = Array(Array("_BOS_"))
var costs = Array(bosScore) // cost for each of the paths
for (i <- 1 until encTrellis.length if pathsIds.forall(_.nonEmpty)) {
var newPaths: Array[Array[Int]] = Array()
var newWords: Array[Array[String]] = Array()
var newCosts = Array[Double]()
/* compute all the costs for all transitions in current step */
val expPaths = pathsIds
.map { p =>
p :+ p.head
. // we need a placeholder, put the head.
val cids = { id =>
val cwids = { id =>
val candCids = encTrellis(i).map(_._1).map { id =>
val candWids = encTrellis(i).map(_._1).map { id =>
val expPathsCosts_ = getModelIfNotSet
configProtoBytes = getConfigProtoBytes)
for { ((state, wcost, cand), idx) <- encTrellis(i).zipWithIndex } {
var minCost = Double.MaxValue
var minPath = Array[Int]()
var minWords = Array[String]()
val z = (pathsIds, costs, pathWords).zipped.toList
for (((path, pathCost, cands), pi) <- z.zipWithIndex) {
// compute cost to arrive to this 'state' coming from that 'path'
val mult = if (i > 1) costs.length else 0
val ppl_ = expPathsCosts_(encTrellis(i).size * pi + idx)
val cost = pathCost + ppl_
logger.debug(s"${$$(idsVocab).apply(path.last)} -> $cand, $ppl_, $cost")
if (cost < minCost) {
minCost = cost
minPath = path :+ state
minWords = cands :+ cand
newPaths = newPaths :+ minPath
newWords = newWords :+ minWords
newCosts = newCosts :+ minCost + wcost * getOrDefault(tradeoff)
pathsIds = newPaths
pathWords = newWords
costs = newCosts
// log paths and costs { case (path, cost) =>
logger.debug(s"${path.toList}, $cost")
// return the path with the lowest cost, and the cost
val (minPath, minCost) =
if (minPath.nonEmpty)
(minPath.tail.dropRight(1), minCost)
(minPath, minCost)
def getClassCandidates(
transducer: ITransducer[Candidate],
token: String,
label: String,
maxDist: Int,
limit: Int = 2) = {
.transduce(token, maxDist)
.map { cand =>
// if weights are available, we use them
val weight = weights.get
.map(ws => wLevenshteinDist(cand.term, token, ws))
(cand.term, label, weight)
def getVocabCandidates(token: String, maxDist: Int) = {
val trans = $$(transducer).transducer
// we use all case information as it comes
val plainCandidates =
.transduce(token, maxDist)
.map(c => (c.term, c.term, c.distance.toFloat))
// We evaluate some case variations
val tryUpperCase = getOrDefault(caseStrategy) == CandidateStrategy.ALL_UPPER_CASE ||
getOrDefault(caseStrategy) == CandidateStrategy.ALL
val tryFirstCapitalized =
getOrDefault(caseStrategy) == CandidateStrategy.FIRST_LETTER_CAPITALIZED ||
getOrDefault(caseStrategy) == CandidateStrategy.ALL
val caseCandidates = if (token.isUpperCase && tryUpperCase) {
.map(c => (c.term.toUpperCase, c.term, c.distance.toFloat))
} else if (token.isFirstLetterCapitalized && tryFirstCapitalized) {
.map(c => (c.term.capitalizeFirstLetter, c.term, c.distance.toFloat))
} else Seq.empty
plainCandidates ++ caseCandidates
implicit class StringTools(s: String) {
def isUpperCase() = s.toUpperCase.equals(s)
def isLowerCase() = s.toLowerCase.equals(s)
def isFirstLetterCapitalized() =
.map { fl =>
fl.isUpper && s.tail.isLowerCase
def capitalizeFirstLetter() = s.head.toUpper + s.tail
override def beforeAnnotate(dataset: Dataset[_]): Dataset[_] = {
require(_model.isDefined, "Tensorflow model has not been initialized")
/** takes a document and annotations and produces new annotations of this annotator's annotation
* type
* @param annotations
* Annotations that correspond to inputAnnotationCols generated by previous annotators if any
* @return
* any number of annotations processed for every input annotation. Not necessary one to one
* relationship
override def annotate(annotations: Seq[Annotation]): Seq[Annotation] = {
val decodedSentPaths =
annotations.groupBy(_.metadata.getOrElse("sentence", "0").toInt).mapValues { sentTokens =>
val (decodedPath, cost) = toOption(getOrDefault(useNewLines))
.map { _ =>
val idxs = Seq(-1) ++ sentTokens.zipWithIndex
.filter { case (a, _) =>
a.result.equals(System.lineSeparator) || a.result.equals(System.lineSeparator * 2)
.map(_._2) ++ Seq(annotations.length)
.map { case (s, e) =>
sentTokens.slice(s + 1, e),
computeMask(sentTokens.slice(s + 1, e))))
.reduceLeft[(Array[String], Double)]({ case ((dPathA, pCostA), (dPathB, pCostB)) =>
(dPathA ++ Seq(System.lineSeparator) ++ dPathB, pCostA + pCostB)
.getOrElse(decodeViterbi(computeTrellis(sentTokens, computeMask(sentTokens))))
// ToDo: This is a backup plan for empty DecodedPath -- fix me!!
if (decodedPath.nonEmpty) { case (orig, correct) =>
orig.copy(result = correct, metadata = orig.metadata.updated("cost", cost.toString))
else => orig.copy(metadata = orig.metadata.updated("cost", "0")))
def toOption(boolean: Boolean): Option[Boolean] = {
if (boolean)
/* detects which tokens need correction
* returns a mask with boolean flag for each word indicating whether it needs correction or not
* two causes for a word to need correction, 1. high perplexity or 2. out of vocabulary
* */
def computeMask(annotations: Seq[Annotation]): Array[Boolean] = {
val threshold = getOrDefault(errorThreshold)
val unkCode = $$(vocabIds).get("_UNK_").get
/* try to decide whether words need correction or not */
// first pass - perplexities
val encodedSent = Array($$(vocabIds)("_BOS_")) ++ { ann =>
if ($(compareLowcase))
} ++ Array($$(vocabIds)("_EOS_"))
val cids = { id =>
val cwids = { id =>
val perplexities = getModelIfNotSet
.pplEachWord(Array(encodedSent), Array(cids), Array(cwids))
.map(_ > threshold)
// if the word to the right needs correction, this word needs it too and is word in vocabulary ?
map { case ((needCorrection, nextNeedCorrection), code) =>
if (nextNeedCorrection) true else needCorrection || code == unkCode
def computeTrellis(annotations: Seq[Annotation], mask: Seq[Boolean]) = {
.map { case (annotation, needCorrection) =>
val token = annotation.result
var correctionCondition = needCorrection
if (! $(correctSymbols))
correctionCondition = needCorrection & token
.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]+", "")
.length > 0
if (correctionCondition) {
// ask each token class for candidates, keep the one with lower cost
var candLabelWeight = $$(specialTransducers).flatMap { specialParser =>
if (specialParser.transducer == null)
throw new RuntimeException(s"${specialParser.label}")
getOrDefault(wordMaxDistance) - 1)
} ++ getVocabCandidates(token, getOrDefault(wordMaxDistance) - 1)
// now try to relax distance requirements for candidates
if (token.length > 4 && candLabelWeight.isEmpty)
candLabelWeight = $$(specialTransducers).flatMap { specialParser =>
} ++ getVocabCandidates(token, getOrDefault(wordMaxDistance))
if (candLabelWeight.isEmpty)
candLabelWeight = Array((token, "_UNK_", 3.0f))
// label is a dictionary word for the main transducer, or a label such as _NUM_ for special classes
val labelWeightCand = candLabelWeight
.map { case (term, label, dist) =>
// optional re-ranking of candidates according to special distance
val d = get(weights)
.map { w =>
wLevenshteinDist(term, token, w)
val weight = d - $$(vocabFreq).getOrElse(label, 0.0) / getOrDefault(gamma)
(label, weight, term)
s"""$token -> ${labelWeightCand.toList.take(getOrDefault(maxCandidates))}""")
labelWeightCand.toArray // [(String, Double, String)]
} else {
Array(("_UNK_", .2, token))
/** Annotator reference id. Used to identify elements in metadata or to refer to this annotator
* type
def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("SPELL"))
/** Input Annotator Types: TOKEN
* @group anno
override val inputAnnotatorTypes: Array[String] = Array(AnnotatorType.TOKEN)
/** Output Annotator Types: TOKEN
* @group anno
override val outputAnnotatorType: AnnotatorType = AnnotatorType.TOKEN
override def onWrite(path: String, spark: SparkSession): Unit = {
super.onWrite(path, spark)
configProtoBytes = getConfigProtoBytes)
trait ReadsLanguageModelGraph
extends ParamsAndFeaturesReadable[ContextSpellCheckerModel]
with ReadTensorflowModel {
override val tfFile = "tensorflow_lm"
def readLanguageModelGraph(
instance: ContextSpellCheckerModel,
path: String,
spark: SparkSession): Unit = {
val tf = readTensorflowModel(path, spark, "_langmodeldl")
instance.setModelIfNotSet(spark, tf)
trait ReadablePretrainedContextSpell
extends ReadsLanguageModelGraph
with HasPretrained[ContextSpellCheckerModel] {
override val defaultModelName: Some[String] = Some("spellcheck_dl")
/** Java compliant-overrides */
override def pretrained(): ContextSpellCheckerModel = super.pretrained()
override def pretrained(name: String): ContextSpellCheckerModel = super.pretrained(name)
override def pretrained(name: String, lang: String): ContextSpellCheckerModel =
super.pretrained(name, lang)
override def pretrained(
name: String,
lang: String,
remoteLoc: String): ContextSpellCheckerModel = super.pretrained(name, lang, remoteLoc)
/** This is the companion object of [[ContextSpellCheckerModel]]. Please refer to that class for
* the documentation.
object ContextSpellCheckerModel extends ReadablePretrainedContextSpell