js.dom.Element Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package js.dom;
* Document element. This interface is the central piece of the document model; in fact a document is just a tree of
* elements. An element has a tag, optional attributes and possible other elements as children. Also an element may have
* text content but is not possible to have both child elements and text. Anyway, there is support for text with HTML
* formatting tags, see {@link #setRichText(String)} and its related getter.
* An element always belongs to an owner document that is the document that created it, see
* {@link Document#createElement(String, String...)}. Anyway, even if element has owner document it does necessarily
* means is part of document elements tree. It should be explicitly added to a parent element using
* {@link #addChild(Element...)}.
* Once part of the document tree, an element has a mandatory parent element - except root element that has null parent,
* see {@link #getParent()}. Element parent and children enables document tree navigation.
* @author Iulian Rotaru
* @version final
public interface Element
* Retrieve this element owner document.
* @return this element owner document.
Document getDocument();
* Add child element(s). Add one or more child element(s) to this element children list end. Supports a variable
* number of elements as arguments so is possible to add more than just one child in a single call. Child (children)
* to be added must belong to the same {@link Document} as this element. If not, this method performs
* {@link Document#importElement} first; note that import is always deep.
* If a child to be added is already part of the document tree this method does not create a new element but simple
* moves it to the newly position.
* @param child one or more child element(s) to be appended.
* @return this element.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a child is null.
Element addChild(Element... child);
* Replace this element with replacement. Replacement must belong to the same {@link Document} as this. If not, this
* method performs {@link Document#importElement} first; note that import is always deep.
* After replacement this element is not longer part of the document tree.
* @param replacement element to replace this one.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if replacement element parameter is null.
void replace(Element replacement);
* Replace an existing child element with a new element. If replacement element does not belong to this element
* document, this method performs deep import.
* After replacement existing element is not longer part of the document tree.
* @param replacement element to be inserted,
* @param existing existing child, to be replaced.
* @return this object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if replacement or existing element parameter is null.
Element replaceChild(Element replacement, Element existing);
* Insert child element as first child of this element. Perform {@link Document#importElement(Element)} if child
* element does not belong to this element document.
* If child to be inserted is already part of the document tree this method just move it as first child of this
* element.
* @param child element to be inserted as first child.
* @return this object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if child
parameter is null.
Element insertChild(Element child);
* Insert child elements as first children of this element. Elements list to be inserted should be part of a document;
* there is no way to create elements list instance outside a document. There are two cases here:
* - elements list belongs to the same document: elements are simple moved to this element first elements,
- foreign elements list: perform {@link Document#importElement(Element)} before actual insert.
* @param children elements to be inserted as first child elements.
* @return this object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if children
parameter is null.
Element insertChildren(EList children);
* Insert element before this one, that is, inserted element becomes previous sibling. If inserted element already
* exist in owning document it is first removed. If not, this method performs {@link Document#importElement} first;
* note that import is always deep.
* @param sibling element to be inserted.
* @return this element.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if sibling
parameter is null.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this node has no parent.
Element insertBefore(Element sibling);
* Clone this element. If deep flag is true clone this element descendants too, otherwise a shallow copy is performed.
* Cloned element belongs to the same document but has no parent, that is, is not part of document tree and cannot be
* searched for. It should be explicitly added to a parent.
* @param deep optional deep cloning flag, default to false.
* @return clone element.
Element clone(boolean deep);
* Self-remove. This method get element parent and remove itself from parent children list. After execution of this
* method element instance become invalid and attempting to use it may render not specified results.
void remove();
* Remove all this element children. Note that this method remove all nodes, not only child elements.
* @return this element.
Element removeChildren();
* Get first descendant element identified by formatted XPath expression. Returns null if XPath expression does not
* identify any element. Evaluation context is this element but only if XPath expression is not absolute or document
* global, that is, does not start with single or double slash. If this is the case, returned element is not
* necessarily descendant of this element.
* XPath expression is case sensitive; this is especially relevant for HTML documents, that uses upper case for tag
* names. Also XPath expression can be formatted as supported by {@link String#format} in which case args
* parameter should be supplied.
* @param xpath formatted XPath expression,
* @param args optional arguments if expression contains formats.
* @return found element or null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if xpath
parameter is null or empty.
Element getByXPath(String xpath, Object... args);
* Evaluate XPath expression with name space prefixes and return first element found. Returns null if XPath evaluation
* has no results. Evaluation context is this element but only if XPath expression is not absolute or document global,
* that is, does not start with single or double slash. If this is the case, returned element is not necessarily
* descendant of this element.
* Name space context maps prefixes to name space URIs. See {@link NamespaceContext} for a discussion about
* expressions with name space.
* XPath expression is case sensitive; this is especially relevant for HTML documents that uses upper case for tag
* names. Also XPath expression can be formatted as supported by {@link String#format} in which case args
* parameter should be supplied.
* @param namespaceContext name space context maps prefixes to name space URIs,
* @param xpath XPath expression to evaluate,
* @param args optional arguments if xpath
is formatted.
* @return first element found or null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if namespaceContext
parameter is null or xpath
* is null or empty.
Element getByXPathNS(NamespaceContext namespaceContext, String xpath, Object... args);
* Evaluate XPath expression and return the list of found elements. Returns empty list if XPath evaluation has no
* results. Evaluation context is this element but only if XPath expression is not absolute or document global, that
* is, does not start with single or double slash. If this is the case, returned elements are not necessarily
* descendants of this element.
* XPath expression is case sensitive; this is especially relevant for HTML documents that uses upper case for tag
* names. Also XPath expression can be formatted as supported by {@link String#format} in which case args
* parameter should be supplied.
* @param xpath XPath expression to evaluate,
* @param args optional arguments if xpath
is formatted.
* @return list of found elements, possible empty.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if xpath
parameter is null or empty.
EList findByXPath(String xpath, Object... args);
* Evaluate XPath expression with name space prefixes and return the list of found elements. Returns empty list if
* XPath evaluation has no results. Evaluation context is this element but only if XPath expression is not absolute or
* document global, that is, does not start with single or double slash. If this is the case, returned elements are
* not necessarily descendants of this element.
* XPath expression is case sensitive; this is especially relevant for HTML documents that uses upper case for tag
* names. Also XPath expression can be formatted as supported by {@link String#format} in which case args
* parameter should be supplied.
* Name space context maps prefixes to name space URI. See {@link NamespaceContext} for a discussion about expressions
* with name space.
* @param namespaceContext name space context,
* @param xpath XPath expression to evaluate,
* @param args optional arguments if xpath
is formatted.
* @return list of found elements, possible empty.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if namespaceContext
parameter is null or xpath
* is null or empty.
EList findByXPathNS(NamespaceContext namespaceContext, String xpath, Object... args);
* Evaluate CSS selectors and return first element found. Returns null if CSS evaluation has no results. CSS
* selector
can be formatted as supported by {@link String#format} in which case args
* parameter should be supplied.
* Implementation note: this method is not yet implemented and always throws unsupported operation.
* @param selector CSS selector to evaluate,
* @param args optional arguments if selector
is formatted.
* @return first found element or null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if selector
parameter is null or empty.
Element getByCss(String selector, Object... args);
* Find elements by CSS selectors. Evaluate CSS selectors and return found elements. Returns empty list if CSS
* evaluation has no results. CSS selector
can be formatted as supported by {@link String#format} in
* which case args
parameter should be supplied.
* Implementation note: this method is not yet implemented and always throws unsupported operation.
* @param selectors CSS selectors to evaluate,
* @param args optional arguments if selector
is formatted.
* @return list of found elements, possible empty.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if selector
parameter is null or empty.
EList findByCss(String selectors, Object... args);
* Get the first descendant with requested tag name. Search all descendants for elements with given tag name and
* return the first element found. Returns null if there is no element with requested tag name. Note that wild card
* asterisk (*) matches all tags in which case first child is returned. Search is performed into document order, that
* is, depth-first.
* On XML documents tag name is case sensitive whereas in HTML is not. For consistency sake is recommended to always
* consider tags name as case sensitive. Also, if document contains name spaces but is parsed without name space
* support, tag name for name space elements should use name space prefix.
* @param tagName case sensitive tag name to search for.
* @return first descendant element with specified tag or null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if tag name parameter is null or empty.
Element getByTag(String tagName);
* Get the descendant element with tag name in the requested name space. Tag name is a local name, that is, has no
* name space prefix; name space if identified by separated namespaceURI
* Search all descendants for element with given tag name, within name space, and return the first found. Returns null
* if there is no element with requested tag name. Note that wild card asterisk (*) for tag name matches all tags in
* which case first child is returned. Always returns null if this document is not parsed with name space support.
* Search is performed in depth-first order.
* If name space parameter is wild card ('*') all name spaces are considered, that is, entire document. Null name
* space is considered default scope, that is, elements without any prefix in which case this method degenerates to
* {@link #getByTag(String)} counterpart.
* On XML documents tag name is case sensitive whereas in HTML is not. For consistency sake is recommended to always
* consider tag names as case sensitive.
* @param namespaceURI name space URI,
* @param tagName local tag name to search for, case sensitive.
* @return first element with specified tag or null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if tag name parameter is null or empty.
Element getByTagNS(String namespaceURI, String tagName);
* Find elements by tag name. Return all descendant elements having specified tag name. Returns empty list if there is
* not element with requested tag name. Note that wild card asterisk (*) for tag name matches all tags in which case
* all descendant elements are returned.
* On XML documents tag name is case sensitive whereas in HTML is not. For consistency sake is recommended to always
* consider tags name as case sensitive. If document contains name spaces but is parsed without name space support,
* tag name for name space elements should use name space prefix.
* @param tagName tag name to search for, case sensitive.
* @return list of found elements, possible empty.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if tag name parameter is null or empty.
EList findByTag(String tagName);
* Retrieve all descendants with given tag name within requested name space. Search is performed in depth-first order.
* Returns empty list if there is not element with requested tag name. Note that wild card asterisk (*) for tag name
* matches all tags in which case all elements are returned.
* If name space parameter is wild card ('*') all name spaces are considered, that is, entire document. Null name
* space is considered default scope, that is, elements without any prefix.
* On XML documents tag name is case sensitive whereas in HTML is not. For consistency sake is recommended to always
* consider tag names as case sensitive.
* @param namespaceURI name space URI, possible wild card or null,
* @param tagName local tag name, case sensitive.
* @return list of found elements, possible empty.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if tagName
parameter is null or empty.
EList findByTagNS(String namespaceURI, String tagName);
* Get first descendant element possessing given CSS class. Returns null if there is no descendant element with
* requested CSS class.
* @param cssClass CSS class.
* @return descendant element with requested CSS class or null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if CSS class parameter is null or empty.
Element getByCssClass(String cssClass);
* Get all descendant elements possessing requested CSS class. Returns empty list if there is no element with
* requested CSS class.
* @param cssClass CSS class.
* @return list of found elements, possible empty.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if CSS class parameter is null or empty.
EList findByCssClass(String cssClass);
* Get descendant element by attribute name and optional value. Retrieve first descendant element possessing requested
* attribute. Returns null if there is no element with requested attribute name and value, if present.
* @param name attribute name,
* @param value optional attribute value.
* @return found element or null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if attribute name parameter is null or empty.
Element getByAttr(String name, String... value);
* Get the list of descendant elements having requested attribute. Requested attribute is identified by its name and
* optional value. Returns empty list if there is no element with requested attribute.
* @param name attribute name,
* @param value optional attribute value.
* @return found element or null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if attribute name parameter is null or empty.
EList findByAttr(String name, String... value);
// TODO: there is no support from w3c api to find elements by attribute name and / or value
// trying to create an xpath to emulate is problematic because xpath needs prefix and namecontext uses name space URI
// find solution or remove method
// EList findByAttrNS(String namespaceURI, String name, String... value);
* Returns this element parent or null if this element is the root.
* @return this element parent or null.
Element getParent();
* Get all direct child elements or empty list. Note that this method returns only element nodes and only direct
* children, not all descendants.
* @return this element children or empty list.
EList getChildren();
* Get list of child nodes. Usually an element can have either child elements or text content. In the first case
* returned list contains all child elements whereas in the second case returns a list with a single text node.
* Anyway, if this element has rich text, that is, text with HTML formats, returned list contains both text nodes and
* node elements.
* @return list of child nodes.
Iterable getChildNodes();
* Test if this element has child elements. Note that this method consider only element nodes and only direct
* children, not all descendants.
* @return true if this element has children.
boolean hasChildren();
* Test if this element is empty, that is, it has no child elements nor text content.
* @return true if this element is empty.
boolean isEmpty();
* Get first child element or null if this element has no children. Note that this method consider only element nodes
* and only direct children, not all descendants.
* @return this element first child or null.
Element getFirstChild();
* Get last child element or null if this element has no children. Note that this method consider only element nodes
* and only direct children, not all descendants.
* @return this element last child or null.
Element getLastChild();
* Get previous sibling element or null if this element is the first one. Note that this method consider only element
* nodes.
* @return previous sibling or null.
Element getPreviousSibling();
* Get next sibling element or null if this element is the last one. Note that this method consider only element
* nodes.
* @return next sibling or null.
Element getNextSibling();
* Get this element tag name forced to lower case.
* @return this element tag name.
String getTag();
* Get case sensitive tag name. Returns tag value as existing into parsed document. For XML documents tag name is case
* sensitive whereas on XHTML not.
* @return this element tag name with preserved case
String getCaseSensitiveTag();
* Set named attribute value. Set the attribute value, creating it if not already present. Empty value is accepted in
* which case attribute is still created, if not exists, but its value will be empty.
* @param name attribute name,
* @param value attribute value, empty accepted.
* @return this object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if name
parameter is null or empty or value
parameter is
* null.
Element setAttr(String name, String value);
* Locate attribute with given local name into requested name space and set its value. Create attribute if not already
* present. Empty value is accepted in which case attribute is still created, if not exists, but its value will be
* empty.
* Null name space is considered default scope, that is, elements without any prefix in which case this method
* degenerates to {@link #setAttr(String, String)} counterpart.
* @param namespaceURI name space URI,
* @param name attribute local name,
* @param value attribute value, empty accepted.
* @return this object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if name
parameter is null or empty or value
parameter is
* null.
Element setAttrNS(String namespaceURI, String name, String value);
* Set one or more attribute values. This method parameters are variable number of name/value pair for every desired
* argument. Is caller responsibility to ensure name/value is completely supplied and in the proper order.
* el.setAttr("id", "123", "type", "text");
* @param nameValuePairs variable number of attribute name/value pairs.
* @return this element.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if nameValuePairs
parameter is not complete, that is, last name has
* not value or a value is null.
Element setAttrs(String... nameValuePairs);
* Get attributes list possible empty if this element has no attribute at all.
* @return this element attributes list.
Iterable getAttrs();
* Get the value of named attribute or null if attribute not found or its value is empty.
* @param name attribute name.
* @return attribute value or null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if name
parameter is null or empty.
String getAttr(String name);
* Locate attribute with local name within given name space and returns its value. Returns null if attribute not found
* or its value is empty.
* Null name space is considered default scope, that is, elements without any prefix in which case this method
* degenerates to {@link #getAttr(String)} counterpart.
* @param namespaceURI name space URI,
* @param name attribute local name,
* @return attribute value or null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if name
parameter is null or empty.
String getAttrNS(String namespaceURI, String name);
* Remove attribute identified by given name. If no attribute found with specified name
this method is
* NOP.
* @param name attribute name.
* @return this object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if name
parameter is null or empty.
Element removeAttr(String name);
* Remove attribute identified by local name within given name space. If no attribute found with specified
* name
this method is NOP.
* Null name space is considered default scope, that is, elements without any prefix in which case this method
* degenerates to {@link #removeAttr(String)} counterpart.
* @param namespaceURI name space URI,
* @param name attribute name.
* @return this object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if name
parameter is null or empty.
Element removeAttrNS(String namespaceURI, String name);
* Test if this element has requested attribute.
* @param name attribute name.
* @return true if this element has named attribute.
boolean hasAttr(String name);
* Test if this element has attribute with local name within given name space.
* @param namespaceURI name space URI,
* @param name attribute local name.
* @return true if this element has named attribute.
boolean hasAttrNS(String namespaceURI, String name);
* Add given text to this element children list end.
* @param text text to add.
* @return this element.
Element addText(String text);
* Replace this element content with given text. Note that this element children are actually removed.
* @param text text to set.
* @return this element.
Element setText(String text);
* Remove all child text nodes from this element. After this method execution {@link #getText()} returns an empty
* string. Note that this method operates only on owned text, child elements text is not touched.
* @return this element.
Element removeText();
* Get text content for this element and all descendants. Returned string does not contain any markup and no
* whitespace normalization is performed. If there is no text nodes on this element sub-tree this method returns empty
* string.
* @return element text content, possible empty but never null.
String getText();
* Get text content for this element only. This method is similar to {@link #getText()} but does not include text from
* descendants, only text nodes direct child of this element.
* @return this element text content, possible empty but never null.
String getTextContent();
* Create a document fragment from given rich text and append it to this element, after removing all children. In this
* method context rich text is a text with format tags like strong
or em
. Be aware that this
* method remove all this element children and replace them with given rich text.
* @param richText rich text.
* @return this element.
Element setRichText(String richText);
* Get this element rich text content. In this method context rich text is a text with format tags like
* strong
. This method returns element inner HTML as a string representation. Note that formatting
* elements are not expected to have attributes and that this method ignores them, if present.
* @return this element rich text content.
String getRichText();
* Add CSS class to this element, if not already present. If requested CSS class is already present this method is
* NOP.
* @param cssClass CSS class.
* @return this element.
Element addCssClass(String cssClass);
* Remove CSS class from this element. If requested CSS class does not exist on this element this method is NOP.
* @param cssClass CSS class.
* @return this element.
Element removeCssClass(String cssClass);
* Toggle given CSS class on this element. If this element already has requested CSS class this method delegates
* {@link #removeCssClass(String)}, otherwise {@link #addCssClass(String)}.
* @param cssClass CSS class.
* @return this element.
Element toggleCssClass(String cssClass);
* Test if this element has requested CSS class.
* @param cssClass CSS class.
* @return true if this element has requested CSS class.
boolean hasCssClass(String cssClass);
* Return the path through document tree from root to current element. Designed for debugging purposed.
* @return this element trace.
String trace();